, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the second girl's Naruto Journey!

The so-called audience in place actually refers to Konoha's gang, who have actually come to the edge of the battlefield between Kohana Saki Yashin and Madara!

Five Shadows, Kakashi and Kai, standing on the edge of a giant crater, looking into the distance, you can see a giant standing in the distance between heaven and earth!

This is the center of the battlefield of Madara and Kawasaki Yashin.

Because the battle between the two was too loud, the aftermath destroyed and destroyed the ground!

The crater in this central area alone is five kilometers in diameter.

The giant they saw was Madara’s prestigious demon statue!

They watched the giant fighting against a little figure that was barely visible.

Immediately afterwards, the giant broke out, Chakra blasted out the tail beast jade and thunder!

I also saw the unique magic circle unfolded by Yashin Kihana!

However, they did not notice the explosion.

Next, the battle seemed to subside.

The armor on that giant was gone, and he didn't move anymore.

The fighting was gone.


Tsunade hurried along, looking at the battlefield in the distance with some worry.

[Xiao Ye Xin! Don't worry! 】

Kakashi and Terumi are also worried about them!

The center of the battlefield.

Some areas here have become magma lakes, and some are small lakes formed by the inversion of groundwater.

Over the lake, a scratch suddenly appeared in the void space. Two small white hands squeezed out of the scratch first, and then grasped one side with one hand, like a torn cloth, directly opening a large hole in the space.

Immediately, a small head poked out.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked around and found nothing, and then jumped out directly.

The space behind him is automatically stitched.

Kihana Saki Yexin stood on the surface of the water. The temperature of the water was very high, about 70° on average, braving a heat wave.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is not afraid, walking on the water, browsing the dilapidated ground around him.

"Well...it seems that Voldemort has run away. It's a pity."

Muhuasaki Yaxin immediately looked at the direction Tsunade and the others were coming from, and blinked.

"Then send a victory signal."

Immediately, the girl waved upward gently.

Rounds of magic circles unfolded on the spot, followed by a circling upward slowly!

The magic circle is hundreds of meters in diameter, and it flies into the sky. The bright magic circle is like a light bulb, very dazzling.

Tsunade and the others saw this scene in an instant.

Everyone was happy to see this scene, indicating that the girl is still alive!

After hearing the news, their steps seemed a lot lighter!

It probably took a few minutes.

Everyone came to the scene, here is another deep pit!

They stood on it, looked into the pit, and saw the girl at first glance.

However, after seeing the girl's actions, everyone's joyful faces became a little stiff.

I saw it.

Muhua Saki was playing with a stone, drawing on the ground, while humming leisurely.

And she was clean and tidy. Except for a dull hair that appeared a little messy, she didn't see anything like having gone through a big battle.

and then……

What is she doing...

She draws a magic circle on the ground! ! !

How did the girl draw the magic circle in this dilapidated terrain.

This requires a little skill.

The girl made good use of the magma lake and water lake, as well as the surrounding rocks, to splice the rocks one by one, and arrange them in the water and the magma, with a circle on the outside.

Then he wrote with stones, and moved the rocks on the magma lake with water.

Or use wind to engrave runes on the ground.

Gradually, half of the magma and half of the lake were surrounded by a circle, drawing a magic circle similar to the picture of Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish.


The revised version of Magic Array Tai Chi Yin and Yang Fish.

Tsunade and the others just watched the girl finish the painting in silence.

I have to say that when everyone saw this array, they all felt very beautiful and very good.


Didn’t you just beat to death?

Just now, there was still a fighting movement like destroying the world, but we came here to take a look, what are you doing leisurely drawing pictures?


Let Wuying and Kakashi, who had just rushed over at the risk of their lives, felt an indescribable depression in their hearts, as well as countless complaints.

Muhua Saki Yaxin carefully observed the array she had arranged, and there was basically no problem, except that the position of a stone was a little bit off.

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her hand, thumb up, index finger stretched out, and the remaining three fingers joined together, making a pistol-like gesture.

Aim at that stone.

A small drop of water condenses from the air at the fingertips.

Dub yourself.


Water drops flew out, and the "recoil" made the girl's fingertips rise.

The next moment, the rock was hit by drops of water and moved a little bit forward.

Then, the girl looked at the magic circle again, with her hands on her hips, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"The perfect water wheel returns to the Jedi wheel and sky array! Sure enough, only I can arrange it!"

Speaking, Yashin Kihana raised her head and turned to look at Tsunade and the others at a high place, showing a triumphant smile.

"You said, am I right."

Tsunade looked at the girl's innocent two-color eyes...

Ok? Two-color different pupils?

Forget it.

It is estimated that what is the technique of shining eyes.

Tsunade didn't care. Through the pair of different pupils and the white and tender face, she knew that this guy should not have been wronged.

She smiled and jumped down directly, and in the girl's dazed eyes, she hugged Muhua Saki Yaxin directly into her chest.

Tsunade said softly, "Thank you, Xiaoyaxin."

Muhua Saki pulled out her little head with difficulty, and looked at Tsunade ruddy.

Tsunade felt the girl's struggle and let go.

Muhua Saki Yaxin stepped back, looking a bit aggrieved at the big weapon.

"Sure enough, she is a witch! A great witch who will definitely endanger the world!"

Tsunade smiled, not paying attention to what Yashin said.

"Are the enemies resolved? Xiao Yexin."

When asked about this Muhua Saki Yexin, she was energetic, raised her head proudly, and smiled triumphantly.

"I am very sure of that.

It's just a simple thing, you see it too.

My eye of death has been completely liberated.

Such an enemy is nothing but a mess to me. "

Tsunade touched Mu Hansaki Yaxin's little head with satisfaction, and by the way crushed the dull hair. When she let go, Duan Mao rose again.

Tsunade looked a little curious, but still skillfully handed three sticks of candies to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yashin is also familiar with business, and directly took it and put it in her pocket.

The others also approached.

Kakashi directly proposed.

"Master Five Shadows, let's go back and talk more about it."

Everyone nodded.

This place is indeed not suitable for long stay.

The temperature of the air is terribly high, and it is not at all comfortable here.

Of course, a certain girl didn't realize it.


Back to the camp.

There was a small meeting.

The main thing is to recognize how far the war is now~www.readwn.com~ The current situation is.

The enemy Baijue force was directly annihilated by a fire-covered attack.

The behind-the-scenes man in high-end combat power theory has also been killed.

There is still one behind the scenes-Voldemort Black hasn't settled yet.

So Akatsuki's basic high-end combat power was solved by the girl.

The Rai-nin troops who arrived at Deidara from Akatsuki's organization were arrested, and it is said that the cost was not small.

Scorpion also liberated the soul directly because of the girl's killing of the "Unclean Reincarnation Technique".

The rest of the Akatsuki organization seemed to have avoided, and the coalition forces swept the entire battlefield without finding any trace of the others.

This big battle has been won!


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