The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 108: Brother or sister

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Kakashi and Chiho were fascinated by looking at the little yellow book.

Naruto is still fighting against the light wall.

The tooth next to him watched the show and encouraged Naruto to continue.

Hinata silently looked at Naruto and smiled, blushing from time to time.

Sakura was reviewing knowledge in her mind.


other people…

Everyone seemed very casual.

Until, the big ball of light hanging in the sky exploded and turned into a beautiful colorful light flame and disappeared, of course, there was no sound.

And Naruto also rushed directly into the light wall.

From the outside, in the area covered by the magic circle, the light wall began to disappear gradually.

Naruto passed through the wall of light, a little confused, and after a while he saw that he was dragging Sasuke to this side to Kukasaki Yashin.

Naruto reacted, smiling and beckoning to Muhua Saki Yashin.

"Ye Xin! Are you okay?"

After a while, Naruto realized that it was Sasuke who was dragging Muhuasaki Yaxin, and he rushed over in a hurry.

"Sasuke! What's wrong with Sasuke? Is he okay?"

Kihana Saki Yashin dragged Sasuke's feet, and immediately dropped it when he saw Naruto.

"Under the protection of my death eye, the dark knight can't be life-threatening!"

"Then he..."

"He was just in a coma."

"Is that so?"

Naruto looked at Sasuke who was lying on the ground, a little worried, and hugged him directly.

"I'll let Sakura take a look."

In this way, Naruto hugged Sasuke and hurried over.

Of course, almost all the people present noticed such a big movement.

Only two guys who read books are still so fascinated.

Hong was a little speechless, she reminded directly.


Kakashi asked without looking back.

"Why~ are you finished?"

Chiho just raised his head at this moment.

Seeing the scene from Muhua Saki Yashin, the Otonin people who had fallen on the ground nodded.

"Senior Kakashi, it seems to be over."

Kakashi just moved.

He slowly closed the book, stood up and stretched.

"Well, the mission is finally over."

Red was even weaker to complain.

You haven't exerted any effort, well, it looks like a leisure travel...

Kakashi put away the book and walked to Muhua Saki Yashin, revealing another big smiling face.

"Thanks, Ye Xin."

Muhua Saki Yaxin pressed her head up and her chest.

"Thanks? I just did it casually, and didn't even use a bit of strength. It's not hard work."

"Yes, yes, the eye of death is the strongest."

Kakashi replied in a perfunctory manner, and then he waited for a moment to watch the broken battlefield.

"Huh~ why don't you seem to see Dashewan~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's complexion became stiff, a little unhappy.

After all, she just bragged, and in the end she also let go of a snake...

"The evil snake was too cunning, let him escape."

"Well...That's right, after all, it's someone who can escape from the Grim Reaper."

Muhua Saki Yaxin clenched a small fist.

"My Eye of Death, the next time I meet him, I will never let him escape! Even if I use the Eye of Death!"

Kakashi didn't believe it very much, after all, the survivability of Dashewan was too strong.

"All right, clean up, let's investigate Otonin Village."

Next, Otoninho's mouth was **** and a seal was added.

This Kakashi still knows a little bit.

Of course, the curse on Sasuke's body also made Kakashi give a seal.

The five members of the Otonin group who survived, as well as Junmaro plus a few dragon sets.

After interrogation, a lot of information about Dashewan was also collected.

Immediately afterwards, in Otonin Village, the materials and information in the Oshemaru laboratory were searched clean.

Then a fire destroyed the laboratory.

All of this was actually done by Kakashi alone, because the things in the laboratory were too dark, although he believed that Naruto could bear it.

However, he didn't intend to let them bear the burden, just sink the darkness here forever.

Kakashi, who set off a fire, walked out of the laboratory with a heavy heart.

Facing the crowd, he breathed out slowly and relieved his mood.

"Let's go, go home."

"Oye! The mission is over!"

"It feels so simple."

"Of course you think it's simple, and you didn't contribute."

A group of people just walked towards home.

Among them, the only one who exerted a little strength, Sasuke touched the curse mark on his neck.

"Strength... I still need to be stronger!"

Nothing went wrong on the return journey this time, and he returned to Konoha smoothly.

This time, the mission report.

Tsunade was surprised at the resurrection of Oshemaru, and of course he also re-acquainted with the power of Saki Kihana.

A single copy of Ninja Village.

Good guy, boos is still big snake pill! Tsunade and Osamaru, as former friends, can be considered to understand his strength.

What's more, even three generations were forced to die with him.

Now it is very easy to let Muhua Saki Yaxin hang him alone.

"Well, the Five Shadows Conference can bring her."

That's it!

The next day.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's home.

On this day, Muhua Saki didn't go anywhere, and stayed quietly at home to accompany her mother.

Kihana Sakinoko's belly is already very big. It has been almost seven months, and there seems to be some signs of giving birth.

Kitahara Kira and Muhuasaki Yaxin stayed at home, silently accompanying Muhuasaki Yeko.

Muhua Saki Yaxin carefully put her little head on Muhua Sakinoko's belly, listening carefully to the breath of the little life inside.


Muhua Saki Yeko hugged Muhua Saki Yaxin, with a happy smile on her face.

"Huh? What's the matter, Xiao Yexin."

"How do you know that it is the younger brother? Why not the younger sister?"

Kihana Sakinoko smiled.

"Does Xiao Yexin want a younger sister?"

Muhua Saki Yashin thought carefully, and shook his head.

"I'm not picking."

Kihana Sakinoko touched Yaxin's little head.

"Actually, Mom and Dad don't know if it's the younger sister or the younger brother, but Mom still hopes to be the younger brother."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head.


"Because it is the younger brother, the family property can be handed over to him."

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded.

[Oh~ My younger brother is a tool man. 】

"However, my mother won't hate my sister."

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded.

"Well, I know."

At this time, Kitahara Kira brought a bowl of water over and smiled and said affectionately to Muhua Saki Yanoko.

"Come, Yezi. Drink a bowl of sugar water."

Muhua Saki Yeko took it with a smile, took a sip, and saw Muhua Saki Yaxin who looked at him eagerly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin licked her lips and resisted the temptation.

"Mom, you drink, you have to replenish energy!"

Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira smiled at each other.

Kitahara Kira brought out the other bowl and gently touched Muhuasaki Yaxin's little head.

"Xiao Yexin~ How could Dad forget you, a snack food."

Muhua Saki smiled and narrowed his eyes, holding the bowl in both hands, and took a quick sip.

There was a sweetness in the mouth for an instant, and it went smoothly from the throat to the stomach.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes are full of small stars.

"Drink it well!"

Seeing her daughter's happy smile, Kitahara Xiliang felt warm in her heart, and she felt full of happiness.

"Then drink more."


Muhua Saki Yaxin took another sip, feeling his father's carefully prepared sugar water, and suddenly remembered something.

She looked at Kitahara Kira and passed the sugar water in her hand. UU reading

"Dad, you drink too."

Kitahara stunned for a moment, and then took the bowl with a slightly moved smile.

"Xiao Yexin, really sensible."

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled.

"I have always been sensible."

Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira laughed warmly together.

"Yes, yes, Ye Xin has always been sensible."

After a while, Muhua Saki Yashin took over Kitahara Kira's bowl but found out.


Muhua Saki Yexin was a little stunned.

"I only had two sips..."

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