The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 198: I can fight you for a year!

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For Kihana Saki Yaxin and Daito, they have been fighting against Madara until now.

In fact, the Ninja Allied Forces have long discovered it!

After all, the movement is too big!

In order to assist Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Tsunade assembled Gokage and Kakashi's third unit for the first time!

Because the third unit was the closest, it was like this, the Five Shadows led a large group of people to the battlefield where Muhuasaki Yaxin was located.

But soon it was difficult for them to move forward.

The first wave is a violent shock wave!

It is a shock wave that directly lifts the land!

The Yannin in the large army are all in front, and they release the earth flow wall together to withstand the impact!

However, how long did the second wave hit?

The third wave...

Although they all resisted, the further forward, the greater the power of the aftermath.

Tsunade and Gokage decided it was all five of them!

The third troop returns to the spot!

Because of this kind of battle!

The number of people is of no use!

It is a cumbersome!

With that, Kakashi and Kay and some elites who thought they were helpful also followed.

In this way, Wuying led a team of elites to the battlefield of Muhuasaki Yaxin.

at the same time!

In a battlefield not far from Madara and Maiden.

With Mimi's outcropping, I saw a tail beast jade flying over.

Dai Tu shrank his head in fright, and let the tail beast jade fly over with his scalp.

Wait for the tail beast jade to fly away and bring the soil to wake up.

Yes, I seem to be able to use blur.

The tail beast jade flew directly outside.

Coincidentally, Tsunade and the others encountered one on their way forward!

The tail beast jade brought a violent wave of air along the way, hitting everything on the ground, cutting a gully and flying in the direction of Tsunade and the others.

"Be careful!"

Wuying became vigilant.

However, the flying height of the tail beast jade must not be able to hit them, but the violent waves it brought up hit them.

They subconsciously watched the tail beast jade flying towards the rear.

Until the bombardment hit a mountain!

boom! !

The light waves of the explosion covered several hills, and in an instant, the hills became the bottom of the disk.

Five Shadows complexion is solemn!

Kakashi and Kay are in a heavy mood!

"This kind of power! We are not much better if we are affected!"

Kai looked solemn, but he didn't have any discouragement, raised his fist, and said to Kakashi!

"It seems that the enemy is very powerful! I have to release a thousand percent of my passionate youth!"

Kakashi looked at Kay's appearance and smiled.

"I think maybe we go to the battlefield, the battle has been ended by Xiao Yexin?"

Tsunade and the others didn't say much, and once again ran toward the battlefield!

Kakashi looked at Tsunade's back and took a deep breath.

"let's go!"

However, this moment!

The huge little sun exploded!

The white light shock wave instantly covered more than ten kilometers!

Bringing the soil to open the virtual scene to watch the theater, it is not virtual at all, it is very leisurely.

But Tsunade and Gokage...

And Kakashi, they are not lucky!

Their location is within this distance!

this moment! They only saw the world-destroying white light, annihilating everything in front of them, and rushing towards them!

Extremely fast!

At this moment, Kakashi stood in front of Kai, and the three-gouyu jade round eyes in his eyes instantly turned into a kaleidoscope writing round eyes!


Suddenly I felt heart palpitations.

what happened?

Did something happen?

His whole body was hidden in the divine power space, so he had the vision of the divine power space, so he saw the white light and heat shock wave that appeared out of thin air!

this moment!

There is a blank inside the soil brain.

There is only one curse in my head!

"I'm Gan! Kakashi!!"

The next moment, white light flooded his body. Outside, he seemed to have his body hit. He flew directly to the side, his clothes burned, and his mask shattered directly, revealing his original face.

He couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

After the white light shock wave ends.

Kakashi stood in front of Kay, panting weakly, the next moment he wanted to fall.

But Kay held Kakashi from behind, and he looked at the weak Kakashi anxiously.

"How are you! Kakashi!"

"I'm okay, I just overuse the writing wheel a little bit."

With that, Kakashi raised his strength, stood up, and looked at the surrounding environment, his pupils gradually enlarged.

The ground under their feet was intact, leaving a small high platform, almost just enough for the two of them to stand.

The ground beside it is basically a deep depression.

They are like stepping on a pole.

Except for the pillars under their feet, the basically smooth ground around them seemed to be such a wasteland.

Kakashi can believe that the area covered by this shock wave is very large!

Kai looked at the horrible scene and was a little stunned: "What an amazing destructive power!"

Kakashi suddenly remembered.

"Where are the Five Shadows?"

"Quickly, find them!"

At this time, the ground was shaking violently again.

Above this stone pillar, they were regarded as standing high, and they directly saw a terrifying explosion light wave rising from the edge of the field of vision.

Kakashi settled.

There must be a place where Saki Kihana Yashin fought with the enemy!

But he didn't think too much, and He Kai jumped directly off the small stone pillar to find the Five Shadows.

Soon they found the Five Shadows covered in smoke and dust not far away.

When Kakashi ran over, Tsunade and Raikage stood up.

Lei Ying couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

Tsunade looked gray and gray, but he didn't seem to have any injuries.

In a place farther away, we found Ohnogi, Gaara, and Terumi Mei.

It also seems to be slightly injured.

Tsunade must have turned on Yin Fengyun at this time, and both she and Raikage had resisted the past abruptly.

Onoki hurriedly started the demarcation technique and the shock wave! Gaara and Terumi Mei hid behind Ohnoki.

Because it was opened in a hurry, it was not ready.

So Onoki hasn't spelled it before, but he has mostly offset it.

Almost nothing happened to them.

However, confidence was hit.

The five shadows looked at the roar of the sky in the distance, silently.

They all suspected that if they got closer, they would be crushed to death by the aftermath of their fight like ants on the ground.

Death is worthless, death is silent...

Onoki said bitterly, "Do we... still have the need for the past?"

"The star wheel of transcending heaven and earth! Put the enemy in front of you under your brilliance!"

In an instant, the cascading magic circle stretched out, and an energy ball with a light wheel flew out!

Madara did not hesitate to control the Prestige·Outdoor Golem and fight with the tail beast jade!

next moment!

Two **** butt!

boom! !

The violent explosion once again lifted the ground rock and soil.

The water that just gushed out of the ground was instantly dissipated by the shock wave!

The Vizou·Outdoor Golem was affected by the light, and the armor of Susano Nohu was shattered, but he soon began to recover.

Madara controlled the outer golem and blasted the petite figure with a punch, and the thunder and lightning continued to radiate on his back!

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and a magic circle unfolded in front of him!

The fist and thunder and lightning were blocked instantly.

The surge of air!

The aftermath of the confrontation blew up the ground rock around the two! The ground was lifted off again!

Afterwards, Madara controlled the Golem Statue and pushed back two steps, watching Hemuhua Saki Yaxin, still maintaining an arrogant posture.

"Huh! I can confirm your strength!"

"I Uchiha Madara! I would like to call you the strongest ninja!"

Kihana Saki Yashin was a little happy to hear Uchiha Madara’s praise, UU Reading www. always feels that some achievements have been achieved.

"The strongest ninja? I don't need you to prove this name. After all, I am a ninja with eyes of death!"

When Madara heard the girl's words, she continued to maintain her arrogant posture, holding her arms around her chest.

"The strongest ninja may not be able to defeat me in this state. I am in the state of rebirth, Chakra is unlimited!"

As he said, the prestige-outdoor golem under Ban's feet began to charge the tail beast jade again, and the thunder behind it began to riot!

"So, I can fight you for a year! But how long can you hold on?"

In the next moment, Tail Beast Jade and Thunder burst out again!

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