The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 208: Don't make trouble when filming

There is only one big ship sailing in the vast sea.

On the edge of the deck, Muhua Saki Yaxin lay half of his body on the side of the boat rail, staring blankly at the blue sea in front of him.

"It's a boring journey... why are there no pirates. Why are there no sea monsters that are thousands of meters away... why are there no sea whirlpools of all kinds... tornadoes."

Why can't I encounter a big storm that is rare in a century.


Ino looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a black line on his face.

"Do you want everyone to die fast?"

Muhua Saki Yashin and Nanako, the two treasures, were all excited at the beginning.

S2 activities can be found in every corner of this ship.

But... this ship is just that little place, and the sea is full of water.

The two sisters quickly became bored.

Well, it's just that Nanako was a little seasick and went to sleep.

There was one Muhua Saki Yaxin left, and this guy was free...

After a long time in a daze, this Ye Xin became like this...

Ino walked to Muhua Saki Yaxin, looked at the sluggish face, and poked his finger at the white tender face.

"Ye Xin... Do you want to experience acting."

Muhua Sakuya's dumb hair stood up on her heart, and she turned her face against Ino's fingers and looked at Ino's face still sluggish, and her godless eyes looked at Ino.


Ino looked at the dazed Kihana Saki Yashin and smiled, then nodded.

"Yes, acting. It seems that the director really wants us to participate."

"By the way, Naruto and Yueshang are already playing...acting. It seems quite interesting."

Muhua Saki looked at Ino blankly.

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds

Muhuasaki's upper body instantly bounced up like a slingshot and stood upright.

His face returned to his previous vigor, with a look of excitement.

"Are you acting? Hahaha! This is not an opportunity! Let the name of the eye of death spread all over the world!"

Speaking of Muhua Saki Yashin, she folded her hips and looked at Ino with a smile on her face.

"Would you like to be with me? Dark Emperor Ino!"

Looking at the girl who had been dull for a few seconds and instantly regained her vitality, Ino was a little weak to complain.

The delay in thinking is too long.

After he finished complaining, Ino stretched out his hand with such an expression as expected.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hesitate, holding it with a smile.

Ino's face was as usual, and he pulled Yaxin Muhanasaki towards the ship's location where the crew is located.

"Well~ I knew you would want to go."

"But, didn't you say that the camera was a tool to seal the devil? Aren't you afraid of being photographed and sealed?"

Ino asked with a grin as he walked.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's expression was unpredictable, and she gestured a scissor hand across her eyes, and said while being led by Ino.

"My eyes of death can directly see the root cause, but it is not comparable to Nanako, a trainee magician!"

"I have known the function of the appliance a long time ago. It can only save the image of the object. It is not for sealing, and I also know the principle. It is just the use of light.

I can do it easily with magic. "

Ino looked at the little head that had risen arrogantly in front of him, but he started to think.

"Oh~ I remember. Those gorgeous magic circles are simulated by Yexin using Chakra Luminescence."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's face became stiff, and her voice became quieter without turning her head.

"That's my magic circle, it's not a chakra. That's the magic circle that I need to perform...this paper..."

Ino looked at Muhana Saki Yashin's appearance, with a small smile on his lips.

She did not continue to ask.

Soon, they came to the crew, just to see Naruto wearing a black cloak and cap standing on a high place, with the cloak floating in the wind behind him.

Fenghua Xiaoxue stood underneath, looking up at Naruto, her expression grim.

"Face! Are you going to stop me?"

Naruto did not speak. The next moment, he spread his hands and jumped down like a big Peng spreading his wings.

Fenghua Xiaoxue just wanted to take a step forward when she saw this, but at this moment.

A black shadow quickly passed by and hit Naruto in the sky.

Suddenly, the symphony of gold and iron sounded.


The two figures spread out on both sides.

A man in black wrapped tightly stood in front of Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"You go first! I'll stop him!"

When Ino heard this voice, he knew it was Tsukumi Tsuchiya.

Fenghua Xiaoxue hesitantly glanced at the man in black before her, but in the end she gritted her teeth and ran back directly.

Just leave one sentence.

"Don't die! On the moon!"

Then, Naruto attacked again, and Tsuchiya Tsukuki also greeted him.

The daggers of the two were handed over together.


Sparks are everywhere!



The director wore sunglasses and looked excited.

"That's it! It's really great!"

With the director's "click".

Both Naruto and Tsuchiya Tsukigami breathed a sigh of relief, and they sat down as though they were tired and paralyzed.

Fenghua Xiaoxue also breathed a sigh of relief, ran to the rest area and picked up a bottle of water and drank it.

Naruto took off his hood, and Tsuchiya Tsukigami also took off his hood and mask.

The two of them panted as if they were reborn.

Naruto looked melancholy: "It's finally over."

Tsuchiya Tsukigami also agreed with a melancholy expression: "Yes, it's really too difficult..."

Looking at Naruto and Tsuchiya Tsukigami's dying look, Ino suddenly felt a little bad.

It seems that acting is not as fun as she thought.

However, Ino turned his head and looked at Saki Yashin on the side, looking at the lack of excitement on his face...

She knew she couldn't escape.

"Forget it, surrender your life to Yexin. But acting is also a very novel experience. Try it without losing it."

Ino pulled Mikasaki Yaxin directly to the director.

The director with sunglasses is still editing the script, and now he seems to have entered another state, he has an inexhaustible energy all over his body, and speaks loudly and powerfully.

The tone is also weird, like an old urchin.

In this state, he can say that he can't even kill for the sake of filming. Filming is bigger than anything!


The director heard someone calling him, and when he turned around, he saw Ino pulling Yaxin Muhana.

"Oh~ Ino-chan, did you agree to participate in the show?"

The director is a little excited. He likes these ninjas more and more. Filming doesn't need any props at all.

The effect is also very good!

He fell in love with the two female ninjas, Ino and Sakura. He thought of a good idea. He believed that with these two female ninjas participating, this movie would be perfect!

Ino smiled: "Yes, I agree.

However, she must be added. "

Speaking, Ino raised the small hand of Saki Yoshin Kihana.

The director immediately set his sights on Muhua Saki Yaxin.

He naturally recognized the girl in front of him.

It was one of those two funny girls.

This is the larger one.


The director pointed to Muhuasaki Yashin in surprise and said, "She is also a ninja?"

With the director's skeptical tone, Muhua Saki was stunned for a moment, and suddenly showed a fierce look, thinking of a small cat with a fierce milk, and immediately felt like an exit.

Ino was also taken aback for a moment, but she reacted quickly and stopped Ye Xin.

Then a little funny said: "Yes, Yashin is also a ninja. Moreover, she is a Shinobu, the captain of this mission. She is very strong."

Listening to Ino's introduction, the word "strong" dispelled some of Muhua Saki's anger.

The director was shocked, a little stunned and opened his mouth to look at the girl in front of him.

He couldn't guess that the childish ghost girl in front of him, who seemed to be still in the fantasy stage, would actually be a supreme ninja!

Or the captain of the team this time?

This team... shouldn't be a problem.

For the first time, he felt that the employment that seemed to be earned this time was actually not profitable...

Not reliable...

Actually let such a girl be the captain...

And... isn't it that Shinnin is rare?

The girl is not enough for her age or seniority.

What is the promotion of the family backed by?

Of course Ino saw the director's doubts and doubts.

But she didn't want to explain, after all, it was troublesome to explain.

Moreover, it is too magical.

If she didn't know Ye Xin and someone rashly told her about this, she wouldn't believe it either.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yexin folded her hands on her chest, with a proud face, raised her head, and looked at the director diagonally.

"Huh~ I am the eye of death! Ninja is just a profession I chose to get in touch with humans.


You feel right!

I really don't look like a ninja, I'm too strong, too detached.

It is difficult for mortals to see through, so naturally they cannot perceive my true power! "

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes radiated a burst of light, and the light of the left eye was covered by the blindfold, but this blindfold had a strong light transmittance, and the light still showed through the blindfold.

"That's the power of the Eye of Death!"

The director looked at the glowing eyes of Muhua Saki Yashin, and suddenly a flash of sunglasses struck him!

"Your eyes will shine! Great!"

Muhua Sakuya was stunned.


"No matter what your ninja level is, I have decided to let you film!"

Muhua Sakuya was stunned for a moment, and the ninja who became straight up immediately said:

"This is no ordinary eye glowing! It's just a symbol of opening the magic eye shown by magic!"

The director waved his hand somewhat perfunctorily: "Okay, well, I know. Cough cough, the magic is great, so let's come to film."

"Give me five minutes for the next scene, and I will tell you how to act after thinking about it."

Speaking of this, the director began to turn over the script and notes.

After a while, the director began to talk about the acting part to Ino and Kihana Yashin.

Of course Fenghua Xiaoxue was also brought over. She is the leading role, and it is very important to play.

That's roughly it.

As a young girl with super strong wishing, Muhua Saki Yashin's eyes will shine brightly every time she activates her ability.

However, this ability can only be used three times, and can only be used by others, when all three wishes have been fulfilled by others.

The girl's life will come to an end.

The girl is a very kind person, she gave a beggar the first time she used her abilities.

The wish of a beggar is to have money and power.

The beggar's wish came true and he became a world-famous businessman.

But he was not reconciled to stop here. He was greedy, and he never thought about repaying him when he came out. He also wanted to arrest the girl and make the last two wishes.

As a partner of justice, Fenghua Xiaoxue naturally did not let the girl fall into the hands of beggars, and started a duel with the beggars.

Ino and Sakura play important supporting roles, and one is a beggar's thug.

One is the poor man who temporarily joined the team of Muhuasaki Yashin.


The plot is probably like this.

The director of the details also arranged it carefully.

He knew that these ninjas would be unnatural depending on their acting skills, so he would reduce his lines and emotional scenes as much as possible.

The first act!

Start shooting!

The scene was faked by the studio.

A lost girl had been on the run because of being hunted down, but she was weak and fell quickly and was surrounded by the chasing group.

Fenghua Xiaoxue came to see this scene and began to draw his sword to help!

Hmm... The director thought very well.

However, the reality is very skinny.

First of all, the girl refused to take off the conspicuous blindfold.

What about the destruction of the world...

These directors can bear it.


Shooting in progress...

Surrounded by Muhua Saki Yaxin, she covered the blindfold of her left eye with one hand and looked up to the sky.


She gave out a mad and sick smile.

"Just with you miscellaneous fishes, you also want the power of my eye of death!"

The next moment, a magic circle lit up at the feet of Saki Yaxin, and then another magic circle hovered around, fitting in the waist of Saki Yaxin.

The patterns on the magic circle are unusually gorgeous, and there are all kinds of unknown characters, so you can see that they are not characters in human language.

Seeing this scene, the director just wanted to shout Ka, and swallowed again.

Looked at Muhua Saki Yashin's performance in amazement.

The group performers were a little at a loss at this time.

I don't know how to play it anymore.

"Under the power of the eye of my death, turn into dust and disperse! Miscellaneous!"

Bang! ! !

The magic circle burst out with a burst of light that instantly covered the audience.

At this moment, the set of dragons performed by the group really turned into dust as Muhuasaki Yaxin said.

Such a scene made the director stand up directly, his eyes widened.

However, from the perspective of the group performance, I also saw that I seemed to have dispersed like dust.



They looked at the self who was standing aside, their faces were a little dumbfounded.

At this time, Ino's transmission was delivered in time.

"Quickly, leave that place, I'm going to enter."

The group performers suddenly left the lens range beside Muhua Sakiya's heart.

As soon as they left, their respective figures appeared in front of everyone again.

The director was stunned again.

However, at this moment!

Ino descended from the sky, landing like a superhero, looking coolly at the erupting Kohana Saki Yashin.

"Using the power of the eye of death, it was given to a greedy and clumsy person, causing the inner energy to be emotionally affected and violent?"

Hearing Ino's lines, the director was surprised again!

[This is... to round up the plot! The plot has been changed! ! ! 】

Seeing Ino, Yashin Muhua sneered: "It turns out to be the heir of the Dark Emperor! No wonder you dare to approach me! Do you want to use the power of darkness to calm my anger? You know, the cost is your life. !"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's words made the director feel itchy again.

[Changed the script again! ! ! 】

Ino didn't panic at all, his face was calm.

"Yes, I inherit the dark power of the Dark Emperor, and I should bear this mission! Fate makes me like this."

With a small wave of Muhua Saki Yaxin's small hand, the magic circle on the ground instantly expanded, extending to several tens of meters.

The scene is very magnificent!

And Ino, at this moment, special effects have also been added by Kuka Saki Yashin.

She was surrounded by black arrogance, and she was holding a dark flame that seemed to be able to swallow even light.

The two looked at each other.

There seemed to be a spark of thunder in the air!

The war is about to begin!


The director looked at this and felt a little nervous and excited in his heart.

At this moment!

Naruto is indeed shouting!

"There is a situation!!!"

"Bing Dun! A white whale!!!"

Bang! !

The water waves churned, and a white, crystal-clear ice sculpture whale leaped on top of the wooden boat, reflecting the rays of the sun...

This picture is simply not too beautiful...

However, its landing point is the ship, at this scale, the ship will be destroyed!

At this moment, both Naruto and Sasuke have ideas for hands-on!

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