The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 206: The Snow Country mission begins...

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Now the whole world is united into one group.

Big countries and countless small countries have joined this federation. This is the trend of world unity.

Now no one dares to start a war easily, but small frictions between small countries are still indispensable.

Nowadays, the mission of the ninja has become more close to the people.

Larger tasks are generally escorting caravans, and the rest are trivial matters for cats and dogs.

Of course, the beasts and bandits in the mountains are still endless. There are still many **** missions.

Nowadays, Saki Yashin and Ino take on the task of escorting, escorting a photography team to the Snow Country.


The next morning, because of Nanako's human-shaped alarm clock.

Muhuasaki's heart was punctual.

The family is at the dinner table.

Muhua Saki Yashin was wearing a little dinosaur pajamas, eating breakfast while talking.

"Mom and Dad, I want to make a contract today, I guess I will go to the world of ice and snow."

Kihana Sakinoko nodded with a smile.

"We know, Ino has told us. Be careful, Ye Xin."

Yashin Kihana picked up a small piece of bread, took a bite with a small mouth, and then nodded to Kihana Sakinoko while chewing.

Until I swallowed the food, I went on to say.

"Don't worry, this is a contract with the Dark Emperor. Together, no one in the world can match."

"Moreover, it's not just me and the Dark Emperor. There are other members!"

Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira smiled and nodded slightly.

"Well...then we can rest assured."

Nanako was a little stunned when she heard this, she looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Sister, elder sister. Are you going to travel far today? By the way, I remember that you and the Dark Emperor did say it."

Muhua Saki Yaxin ate a ball in one bite, a little bit of juice on her mouth, wiped it with her little hand, and nodded to Nanako.

"Yes, a long-lost adventure. Um...this is also the journey of the Eye of Death."

"If that's the case! I want to go too!"

Nanako knocked on the table and said loudly.

Kihana Sakiya was stunned, looking at Nanako's small but delicate face and said straightforwardly: "I will perform the task of human will power, and I will encounter enemies."

Nanako shook her head with a firm face.

"I am not afraid. When I cultivate, I will inevitably have to face the enemy. Now it is just this step in advance. Moreover, if my sister returns from her spiritual journey, she will definitely be much stronger! I don't want to be surpassed by her sister any more. "

Kihana Saki Yashin looked at Nanako's serious eyes and fell into thinking.

Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira looked at each other, and then looked at Nanako together.

"Nanako, you are still young. Doing tasks with your sister will cause problems for your sister."

However, Nanako remained unmoved and said stubbornly.

"Yu has already practiced magic power! And I have learned the first stage of the technique! I will not cause trouble to my sister."

Both Sakura Sakura and Kitahara Kira showed concern in their eyes, and they then looked at Saki Yashin, wanting to see their eldest daughter's opinion.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin also finished thinking.

It seems that it is not impossible to take Nanako out.

You can take Nanako out of Konoha ahead of time and take a good look at the world.

Moreover, this was originally a task chosen for travel.

Thinking about it, Kihana Saki Yashin made up his mind and nodded to Nanako.

"Well, since you are so determined. I'll take you."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin put one hand on her blindfold, with a serious expression.

"And with the protection of my eye of death, even if the world is destroyed, no one can hurt you."

Kitahara Kira and Kika Saki Yeko looked at Kika Saki Yashin's agreement. They were still a little worried, but they were relieved.

"Nanako, don't bother your sister when you go outside."

Nanako nodded seriously, and said with a serious face!

"No! Yu Ke is the incarnation of light and darkness! The messenger of light and darkness of the end! It won't cause people trouble!"



Kihana Sakinoko and Kitahara Kira suddenly didn't know what to say.


It's hour.

Kihana Saki Yashin takes Nanako to the agreed place to meet the client.

In a small wooden house, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Sakuragi, and Tsuchiya Tsukigami are all in place.

The task client was a middle-aged man with black glasses, and it seemed that he was not young anymore.

He also sat aside and waited.

Suddenly, the door was only opened at once.

The light outside the door shone in, and a figure stood at the door, blocking most of the light.

Everyone looked towards the door.

Sure enough, it was a girl with a blindfold.

When Sanuma Asama saw the girl in front of him, he felt that this girl had a unique temperament at first glance. And that eye mask is particularly conspicuous.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the crowd, and greeted with a smile.

"Oh~ early. It seems that you have not forgotten the contract."

Ino and the others were speechless.

Sakura directly complained.

"You are the only one who will forget."

Kihana Saki Yashin walked in with his head tilted and a smile, while Nanako followed behind with curiosity.

Seeing Muhua Sakuya's small attendants behind him, Ino and the others were a little surprised.


"Yeshin, why are you bringing Nanako here?"

After Ino said this sentence, she suddenly thought of it, her eyes opened slightly, and she shouted in surprise:

"Do you want to bring Nanako with you?"


Everyone was shocked.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin put her arms around her chest and said casually.

"Isn't it? You know, this big adventure is my highest command, so I can do it."

Nanako didn't show any timidity behind her, but kept her head straight: "Yu won't cause you trouble! Don't underestimate Yu's strength because of Yu's age!"

Nanako's words surprised Ino and the others.

They didn't expect Nanako to say this, after all, she was a four-year-old child.

"Then... Excuse me."

At the moment, the three great husbands of Asama interrupted Muhuasaki Yashin's chat with some embarrassment, and then looked at Muhuasaki Yashin and said.

"What you said... Konoha's Shinobu is..."

Muhua Saki heard it heartily, her little head raised up, her face arrogant.

"Yes, it's me! Although this is just a human nihil position, it's useless."

Sanzuo Asama looked at the harmless girl in front of him.

The girls are dressed in ordinary girls' attire. They are innocent and harmless, just like an ordinary loving girl, there is no way a ninja should behave!

He wondered if he had been deceived. He turned around and asked Ino and the others.

However, Naruto Ino Shikamaru and the others nodded at him.

Sanzuo Asama looked at the girl in front of him again, and then at the little loli next to him.

"This kid? Is it really going to be together?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded and said seriously.

"Don't worry, this task is as simple as going out to take out the trash for the Eye of Death.

I will protect this ultimate messenger of light and darkness. There is no problem with your mission. "

Asama Sanzuo felt that his mentality was about to collapse.

Konoha's Shinobu?

I don't want to be like this!

Seems to be aware of the inner roar of the three husbands asama.

Ino walked over and patted him on the shoulder and explained.

"Your Excellency, don't underestimate Ye Xin. Ye Xin is a war hero, and Ye Xin's contribution to the World War I was the greatest."


Sanzuo Asama didn't believe it.

Ino Kan and the dubious Mizuho Asama smiled: "Of course it is true. On the surface, Yashin really can't find any characteristics of a strong man, but you will know it when you fight.

Besides, it's not Xiao Yexin, there are still us. You know, your mission rewards can't help us so many ninjas. "

After hearing this, the three husbands of Asama felt quite right.


Sanzuo Asama looked at Sasuke, who was carrying a Shinobi sword, and Shikamaru with a calm face.

I feel that these two people should be quite strong and there should be no problem.

Immediately, the three husbands of Asama didn't say much, and directly explained the task.

"Our goal is to go to the Snow Country to shoot a movie. Speaking of which, we had this plan a long time ago, because some things were delayed.

Now, we are ready to restart this plan. Speaking of which, many fans have complained that we took it off for a long time. "

Fuji Kazee scratched his head.

"In the case of the Snow Country, because the place is relatively remote. So the Snow Country is not yet a member of the alliance."

"The area is also relatively remote, so I don't know what dangers will be. That's why I asked you to help."


It's a simple **** mission.

Everyone nodded.

Muhua Saki Yexin is even more confident.

"Don't worry! There are no more tasks in this world that I can't accomplish."

"Under the power of my death eye, everything is vain."

Wait until Muhua Saki Yaxin finishes.

Suddenly a person ran over and said to Asama's three husbands out of breath.

"It's not good, Ms. Fuji Kazee ran away again!"

The three husbands of Asama were shocked immediately.


Then, he said to Ino and them anxiously.

"Xiaoxue she ran away. Now there is an urgent matter, which is to catch Xiaoxue back."

Ino had some doubts.

"Catch it back?"

"It's too late to explain. Get her back quickly."


Ino still wants to ask.

Shikamaru directly stopped, and said to everyone: "Let's chase first. Just follow me."

With that, Shikamaru ran out.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth turned slightly, as if she became interested, the second one hurried out.

Nanako followed her sister closely.

Others followed.

Naruto spit out a dazed face while running away.

"I don't know what happened."

Sasuke had a cold face, but he was the fastest. Although he started late, he surpassed everyone in the first place.


Shikamaru leaped on the roof, watching the chaotic crowd and a group of people chasing something.

He knew that Fenghua Xiaoxue should be in that direction.

However, at this moment, two figures, one small and one small, surpassed themselves in an instant.

Shikamaru looked at the two small figures in front of him, a little stunned.

Nanako actually followed, how can I say... Isn't it Yexin's sister?

"The game begins now! Nanako!"

Muhua Saki Yashin said loudly as the ninja jumped.

"I know!"

At their speed, they almost quickly caught up to the forefront of the hunting team.

Then I saw Fenghua Xiaoxue running away on horseback.

Muhua Saki Yaxin gestured an aiming frame in front of her eyes.

"Targeted! Nanako! Plan one! Holy shine!"

Nanako's body is small, and her legs are super small. Because she wants to keep up with the speed of Saki Yaxin, the frequency of her legs is too high, just like a small electric fan.

She answered with a serious face.

"I understand!"

Even though she ran so intensely, she didn't see any signs of sweating from Nanako, which seemed to be easy for her.

Muhua Saki nodded with satisfaction.

There is a turning point just ahead.

"It's the front, Nanako!"

"Roger that!"

Nanako also understood very well, a ninja jumped over two houses and came to the corner.

At this time, it was Muhana Saki Yashin's turn to command.

"Are you ready?"

Nanako answered seriously. : "Yu's power of ending light and darkness is ready!"

"it is good!"

Kihana Saki Yashin did not choose to jump to the street lamp like Nanako, but stood on a high point to watch the battle.

Nanako stood on the street lamp, looking at the curve ahead, the next moment.

Fenghua Xiaoxue appeared riding a horse.

"It's now!"

"Light current assault! Welcome the baptism of light!"

With that said, Nanako used Saki Yashin's signature ninjutsu!

The technique of shining eyes!

Nanako's eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was the first to bear the brunt and was blinded by the photo.

The horse, too, was photographed and couldn't see the way forward. At the moment of shock, he neighed and stopped anxiously.

The two front hooves were raised high by it in an instant, and the huge impact and the unstable back of the horse directly threw Fenghua Xiaoxue off.

"It hurts..."

Fenghua Xiaoxue held her forehead, and slowly sat up with one hand on the ground.


The two figures broke through the air and fell beside her.

It is Saki Yashin and Nanako.

Kihana Saki Yashin gave Nanako a thumbs up.

"Nanako! Nice job."

Fenghua Xiaoxue stared at the two girls who suddenly appeared in front of her.

"You are?"

Kihana Saki Yashin and Nanako smiled at each other, and immediately said to Fuuka Koyuki.

He: "Since you have asked sincerely! Then I (Yu) will tell you sincerely!"

Speaking, the two sisters turned one round, and then held each other's hands, drew a distance in the middle, stood opposite each other, holding hands in a heart shape.

The two looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"I (I) are the ones you will shelter in the future!"

Muhua Saki Yashin: "Declare death! Set death! Let all things come to an end! I am death itself!"

Nanako: "The light illuminates the world, and the darkness erodes everything! I am a person with light and darkness together!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue was dumbfounded.

Inexplicable... totally do not understand...

She stared at the two dumbly: "So...who are you?"

Saki Yashin and Nanako looked at each other, and they let go of their hands.

Looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue, Muhua Saki Yexin covered her eyes with one hand, and pointed at Fenghua Xiaoxue with one paw.

And Nanako also stretched out two and posed one up and down, (thought herself) a very cool posture.

"I am the incarnation of the eye of death!!!"

"Yu is the messenger of the end of light and darkness!!!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue's face was dazed again, and at the same time she felt a little mad with her heart scratching.

She wondered if she was blinded by the photo, and her brain was hearing hallucinations...

Or she just smashed the heads of the girl and Lori in front of her...

No, I was the one who fell...

Fenghua Xiaoxue had some brain pain.

"Who are you guys anyway?!!!"

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