The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 199: I don't know how to die

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Kihana Saki looked at the arrogant Uchiha Madara, a little angry. The cheeks bulged, looking at Madara angrily.

Facing the flying thunder and tail beast jade, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly opened the eyes of death.

I saw the world covered by dead lines in an instant!

The girl raised her hand and stroked in the void.


It seems that the space is screaming!

next moment!

Uchiha Madara saw the girl cut through the space with her finger, revealing a void like a dark abyss.

Then, the thunder and tail beast jade that flew to the girl in front of them disappeared out of thin air!

Disappear out of thin air without warning!

If it's just tail beast jade, it's fine!

But Thunder is the technique that he controls the external golem to release all the time!

But it seemed to be cut off by something, and the signal he controlled was also cut off.

It's weird!

Madara narrowed his eyes, carefully observing the girl in front of him, recalling all the details just now.

She cut the space with her fingers?

Is it temporal and spatial technique?

"Are you afraid? Seeing the power of my eye of death, do you know that you are insignificant?"

At this time, the girl's arrogant female voice reached Madara's ear.

Madara looked at the girl who held her head proudly, with her unusual eyes.

He saw the twin pupils of different colors for the first time.

However, looking at this power, the so-called Eye of Death really is a very strong boundary of blood succession!

Muhua Saki Yashin continued: "Under the power of my death, you will be killed by me in an instant!

But speaking of it, the audience is ready, and I really don't want to play. "

Madara was stunned.

"Are the audience in place?"

Madara looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin solemnly: "What do you mean!?"

Muhua Saki Yexin's little hand fluffed the hair between her eyebrows, and joked, "I just played enough ducks."

next moment!

Saki Yashin mischievously blinked at Uchiha Madara with his left eye.

For an instant, Madara felt as if he had been seen by something terrifying!

Whether it is the body or the soul, even as small as every cell!

They are telling him that he is facing an absolutely deadly danger!

next moment!

He found that he seemed to be slowly dissipating.

Madara raised his hand and looked at his arm slowly drifting away like smoke.

He couldn't believe it.

"What's wrong with me? The filthy reincarnation is lifted? No! No!"

Madara looked at the girl.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin is still holding a mischievous smile.

Madara didn't believe that he was killed like this!

He has no idea what happened!


Madara's eyes are wide open!

[Izana trick! ! ! 】

For a moment!

The surrounding scene is blurred a bit!

After a while, one of Madara's eyes had turned white.

However, Madara's body still kept dissipating!

Madara was stunned, this technique is the real power of God!

He doesn't believe that he can miss it.

However, he just missed it!

Izanagi has no effect at all!

Now that Madara's body dissipated, only the head was left, and he still looked unbelievable.

Until it disappears completely...

Madara's soul also returned to the Pure Land in a dazed state...

Muhua Saki Yaxin could naturally see the soul and kill it, but she didn't kill it all either.

After all, Lord Ban is also a decent person.


The soil that was watching the battle in secret saw it, and hurriedly drove the teleportation to run away, waiting for the whirlpool to completely absorb himself into the divine power space.

Take the soil inside to feel a little relieved.

"Hello, fallen man."

The girl's sweet voice came from behind!

When the dirt complexion became stiff, he immediately turned his head! But the next moment, he saw a white and tender fist magnifying in front of his eyes!

Bang! ! !

Chakra is attached to the fist!

Punch into the flesh!

With a dirt nose splashed with blood and poured backwards.

Lying on the ground, with his brains still stunned.

How did this girl get in?

The next moment, the girl's head appeared from his field of vision, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and looked at the soil that was lying down: "I was brought here by your conviction eye technique that fell into the dark and fallen."

Bringing soil looked at the girl in front of him, the next moment he suddenly violent, grasping the girl's throat with one hand!

[Dare to get so close! Get rid of you in one go! 】

At this moment, the action with soil is like slow motion in Muhua Saki's eyes, and the number of frames is not as good as PPT.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin was even happier.

"You actually dare to resist, it's really commendable for courage."

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed her finger slightly!

In an instant, invisible fluctuations spread.

The soil-carrying movement stopped abruptly, maintaining a weird posture and staying in place, only the eyeballs could move.

Muhua Saki Yaxin put her finger on the soiled forehead, making a snap finger.

Take soil closed his eyes subconsciously.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin only flicked slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the girl familiarly took out the powder sandbag and began to draw a magic circle in this strange supernatural space.

Bring the soil slowly opened his eyes, seeing that everything was calm, his mind was stunned.

As he twisted his head, he saw Muhua Saki Yaxin who was drawing the magic circle.

"What are you doing? Are you not killing me?"

Muhua Sakiya answered directly without raising her heart.

"I'm just arranging some magic circles to purify the magic circles you use."

"Speaking of which, this is a rare magic circle for cursing."

With a confused expression on his face, Dai Tu shook his head and said to Muhua Saki Yaxin after his thoughts were clearer: "Hey! Stop playing! If you want to kill me! Hurry up!"

However, Muhana Saki Yaxin was devoting himself to the arrangement.

Soon after thirty seconds, she was finished.

But Taitu was pitifully frozen and spent this time.

Dai Tu said that he still didn't know how powerful those magic circles were!

Muhua Saki Yashin stood in front of the magic circle, looking at the soil in the center of the circle, her paws dancing in the air.

"The starry sky of endless darkness, the end of the world of endless light! Fall into dead silence under the eyes of my death! The power of ending! Judgment!"

Speaking of Muhua Saki, Ye Xin picked up two paws and fell heavily!

With the soil, I saw the powder used to draw the magic circle under my feet started to ignite!

next moment!

Bang! !

The soil disappeared in place.


In the outside world, the soil appears in place out of thin air.

Bringing the soil brain was stunned, looking at all the good surroundings, feeling a little at a loss.

"I'm here? I have stood up for a long time"

Immediately, Tai Tu became excited, and since he came out, it meant that the girl couldn't get out.

Just as he was feeling good about bringing the soil, the space in front of him suddenly cracked a gap, and a small hand stretched out from it so quickly that he grabbed the soil and instantly dragged him into the divine space! !

As soon as I entered, I saw the girl's smiling sample paper.

"Fallen humans, don't you feel surprised?"

Bringing the soil is almost vomiting, this girl is really still playing with him!

He looked at the girl and expressed his position seriously.

"Kill me! Don't torture me!"

Muhuasaki Yexin walked over and touched her head with dirt on her tiptoes, and said with a smile.

"Then you have to be good."

With that said, Tai Tu didn't speak any more, but just stared at the girl coldly.

Muhua Saki Yexin was not surprised, and said, "Then, let me purify your fallen soul."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised an energy ball!

With a cold sweat on his face.

"What a purification."

The next moment, the energy ball hit Dai Tu's face!


It exploded in an instant!


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