The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 171: real world

Lu Ting’s eyes are sharp, and the main **** is cut in a knife. The huge energy makes everything around it become powder, and the wind blows to the eight sides! Space can't stand it and start to break!

This knife Lu Ting can be said that he did not keep his hand. With his strength, it is enough to bring a deadly threat to the main **** that has not yet fully recovered. Of course, the main **** does not understand this, but he still chooses to protect Ye Xie first. This knife!

Lu Ting took the knife back and stood up. Although it’s okay to say thank you, he couldn’t completely let go of the Lord God. If the Lord God just hesitated, he wouldn’t stop.

Even if the Lord God and Xie He talked about the conditions, he will certainly kill the Lord God again at all costs!

But now it seems that thank you is right, the Lord God has indeed changed.

He is different from before.

Although it was a pity that he couldn’t cut a few more knives, the danger of being awkward was not his style. Lu Ting glanced at his leafy anger staring at him, shrugged his shoulders, and he was lazy on his cool face. The smile: "Look at what he is doing for you, this time even..."

As the voice fell, his figure slowly disappeared into the air.

Ye Hao stared at the disappearance of Lu Ting, confirming that he really left, and would not shoot again. Then he looked back at the Lord God, and his eyes were red.

On the shoulder of the Lord God, a deep visible bone wound almost opened his upper body, but this is not the most terrible, because Ye Hao knows that this body is only the carrier of the Lord God, but Lu Ting’s knife is obviously not so Simple, but through the carrier directly hurt the body of the Lord God, the wound is filled with white light, although there is no blood flowing out, but it seems that there is data in the erosion and disintegration, the breath of the Lord God is also weak.

He is really hurt.

The huge threat is clearly in sight, but he still chose himself.

"You..." Ye Hao’s lips were a little trembling, and I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t say it.

In fact, when he left the Lord God for 888, his heart was uneasy and uncertain, as he said at the time: he was able to make such a rule and he did not know how to love someone.

Although he learned the truth from Lu Ting and knew that the Lord God did not tease himself, the uneasiness was still not completely eliminated.

Instead, I buried deep in my heart.

He is not sure that the existence like the Lord God will really become a person who knows how to love someone because of the loss of some human beings in the district, let alone deceive him like that. Can such a self really make the Lord God change for him? he does not know.

Therefore, when the Lord God is desperate, in order to protect him from being a knife, he is somewhat surprised...

But the inexplicable peace of mind, as if the heart is falling, the wandering people have returned home, and the moment they fall into this embrace, all the suffering and uneasiness have dissipated.

He knows this person, the one he knows.

The one who can trust and love and love him.

The Lord God held Ye Hao tightly. At the moment when he ensured that Ye Hao was safe and sound, his uneasiness in his heart also dissipated. There was only one thought in his heart. Fortunately, Ye Hao was fine.

He just ended his conversation with Xie He, and he couldn’t wait to get back. He knew that Lu Ting wouldn’t hurt Ye Hao, but he didn’t dare to take a risk. He knew how much Lu Ting hated him and how much he didn’t trust him. ... He won't, and can't use Ye Hao's life and death as a bet.

The scene where Ye Hao fell from the sky just evoked countless painful memories in his heart, the infinite loneliness of the ninth life, and the despair of deep heart.

All of this made him very aware that he was such a person who loved him. This kind of fear of losing this person, he can no longer deceive his own mind.

As long as he thinks he might lose this person, he can't stand it.

I don’t want to revisit everything I’ve ever asked for.

At that moment, emotion transcends reason, which is about... is the emotion of human beings...

The Lord God looked at Ye Hao’s pale face, remembering that before he left, he was so cold and threatened that he would kill 888. His heart was so painful, his eyes were dull, and he whispered: "I didn't kill 888."

Ye Hao must be very worried about this issue, because 888 is very important to Ye Hao, so the first sentence he opened was 888, he just wanted Ye Hao to feel at ease.

Ye Hao did not know, the first sentence that the Lord God said would be this, and the tears suddenly flowed down.

The Lord God saw Ye Hao crying, and he became more and more panicked. He told him that 888 was safe in order not to worry about Ye Hao, but why did Ye Hao cry instead? Was it too much before myself?

It is indeed his fault, he should not be so against Ye Hao, so skeptical Ye Hao, but also forcibly retrieved the data of 888.

When the Lord God remembered these behaviors, he was very embarrassed. At that time, he did not want to admit his own mind. He insisted that he could get everything back on track... I thought that this would end everything.

But that is just self-deception, hurting others.

Ye Hao knows his identity and faces such a self. He will be angry and angry. Do not believe that he will love someone. Isn't it normal?

Because even he himself does not believe that he will fall in love with others.

The Lord God looked at Ye Hao at a loss, for a long time, he spit out a few words: "I'm sorry..."

next moment.

Ye Hao reached out and hugged him tightly, making a low, hoarse voice like a sigh: "It doesn't matter..."

When I watched you appear in front of me from the sky, when I looked at you for my back to Lu Ting, when I listened to you carefully told me that 888 is okay... When I look at you like this, I am very sure.

The person who loves me is back, you are the one I know.

Rather than the moody, ruthless, ruthless, like a machine that despise the living beings like ants, a rule-up is not a procedure.

So those are all irrelevant, you can come back is enough.

"Your injury..." Ye Hao looked at the wound of the Lord God, his eyes were red, and he was worried.

The Lord God gave a slight sigh. He just looked at the comfort of Ye Hao. He didn't care about his injury. He saw Ye Hao worry about him so much. His heart was soft and warm. He comforted Ye Shudao: "I am fine."

When the wound started to heal, I couldn’t see any traces any more. This knife was very heavy, but it was very simple to heal the wound on the surface. As for the other, it took time to repair it. There is no need to let it Ye Hao knows.

"I..." The Lord God finished this and looked at Ye Hao’s eyes full of complex struggles. He had a lot of words to say to Ye Hao, and he wanted Ye Hao to know that he did not deliberately deceive him, did not tease him, he I didn’t know anything before, but I didn’t know how to speak... He was not good at explaining the pleading to others.

However, he is even more reluctant to let Ye Hao misunderstand him and leave him.

If he can, he is willing to save this person at all costs.

Ye Yi saw the thought of the Lord God at a glance. He suddenly interrupted the words of the Lord God and whispered, "Do you remember the place we met for the first time?"

The Lord God did not know why Ye Hao suddenly mentioned this, just nodded.

Ye Hao smiled and said: "Can you take me back and see?"

The Lord God stared at Ye Hao, his voice was low and dumb: "Good." He held Ye Hao's hand tightly in one hand, and the two figures disappeared in the air together.

After a few seconds, the two appeared in a park.

At the moment, the park was quiet in the night, and the quiet space seemed to calm down, only the sound of the breeze.

Ye Hao’s foot on the ground, a look of nostalgia in his eyes, recalling the scene of the original...

The park is near his home. It's fine on weekdays. He always comes here to turn around. One day he met a man who fainted and took him back. Now I want to come, the reason why I bring the other person home instead of calling the police, and the value of the other party also has a very important factor...

Ye Hao thought of this, could not help but smile, who can think of such an accident, it changed his life?

Between the thoughts, it is a matter of difference.

All of this is only about half a year for the real world, but in his memory, it has been a long, long, long time ago. Even deeper memories have become more and more yellow, and they are no longer often remembered, but they are even more profound.

"I have something, I must tell you." Ye Hao looked at the Lord God, a serious expression.

The main **** looked at Ye Hao's serious expression, and he could not help but sink down. He found that he had a feeling that he did not want to know the answer. He knew that he had reached the moment of facing the judgment.

And he is not blindly optimistic, Ye Hao's look is more like to draw a line with him.

But Ye Hao’s next sentence, let the Lord God be there, do not know whether it is happy or sad, the atmosphere of sadness and dignity suddenly becomes a bit strange, so that people can not be speechless.

Ye squinted at his eyes and said, "I want to confess to you. At the beginning, I will look at your long look and take care of you."

"This... can also be understood." The Lord God paused, his eyes were somewhat petty and helpless.

Ye Hao looked up at him. The black scorpion was firm and bright, and his voice was low. "But... I found out that I was happy with you, I am very happy, I like to be with you, like everything about you. I like to have you with me, I like you to be good to me... Sometimes I even think desperately, you should never restore your memory, because I am afraid that you will leave me."

"At that time I realized how much I love you."

There seems to be emotions in the chest of the Lord God. Some of them are moved and bitter. This is the first time he has heard Ye Hao being so serious and said that he loves him.

Yes, I don't have to doubt that Ye Hao's love for Yue Ling, no matter what the beginning is, the result is the same. If Ye Hao does not love Ling, how would he be willing to go through those worlds for him? How would you rather give up everything that is at your fingertips, and only for a returning soul?

He did everything he could, just for him.

Of course, Ye Hao is love more and more, this is beyond doubt.

But probably only the more lingering...

"At that time, I didn't know at all. I took back a god." Ye Hao raised his eyes, and the black scorpion glowed brightly in the night. He raised his mouth and said: "Now want to come... Love with God, really is not One thing that is easy."

The Lord God remembered the sufferings of those worlds and could not help but clench his hands.

"If you..." The lips of the Lord's God moved, and suddenly it was difficult to continue.

If Ye Hao does not fall in love with him, he does not have to go through all this. He will meet another ordinary person who loves him and live a happy life that belongs to him. The Lord God thought of this, even if it was just a hypothesis, still painful to breathe, he is not willing to assume this possibility.

But even if he is suffering again, he is not willing to force Ye Hao. If Ye Hao really can't accept him, he can only choose to let go.

After all, now he is no longer just Ling Ling, but the Lord God, and even those who are in the world and hurt each other.

Ye Hao did not seem to find the embarrassment of the Lord God. He still said: "You still remember those worlds, how many years have I spent with you?"

Of course, remember, the Lord God just wanted to open, but Ye Hao first opened it.

Ye Hao showed him a big smile and did not hesitate. He definitely gave the answer: "A total of four hundred and eighty-nine years, five months and two days."

The eyes of the Lord God shook and looked at Ye Hao unbelievably.

"I don't just remember, I still remember very clearly..." Ye Hao's eyes showed a complex look of nostalgia, and slowly said: "The first world, your name is Qin Yi, I stayed in that world for two years, nine months and thirteen days. That day, you are going to propose to me, but I am leaving, I can't stay, I can't promise your proposal..."

"The second world, you are Ming Chong, the world is a little shorter. I only stayed for one year, two months and ten days, and you fell in love with me, but I still have to leave."

"The third world, you are called Li Zezhen." Ye Hao said here, pulling his mouth, seems to be helpless: "This world can be a bit long, I have been waiting for twelve years, three months and three days, until you I went to the emperor and took the throne to leave. But watching you change from a child who has no pain to an emperor, let alone a sense of accomplishment..."

"The fourth world, you are called Jiang Ci." Ye Hao sighed. "I really hesitated in this world, and I doubt whether the system is intentional or not. Let me take the children. I have stayed in this world." In the eight days of the year, I will be a mother again. Whenever you love me more, the time away from me will be closer. It doesn't make sense..."

Ye Hao looked at the more dizzying look of the Lord God and raised his lips to continue: "The fifth world, you are Cossen, the world I have stayed for four years, six months and ten days, we are comrades fighting side by side."

"The sixth world, you are called Zongtang, this time is the world of cultivation, I have stayed for a total of four hundred and thirty-two years, ten months and fifteen days." Ye Hao screamed, and seemed to even admire himself. I was scared by this time: "Fortunately, the cultivators have been retiring for a few years and decades, otherwise I really can't stay, and I have to doubt the life for a long time."

"The seventh world, your name is Lu Xiuwen. I am an orphan adopted by you. I was petted to the sky. I have spent eight years and one month from the age of twelve to twenty."

"The eighth world, you are called Yang Gan. We are together before the end of the last days. We are childhood... I think about it for six years, seven months and three days. If there is no end, is it better? ?"

"The ninth world, you are Shen Yu, I grew up watching you grow up. I watched it for ten years, not much time, a lot of day."

The Lord God looked at Ye Hao with a disappointment and watched him say how long he had stayed in each world for a long time, how many years and how many days were clear. Of course, these are not 888 tell Ye Hao, because 888 is no longer there, Ye Hao himself remembers these.

Remembering nothing, nothing.

The Lord God did not know why Ye Hao said this, but he suddenly realized that Ye Hao may not seem to care so much.

He cares about him, maybe beyond his imagination.

"It’s been more than four hundred years, and now I’m only twenty-three years old. A game is even more so long than my life...” Ye Hao looked at the Lord God, and there seemed to be a wave scale in the eyes. Move, with the color that the Lord God has never seen before, he picks up his lips and slaps, "If you say funny, not funny?"

The Lord God looks very moved and faintly understands what.

"I feel like I have had a dream. I have spent a lot of time in my dreams. In the end, I finally have to go back to the real world. I have to tell myself that I am still me, not anyone else, I will not forget myself. Why do you want to do those." Ye Hao opened his mouth. "Sorry, I only love Ling. Because I have told myself many times, I want to come back for him. The real world is real. It is the only thing I can think about." The place to stay..."

"Don't open your mouth, can you listen to me first?" Ye Hao raised his hand and held the lips of the Lord God. The complexion looked slowly and his voice was slightly dull. "But...but when I left those worlds, when When I had to leave you, I found that I couldn’t really be indifferent and there was no way to really just use it as a game."

"There should be no such realistic games in this world."

"So I use a cynical attitude to cover myself and tell myself that I don't care about you at all. I am just a liar, and it is not worthy of your love." Ye Hao said very slowly, but his voice was clear and calm. "But, really don't care?" ?"

"I should say sorry to Yue Ling, because I may like someone else."

"I am sorry for any of you. I am not loyal to love. Even if I do my best to not give up my true feelings, I still can't do it completely."

"So I can only use time to force myself, I want to come back soon, end this abnormal thing, leave those who I can't stay, and leave the only one I can leave... the more Ling."

But the result is that I hurt everyone. The bitter smile on the lips of Ye Hao was fleeting. He looked up at the Lord God and slowly said, "I'm sorry."

The Lord God was moved and sad. He looked at Ye Hao with pity: "It should be me who said sorry."

Although I really want to give you the more you love, the complete return to you, but I can't do it, I can't do it... give you the perfect lover you want, I make you embarrassed, hesitate, struggle, these are My fault.

It’s that I’ve made you feel that it’s still difficult to decide.

Ye Hao knew about what he meant. He shook his head. "You don't know, I am very happy."

The Lord God finally revealed the look of mistakes.

Ye Hao decided to look into his eyes. "In fact, I am very happy. You are all him. It is like... You are the one I am destined to love, no matter what happens in the middle, no matter what the hardships, no matter the final result. How, no matter how many people I met."

"The only person I have ever loved and tempted is yours."

The main god's lips shook a little, and looked at Ye Hao unbelievably.

"It turns out that they are all you. I have never loved anyone else, as if I have not betrayed you." Ye Hao laughed and laughed at himself: "Although this idea is a bit selfish and a little mean, but I really Very happy... I love you all."

The Lord God can no longer restrain the love of the heart, and he did not hesitate to reach out and cling to Ye Hao. The voice was low and dumb: "I..."

Ye Hao put his face in his arms, feeling the other's heartbeat, temperature, and gently said, "Although those worlds are designed by others, but my first encounter, there is no calculation, just accidental So I love you, isn't it fate?"

"You know it." The voice of the Lord is low and dumb.

Ye Hao gently nodded: "Lu Ting told me."

At this moment, the Lord God seems to understand what he understands, and what Ye Hao really wants to express. This answer has brought him out of the whirlpool of repression, pain, and despair, but he still wants to confirm it again: Then, do you still love me now?"

Ye Hao did not answer this question directly, but slowly revealed a smile. "For those four hundred years, I am with you, and I love you all... and I want to be with you in the future. This person will only be you."

This time, there is no deception, no lies, no tasks and no use... just pure, want to be with you.

Want to be serious, to love someone.

Make up for regrets.

The Lord God looked deeply at Ye Hao. For a long time, there was a hint of relief in his eyes, and he unloaded the last burden in his heart. He thought he finally understood it completely.

Understand Ye Hao’s love for him, and at the same time understand his love for Ye Hao.

No matter who he is, regardless of his own origin, his ten pieces are all loved by Ye Hao. Every part of his memory is loved by Ye Hao, and now he still loves Ye Hao. Love will not be shaken by anything, not by the will.

From the beginning to the end, he thought that the rationality and calmness, but the other kind of human feelings dominated him - that is, suffering from loss and fear, he was worried about the past, could not admit his heart, fear the love brought to him, Not willing to change, pretending that you don't care.

But this still cannot deny that he loves him.

On the contrary, it is because of love that it is like a thin ice.

[Qin Yi: You finally want to understand. 】

[Ming Chong: It seems that our mission is coming to an end. 】

[Li Zezhen: Actually, we have not existed for a long time. From the moment of integration, you are only one. 】

[Jiang Ci: We represent your love for Ye Hao. You are afraid that you will fall in love with others like a human being, so you instinctively expel us, reject us, and want to destroy your feelings as a virus. 】

[Corson: We are just the personality you imagined. It is the true feeling that you don't want to admit. 】

[Zong Pu: You don't believe that Ye Hao loves you, and you don't believe that you love Ye Hao. Escape from letting you create us. Let you think that you are shaking and tempted. We are all influencing you. In fact, we can't influence you at all, only you can affect you. 】

[Lu Xiuwen: I have said it many times, we are you, you can't kill us, just like you can't erase yourself. 】

[Yang Gan: Accepting yourself, giving up contradictions, when you realize what your true self is, it is the end. 】

[Sinking: The way to let us disappear is not to forcefully kill, nor to let us die, not to let Ye Hao admit not to love you, but to accept yourself. This is also the only way. Once you accept your present self, we naturally have no need to exist. 】

[Ying Ling: So, goodbye. 】

When Yue Ling said that goodbye, all the sounds in the brain disappeared.

There is only one silence left.

The Lord God is cheerful and cheerful, just like the boulder pressed in the heart is removed, and the gauze that is blindfolded is revealed, the light in front of it shines, all the confusion is dispelled, leaving only the true meaning of the person in front of him. Love.

This is the truth.

When he came back, he was just a person. There was no such thing as a ten personality. The memory of the ten personalities was integrated into his mind, just like a person who spent the memory of the tenth love. He Use his life, all the time, to love all of this person.

The so-called personality is just the illusion of his self-deception. When he realizes his own mind, all the illusions will vanish in an instant.

But their departure is not the end, but the beginning.

Having feelings may not be a bad thing. At least at this moment, he is so lucky that he can meet Ye Hao. He can know how to love someone and understand the joys and sorrows of human beings. If his life is endless, he hopes that Ye Hao will be by his side, so that he will not be lonely.

Ye Hao looked at the eyes of the Lord God, watched the Lord God move for a while, missed it for a while, seemed to want to understand something, and finally showed a smile, he could not help but ask: "What are you thinking?"

The Lord God stared at Ye Hao, smiled, and the tone was as soft as ever, and his eyes were like the sea. "I just wanted to understand a truth."

Ye Hao decided to watch the Lord God for a while, and suddenly smiled awkwardly: "Good, I also want to understand a truth."

How the past is not important, what matters is later.

The two looked at each other without words, but they seemed to have a heart.

In the boundless night, the Lord God gently lifted the face of Ye Hao, holding his hand in one hand, and holding the fingers in the fingers, as if making a promise, a word: "Would you like, eternal life with me?" ”

Ye Hao said: "I am willing."

Only time in this world is eternal.

If there is anything that can prove my love for you, it is the endless years of the future, accompanied by each other.

The full text is finished

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