The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 112: 0 tail VS 8 tail

  The Land of Thunder-Yunlei Gorge

   In front of a small courtyard in Yunlei Gorge, stood an uncle with dark glasses, bronze skin, strong muscles, and pale yellow hair.

   He wears seven knives behind his back, the word "Iron" on his right shoulder, and horn marks on his left cheek.

   That's right, he is the eight-tailed man Juli-Kirabi!

  Kiraby has almost stayed in this place since the peace time, because he is the eight-tailed man Zhuli. The four generations of Raikage emphatically explained that he was not allowed to leave the island without his order. It can be said that the foot is in disguise.

   Just when he was practicing rap as usual, two uninvited guests came to the door.

  Ghost and Itachi walked slowly in front of Kirabi.

  Gui Hao smiled and bared his fangs.

   "Yo~Yawei Ren Zhuli, hello."

  Kiraby looked at the foreheads on the heads of Ghost Shark and Itachi and knew that these two people were betrayers.

   But at this moment, he still doesn't know Akatsuki organization.

   Kirabi uses a strange rap accent to communicate.

   "Oh~ two weird black robes! Looks like rebellious Shinobu! It's hard to do! The person who is not good, Shinobu meets! The gorgeous Yao is not afraid to challenge! Oye!"

  Gui Hao frowned, but the next moment, he still smiled heartily.

   "It's really a weird guy."

   The ghost shark took off the big sword shark muscle and pointed at Kirabi.

   "Sorry, I don't want to listen to you rap, I just want to use your tail beast."

  Kirabi was taken aback, and vomited inwardly.

   These two guys are really not at all polite!

   He instantly drew the seven knives behind his back, and in an extremely strange posture, he instantly combined the eight knives around his body.

   "Hachigaya Yalu! Ko's Yalu! I'm Kirabi Yamei! I want a tail beast! Let’s try my gorgeous Shichidori first!"

   Guikun narrowed his eyes, he did not underestimate Kirabi's strange posture.

   And Kirabi, because he felt a dangerous aura from these two men, he started the game with almost normal full force.

  Kira turned like a whirlwind top.

   Seven knives are in different positions on the body, making different trajectories.

  Just looking at the sword road, it is complicated and difficult to figure out, and it is impossible to guess what the next sword trajectory will look like.

   But the ghost is also a master with a knife, and he is right without fear.

   Compared with Kirabi's sword skills, the ghost sword skills are more powerful.

   and the ghosts are also very clever, and will always fight Kiraby's key.

   Because of the force of the knife, it is harder to connect to the next blow than it is.

  Because this blow was at the most critical point, Kirabi lost the chance to connect forever.

   Moreover, every time he fights, Kirabi will feel that his Chakra has been sucked away.

   Realizing that something was wrong, Kirabi finally gave up the skill competition and assigned Lei Dun Chakra to the knife.

   "Ultrasound shock thunder and escape the knife!"

  Kirabi saw a moment, and stabbed it fiercely with a knife in his hand.

   Seeing the momentum, the ghost shark was a little uncomfortable, and immediately put the shark muscle flat on the block.

   However, the super-sonic shock thunder knife with Lei Dun Chakra not only strengthens the sharpness of the knife, but also triggers high-frequency vibration waves, so that it has a penetrating power that surpasses the wind.

   A knife plunged directly into the shark muscle, causing pain in the shark muscle, and the black bandage began to spill.

   Now Kirabi was surprised.

   This knife is alive! ?

   In the next second, Kirabi felt the chakra flow quickly inside his body, and quickly released his hand.

   And the ghost shark also smiled, holding the shark muscle and slashing it, cutting off Kirabi who was too late to dodge, cutting a few bloodstains, and throwing him out.

   Qi Rabbi got up instantly, looking at the extra scratches on his arm, and then at the fully alive muscle in the hand of the ghost shark.

   He immediately stood up, raised his hands and clenched fists, and Chakra started to boil all over.

   "A monster-like knife! Then I have to dispatch the eighth knife too! That's my uncle Kirabi Yao! Hey~ yeah!"


   A terrifying wave of air churned, and a dark red chakra coat appeared on Kirabi's body, and the start was six tails!

   But it is far from enough, because he intends to quickly solve the ghost shark, after all, there is another person who threatens him.

   He knew that where that person should be guarding was to prevent him from escaping, but they were wrong, and they didn't do it to him together!

   He wants to open the next level form of the final form.

   Call it the humanoid tail beast form!

   It is necessary to solve the ghost shark in front of you with one blow!


   An amazing Chakra came out, and the seventh and eighth tails gradually appeared behind Bi's back. The eight tails rolled up his whole body and opened up again.

   He has completed the change!

   Chirabi now has a pair of white beast bones attached to his body. The dark red tail beast coat has corroded the skin of the whole body, covered with dark red fluid chakra, like an eight-tailed demon.

  Gui Hao looked at Kirabi's form, a little surprised.

  【Having such a strong chakra, can he still be rational? 】

   Then the ghost shark smiled, this time the shark muscles may have to be eaten.

   Now Kirabi can't see people at all. He breathed out a breath of white heat, stepped on both feet, and the ground broke and rushed directly to the ghost at a very fast speed.

So fast!

  Ghost only had time to lift the knife to block the grid.

   The next moment, Kirabi had already hit him one by one.

  The violent collision caused the shark muscle to scream, and the ghost shark couldn't resist it, feeling the internal organs shaking, and a mouthful of blood came out.

After   , the ghost shark with the sword and the man was directly knocked out, leaped tens of meters, and directly hit the mountain.


   Rocks splashed between the mountains, landslides were fierce, and a huge hole was smashed out.

  Gui Shao struggled and stood up, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

   "Heh~ It's really a terrible force. You can't head-on."

   "In this way, he must not be completely beastified, otherwise he will be in trouble!"

   When Kirabi was about to take advantage of the victory, he suddenly felt a needle-like gaze.

   Kirabi turned his head, saw the man who had been watching the battle silently, and opened the writing wheel.

  Kiraby was surprised, he knew the identity of the man in front of him in a moment.

   After all, it’s easy to guess, it’s Konoha Ninja and writing round eyes, only the Uchiha clan!

   Now there are only two people left in the Uchiha clan, and this person is undoubtedly the murderer of the Uchiha clan!

   Uchiha Itachi!


   The ghost shark fell from the air to the ground, and the clothes on his body had become tattered.

   He still has a smile on his face.

   "Mr. Itachi, it's still not your turn to take the shot. You know I will use that one."

   Itachi nodded, followed by a few consecutive jumps, away from here.

   Kirabi looked at the ghost shark in front of him with some solemnity.

  Ghostfish had already formed the seal in advance, and he held the seal in his hand.

   opened the blood basin and spit into the sea.


   In fact, there are also waters just need to release the water and rush the waves carefully.

   However, Shijima stole enough Chakra for him, and he said to spend it casually.

  In an instant, most of Yunlei Gorge was submerged by the sea.

   But it's not over yet!

   Water prison shark!

   The super large amount of water instantly fixed into a huge ellipsoidal water prison, with a radius of several miles, and the whole water prison envelops the ghost shark and Kirabi.

   The process is very fast. When Kirabi felt bad, he couldn't get rid of it. He was trapped in this water prison!

   At this time, the ghost shark has long been fused with the shark muscle in the dungeon, turning into a half-mermaid. In this form, he can absorb the enemy's Chakra through skin contact.

   And in this field, the mermaid, his speed can be said to have reached an extreme!

   Instead, Kirabi was trapped in a water prison and his movements were greatly restricted.


   The ghost shark quickly swam past, and directly hit Kiraby's body, this time there seemed to be nothing.

   Kirabi’s tail beast coat protected him very well, but he could feel the rapid passing of Chakra.

   Soon, the second hit, the third hit, and then came.

   And Kiraby’s tail beast Chakra finally couldn’t hold on, and was completely absorbed.

   The whole person was forced to exit the tail beast mode.


  Ghost Grinning grinned, once again, like a water arrow, he quickly slammed Kirabi's back with a knife-like back.

   This time, Kirabi, who was unprotected, felt that his internal organs had been injured, and couldn't help but vomited a bit of blood.

   After a few more collisions, Kirabi fainted directly.


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