, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the second girl's Naruto Journey!

Masaka, who was sleeping on the bed Muhua Saki Yexin, a cute loli took a small step, and came to Muhua Saki Yexin's bed by a trot.

A skilled swoop directly pressed Muhua Saki Yexin's quilt.

But... Even with such a heavy pressure, Muhua Saki Yaxin is still asleep, she is still wearing a pink little dinosaur pajamas with a dinosaur hat on her head.

Naturally, Nanako knew that she couldn't wake her sister like this, so she got up and sat on Saki Yashin, pressing her hands on the plain chest and shook it vigorously!

"Oh pinch sauce! Get up!"

"Get up, sister!!"

Kihana Saki Yashin was swayed so that her consciousness instantly became clearer, and she opened her eyes in a daze and saw Nanako's small face.

He said dazedly, "Nanako..."

Seeing her sister opened her eyes, Nanako shook more violently!

"Ou pinch sauce! O pinch sauce! O pinch sauce..."

The shaking Muhua Sakuya's heart shook her whole body, and her mouth babbled vaguely.

"Eh... Ah... Ah... don't shake it. Na... Nako..."

Nanako finally stopped, and leaned her face against Saki Yashin's face.

"Get up! Sister! The meditation is over!"

Muhua Saki Yashin was still a little confused, her small face was dumb, but she still proficiently opened Nanako's face with one hand and sat up.

Yes it is.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is already familiar with this human-shaped alarm.

After sitting up, Kihana Sakiya's mind was finally awake a lot, her small face was getting up, and she looked at Nanako fiercely.

"Nanako! You interrupted my meditation again!"

Nanako was a little proud, and closed her eyes with a smile.

"Hmph~ Sister! I know that your source of strength is meditation! I have never seen you do it in cultivation!

The God of God has already told Yu this secret!

As long as you interrupt your meditation at this time of the day, your practice progress will be slow!

In this way, I can catch up with you! "

Muhua Saki looked at her arrogant younger sister, her head ached, and she hugged her chest angrily: "Hmph~ Even so, you won't be able to catch up with me!"

Saki Yashin said that she was going to get up, and Nanako was also very well-behaved to get her sister up.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin was wearing a pink little dinosaur pajamas, and slowly walked out of the room step by step, with the little dinosaur's tail wagging and wagging behind him.

Nanako was curious and straightforward, grabbing the tail of the dinosaur's pajamas, and slowly walked out of the door.

Outside, Sakinoko Kihana and Kira Kitahara are already sitting at the dinner table, waiting for the two little babies to come out.

This time is very punctual.

Facing a hearty breakfast, Saki Yashin and Nanako couldn't wait.

Muhua Saki Yeko looked at the little pink dinosaur, smiling eyes narrowed.

"My daughter is so cute."

With that said, she touched the little dinosaur's head.

"Don't you wash it?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin sat down, chopsticks picked up a ball.

"No, Mom. I invented a magic circle that can wash my whole body and even make my clothes clean."

With that, Muhua Sakiya lifted his hand, and instantly the family was wrapped in a magic circle.

In the next moment, both Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira felt a sense of comfort from toe to head, as if a wisp of clear water flowed from the bottom of the heart to the outside, washed from the inside to the outside, and the whole body felt a lot more comfortable and energetic.

The whole family was stunned. This feeling is even more refreshing than coming out of a bath.

Muhua Saki Yeko asked a little surprised: "Yazin? Is it difficult for you to learn this magic?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin bit down a ball in one bite, chewing bulgingly in her mouth.

"Blanxology requires the ordinary magic power of human beings."

Nanako felt the feeling of washing her body a little envious, and immediately she made up her mind and said with a serious expression: "Is it the chakra of humans! It seems that I need to learn the magic of humans!"

Kihana Sakinoko crossed Kihana Saki's heart with one hand, rubbed Nanako's head, and said warmly, "Don't worry about Nanako, how old are you? You can go to the ninja school to study next year."

Nanako shook her head with a serious face.

"No! I have to learn it! Otherwise..."

Nanako lowered her head, and after thinking about coming for a few seconds, she raised her head and said seriously, "Otherwise, I won't have breakfast!"


Kihana Saki Yashin sandwiched a ball and handed it directly to Nanako's mouth.

Nanako looked at the ball in front of her, and subconsciously took a bite.

The delicious juice of the meatballs and the taste of the Q bomb burst out in his mouth, and Nanako was a little forgotten by the instant deliciousness.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the food at this moment beautifully.

After eating and swallowing her stomach, Xiao Nanako suddenly woke up, her complexion froze.


Little Lori waved her hand quickly.

"No! I'll eat one more! No, it's my sister! My sister fed me!"

Kihana Saki Yaxin immediately caught another one and handed it to Nanako's mouth.

Nana was taken aback, looking at the **** in front of her, she couldn't help swallowing, her eyes staring randomly.

Muhua Saki was not eager or slow, while eating the **** with this other hand, while holding a ball in front of Nanako, watching her eat or not.

In order to resist the temptation, Nanako turned her head and looked to the other side, her expression a little moved.

I couldn't help it, glanced at the ball for a while, then immediately retracted his eyes.

With this small gesture, Muhua Saki Noko looked at her and smiled.

In the end, Nanako couldn't help it anymore, and immediately bit off the **** at the speed of thunder, and said vaguely: "I won't eat it next time! I won't eat breakfast next time!"

At this time, Kihana Saki Yashin still wanted to tease Nanako, and wanted to hold a ball and pass it over.

As a result, the mother stopped her, and she looked at Nanako with a gentle expression.

"Well, Nanako~ My sister will teach you, I still have to eat breakfast."

Nanako's eyes lit up and she looked at Kihana Saki Yashin excitedly and asked, "Really!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin stuffed another ball into the entrance, and said casually: "It's just a low-level magic power like Chakra, don't worry. I'll give it to you."


After breakfast.

Nanako hurriedly pulled Saki Yashin to the two secret base.

Well, this is actually the utility room in the house. It was originally used for storing sundries, but now it has become a secret base for the sisters to put weird things.

Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira also simply cleared out the debris inside, so let's play with the sisters.

Yaxin and Nanako sat side by side.

Muhua Saki Yaxin took out a book and opened it to Nanako.

Point your finger at the key words and sentences.

"Nanako, do you understand?"

Nanako held his head proudly: "Of course! Sister, you said that knowledge is power! I have always studied hard! And the tome of gods and demons and the dark taboos that you gave me by my sister! The ones inside! Words are much more complicated than these!"

Sakiki Muhana touched Nanako's head, somewhat satisfied.

"Well...it's my sister, so let's take a look now. Chakra's practice!"

With that, Sakiki Yashin began to explain to Nanako how to practice.

He also personally helped Nanako guide, and even used the energy of the red pupil to channel his sister's body.

The solid wood Hanasaki Yashin has always used the original energy of the red pupil to warm Nanako's body.

Nanako's body has been very good for a long time, but Sakura Kihana clearly felt that the warming effect was not as strong as her own.

But that's enough. Nanako's cultivation talent is absolutely unique!

Now Nanako is looking for the feeling of cultivating chakras, and it didn't take long for him to refine the first chakra!

Then the second strand! The third thread!

A steady stream!

Kihana Saki Yashin felt that the chakras in Nanako's body had begun to proliferate!

And the purity is very high!

Yes, there is a difference between Chakra and Chakra!

Like ordinary people’s chakras and nine-tailed chakras~www.readwn.com~ If it is ordinary people’s chakras, the quality is one!

Then the quality of the nine-tailed chakra is three!

even more.

The ten-tailed chakras and even the six chakras are different concepts!

The same goes for Xianshu Chakra.

Nanako's chakra purity is already higher than that of Kyuubi.

It shows that Nanako's ninjutsu power will be stronger than ordinary people, and the amount of chakras needed will be reduced accordingly.

Perceiving this, Muhua Sakiya smiled with satisfaction.

"As expected of my sister!"


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