The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 196: I recognize you! The eye of death!

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A huge samurai several hundred meters high as a god, hovering in the air, holding a huge blue samurai sword with a length of more than one hundred meters and fell through the air. It's like cutting through the sky, and splitting the world in half!

It's on Muhua Sakiya's heart!

However, facing such a powerful blow.

In the dirt right in front of the girl, I saw the corners of the girl's slightly raised mouth.

With soil eyes opened slightly.

She is laughing!

She had expected it a long time ago?

Sure enough, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly gave up the purification zone and turned around slightly.

In an instant, there seemed to be layers of afterimages, and what the girl left in place was just a messy afterimage.

The huge katana directly fell through!

However, there is a very serious problem.

The soil is right in front of the girl! ! !

If the girl didn't intend to block...

Looking at the katana that was about to stick to his face with the soil, he felt a little cold in his heart.

At this moment, he can't blur, and at this distance, the speed of the knife falling is not what he can hide.

[It turns out that the girl used Madara's hand to purify me? 】

Such a sentence flashed in Dai Tu's heart, and the next moment the huge blade pressed it down, drowning him!


The katana slashed deep into the ground!

The ground cracked instantly! Mud and rocks splashed and the ground vibrated violently!

A blue ray of sword energy flew forward along the samurai sword! A bottomless ravine was drawn on the ground and flew to the far end.

At this time, the hundreds of meters in the sky Suzuo Nenghu also fell heavily to the ground!

Bang! ! !

The ground shook violently, and the gravel was shaken to an altitude of hundreds of meters!

In the transparent cockpit of the diamond-shaped jewel above Suzuo Nohu, Madara frowned and looked at a gully cut out by him in front of him!

He also knew that instead of hitting the girl, he chopped off the soil.

But isn't that guy's writing wheel eyes able to hide himself in the space?

Madara couldn't figure it out, he knew that the knife just now was really cut, and now the soil...

Madara looked at the bottomless gully on the ground and fell into silence.

It is estimated that there is no scum left...

Although, he has been using the soil, but...

Forget it, die if you die.

Madara was no longer thinking about the mess with the soil, and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin in a blink of an eye.

Muhua Saki Yexin put her hands free, and placed her at random beside her, wrapped in gold-red energy gauze, floating lightly in the air.

A rainbow-colored band of light seemed to be refracted by this light in the air.

The girl stepped on the light belt, smiling.

"It seems that you are not satisfied with my gift."

When she heard the girl's words, Madara's eyes became much colder.

Then he seemed to think of something particularly interesting, and chuckled lightly.

He once again turned back to the arrogant Uchiha Madara, holding his arms around his chest.

"Only with that gift! I recognize you! The kid who brought the soil is right! Your strength is indeed comparable to the former me and Zhujian!"

"But that's just who I used to be!"

"And now..."

Madara spread his hand and slowly raised it to the sky.

"I have gone beyond the pillars!"

With that, Madara's eyes turned into reincarnation eyes, and the majestic pupil power exploded!

"Thanks to the sky!!!"

The next moment, the sky is dark! The sunlight completely disappeared.

Above the sky in between, a huge meteorite that obscured the sky fell.

This is the Heavenly Obstacle Star that Madara has used with all his strength, and this meteorite is far twice as big as the original!

Muhua Saki Yexin looked up at the huge meteorite falling from the sky, her mouth slightly opened, a little surprised.

"Wow~ Little rocks fell from the sky."

Speaking of Muhua Saki Yaxin, raised his palm, facing the huge meteorite in the sky, a circle of magic circles spread out in front of his palm, the magic circle extended hundreds of meters, and the huge aperture was bigger than the meteorite.

"The Star of Futu Chuangmiaoguang Wheel!!!"

The girl screamed sweetly!

The next moment, a star-like energy ball with a shining fiery red light condensed in front of her palm.

In the next moment, the fierce and violent energy that leaked brought a layer of pressure, stirred up heavy air waves, and flew away from the girl's palm with the "stars" with circles of stars!

With a flash of light!

The star instantly hit the sky and a meteorite.

Although the small "stars" are shining brightly, they are relative to the huge meteorites.

Basically inconspicuous!

But the next moment!

A huge burst of light! The golden red light illuminates the entire sky and drowns the entire huge meteorite!

The next moment, the sun from the sky fell on the ground again, and the world regained its brightness.

The meteorite that used to be in the sky has completely disappeared, and there is not even a trace of soot left.

You must know that even if a powerful explosion of energy destroys the meteorite, at least some rubble will be scattered due to the explosion, and there will be smoke and dust no matter how bad it is.

However, after the meteorite was destroyed by the explosion of that "new star", there was not even a bit of ash left!

What does this show!

This shows the terrifying power of this "star"!

That terrifying force that annihilated everything to nothingness!

Madara watched his pupils shrink slightly, this blow made him really understand the power of an attack!

He already enjoys such an attack (gift).

At that time, the girl had charged her energy for a while, and she said a lot of unclear words.

According to the current situation, the girl actually doesn't need to be charged for the blow just now!

In other words, there is less time to accumulate energy and can be ignored!

So, it shows that the girl has the means of attack that can destroy him and her complete body at any time!

Madara looked sharply at the girl who seemed to be smiling!

"This kind of power! It's the level of the six immortals! It seems that you have reached my realm too!"

Muhua Sakuya was stunned.

Still in the same state?

She laughed, smiling very happily, just laughed for a while, then her face turned serious, she said seriously!

"Hmph~ You really value yourself too much! My Eye of Death is the strongest, strongest and strongest in all realms!

Do you think that the eye of reincarnation is a magical eye? But it's just a lower-level magic eye!

The six immortals too? It's just a mortal who has gained the strength to be promoted to a junior little fairy.

Don't compare me to him!

My eye of death is countless higher than him!


Facing the girl's serious tone, Madara smiled, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, she has always seemed to be a playful girl, but she suddenly changed her attitude when she was mentioned.

Then it means that what he said has stepped on a thread in her heart!

Madara said in a hurry:

"One God desires Differentiating Yin and Yang, repulsing two forces, and becoming one.

Naidsen is all about everything. This principle applies to everything.

What it celebrates is that if the two forces can work together... you can get the true power of the immortal! That is the power to achieve everything! "

"After the battle between the pillars, I gained this power! Sensual and all-encompassing!"

As he said, Madara made a seal with one hand and shouted, "I also got the mystery of the Six Dao Immortals!"

next moment!

Numerous tadpole-like array patterns in the void unfolded, forming a psychic array!

"Psychic art! Outer Golem!"

next moment!

A huge huge humanoid monster fell from the sky!


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