The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 170: Real world (2)

His rules, are you? ”

Lu Ting nodded.

Ye Hao continued: "Now, you have to resurrect the Lord God. It is not really good to prepare for a smile and enmity. There are certainly other purposes. Do you have a more appropriate solution to the problem?"

Lu Ting did not speak. They certainly did not let the Lord God come back after the attack of the Virgin. However, there are some uncertain things. I don’t want to say it for the time being, and it is not a sentence or two.

Ye Hao stared at Lu Ting: "You came here today, of course, not just to give me the truth. Now, the Lord God should be with Xie He, and I am the hostage in Xie He’s hands, right?"

Sure enough, still guessed it... Lu Ting applauded and looked at Ye Hao, calmly said: "Yes, as for whether the matter can be solved really, it depends on how Xie He and the Lord God talked."

However, Lu Ting immediately patted Ye Hao’s shoulder and comforted him: “You can rest assured that you are only said to you that you are a hostage. No matter what they talk about, I will not hurt you.”

Because if the Lord God does not care about Ye Hao, it does not make any sense to damage the leafhopper, and the Lord God cares about Ye Hao, then there is no need to harm Ye Hao.

Ye Hao raised his mouth and seemed to be very casual: "I certainly believe in you, and I hope they can talk smoothly. Actually, although the Lord God was not very good before, I believe that he has changed a lot now, or should he be given to him. A chance, are you saying yes?"

Lu Ting’s eyes flashed, and this stinky boy seemed to have no heart and lungs. In fact, he still worried a little about the Lord God...

However, he can't promise Ye Hao in this matter. If the Lord God is the same as before, they will still be endless. Besides, the Lord God is not so good to deal with, he still has some concerns about what to say.

Ye Hao knows that Lu Ting can say everything. If he asks again, he can't ask anything. He also brought out the wine. "Come and come, the time is still early. It is estimated that they can't finish talking for a while, let's drink slowly."

The two began to drink while drinking, and the men drank wine, talked to heaven, and soon began to call brothers and brothers.

Lu Ting began to vomit the main god, saying how he used to blablablabla, but also talked about his bitter road of chasing his wife, holding the hand of Ye Hao, tears and said: "Do you know how difficult we are..."

Ye Hao also turned red and sighed: "I know that I know, you are also very helpless... I understand you very well..."

The two quickly found a common topic, together with the rules of the DISS main god, said that they all suffered deeply, and soon established a profound revolutionary friendship, there is a feeling of seeing each other late.

Lu Ting said that he was excited and grabbed Ye Hao’s hand: “You are not easy—” halfway through, suddenly his face changed suddenly!

Ye Hao was not as good as Lu Ting. The reaction was a little slow for a while, and Lu Ting was very sorry to say: "I am leaving."

Ye Wei: "Well?"

Lu Ting grinned, and there was still half of the drunk in his eyes. He said: "Brother, although we only met for the first time, I am very glad to meet you. I will send you a gift, and help you test the love of the Lord God." No thanks."

Said that the collar of Ye Hao directly threw him out of the window!

It all happened only in an instant!

Ye Hao began to free fall, and the wine suddenly woke up, this mmp plastic brother love!

Ye Hao fell in horror with a look of horror. His face is condensed, his eyes are sharp like a knife, he doesn't care about all the dangers around him, and he rushes directly to Ye Hao! He took him into his arms! Hold him tight!

At the same time, Lu Ting came with the thunder and the mighty, and he was behind the Lord God! The violent breath swept the surrounding space, making the world seem to be broken!

But the Lord God did not even turn back, just use everything to protect Ye Hao in his arms, and let no trace of any contact with him.

Ye Xie looked at it all, watching the shoulders of the main **** being opened, the lips shaking, the pupils shrinking, "You..."

The next moment, his head was pressed into the arms of the Lord God, and a hoarse voice rang low in his ear: "Sorry, I am late."

Sorry, I realize now that I love you a lot.

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