The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 201: "About Don't Know How to Start

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the second girl's Naruto Journey!

The death of taking soil and Nagato's unconsciousness directly caused Akatsuki to organize the group of dragons without a leader.

Not to mention that they have collapsed globally.

Next, basically came to the link of peek-a-boo.

Before that, Xiao Nan found Nagato who was dying and took him away.

Jiao Du and Gui Yao also followed Xiao Nan to Yuyin Village.

They were acquainted and did not choose to head-on with the ninja coalition forces.

Because that kind of winning rate is basically 0.

Let alone Akatsuki's tragic situation.

Witnessing the defeat of the soil and the spot, Heijue is also depressed.

It also fell into a desperate situation.

I thought that with the **** Uchiha Madara, it would be foolproof.

Unexpectedly, a monster appeared in this generation!

A monster more monster than the six immortals!

Hei Jue couldn't believe it!

As he watched the game, every one of them could learn how amazing the girl's Chakra was.

And, if Chakra has anything to say about quality.

The chakra on the girl has obviously reached the level of its mother!

The kind of chakra that can only be possessed by gods!

The amount of chakras on the girl is almost endless!

Thinking of the girl’s "star", the energy level is already higher than that of the ten-tailed beast jade!

And such an attack, the girl can send out at will!

What makes it even more terrifying is the unknown technique that kills Madara!

And the terrifying ability to cut through space with bare hands!

Hei Jue had to wonder if his mother could not beat the girl even when he came out.


It is even more confused... there are no more chess pieces available.

The Outer Golem also fell into the hands of the Ninja Alliance...


Yuyin Village.

Inside a dark tower.

Xiao Nan took care of Nagato who was lying on the stone bed, and was wiping Nagato's face with a towel.

Nagato woke up, his weak eyes fixed on the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiao Nan looked at Nagato, opened his mouth, hesitated and stopped.

Nagato made a noise at this moment, his voice a little hoarse.

"Xiao Nan... we failed, right."

One day, Xiao Nan's eyes became moist and a little choked.

"Nagato...not important, as long as you get better."

"Do not…"

Nagato turned his head to look at Xiao Nan, his eyes were complicated: "It's not going to get better."

"I know my body, this time the injury is too serious, it has hurt the root.

If it weren't for Bai Jue's Mudun Cell, I would never have survived...

And now, even with Bai Jue’s Mudun Cells... it will take a long time to cultivate..."

"We don't have that time, and the enemy is far stronger than we thought."

As he said, Nagato closed his eyes, and slowly said this sentence...

"Xiao run away."

Xiao Nan's eyes widened and tears couldn't help but drip.

"How could I leave you behind and run away! Nagato!"

Nagato sighed slightly, did not say anything, but looked at the ceiling again.

He knew that he couldn't persuade Xiao Nan.

It's him, it's impossible to abandon Xiao Nan...


Both the ghost and the horn were in a gloomy cave, and the two were silent.

After a long time, the horns got up and walked out of the cave in full.

Waiting for the angle to reach the entrance of the cave, the ghost shark exits.

"where are you going?"

The corners paused and looked back at the ghost shark, and then continued to move forward.

"I want to leave here. As for the Xiao organization, huh~ come to me after living through this war."

Looking at the figure whose corners were gradually moving away from Guiyu, he squeezed his hand.

It wasn't until the horns disappeared from Guiyu's sight that he let go of his tight nerves.

The ghost shark looked at the dripping rock on top, not knowing what he was thinking or what to think...

Bring the soil did not come to him, during this period of time, completely disappeared.

Bai Jue was completely wiped out...

And the former "yin and yang person" has run away.

This illustrates a lot of problems.


The soil is dead.

He lost his goal again, he was lost again.

"Mr. Itachi, if it were you, would you choose this way..."


Compared to Xiao Xiao organization was plunged into a period of defeat and low morale.

The morale of the Ninja Allied Forces is high!

Today, they chose to directly enclose Yuyin Village!

A coalition of 80,000 ninjas, marching toward Yuyin Village mightily!

Muhua Saki ran ahead of the team with a dazed hair in her heart.

"Next! Follow the will of my eye of death! Go to victory! Humans!!!"

Muhua Saki Yashin raised her fist with one hand, and tried to boost her morale while running.

As a result, only a few people responded.

That's right, it was Naruto, Tsuchiya Tsukigami and Sakuragi. They clapped, then clenched fists and raised their hands like a girl!

"Oye!! Follow the will of the eye of death!"

"The Eye of Death is the strongest!!!"

"The deed of death will be famous in the world!!!"

The neurotic behavior of the three and Muhua Sakiya obviously attracted the attention of many people.

The ninjas almost looked at them with mentally retarded eyes.

Tsuchiya Yueshang endured those shameful gazes, but he persisted.

But Naruto and Sakuragi didn't care at all, one was thick-skinned, and the other didn't care.

Muhua Saki Yexin became even more excited when they heard their response, and she jumped heavily and shouted!

"Victory belongs to us!!!"

Naruto and the others shouted together.

Ino and Sasuke behind looked a little bit unbearable to look straight.

You know this is the ninja coalition of the ninja group, so do it.

Muhuasaki Yaxindu's small team is expected to become famous soon.

Ninja world is famous!

In the footsteps of a ninja, it did not take long to arrive at Yuyin Village.

A dense coalition of ninjas surrounded a small village.

Looking at the huge ninja coalition forces, the only remaining ninja corps in Yuyin Village was almost scared to pee.

Although they were very scared, they still didn't shrink back and stood in front of Yuyin Village one by one.

Gaara, the leader of the wind and shadow, stood up with a calm face, but with an indescribable pressure.

"Where is your leader?"

The ninjas of Yuyin Village looked at each other, and then ran forward, stopping one hundred meters before Gaara.

A leading directly containing.

"My lord! We surrender!!!"

A simple sentence directly broke Naruto and Sakiya Muhana's inner fantasies.

It turned out not to regard death as home, but to surrender!

This is simply...

Gaara frowned and immediately shouted

"Listen! I need you to send a message to the leader! Tell him!"

"If you don't want Yuyin Village to be destroyed, just bring people out to surrender! Apostle beacon! You will know if you have experienced that explosion!"

After that, Gaara looked at the Surrender One.

"Have you remembered everything?"

The little ninja boss of Yuyin Village didn't dare to neglect, and nodded quickly.

"Remember! Your lord!"

"That's good, go and bring my words to your leader!"

Gaara's slightly cold words immediately made the leader of Xiao Yu Shinobu tremble.

He quickly turned and left.

"My lord, I will deliver it as soon as possible!"

Looking at the departed Yuyin little boss. Only a few words left Yuyin Village. He runs very fast! Pig Deer Butterfly

Bringing soil sighed, and at this moment, Dai Mao Mu Huasaki Yaxin walked over.

The girl akimbo, looking at the direction of Yuyin Village seriously.

"How! Human! Need my help?"

Gaara was stunned, looking at the girl who suddenly ran out beside him, nodded suddenly thinking of something.

"Ye Xin, I need you to break out of Chakra, prepare the beacon in advance!"

next moment!

The girl listened to the order and stood in place, a circle of magic circles directly rising around her.

With the chakra flame that ignited beside the girl, and the wind and waves formed by the explosion of energy!

An indescribable breath of horror also erupted!

This is the chakra breath like a tail beast!

Do not! It should be said that it is more terrifying than the Chakra of the Tailed Beast!

A heavy sense of oppression fills the hearts of all They are all fortunate that the girl is in the same camp as them.

They also finally knew whose work the so-called apostle beacon strike was.


Nagato and Xiaonan, who were far away in the stone tower of Yuyin Village, felt this breath almost immediately!

The two of them became solemn, and their moods fell to the bottom...

There was silence for a while.

Xiao Nan looked at Nagato and said with a complex expression:

"They are coming..."

"Something bad..."


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