The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 195: He's here again

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! A girl with a bad personality!

Looks a little hairy with soil!

He finally knew what it meant to feel that life was not in his hands.

Yes it is!

He has noticed it!

There is a girl in front of her, who can always kill herself at any time!

However, she seems more willing to play with it!

Play with the enemy for your own pleasure!

I am just an ant that amused in her eyes!

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the two of them in a daze, and smiled slightly.

"Ahhh~ your little tactics, of course, cannot work under the wisdom of my death eye."

Bringing the soil to look at this girl, from the beginning, he always felt that the girl was just a strong, but a cute and powerful faction!

All kinds of meaningless fake actions illustrate this.

Now it looks like this...

This girl has always been playing with him!

Seeing through the girl, Tai Tu now only feels the bone-to-sweet coolness, her body is trembling slightly, and her heart is hairy.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also put away the playful expression, and looked at the two with a smile.

"Well. The two people who are linked to the soul yoke, as long as one person is hurt, the other person will also be hurt.

That said, my injury suddenly doubled. "

Fei Duan was the first to react, picking up his **** March sickle, and rushing over it without fear of death!

"Maotou boy, I'm going to smash the pulpy flour of your cooking to pieces and gooey!"

Tai Tu wanted to stop him, Fei Duan still had his spell hanging on his body, he might not die, but he might just be gone.

He took a step, stretched out his hand slightly, and in a blink of an eye he remembered the teasing battles with the girl...

In the end, he didn't stop it, and put his hand back.

Maybe, I really want to stop here...

With three steps of Chaoyong Fei Duan, he stepped directly in front of Muhua Sakuya's mind, and the **** March sickle slashed away directly!

Muhua Saki Yexin's face remained unchanged, her fingers lifted lightly, a little bit in the void!


The **** March sickle is directly in front of you!

Fei Duan held it in both hands and couldn't move a bit with the force of feeding.

"Asshole! Move me!"

Muhua Saki looked at him, her eyes were quite boring, she even yawned: "It's too weak, is your evil **** just like that?"

"Only in this way, I don't even have the qualifications to be sealed by my eye of death."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin waved his finger lightly again.

The next moment, the energy exploded after the void.

The fierce strength is instantly transmitted to the three-star sickle.

Only heard.


There was a crisp sound of metal cracking.

Flying **** March sickle's blade cracked, and even the long stick body broke apart.

A cloud of blood mist exploded from Fei's wrist, the tiger's mouth broke, and his palm could not be held. When he jumped by this force, the finger bones became distorted, and the entire palm was distorted and twisted in a distorted manner.

The whole person couldn't help but took two steps back.

Then, Fei Duan only felt a rush of heat in his body, and when he opened his mouth, he vomited a mouthful of thick blood...

Fei Duan was still very hideous in front of him, wiped the blood from his mouth with a crooked hand, and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin fiercely.


Fei Duan is not afraid at all, the hands are useless, the weapons are useless, and there are teeth!

He is like the evil spirit Shura, rushing forward again, opening his mouth like a bite!


Air meal!

Fei Duan suddenly opened his mouth, unable to move even a muscle, and froze in place. The only thing he could move was those fierce eyes!


Muhua Sakiya stared directly at him with the eyes of the **** evil ghost without fear.

"Hmph~ It really is the evil Great Evil God Darkness, and his body is full of evil and dark aura."

"My eye of death will not place your filthy and dirty souls!"

"Such a soul! It must be purified!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly hit his teeth with an energy ball, and then the familiar ball took his face away again.

Moreover, this time, there will be no fluke.

Because the flying distance is very short.

Flying obliquely and landing on the ground tens of meters!


The explosion engulfed the surroundings.

The exploded blood splashed on the mask with dirt, and slowly flowed down the outline of the mask.

Dai Tu's eyes were still calm, calmly looked a little cold.

"So, are you going to purify me too?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes were different and the pure and bright eyes seemed to see through the soul with soil.

"You are a fallen human being, although you are a poor guy who has been used by others. However, the crimes you committed have long been impossible to forgive."

Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand to the soil.

"So, I'm sorry. I still want to purify your fallen soul."

When Dai Tu heard the words "utilization" and "poor", he was a little sensitive, and became a little excited inexplicably.

"Used? Poor? Fallen? Is this the word you attached to me? Do I play this role in your game?"

Said with the soil coldly.

"So what is depravity? Why am I pitiful? Do you think you have seen everything? Is it just your imagination? A game?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin paused, looking at Taito's eyes.

"My eyes of death can see through the existence of time. Naturally, I can see through the hearts of mortals.

The Eye of Conviction is just like you, but it's just an irrational paranoia, and it's just a rule to enforce a sentence for one's own desires.

What is ridiculous is that you like this still keep talking about the hypocrisy of the world. "

Dai Tu was stunned, and he looked at the girl in front of him with a dull expression.

The girl continued.

"In any case, people like you are pathetic, but even more hateful. People in the world who are more miserable than you have everything, and there are countless warm and kind people."

"But, you rely on the love you do! The love you think is an excuse to ignore the lives of happy people! Throw the whole world into a false world?"

"You have no right to decide for them!"

Looking at the girl with the soil, she gradually closed her eyes and said slowly.

"The false world, if it is really beautiful, no one will yearn for it. If the world is so beautiful, just eliminate the world's disputes."

"This is not my selfish desire."

Dai Tu opened his eyes, a little bit firm in his eyes.

Muhuasaki Yaxin curled his lips: "Speaking of a lot, it's not a part of being used by others. Anyway, when your soul has fallen to the point of killing your mother, your sins will be irreparable."

"So, you should be purified obediently."

With that, Muhua Saki Yexin's small hand lit up a magic circle, and one of the energy **** slowly condensed.

Looking at the girl like this with the soil, she was a little stuck.

"No... shouldn't you argue with me?"

Muhua Saki Yexin looked serious.

"The villain died of talking too much! You talk too much!"

He smacked with dirt.

He always feels that this sentence is a bit wrong?

However, in the face of life and death crisis, he didn't feel too much thinking.

But thinking about the way to break the game.

"Purification is ready!"

The girl shouted you ready? "

Anxious with the soil, he immediately replied: "No! I'm not ready!"

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly started the countdown.



In an instant, Muhua Saki Yaxin's small hand magic circle radiated.

The soil was lifted and blocked by this strong light!

Tai Tu once again entered the memories like a horse and a flower.

However, he didn't wait long for his memories!

A huge blue samurai sword fell to the sky.


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