The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 107: This is my escape plan!

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Sasuke, who had been poisoned by the snake venom, fainted instantly. Ono Shemaru hugged Sasuke, watching Sasuke who fainted and felt a little bit worse.

correct! A must-have chapter as a container.

Da She Maru looked at the fainted Sasuke, slowly lowered his head, and then kissed Sasuke's neck, stamping his best chapter.

Imprint of Heaven's Curse!


The stamp is deeply engraved on Sasuke’s neck, as if it is branded by a soldering iron, a little blue smoke rises~

After stamping.

Suddenly the surrounding scenery was blurred...

The corner of Dashewan's mouth is slightly tilted.

He knew that the girl could not sit still.

[It's so stupid, to send a kid over to die? How do you look down on me? Next, you, the master of the enchantment, must rescue Sasuke in my hand, right? 】

[What are you going to do? 】

The next moment, the light bulbs in the sky began to burst into a bright and colorful brilliance.

The magic circle also began to rotate and change.

As the fog of war gradually dissipated, Oshemaru found that her perception ability had recovered a bit.

More importantly, the surrounding environment has returned to its original appearance, and he can even see that his former subordinates are...


Junmaro pulled out the bone spur in his hand from Tayuya.

Looking at the audience, he was the only one standing.

The sound of Shinobu all lay on the ground.

The one he just stabbed was the last one.

Junmaro also stayed, taking the bone spurs back from his body, and he looked at the Oshe Maru, which was not far away.

He noticed the look in the eyes that seemed to be interrogating.

He explained hurriedly.

"Master Oshamaru! It was their first move! I am passively defending..."

Oshemaru raised his palm and stood in front of him, with a dull expression.

"Needless to say, Junmaro! I know you didn't mean it! But don't come over, just stand there."

Junmaru was stunned, a little anxious, what should he do if Oshamaru-sama no longer trusts him.

"Master Oshemaru! I...I won't stab you!"

Da She Wan was a little helpless.

"I know, I didn't mean to blame you, you just stand there, let me remove this barrier first and then come back."

Junmaru was dumbfounded, standing in place a little sullenly, he also knew the power of this illusion, and he also understood Lord Oshemaru's worries.

However, now he really won't move.

At best, it's just passive defense.

Oshemaru can ignore Junmaro, he is still concentrating on welcoming the enemy who is coming.

After all these time studies, he also knew that his own eyes absolutely couldn't believe it.

The only thing that can be believed is the kind of foresight of danger brought about by years of combat experience.

And one of his most proud techniques.

Oshe Maruyu substitute surgery!

At this moment, the sky bulb shot a beam of light, and it shone directly in front of Dashewan. Many colorful spots of light gathered on the beam of light and gradually condensed into a human shape.

Immediately afterwards, a magic circle formed under the bare feet of the humanoid, and the light instantly shined.

The strong light made it difficult for Oshemaru and the others to see the scene ahead.

next moment.

They saw it--

Muhua Saki Yashin stood on the beam of light, his head slightly raised and looked towards the sky, covering his left eye with one hand, and leaning towards the sky with the other hand.

"Humhhhhhhhhh! The Eye of Death is here!"

"Ten fingers pierced!"


More than a dozen bone spurs broke the wind.

next moment……

Da She Wan stretched out his hand, and a white snake got out of his sleeve, sweeping away all the bone spurs in front of him.

Junmaro was dumbfounded, he was not aiming...

Da She Wan was also helpless.

"Listen, Junmaro! Don't do it casually!"

"I will give you instructions."

Junmaro felt the curse mark on his neck, and it would be hot for a while, but not for a while.

He understood in an instant.

Master Oshemaru intends to use the curse seal to confirm the information.

Continuous ironing, one ironing, and two ironing all mean different things.

Then it also cooperated with Dashemaru's unique gestures.

Junmaro understood the meaning of Oshemaru in an instant.

Just when Junmaro was still thinking about how to deal with it, he suddenly felt the continuous scorching heat of the curse mark.

He was so excited, he saw a smiling girl in front of him as soon as he looked up.

"Larch of...!"


Even Junmaro's iron-clad brain couldn't hold the blow, he felt that his brain was buzzing.

The chakra that had just condensed was crushed in an instant.

The ground under Junmaro's feet couldn't bear the huge force of cracking.

Kihana Saki Yashin looked at Junmaro, who had not fallen, and said with a smile.

"Oh, it seems that I have used less force in this shot of the Judgment Club."

Just as Muhuasaki Yaxin wanted to make up a stick, the rock under her feet burst open.

Two giant pythons bite towards Muhua Saki Yexin.


As soon as the screen turned, the figures of Saki Yashin and Junmaro appeared in another direction.

The place where the python appeared became empty.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's stick also knocked it down.


The sound is crisp.

Junmaro answered and set in the ground.

However, Dashemaru was not unhappy, he even laughed, and his sense of confidence that everything was under control returned to him.

"A good technique, but I have seen through your little tricks."

Muhua Saki Yexin pouted her lips.

"You Basilisk! You better let go of the Dark Knight quickly."

"You let him go, I will..."

As he said, he scratched his head.

"I might just give you a better seal."

Oshemaru showed a wicked smile, and Jun Maro, who had just fallen down, had his little white snake on him.

According to Junmaro's position comparison just now.

He has already placed a small white snake on the opposite side, placing another one every thirty degrees, centering on him, butting with the white snake along a straight line.

Based on his direct induction of the little white snake, he can draw a picture of the direction of judgment in his mind.

And as long as Muhua Saki Yaxin stands on a certain line, he can feel it, just like a spider web.

"Then try it out!"

Da She Wan bit her finger and pressed it to the ground.

"The Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

The psychic array picture disappeared in a flash.

Then came a dense and countless number of terrorist snakes.

The group of snakes rushed towards Muhua Saki Yexin.

Muhua Saki looked at this scene, and suddenly felt goose bumps all over her body. This was really disgusting and terrifying.

She quickly settled, and the magic circle special effects under her feet remained the same.

"Death's Eye Judgment! Thunder! God of Heaven Punishment!"



In the sky, a sturdy thunderbolt struck the snakes.

Bang! ! !

The energetic Thunder blew up a nest of snakes.

Moreover, from the point where the Thunder exploded, a thunder arc spread.

The lightning arc quickly spread to the entire group of snakes, electrocuting almost all the snakes within a second.

There was a faint smell of roasted snake meat in the air.

Da She Maru felt the real location of Lei Dun Chakra according to the position of the white snake in his mind.

Instantly locked a seemingly empty place on the right.

He did not hesitate, and immediately sealed.

"The evil snake's wrist burst!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's true location was where the mud and rocks exploded.

Several giant pythons leaped into the air from the broken rocks, and the ground, including a large area, including the location of Muhua Saki Yaxin, was crushed to an end.

At this time, stepping on the head of the giant python, Kawasaki Yaxin smiled.

She also knew the position of Little White Snake in her field of perception.

With such a positioning plate created, Muhua Saki Yaxin was also a little surprised.

But that's it!

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his sword.

The air grid is successfully constructed! 50 million volts!

"Death judgment! The infinite thunder of the end!"

In an instant, a wire of electric arc passed through the air.

In 0.01 second, 50 million volts of high-energy high-voltage electricity has hit Dashewan.


Whether it was the python at the feet of Saki Yaxin, or the body of Oshemaru, the arc flashed.

The giant python couldn't bear it, and fell to the ground with electric shock.

Da She Wan is no exception.

After a while, Muhua Saki Yaxin smelled the scent of meat.

Well, it should be half-baked.

As for Sasuke next to him, she had already activated the badge on him to block the current.

Seeing that there was no movement in the Oshe Maru, Saki Kihana was not afraid, and she walked directly over, pulling one of Sasuke's legs and preparing to drag him away.

The next moment, the pretending Dashewan raised his head and spit out a sword.

The sword stretched rapidly, piercing the air with a sonic boom, and suddenly penetrated the heart of Saki Kihana.

Of course it just penetrates like a phantom.

Muhua Saki Yashin ignored the Oshe Maru and dragged Sasuke away happily.

After all, just now, all of his white snakes were electrocuted to death.

Next, he went back to the time when he lost his way.

Muhua Saki Yexin's holographic covering can naturally deceive him again.

It's just that Oshemaru doesn't believe in evil.

"Hmph, under the enveloping star of my great demon mountain, illusion is reality, and reality is illusion. You will never be able to escape."

Kihana Saki Yashin dragged Sasuke aside, and began to mock Oshamaru triumphantly.

Da She Wan was silent, the next moment he peeled off his mature body, and a brand new Da She Wan emerged from it.

Oshemaru showed a consistent smile, and didn't care about Muhua Saki Yashin's ridicule.

" Your technique is very good. I will come back to find you."

Muhua Saki Yexin knew that this snake was going to run away.

"The Eye of Death!"

open eyes!

Straight death magic eyes opened again!

However, he didn't wait until Muhua Saki Yexin stared at Oshemaru to death.

Da She Wan pressed one hand to the ground.

"Reverse psychic art!"

In an instant, Dashewan disappeared in place.

Muhua Saki Yaxin patted her head.

"Oh! Forgot about this!"

"But, as expected to be Luo Moxie Snake, has he planned how to escape early?"

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