The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 205: Nanako's talent

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the second girl's Naruto Journey!

Nanako's Chakra is like a new toy.

I insist on practicing every day, and I still pester Muhua Saki Yaxin to teach her magic!

Of course, at Nanako's current level, she couldn't learn ninjutsu yet.

It is worth mentioning that.

Nanako's Chakra attributes are also full attributes, and he is undoubtedly a genius.


Training Course.

Muhana Saki stood in front of a target waiting in front of a target.

"Nanako! Now teach you one of the human professions! Ninja skills! The use of ninja!"

"Although it is only a human inferior cold weapon! But for the weak you, it is still very useful!"

"Moreover, next year, you will also study at the Ninja School. Ninjas are one of the combat professions of humans in this world. Although they are not as good as magicians, there is only this world.

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed to the Konoha mark on his arm guard.

"Look, think even the invincible owner of the Eye of Death! I! I'm all a ninja class."

Nanako nodded seriously.

"I know!"

As usual, Ino, who had nothing to do, accompanied Muhana Saki Yashin to mess around.

Now watching Muhua Saki Yashin teach Xiao Nanako seriously, she suddenly felt a little relieved.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin started to demonstrate, she looked stern and stared at the target intently.

next moment!

She moved!

He rushed to his waist and took out a large sword and kunai in his pocket, and then shook it in the air!

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin came to a turning movement that was not practical and could only be used to increase the magnificence and difficulty.

Then for a moment.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's little hands turned into afterimages and passed by.

Kuwu Shuriken flew out instantly!

Then all smashed onto the target as if the same group was broken.

There were only a few shurikens that had penetrated the target, and Kuwu had only one that barely penetrated the target.

This familiar operation directly caused Ino to cover his face.

Bai made her look forward to it.

The result is still the same.

What kind of teaching is this?

He doesn't have a precise head at all, and the movements are basically redundant.

It's useless except for being a little more gorgeous and handsome.

However, Nanako did see her eyes glowing and she was excited.

"Sister! It's really amazing! So cool! I want to try it too!"

Ino was stunned.

Didn't Nanako see a random hit rate?

It's like smashing a stone is better than Yexin's throwing.

And... this is the highest level of difficulty!

This action is more difficult than ordinary throwing kunai shuriken, but it is several levels more difficult.

And... Nanako is only four years old, is it really good to start with such a difficult start?


Without Guan Ino's silly eyes.

Muhua Saki Yashin took out the three kunai on his list and handed it to Nanako.

Nanako took it excitedly.

Muhua Saki Yexin exhorted.

"The first time, be careful. Now you are still very weak. Human iron can still hurt you. Don't be discouraged if you fail the first time.

Because it is almost inevitable. The trick is to practice more. "

Nanako nodded.

"I see! Sister! Hmm... The Eye of Death!"

With that said, Nanako aimed at the target herself and got up.

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood by.

Ino was also a little curious about how much Nanako would do.

When she was so young, she also received family training, but the results of her practice are hard to say.

Relatively young, not everyone is as talented as God Itachi.

Just when Ino thought about it, Nanako moved.

Her seemingly weak body, but very sensitive, threw three kunai into the air at once, followed by a gorgeous turn.

The moment she turned around, her small hands were as fast as lightning, and she grabbed one of the kunai, and flew the two kunai to the target with one stroke.

The last kunai she was projected.

next moment!

The target banged three times.


Three kuangwu steadily plunged into the target.

And it's still the inner ring.

Ino was dumbfounded.

"This...not the script in my mind..."

Seeing this scene, Ino remembered.

Kihana Saki Yashin often played crazy with Nanako, and Nanako played all kinds of props very well.

For example, the broom can dance decently.

Even the sound of breaking wind was dancing.

There are also various bamboo poles and small stones.

Nanako can play with flowers.

At first Ino thought that this was Nanako's special skill inherited from Yashin.

Unexpectedly, this is Nanako's own talent!

Nanako couldn't help but raise her head when she saw the three karma she projected.

I am very strong, quickly praise me.

Muhua Saki Yexin did not hesitate to praise her, rubbing her little head.

"Good job! Nanako!"

"of course!"

Nanako's eyes turned into a crescent moon with a smile: "Yu Ke is a super weapon master of skill and power! It can be described as the **** of skill! The hand of White Moon!"

Ino secretly complained.

The nickname is getting more and more.

Muhua Saki Yaxin praised her with a smile on her face.

"Nanako is indeed very talented. Then continue to practice. Hand of White Moon!"

"Look at the rest! The Eye of Death!"

Next, Nanako performed what is called a hundred shots.

Even the fancy moves Nanako can perform perfectly, and hit the bullseye without interference.

Only then did Ino understand.

It turns out that adding this kind of action by Ye Xin added difficulty to Nanako.

Otherwise, Nanako would not be able to practice.

Immediately afterwards, Kihana Saki Yashin taught Nanako to climb the tree vertically.

As a result, it made sense at one point, basically completing the tree-climbing practice at once.

Ino also came to join in the fun, holding Nanako and preparing to tread water for practice.

Then, as soon as Ino put it down, Nanako stood firmly on the water, and even ran happily.

"Yu is the lord of the waters!"

Nanako happily ran on the water.

At last.

Muhua Saki Yexin relieved Shui Dun.

A series of basic training seems to be difficult for Nanako.

Kihana Saki Yaxin also found out that Nanako's Chakra was enough.

And there is really nothing to teach.

Then only...

Ninjutsu! ! !

Ino and Kihana Saki Yashin thought of this at the same time.

"Well~ It seems that it is a low-level magical power of humans. Nanako's talents really easily learned the basics."

Muhua Saki Yexin looked like a small master, with her chin resting on her small hand and one hand behind her back.

"Then teach you a few human ninjutsu. In fact, a kind of power that is connected to magic.

The difference is that magic requires chanting and magic, and chanting can be discarded after being strong.

And ninjutsu requires jieyin. "

Speaking of Muhua Saki Yaxin, she was about to make a seal of clone technique.

At this moment, Ino came out to stop him, grabbing Saki Yaxin's hand.

"That, Ye Xin, let me come."

"Oh, is the Dark Emperor coming to show his hand?"

Kihana Saki Yashin smiled: "Then let Dark Emperor Ino teach you. Nanako."

Nanako nodded: "The Dark Emperor Ino! Yu Hui will always remember your teachings!"

Ino grinned reluctantly.

I don't want the title of Dark Emperor! Bastard!

However, it was Yaxin's fault that she couldn't get angry with Nanako!

The more I thought about it, the more angry, but the more Ino had to bear it, she smiled.

If it hadn’t been right for Muhua Saki Yexin’s seal just now, she wouldn’t have come out to teach.

After all, Ye Xin's obvious self-modification hadn't known whether there was any effect.

Ino pulled Nanako aside, slowly explaining the various knots.

Then all in slow motion did one side.

"I'm optimistic, this is the transformation technique."

With that, Ino made a "last" seal.

"Transformation technique!"


In an instant, Ino changed to Ye Xin's appearance, but there was obviously no genuine charm.

The temperament in Muhua Saki Yexin's body is not something ordinary people can imitate.

Ino then asked Nanako with a phony image of "Kihana Saki Yashin" with a smile.


Nanako nodded immediately.

"I understand!"

Did not wait for Ino to react.

Nanako made the seal directly.

"Transformation technique!"


In an instant, another Muhuasaki Yaxin appeared on the spot.

However, Sanzuki Hanasaki Yaxin has a different temperament from Sanzhong.

The genuine, familiar people can see it at a glance.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Nanako who was almost perfectly reproduced and applauded.

"Yes! Worthy of being my sister of the Eye of Death!"

In the next moment, Ino and Nanako changed back.

Nanako became more and more interested.

"I want more!"


Ino began to teach the remaining three-shen arts.

Then there is little ninjutsu.

Muhua Saki Yaxin even surrendered her supreme stunt, the art of shining eyes.

Of course, the technique of shining eyes is called "Yiyue's technique of ascending the world without watching."

However, even with a complicated ninjutsu such as the technique of glowing eyes, it is not difficult for Xiao Nanako.

However, Nanako is only used superficially, and follow-up development is still very early.


In this way, both of them were squeezed out of a wave of ninjutsu.

According to this situation, it seems that Nanako is a type of peerless genius and Saki Ino can't help but sigh.

"As expected of Ye Xin's younger sister."

Muhua Saki Yexin looked proud: "That's the sister I raised by myself, of course it's not bad!"

Ino has a black line.

It's the only thing that is crooked by you.

The two girls leaned together, looking at Nanako who was not far away, her eyes glowing wildly.

"Eh~ Ye Xin, we are going to do the task tomorrow. Don't forget."

"Oh~ I certainly didn't forget, I chose a tourist place specially, right?"

"Well, I heard that the country of Snow is covered with snow. It is a very beautiful country."

"Oh~ Then my interest is coming."


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