Ye Ming returned to the system space, rubbing his hands, and asked 888 with a smile, “Ge, have all my experience points been unfrozen?”

888’s emotionless mechanical voice said, “You seem to only care about your experience points.”

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Ye Ming smiled and said, as far as he was concerned, “But I completed all the tasks seriously, right? There’s not a trace of the slightest hesitation! All the world’s blackened values have been eliminated~ it should be enough to make up for my previous mistakes, right?”

888 was silent for a few seconds, data flowed on the wall before he said, “All your experience points have been unfrozen, and these world processes are all back on track, you can now use your experience points.” PXy5Th

But without letting Ye Ming celebrate for too long, 888 spoke again.

“Since you have previously purchased some products at high prices from me, I will deduct the experience points of purchasing these products from your experience points. A total of 5,342 experience values needs to be deducted from the principal plus interest, you still have 150,001 experience points left to use.” 888 said.

Ye Ming pouted. “Are you really going to be so cruel to me? Can’t you just forget a few thousand experience points? Think of it as helping the poor?”

888: “If you’re reluctant to give up experience value, you can also choose to continue to travel, no one is forcing you to leave.”


Ye Ming: “……cough, I’d better go home.”

Ye Ming reluctantly tore his eyes off the dazzling system store. He couldn’t sell any more things. He could only see, but he couldn’t buy them. It’s too cruel! He said tearfully, “Help me exchange the Soul Rejuvenation Pill.”

【Ding, the redemption of the product Soul Rejuvenation Pill is completed, 150,000 experience points will be consumed, the remaining experience points will be 1】

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

888 asked Ye Ming gently, “You still have 1 experience point left. Do you want to use it? It will be invalid after you go back to the real world.” ndNEaW

Tf Zlcu: “… Ktjcx sbe.”

There were no products that cost less than 10 experience points in the system store, his system was really getting more and more ‘gentle’, huh.

Tf Zlcu mjgfoeiis qear atf Vbei Efpenfcjalbc Ulii lc tlr qbmxfa, atlcxlcu atja tf tjv kbgxfv rb tjgv ab agjnfi atgbeut 9 kbgivr lc fzmtjcuf obg la. Dfobgf ifjnlcu, tf mbeivc’a ajxf jcsatlcu firf klat tlw, jcv atf gfwjlclcu 1 fzqfglfcmf qblca mbeivc’a fnfc yf fzmtjcufv obg mjcvs, jcv tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea yegra lcab afjgr.

888 spoke up again, “Do you plan to leave now?” Y2jZBU

The pitiful Ye Ming nodded with tears in his eyes, “I’m leaving, Ge, you will be one person in the future, leaving me. I hope you can meet a better host. Don’t be lonely without me. Although I have gone back, I will always miss you. Although I am always in trouble and disobedient, you still tolerate me as always. You are an excellent system, a good older brother, and a good elder, although you are also very strict with me. I also have very strict times. For example, you must deduct the experience points you borrowed from me. It is not accommodating at all, but I know this is your teaching to me. I hope I can learn a long lesson. Nevertheless, I am still grateful to you.……”

“Shut up.” 888 felt that his data was in a mess and wanted to get rid of his host.

Ye Ming looked at him, aggrieved.

888 felt like a human being exhaling from deep in his chest, gritting his teeth and saying, “Don’t be grateful, I won’t miss you.” He regretted that the experience points deducted just now were too little, and he even left 1 point for the spicy chicken. MDxJZs

【Ding, the system binding is being released. 】

【Ding, the system is unbound. 】

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“Then I’m leaving, wuwuwuwu…” Ye Ming felt a familiar whirl as he said that.

Go away, 888 said in his heart. lJWvpa

But looking at the empty system space, suddenly there was a strange sense of loneliness that had never been felt before. This unexpected quest ended just like this.……

Ye Ming felt a strong sense of weightlessness. When he regained consciousness, he hurriedly got up and ran to the bathroom. He held the toilet and vomited for a long time. This was his most uncomfortable crossing, and it felt ten times more uncomfortable than motion sickness.

Yingyingying, how could you treat me so cruelly? Yingyingying.

Breaking up isn’t beautiful, but don’t we have any lingering affection??? FPiNOf

It was only when he didn’t hear anything in his mind did Ye Ming finally realize: 888 wasn’t there anymore.

He held the toilet for a while, then got up and washed his face stiffly, looking blankly at the person in the mirror.

In the mirror is a very handsome young man with fair skin, a beautiful appearance, slender phoenix eyes, and a lazy and confused expression. Ye Ming blinked. The young man in the mirror also blinked.

It was only after a long time was, he was finally convinced that he was back. After experiencing 9 worlds, he suddenly returned to his own world. Even when he saw his body, he had a strange feeling, and he almost didn’t recognise himself. NmPxq2

Ye Ming wandered around his house several times before he remembered where the phone was placed, finding a note under the phone.

The messy words were written messily on the piece of paper: I’m going to transmigrate today. I was told by the system called 888 that suddenly appeared in my mind. As long as I transmigrated with him and complete quests to earn experience points, I’ll be able to exchange them for anything. I thought about it and thought I wasn’t losing anything by going, so I decided to try it out. This isn’t a dream, is it? 2/2/2018 (t/n: messy words as in messy handwriting) 

Behind it was a very traitorous expression.

Ye Ming coughed dryly and turned on the phone. The phone surprisingly still had some battery. It seemed that he hadn’t been away for long. The date shown on the phone was February 5, 2018. In other words, he had transmigrated to 9 worlds and spent thousands of years living, while only 3 days have passed in the real world. 888 was really a reliable system, he didn’t lie to him. 40Vksd

Wait! Did I really transmigrate? I didn’t just stupidly sleep, did I? 

Ye Ming quickly touched his pocket and felt a round thing. Thank God! The Soul Rejuvenation Pill is still there, and he shouldn’t be dreaming or getting pranked.

He excitedly took out the Soul Rejuvenation Pill in his pocket. This was an expensive commodity worth 150,000 experience points! I’ve travelled twice to save the experience points and use it for this thing! But this… why is it so similar to Maltesers? Can’t the system store have some conscience? Or is it because I watched too many TV shows and couldn’t bear to pack the product and replaced it with chocolate beans?

Ye Ming’s face darkened. What should I do? I want to try licking it, um… forget it, this thing is very expensive. f0VmR4

He puts the Soul Rejuvenation Pill back in his hand and recalled the past with a blank look in his eyes.

Just more than half a year ago, he accidentally picked up a man with amnesia. At first, he was just taking him in out of pity. Later, after spending a long time together, he couldn’t help but feel something for him.

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He was a gay man with a dead face. The man with amnesia was tall and handsome, seemingly cold, but silent, steady, reliable, and very dependent on trusting the first person he saw when he woke up. Ye Ming, who was intangible, couldn’t bear it, so he accepted the loyal dog boyfriend as a matter of course.

Because his boyfriend was a slate of blank, Ye Ming named him, Ling, a homonym meaning starts from zero and asked him and his mother to have the surname Yue, which is called Yue Ling. nkJE2o

His boyfriend had a big dick, was good with words, could do the laundry and cook food. The two of them acted lovey-dovey till one night, as Ye Ming was walking home after filming, he had been robbed… Right, he was also a third-rate actor with no acting skills and only good looks.

That night, Yue Ling was hit on the head and bled to protect him, and after being taken to the hospital, he went into a coma.

After an examination by the doctor, he believed that Yue Ling was in a vegetative state.

Ye Ming was dumbfounded. qpEjfa

He felt guilty and uneasy and went to the hospital every day, but Yue Ling didn’t mean to wake up at all. Later, the doctors told him he didn’t have to come every day… But then he suddenly heard a guy who claimed to be a system talking in his mind.

The translator wants to say: Maltesers are a candy that consists of a spheroid malted milk centre surrounded by milk chocolate. I love Maltesers and I miss eating them so much -w-


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