The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 203: Ninja World Peace

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With the surrender of Nagato and Xiaonan, this war can be said to have officially come to an end.

The rest of the Akatsuki organizers, the Five Ninja Villages did not let go of the recent round-up.

After all, they are too dangerous.

Ever since, both Jiaodu and Guiyu were rounded up by the Five Ninja Villages.

The corner has been on the run.

The unwilling ghost shark did not escape because he met Itachi's younger brother!

Sasuke Uchiha!

The two immediately fought fiercely, and Sasuke went through numerous special trainings and under the guidance of Itachi.

Both the fighting skills and the speed that was once proud of have been raised by a level!

Now, he can officially call it the fastest in the Ninja world!

Excluding Muhua Saki Yaxin, she has exceeded the specifications.

This is a wonderful battle!

The water field created by Kakuto using the big burst of water rushed waves slightly limited Sasuke's speed, and could barely keep up with Sasuke's movements.

It can be said that the world of ninjutsu, only fast is not broken!

Not to mention, after Itachi passed away, Sasuke also opened a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes!

With the addition of the illusion technique of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, Sasuke’s illusion technique is even more sharp!

The ghost shark was defeated by this magic sword technique.


A long scar was cut on the chest of the ghost shark, and it was bleeding all the time.

Sasuke's sword has already been half retracted in its sheath, and half of the blade is outside, revealing a cold sharp light.

Guiyu felt his body's injuries. He knew that under this kind of injury, the knife almost shattered his internal organs. He had no chance of surviving. Even if he was alive, he would still be captured.

and so……

At the moment, he was smiling, showing shark-like teeth while smiling, and blood gradually poured out from the corners of his mouth.

"Really excellent. Mr. Itachi's brother, he has not seen him for a while, he has become much stronger."

This scene reminds the ghost shark of the first time he fought with Itachi.

He was also defeated by Itachi's kaleidoscope writing round illusion.

"Mr. Itachi, maybe I finally understand what you mean back then, and sure enough, this is my retribution. Anyone who kills my companion will not end well... Maybe from that moment... I was wrong!"

next moment!

The ghost shark mustered his last strength and joined hands!

Sasuke was shocked by this action.

This guy! Can actually move!

However, Sasuke moved extremely fast and drew his sword again!

"The technique of the water prison!"

A circle of water immediately rushed to envelop the ghost shark, protecting the ghost shark in the water!

Sasuke slashed straight away!

Across the thick layer of water, he couldn't reach the first blow.

However, Sasuke didn't care!

next moment! absolute……

"Water Dun! Five-eating shark!"

moment! Condensed from five water sharks in the dungeon!

Swim quickly in the water prison, biting the flesh and blood of the ghost shark!

At this moment, Sasuke was stunned.

And the ghost shark is under the five water sharks, with a smile on his face, and the bitten flesh is gone...

Then, the water prison technique touched, and the blood-silencing water fell on the ground, staining a large blood stain...

Sasuke looked at the bloodstain, somewhat silent.

"Such an enemy... is worthy of brother's teammate."

With that said, Sasuke turned and left without hesitation.

When Sasuke hadn't noticed, a dark shadow was drilled underground and Mimi quietly collected some blood-containing mud.


After the trail was found, Kakashi was also surrounded by Naruto and a wooden flower Saki Yaxin, and there was no way to escape.

Later, he was singled out by Naruto Nine Tails in Chakra mode and was directly killed.

The last remaining Voldemort was hidden too deep.

Ordinary ninja...It should be said that except for people with special perception abilities such as Naruto, other people can't perceive Kurojue at all.

Even Naruto is more difficult to perceive Heijue, so I said.

Looking for Heijue, only girls have this ability.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin wouldn't go looking for that thing leisurely.

In this way, the fourth Ninja World War can be declared over.

The Ninja Allied Forces won a big victory.

This time after the war.

The Five Ninja Villages intend to permanently integrate the alliance status of the Five Ninja Villages to keep the Ninja World at peace.

Of course, there is also a crucial reason-a certain unremarkable second-degree funny girl.

There is Muhuasaki Yaxin.

None of the Four Ninja Villages dared to fight Konoha! Not even together!

Five Shadows has seen that battlefield and an attack of that scale!

Apostle beacon!

Give them a shot from Shinobu, no one can stand it. Just play it straight away!

Therefore, Konoha is now alive like a Senjujuma, and the family is the only one.

One super strong!

Of course, Tsunade was not an ambitious master. He agreed to the Five Ninja Village Alliance. At the same time, Lujiu also proposed to join the Little Ninja Village in the alliance.

The alliance has formulated a series of bills and regulations, one of which is!

The villages in the Ninja League cannot fight each other!

Breaking the rules requires hostility from the major Shinobu villages! And the rest of the Ninja Village will punish the one who started the war!

Of course, the execution of this punishment is generally Konoha.

Most of the rest of Shinobu Village should ignore it.


In this way, the Ninja world restored tranquility.

Even the Little Ninja Village in a small country has the shelter of this ninja coalition without worrying about being treated as a war sacrifice again.

The world can be said to have entered an age of true peace.


In a blink of an eye, the two years of leisure have grown silently by two centimeters like the dull hair on a girl's head.

Peaceful development makes Konoha more prosperous.

The village grew step by step, the houses gradually increased, and there were more people on the street.

Because the five major ninja villages have been in business in the past two years, not only have they brought many different products, even ninjas from various countries can go to various ninja villages at will.

Of course, there are a lot of restrictions for the ninja from the outer village to play in other villages.

It's on a street!

A little short-haired loli, wearing a small pink skirt at home, posing as a small brain tiger holding a claw, seriously staring at the girl five meters in front of her!

"Eye of Death! Today I will decide the winner with you!"

Kihana Saki Yashin, who was wearing a blindfold, was also very serious, and put his hands in a pose that looked like a cat scratching and preparing to move.

"Yes! It's about to be the winner today! But! It must be me who wins! Because! The Eye of Death is invincible! Realize!"

"Crimson Eye Shura!! Shakugan's Princess!! Explosive Magician!! The witch of the Sky Secret Mirror!!"

Lori is not to be outdone, her black pupils are full of serious expressions, and the child's voice is clear: "Then! Just accept Yu's powerful move!"

Lori raised her hand and shouted.

"Light and white end holy wand!"

After shouting...

The surrounding was quiet for a few seconds.

Lori looked at the sky in confusion, as if wondering why the wand hadn't arrived yet.

Ino sighed helplessly, holding the broom in his hand, and threw it directly and steadily.

The broom fell from the sky, Lori took it with one hand in surprise, danced around in the air, and turned her broom head at the girl.

"Sebastelle! White light shines on the infinite world! Collect the world's aspirations here!"

"Glorious Wish! White Saint Mang!"

Speaking of Lolita, she danced the broom and swiped at Muhua Saki Yaxin twice.

at this time……

The girl and Lori are separated by five meters.

Facing the empty air, Muhua Saki Yexin looked heavy.

"It's actually the will of the world! Be a terrible blow first!"

"But! It's no use!"

Speaking of Muhua Saki Yaxin, take off her blindfold!

"Under my eyes! All this will turn into nothingness!"

"End all this! The Great Light of Death!"

In an instant, the special effects on Muhua Saki Yexin turned on!

Layers of magic circle unfolded, and then released a burst of blue light like a searchlight, but it was soft and not dazzling.

Then, Lolita seemed to have received some serious blow. She threw the broom in her hand into the air, and she let out a scream of milk.


"Yu...Yu still lost."

Talking about Lolita's little head lowered, a little lost.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin had a smug smile on her face. She ran over rubbed Lori's head, and handed out three sticks of candy.

"Nanako is already very strong, but Eye of Death is the strongest. Nanako didn't lose injustice."

Nanako skillfully took away the three sticks of candy from Muhua Saki Yaxin's hand, and said seriously.

"Sister! When I awaken the Demon Eye, I will definitely defeat you."

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care, still smiling.

"Humph~ That's not necessarily the case."

Watching the battle, Ino, who was about to break out of embarrassing cancer, finally recovered a little bit of anger.

She was a little bit weak.

"If you can really awaken the Demon Eye, there will be ghosts."

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