The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 140: Brother's revenge story

I don’t know how I finally got back to the hospital.

His footsteps were a little messy, sweat drenched his hair, and he gave a quick breath, and finally ran to the front of the ward, but in the moment before pushing the door, he suddenly stopped the action, and his eyes were filled with painful look.

He is rushing back like this, for what?

In order to verify? However, Ye Hao did not wake up at all, and did not know when he could wake up...

Even if he can wake up, how can he ask him the answer to this question? What kind of answer does he expect to get?

The sinking hand hangs down weakly, clenches his fist, and makes a giggling sound. His face is so cold and cold, full of powerless sorrow.

Finally he gently pushed the door open and walked in.

The young man in the hospital bed was quietly asleep, the gauze wrapped his head, the pale face had no blood, and the pale lips were slightly dry.

Shen Yan gently picked up the upper body of Ye Hao, let him lean in his arms, and the tender and tender eyes fell on his face.

What kind of mood did you use to call that alarm call?

When you learned the truth at the time, when you learned that we are all your enemies, your heart must be extremely hateful and desperate, hate fate, hate you can't continue to be with me.

You actually have the opportunity to kill me directly, use my blood to make Shen Da Yao painful, use my death to retaliate against those who killed your loved ones, and return blood with blood and teeth.

Ten years ago, you had a chance to kill me. Ten years later, you still have a chance to kill me.

But you didn't do that.

In the face of such unresolved hatred, you not only did not kill me, but from the beginning to the end, even the truth did not say a word to me, I know, this is your last gentleness to me.

Because you love me, I don't want to hurt me.

Because you love me, you choose to take it all alone.

You obviously can avenge, but because of me, I gave up the easiest way... I chose another difficult road.

You never thought about killing me.

[叮, sinking blackening value -6, current blackening value 4]

Shen Yan gently stroked Ye Hao's cheek. Through this face, he seemed to see the man who smiled softly to him ten years ago.

Like his brother, he cares that he takes care of him to accommodate him, gives him all his love, and is with him. There are no better people in this world. They tell each other love, gentle and lingering... they are Love each other.

I no longer hope that you still love me, and will not ask you this question, because I don't want to make you embarrassed... You say that you hate me, you said that you want me to die, you said that you are just sinking Home... You can say anything, as long as you feel happy, I accept.

But I know in my heart that you still care about me, even if I am the son of your enemy... even if I misunderstand you, I don’t know anything, I don’t know, I’m stupid, I don’t know anything.

But you still can't bear to hurt me.

This answer does not require you to speak out personally, I understand it.

The deep affection in my heart is like a flowing water, which makes the heart of Shen Yan’s intentionless cold slowly have some temperature, but it brings some unspeakable dull pain.

I dreamed of dreaming, you love me, and you do it, you have a hard time.

Now when I know that this is the case, I think, if you really hate me, then you don't have to suffer so much. You don't have to carry so much, it makes me feel painful.

Shen Yan bowed his head and kissed Ye Hao's lips. His voice was hoarse: "When you wake up, I will never misunderstand you... If you feel unhappy, your heart is not happy. It doesn't matter if you want to say anything... ”

"I know, you can still love me..."

I beg you, wake up, okay.


Indulge in the hospital every day, personally help Ye Hao wash his face, wipe his body, take care of him in every possible way, as for the family, he has almost never gone back.

A few days later, Shen Dayao was taken away from the house by the police.

This incident was a sensation, all the news media continued to track and play every day, all kinds of speculations and rumors began to rise. The Shen Group had suffered a lot of time. Everyone was talking about why Shen Dayao bought murder ten years ago. Die your own adopted son.

This kind of aggravated tyrannical grievances, grievances and vengeances, killing people and robbing all kinds of giants and blood dramas, satisfying everyone's curiosity, attention is always high.

The sinking is very calm.

His life was orderly and orderly. Even if he encountered many difficulties in the company, he was accused by the directors. He returned to the hospital and did not show any points. Although Ye Hao could not see it, he did not want him to worry, he did not want to show it here. Bright side.

No matter how the world outside is turned upside down, this little world is only two of them, quiet and peaceful like another world.

Until one day, a woman broke the calm here.

When Xu Yasu came to the hospital, he just saw Shen Yan rubbing his face with his face. His handsome face was under the light of the evening, and his face was soft and gentle, his eyes were gentle, and his movements were as cautious as ever. .

Xu Yasu has been a long time and has not seen her son, so gentle to treat another person.

The person on the bed had a face that was very similar to Han Xu, so that she was shocked at the moment.

Shen Yan helped Ye Hao wipe her face and turned to see her mother standing there, showing apologetic eyes and whispering, "How come you?"

They sat one, one stood, a few steps away, but it seemed to be far apart.

Xu Yasu suddenly remembered her adopted child. She ignored her husband's opposition and insisted on adopting a friend's child. At that time, she did not expect that her son would fall in love with that person, and her husband would kill the person.

In the end, her life will be fragmented.

Ten years later, she thought that Han Xu had faded from her world, but in fact it did not...

At this moment, she seems to see Han Xu come back, her son still loves him, even for him, to send his own biological father to prison.

Xu Yasu stepped over and her face was a little tired, but her makeup was still meticulous. She came to the hospital bed and looked at Ye Hao. She turned to ask Shen: "Who is he?"

Sinking lips, smiled, "a friend."

He is already sorry for his father. There is no need to make his mother sad. So some things are not necessary for the mother to know. Moreover... he also has no face to use Ye Hao’s lover to live on his own. If Ye Hao wakes up, I am afraid that even this so-called friend will be scornful.

Xu Yasu looked at Shen Yan's eyes. The deep love and the painful color of pain in it were almost impossible to cover up. She did not believe in the words of indulgence.

She knows what Shen Yu cares about. He is thinking about Han Xu, and he has already thought of the point of getting mad.

Before Shen Dayao’s incident, Xu Yasu was saddened by Han Xu’s betrayal and worried about his son’s stubbornness. He refused to come out for a person who left, she thought that her life was already full of disasters. The raised sons who loved them were betrayed them, and hurt the hearts of her own sons, which cast a shadow on the original and harmonious family, and there was a crack that could not be healed.

But until Shen Dayao had an accident, she realized that the disaster had just begun, so that she could no longer afford to care about who she was thinking about.

Xu Yasu looked at Shen Yu, and his eyes were sad. He whispered, "I have seen your father. He is not in a good state."

The sinking hand tightened slightly, but the expression was still calm, saying: "I know, I will visit him."

Xu Yasu looked at Shen Wei like this. It seems that he didn't care about everything. Suddenly his eyes were red, and some unstoppable choked words: "He told me that you exposed him. Is this true?"

Shen Yan raised his eyes, he was silent for a while, said: "It is true, sorry."

Xu Yasu’s body swayed a little, and when he saw it, he quickly reached out and helped, but he was escaped, so that his hands were stiff in the air. For a long time, he took back his hand and did nothing.

Xu Yasu’s eyes are complex and sad. She licked her lips. “I won’t say that you’re doing something wrong. He’s actually doing this, and it’s too late to pay the price... but I can’t forgive you.”

Shen Yan decided to look at Xu Yasu and spit out a few words: "I know."

Xu Yasu's eyes are sour, she thinks that she is still too awkward. It is just to make herself more sad and sad. Her husband is a murderer, but the son has dismantled the family for others.

She clung to her handbag and suddenly looked at Ye Hao and said to Shen Yu: "If you have already done something, leave this person."

"He is not Han Xu, he can't be a substitute for Han Xu." Xu Yasu paused and looked at him with pity: "And if Han Xu is still there, will he accept you? Accept the person who killed him." Child? You should wake up."

Even if you do more, even if you forsake the whole world for him? He will not be with you anymore.

The face of the sinking was finally white, and his hands trembled slightly.

Xu Yasu spit out a breath, she turned and her back was a little old and slowly left.

Just like her, quiet and quiet, no rush, no temper, even if sad, no anger, no sorrow, or hysterical things, always gentle.

However, Shen Shen knows that she is really sad, otherwise she will not say such things to him.

And there is a saying that I have to admit that my mother is right, he should wake up.

If you can’t wake up, why is there only one Ye Hao, don’t you still have him? Silly stay here, can't let go.

He is sorry for his father, sorry for his loved ones, and sorry for his lover.

The person who looked at the bed in the sinking eyes slowly showed the painful look, but the tone was firm and gentle: "When you wake up, I will give you everything back, and then leave?"

I won't make you embarrassed, it won't appear in your world again...

So, when will you wake up?


Because of the a lot of evidence, the accusation against Shen Dayao was almost fixed, and the progress of the case was very smooth.

Gradually, many people have known about the past, and the day of Shen’s public opinion is not conducive to one day.

Shen Yu once left the company and was blocked by reporters. All kinds of sharp problems came over.

"Shen, do you know about your father's behavior of buying murders?"

"Shen Zong, when he said that Han Xu shot and murdered you, and then fled with sin, is this true? Is it a lie fabricated for some purpose? After all, there were no other witnesses at the time."

"Shen, how do you think about this thing, what do you want to say?"

"Han Xu really shot you at that time? Or are you framing him?"

All kinds of malicious problems were thrown over one by one. Everyone was stunned and looked at Shen Yu. There were even many people who suspected that maybe Han Xu did not kill at the time, and all of them were fabricated and smashed by him. People always describe Han Xu as a very sympathetic victim.

The world always sympathizes with the weak, especially the dead, and Shen is undoubtedly an injurer in this matter.

In those days, people used to be malicious, and now they use ten times as many times as malicious.

Sinking coldly at those people, spit out the cold words: "No comment." Neither acknowledged nor denied. After that, they squeezed out under the crowd of bodyguards.

The assistant was sweating and sat in front, and this time he found the opportunity to sink into the air: "Shen Zong, why don't you deny it, although your father bought a murderer is true, but Han Xu was really real to you at the beginning, You are like this... others will think that you are guilty by default."

Shen Yan closed his eyes and said faintly: "It doesn't matter."

He doesn't care about this anymore.

The assistant really felt that the emperor did not rush to die the eunuch, but then he felt that the love thing was so wonderful, it was ten years, and he could still let Shen Zong die so hard. If it is not true love, there is no true love in this world.

The car finally stopped at the hospital.

Fortunately, the information of the hospital where Ye Hao is located is kept secret, and the single-person ward is inhabited, and some people are in care. If the reporters are not found here, they can get a quiet.

Shen Shen walked into the ward, just took off his coat, and suddenly heard the loud noise outside, the brow could not help but wrinkle, he had just been careful to get rid of those reporters, is it difficult to catch someone?

Then he is afraid that he has to help Ye Hao transfer the hospital.

Outside, the sound of blocking was heard, and the sinking eyes were heavy. When striding over to open the door, Zheng Sen appeared at the door!

A few days ago, Zheng Sen lost the trace of Ye Hao again. He couldn't find it. He immediately began to suspect Shen Shen, but Shen Yan's performance was normal. Zheng Sen knew that Shen Shen really took away Ye Hao. It will not be said to him, so this time I did not take the initiative to see the sinking and stunned snakes, but secretly investigated.

But before he found out, he was shocked by another news. Shen Dayao turned out to be the murderer who killed Han Xu ten years ago! Then more and more news was smashed out, Zheng Sen was shocked!

He began to worry more and more about Ye Hao, worried that Ye Hao was in danger, staring more at Shen Yu, and finally found him here.

Zheng Sen rushed over and saw the leafhopper in the ward at a glance. He looked at the indulging eyes and almost fired the fire. The sound was cold: "Sure enough, you!"

The bodyguard did not expect to be suddenly rushed by Zheng Sen, but also to continue to block, Shen Yan suddenly said: "He is my friend, you go out first."

The bodyguards face each other. The two people don’t look like friends. Instead, they seem to have no hatred, but since the boss said this, he still obeys orders.

However, they did not dare to relax. When they closed the door, they stood outside with vigilance. If they were calling, they could come in and control the situation for the first time.

Shen Yu retracted his gaze. It seems that there is not much surprise for Zheng Sen’s appearance. He said: "You are here."

Zheng Sen did not hesitate to punch in the face of Shen Yu, he looked at the unconscious Ye Hao, the worry of many days broke out in a moment, angry and said: "He also said that you will not be on him again. I know that you are not trustworthy!"

Shen Yan gently wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth. He stood firm and didn't mean to fight back. He just looked at Zheng Sen and whispered, "He told you, I won't shoot him again?"

His voice was a little low, and he still had some tremors. He seemed to want to know what Ye Hao had said when he was not with him. Even if he only listened to a few words, he couldn’t help but feel sad and sad.

You know, I won’t shoot you again, you always know everything...

Zheng Sen had to continue to work, and he was ready to tear his face, but the performance of Shen Yan made his movements suddenly slammed and his eyes stunned. Sinking not only beats and does not fight back, but asks him this sentence, like...

A thought suddenly appeared in Zheng Sen's mind, and he spoke before his reason: "You know who he is."

Yes, only this possibility will make Shen Yu’s performance... and... After all, Shen Yu is the person Ye Hao once loved. It’s found that it’s not easy to get along with it.

Sinking and tearing his mouth, he said, "Yes."

Zheng Sen’s expression was condensed, his eyes were inconspicuous, and he looked at him with dignity: “Then you...” He was somewhat indifferent to his attitude at a time. After all, Han Xu really killed him once, if Shen Therefore, it is even more difficult for him to retaliate against Han Xu. It is hard to save people. It is a person who is indulged and is very unfavorable to him.

Shen Yu saw Zheng Sen’s worries and slowly said: “You can rest assured, just like he said, I will not do anything to him any more.”

Zheng Sen looked at the darkness of the indulgent eyes, the deep sadness in the eyes...

Zheng Sen suddenly realized that Shen Yu still loves Ye Hao, and because of Shen Da Yao’s behavior, he not only does not hate him, he is even squatting, but... This is not too late.

His father killed Han Xu. If there is no resurrection of Han Xu, this secret will be hidden forever and is not known.

And Shen Yu will always hate him...

Now he hurts him, knows the truth, and begins to regret the pain... What is the use!

Zheng Sen suddenly sneered: "I am really embarrassed, since you will not do anything to him, why should you hide his news, why not let him go!" Saying again, stepping over the sinking collar When I was preparing to swear, the line of sight passed over the bed in the ward, and the action suddenly stopped.

Shen Shen’s expression was indifferent. He knew how much Zheng Sen liked Ye Hao and how much he hated him... So he was ready to face Zheng Sen’s anger, but Zheng Sen’s movement suddenly stopped.

He looked at Zheng Sen's line of sight and saw Ye Hao slowly open his eyes and his body froze.

The black eyes are now looking at them with strange sights.

[Ye Wei: I can finally wake up, hey, I’m lying sick. 】

[888: You can also choose to die, so you are not tired when you lie down. I knew that it was so hard. Don’t let me help you with a life. It’s really easy to kill your head. It is an accident. 】

[Ye Ye: No, no... I don’t think about death until I finish the task! Thank you dear! 】

[888: Hehehe...]

[888: Don't thank me, just raise your hand. After all, there are not many things in your mind. 】

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