In the past few days, Kihana Saki Yashin’s house has become lively. Ino and the others knew that Nanako was born, and they all ran over to give gifts and blessings.

   Saki Noko, who had just been discharged from the hospital, expressed a great welcome.

   In this way, Ino basically comes every day, and others like Sasuke Shikamaru, knowing that Nanako was born, will come to visit and give a wave of blessings.

Sasuke’s reaction was the most funny. He pulled a arrogant face, hid it and stubbornly held back for a while, couldn’t say anything, and finally gave out a gift, so he was embarrassed to stay, and ran by himself. Practiced.

  Kihanasaki Yashin is naturally very satisfied, but Sasuke is not bad, he hasn't become a white-eyed wolf, and it is worthwhile to spend her painstaking training.

   Being a dark knight is to look fierce and warm inside. , So as to meet the personality.

   Facing the arrival of many friends, Nanako was surprisingly not afraid of life, and had never cried, so she cooperated to play with them.

   Such a well-behaved and cute Nanako naturally made Saki Yaxin Kihana even more happily hugging her and intimacy.

   Just as everyone was having fun, a white hair appeared at the door.

   A white hair with dead fish eyes.

   Kakashi greeted Saki Yaxin Muhua.

   "Hi~ Ye Xin."

   then took out a gift box.

   "A gift to Nanako."

   Kihanasaki Yashin trot for a while, took it happily, and blinked and bowed slightly to Kakashi.

   "Thank you, Convicted Eye."

   Kakashi heard the Eye of Conviction, his movements paused, and then he laughed.

   "You are welcome, the strongest eye of death."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly bends a small crescent in her happy eyes.

   Happy time is short...

   When it was almost time to play, Kakashi and Ye Xin mentioned the task "".

   Kihana Saki Yashin hugged Nanako, a little unhappy.

   "Although the adventure mission is fun, I want to accompany Nanako. I want to watch Nanako grow up. Nanako will not be happy if she doesn't see me."

   Kakashi took a deep breath, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin seriously, and raised a finger.

   "Steamed meatballs! One meal!"

   Kihanasaki Yashin hesitated, she looked at Nanako in her arms.

   At this time, she was facing Muhua Saki Yaxin, with big transparent eyes, blinking at Muhua Saki Yaxin, seeming to be curious about something.

   Wow~ It’s so cute!

   Kihanasaki Yashin shook his head decisively and refused.

   "No, Nanako needs me."

   Kakashi retracted his finger and took another deep breath.

   He spread out his palms, and slowly fisted Muhua Saki Yaxin, like a shout out!

   "One month! Unlimited variety!"

   Kihana Saki Ye's eyes stared blankly.

ten minutes later.

   Nanako lay prone in the arms of Kuka Saki Yeko, staring blankly at the fully armed Kuka Saki Yashin walking out of the house.

   She raised her head to look at her mother again. She felt abandoned when she was young and ignorant, and she couldn't help but grab the clothes of Zhamu Hanasaki.

  Kihana Sakinoko noticed it, and shook Nanako in her arms, making a soft voice.

   "Nanako, isn't it happy that my sister is gone? Don't worry, my sister will be back soon, and my mother will be with you."

   Listening to her mother's comfort, Nanako silently looked at the door, her bright eyes blinking, she didn't know what she was thinking.


  The Land of Thunder.

   Itachi Uchiha and the ghost shark walked silently on a trail.

   But when he was walking halfway, Itachi covered his mouth and half bent his body, coughing violently.

  Gui Hao knew some of Itachi's body, and he looked at Itachi with some worry.

   "Mr. Itachi, are you okay? Your body..."

   After a while, Itachihira finally stopped coughing, stood up as if nothing was wrong, and responded calmly.

   "Ah~ It's just a minor physical problem, there is no problem."

  Gui Hao's eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed, his eyes a little worried.

   Itachi said lightly afterwards.

   "Go on."

  Ghost looked at Itachi, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, so he didn't go further.

   "Mr. Itachi, you have recently used the round eyes a bit frequently."

   Itachi answered faintly.

   "Don't worry, Uchiha's power is not as fragile as you think."

  Ghost smiled.

   "Mr. Itachi still feels terrible as always."

   Itachi didn't answer any more, and the two of them just walked along the trail.

   What Guiyu didn't notice was that Itachi's hand was covering the blood stains he had just coughed up.

   At this moment, Itachi, his eyesight in both eyes is actually not good enough. He stared straight ahead at the end of the path.

  In his mind, he was thinking of various things, but the most important and most concerned one was naturally Sasuke.

   Itachi glanced at the ghost shark without leaving a trace.


   At the same time, Kakashi and Muhua Saki Yaxin have rushed to the Land of Thunder.

   Kakashi took the map and looked at the location.

   "Yexin, we have to speed up. Because according to predictions, if they hurried faster, it is estimated that they will come directly to their destination this afternoon. Exaggerate a little and they will have finished their work."

   Kihana Saki Yaxin took out a piece of candy from the ninja bag and pushed the candy paper out of his mouth.

   "Um~ Then, we will be better than anyone."

   Kakashi glanced at Muhua Saki's bulging little ninja bag, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes.

   "Ye Xin, how do you want to compare?"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin gave a weird smile.

   "Hee hee, just run faster than anyone else."

   Speaking, Muhua Saki Yexin began to see thunder arcs all over her body, and then the wind and waves visible to the naked eye rose out of thin air, forming an acceleration channel in her face.

   Kakashi was taken aback, his expression became tense, he yelled to Muhua Saki Yashin.

   "Don't! Wait!"

   However, it was too late.

   At the last moment, Kakashi could only see Muhua Saki Yaxin’s charming smile at him, and the sentence left behind...

   "Just like this!"


   Kihanasaki Yashin disappeared in place in an instant. In Kakashi's eyes, she was like a light, that is, Kakashi ran from the front of the field of vision to the boundary of the field of vision, and then disappeared.

   Kakashi was stunned.

   On this day, the girl turned into a light, abandoned him in this wasteland, and endured loneliness alone, alone...

   Kakashi shook his head, throwing away the random thoughts in his mind.

   Kihanasaki Yashin still has this hand, he has seen it today.


   Kakashi looked at the location of the map, and then at the location of Saki Yashin, who had disappeared from the field of vision.

   "I told you not because you are running in the wrong direction! Also, you don't know the road, what's the use of running fast?"

   These words, Kakashi just said to the air, it was a complaint.

   Kakashi helped his forehead helplessly.


   "Why don't you run?"

   Kakashi trembled in shock by the sudden voice.

   After realizing, he turned his head to look at the girl who appeared suddenly.

   "Ye Xin? When did you... come back?"

   Kakashi thought about for a while, and thought of a "truth".

   "Could it be that it was your illusion just now?"

   seems to understand this way, everything makes sense!

   Kakashi looked excited.

   "It really is your illusion."

  Kihanasaki Yashin:? ? ?

   Kakashi looked at the bewildered Kakashi Yashin and smiled.

   "Forget it, Ye Xin don't pretend, I have been fooled by you. Don't play this time, we have to hurry in this direction."

   Kakashi patted Muhuasaki Yaxin on the shoulder, motioned for her to follow her, and walked away on her own.

   Muhana Saki Yashin, who was pestering in place, was still a little puzzled.


   When did I use illusion?

   shook his head and rubbed his soft cheek.

   didn't think so much, just followed directly.

   The two walked silently.

   Kakashi asked suddenly.

   "Ye Xin, you eat so much sugar, aren't you afraid to eat fat?"

   Kihana Saki Yashin blinked his eyes, pulled out the sugar in his mouth, licked his small tongue, and stuffed it back, with a little beard.

   "Well...Of course I am not afraid, my eye of death can kill things like gaining weight. So for all my negative states, my eye of death can kill."

   Kakashi's mouth twitched.

   Your eye of death is too ridiculous.

   Kakashi shook his head, and answered with an awkward smile.

   "Then your eye of death deserves to be called the strongest."

   Kihanasaki Yaxin smiled eyes narrowed.

   "Hmm, of course my eye of death is the strongest!"


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