, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the second girl's Naruto Journey!

That's right, even if the flying segment is gone, the girl nowadays has almost consumed her strength!

He was a man behind the scenes, and he didn't believe it. With many years of combat experience and various ninjutsu, she will not be able to beat her!

Bring the soil to look at the blood stains in his hand.

This is one of the proofs!

Looking at the soil that seemed to be very excited, Kawasaki Yaxin was a little unhappy.

"What do you seem to have misunderstood?"

Bringing a smile, his eyes full of killing intent: "What did you misunderstand? What do you think is a misunderstanding?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't say anything, her body's energy exploded again, her eyes flashed with red and blue pupils!

In an instant, the familiar golden-red energy gauze once again covered the girl's body.

At the same time, that amazing momentum reappeared! The endless energy response like the sea radiated from the little girl's body!

Then, the girl tilted her head and looked at the dirt blankly.

"The death source energy is gone, it's good if the Eye of Death is released once. It's not that you can't enter it again. After all, this mode is originally a normal full power mode."

Daito's excited eyes became stiff in an instant, and the mouth in the mask opened slightly.

Instantly into the full liberation mode of the Eye of Death?

Just normal mode?

Then why did you sing for so long just now?


Then what was your lack of energy just now?


Play nm! ! !

The mentality of taking the soil collapsed!

Just as Ji Tu was impatient and fell into despair again.

An angry voice came.

"Asshole! You asshole! You actually use me as a shield!"

Turning his head and looking around, he saw a person standing not far away in a shabby Akatsuki costume with messy hair and scorched face.

However, Tai Tu was excited again, and he looked at his own bloodstains with joy on his face.

still have a chance!

At this time, Fei Duan came over without anyone else, grabbing the soiled sleeves and lifting it up!

"You bastard! Chiliquala...*@ヾ???*??ˋ??*?"

Taking the soil did not pay attention to the flying section, but tilted his head and looked at the girl from the side of the flying section.

It was discovered that the girl had no intention of attacking at all, just looking at them with a bored expression on her face.

Dai Tu breathed a sigh of relief, then looked back at the flying section of resentment and chattering in front of him.

Fei Duan is still scolding.

"I must cut you off! Then sacrifice blood to Lord Cthulhu!"

"Stop! Flying section!"

The Shalun's eyes with earthy eyes looked directly at Feiduan's eyes, with a very sincere attitude.

"If I don't let you come out and block the blow, I will die, and you will be trapped in that space forever. If you say that, you should understand!

And now is not the time to say this, the person who made your face catch the energy ball is the girl. "

Following the gesture with soil, Feiduan turned around and looked at the girl.

Muhua Saki Yashin smiled, waved to Feiduan, and said hello gently.

It's like meeting friendly neighbors.

Whether it's the flying section or the soil, it feels inexplicably contradictory.

We are enemies, and we are fighting in deep water.

The two murmured inwardly and resumed their conversation again.

Bringing the soil asked casually.

"Fei Duan, how did you survive? I thought you were blown to pieces!"

Speaking of this, Fei Duan is angry.

"Huh! If it didn't fly halfway, the energy ball would leave my face, I guess I would tell you what it was! It would be shattered!"

Yes, it is a bit outrageous to say that the energy ball is pressed against the Fei Duan's face and flies. After all, the energy ball does not have much viscosity, but the momentum is too strong, and the Fei Duan flew for a certain distance.

Then, the flight segment deviated from its orbit and survived.

Even so, Fei's head was still buzzing, and it took a long time to recover.

Did not say that much with the soil, directly handed the Kuwu in his hand to Fei Duan.

"Forget it, it's too late to say more! Cast a spell!"

Fei Duan took over Kuwu and looked at the blood stains on it, somewhat speechless.

"Too little, right? Give it to me later, it's probably done!"

"It's pretty good if you have it! You still dislike it! Do you know how much effort it took? Five shadows! Madara! And me! Even your hard work has earned such a little result!"

Bringing soil is a bit hateful of iron and not steel, because this bit of blood is really too difficult.

Feiduan looked at Tai Tu's excitement, curled his scorched mouth, and without hesitation, directly began to draw the spell formation on the ground.

With soil on the side, she looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin very friendly and nodded.

As if nothing happened.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also gave face, did not do anything, watching Fei Duan draw the spell array with interest.

"Is this a pattern for casting a spell?"

The girl's curious and light voice was clearly conveyed to the ears of the earth and flying section.

Bringing earth to a spirit, suddenly with an invisible smile, her eyes softly looked at the girl: "No, it's just a very ordinary drawing."

The girl sighed softly: "Ah~ Really?"

At this time, the flying section is drawn. It was originally a circle and a triangle, and it will become familiar quickly.

He looked at the girl casually.

"Yes, this is my spell!"

Take soil surprised.

what are you saying?

However, the girl didn't move, had no intention of attacking, she still watched with interest.

"A curse that uses blood as a medium?"

Fei Duan answered honestly, but arrogantly.

"It seems that you understand well! That's right, this is my spell! The death division is based on blood!"

"It's a technique that can make people feel pain deeply."

After the Fei section was finished, he gave a strange laugh.

However, the girl still looked as usual, with her little hand resting on her cheek, and she answered casually.

"Really good..."

Bring the soil stunned.

really good! ?

Feidan ignored the girl anymore and concentrated on preparing the secret technique. He took out Kuwu, wiped the blood of Kuwu, and put it in his mouth to taste it. Then, he closed his eyes and became intoxicated.

"Um... the smell of blood!"

Fei Duan opened his eyes fiercely, staring at Muhua Saki Yaxin, and at the same time he activated the technique, Fei Duan's body became very terrifying, like an evil **** possessed.

"It's delicious! Lord Cthulhu will definitely like it!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin was not scared at all, she raised her small head slightly in surprise: "Huh~Really?"

The girl asked curiously.

"What is the name of your evil god? Maybe I have met with him before."

Bringing the soil looked at the girl's weird and abnormal appearance, dumbfounded at the same time.

I felt a little flustered.

He felt like he hadn't noticed some details...

Fei Duan also didn't intend to tell the girl the meaning of the name of her own evil god, but took out a black spear as usual.

"I will sacrifice your soul to Lord Cthulhu, then you will know!"

With that said, Feiduan held a black spear at his heart, and was about to stab him fiercely!

At this moment, Dai Tu suddenly remembered something!

He slammed into Fei Duan!

Fei Duan's body trembled, and the black spear plunged directly into the chest beside the heart.


Blood splattered out!

Feudan was angry: "What are you doing? Interrupting the Cthulhu ritual will have serious consequences!"

After finishing ~www.readwn.com~ Fei Duan looked at the red-stained piece of soiled chest, a little stunned.

With the soil feeling the pain in his chest, he was also a little stunned.

He just thought of this plant, but he didn't expect that it was like this!

The two turned their heads and looked at the girl who was still smiling.

The girl still had a pure smile.

Think of the behavior of the girl just now.

Tai Tu shuddered unconsciously.

This time, he saw the girl's pure pupils and saw that her purely "play"!

She has been playing!

play! ! !

Play them like fools! ! !


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