Watching the huge ice-carved whale pounce in the air and bring some splashes around, the tree underneath Saki Yashin stands in the center of a huge magic circle!

Ice sculpture whale! Magic array! Lovely Kihana Saki Yashin! The Trinity shows the extraordinary beauty of this scene.

Aestheticism to the extreme lens was taken by the director as he wished.

The director even forgot about the danger, just to keep this most beautiful shot!

However, Kihana Saki Yashin hates other people interrupting her confrontation with Ino.

Behind the huge ice sculpture whale that no one can see, the Spike Avalanche stands on it, ready to follow the whale to land on the ship.

He smiled.

The three of them discovered this ship heading for the Snow Country a long time ago, and accidentally saw a girl, Fenghua Xiaoxue, leaning on the ship to watch the sea.

He recognized it instantly, after all, he was responsible for hunting down this princess a long time ago.

This time, he will personally catch the princess again!

At this moment.

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her small hand to aim at the whale, a magic circle opened in her palm, and then lit up.

"The super-killing run that shattered the sky!"


A beam of light jets out from the magic array, and the beam of light that shoots out instantly expands to tens of meters thick.

Enveloping the huge whales in the sky, the next moment a beam of light flooded the ice crystal whales.


Under the beam of light, the wolf-tooth avalanche was annihilated into nothingness in an instant along with the ice-carved whale.

I didn't even have time to make a scream...

And the beam of light was about to blast through the sky, rushing straight into the sky, blasting the clouds in the sky through a big hole.

Half a moment...

The beam of light gradually shrank and disappeared into Muhua Saki Yashin's palm.

The ice sculptures of whales evaporated into mist in the sky brought up some water vapor, and gradually formed a rainbow...

The crowds onlookers opened their mouths wide and were dumbfounded.

All this happened too suddenly, and this scene was too dreamy...

They even feel whether they are in a dream.

The director was surprised and surprised, and the filming still had to be filmed.

The photographer was also dedicated enough to take this scene completely.

When the crane wing blowing snow and Dongxiong hail on standby not far away, the smile that was originally full of confidence instantly stiffened.

what happened……

Why did the wolf-tooth avalanche and the big ice-carved whale disappear in an instant...

What horrible beam of light is what...

What kind of weapon?

"Line! Broken and killed! Bloody cut!!!"

The surface of the water seemed to be cut by an invisible fine net.

Something sharp is coming!

The crane wing blowing snow and the winter bear hail were clearly felt, and when they looked closely, they found a thin, almost transparent thread near them.

The two of them looked shocked, and started to seal!

However, it was too late, and the silk thread entangled the two in the next second.

The sharp thread cut the armor on them, making a creaking sound, and the armor seemed to be cut.

But as the silk thread trembles a few times, calm is restored.

But they were also unable to move because of the string.

The silk thread seemed to be completely blocked by its Chakra armor.

At this moment, Lord Sakuragi's figure appeared not far away from the two of them, with both hands extending the Chakra line, not knowing where the link is.

He wears his eyes, the lens reflects the light, he can't see his expression at all, and he looks mysterious and unpredictable.

"You weren't cut into pieces. The armor on your body seems to be incredible."

At this time, a golden light and a thunder light flashed in an instant, and stopped beside Lord Ying Mu.

Nine-tailed Chakra pattern Naruto and Raidun Chakra pattern Sasuke are revealed.

The two stood on both sides of Sakuragi, their auras were amazing.

Sasuke's face is cold and handsome: "Have you caught them?"

Naruto smiled: "Gongsheng, good job."

Crane wings blowing snow and winter bear hail at the moment, with cold sweat on their faces, they did not dare to move.

The speed of those two people simply surpassed their imagination, and this chakra surpassed the strongest person they had ever seen!

Heyi Chuuxue reluctantly moved his arm, the armour armour on the arm was wrapped in silk thread, and it made a creaking cutting sound as he moved.

He looked flustered.

"What kind of monsters are these, what characters are they..."

Winter Bear Hail also struggled slightly, but found it difficult to move, and some silk threads had already been cut into the armor.

And as they struggled, the silk thread cuts the metal of the armor, making an unpleasant crunching noise, but the silk thread cuts into the armor even more.

This makes them a little afraid to move...

If the armor is shredded, then their bodies will not be able to stand up even more...

This is a mortal game...


Crane wings blowing snow and winter bear hail both looked desperate.

Sakuragi grinned, and Goichi opened.

In an instant, the silk thread began to tighten up sharply!

Crane wings blowing snow and Winter Bear hail the armor on the body with a crisp sound.

Instantly turned into fragments and fell to the ground.

The two of them looked pale, they thought they were going to be cut into pieces at this moment...

Unexpectedly, Lord Sakuragi actually controlled the strength perfectly, just shredding the Chakra armor on them...

Then, the silk thread was really wrapped around the two men's sex!

They really don't dare to move at this time, the sharpness of this thread is simply too scary...

Sakuragi was a little proud.

These threads are a special kind of thread that he found after searching for a long time. The price is very expensive, but now it seems to be excellent value for money.

Amazing flexibility! Chakra has good continuity! Moreover, it is smaller and translucent, so it is difficult for ordinary naked eyes to detect it even if it is a ninja.

This is simply what was prepared for him!

Lord Sakuragi turned around and walked towards the boat: "You two come with me, I believe you should be obedient. Otherwise, you should commit suicide now."

In fact, Sakuragi found these two guys who were watching as soon as Naruto discovered the Xueren trio.

He immediately lay in ambush on the spot, because he knew that there were Naruto Sasuke and Muhuasaki Yashin on the boat.

With that technique, it is impossible to threaten the people on board.

The crane wing blew the snow, and the winter bear hail after hesitating for a moment, then followed.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at the two people who were acquainted with each other and didn't say much. They also dismissed the combat mode and walked back.


On the boat, Muhua Saki Yaxin was still playing with Ino.

Now it has reached the end.

The ice sculpture whale that just appeared was also added to the play.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked cold, and a red flame lit up in her right eye:

"I destroyed the Whale of Ji Shi with one blow, you see! This is the power of the Eye of Death! Are you sure you want to fight me again?"

Ino looked firmly at Muhua Saki Yashin: "This is my mission! I am not afraid of death, and there is nothing to be afraid of anymore!"

Muhua Saki heard it heartily, her little hand clenched her fist and waved forward!

"Since you don't realize it! It's up to you to calm my anger!"

Speaking of Muhua Saki, Yaxin stretched out her finger to Ino and made a claw.

"Unbelievable Jedi! The beginning of the end of all things! Free it! The Eye of Death!!!"


Muhua Saki Yaxin’s blindfold on her left eye suddenly burned, and within a short while, it turned into a light spot and dissipated...

A blue pupil was revealed, like the azure blue pupil hidden in the universe galaxy.

At the moment when this eye appeared.

The world seems to be disconnected from reality, and the entire world environment flickers from time to time...It's like snowflakes appearing on the TV screen when it is disturbed...

In the next moment, everyone felt an indescribable atmosphere of terror.

It seems that he will die in the next moment.

The world no longer exists!

In order to reflect this atmosphere, the whole scene was turned into an off-white.

Of course this is the special effect of Muhua Saki Yashin.

Ino seemed to feel the desperate pressure, and his body was a little unbearable and lowered.

However, Ino's eyes remained extremely firm, and she raised her head to look at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"I won't lose!"

"At least at this moment! I don't want to lose!"

With that said, Ino stood up straight under the pressure, with one hand pointing to the sky, as if he was holding some life-saving star.

She drank!

"Darkness! Entangling me!"

"Arrival!!! The Dark Emperor!!!"

next moment!

The world seems to be plunged into darkness!

A stalwart body hidden in the black smoke faintly appeared behind Ino!

this moment!

Muhua Saki Yexin's final aura that seems to let everything die, and the world falls into the end, collides with Ino's dark aura that seems to swallow everything!

this moment!

The world seems to be divided into two halves.

Half is black and red like death and withering!

Half of it is extremely dark and pure black!

A black and red magic circle circled at Muhua Saki Yaxin's feet, and the next moment she flew towards Ino.

"The Dark Emperor!!!"

The black whirlpool entwined at Ino's feet, and then she flew towards Muhana Saki Yaxin!

"Eye of Death!!!"

next moment!

The two collided together!

Black and red aura and black aura are entwined and merged!

The world seems to be spinning, changing, and breaking apart!

Both of them gritted their teeth, grabbing their hands and shouting.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

next moment!

Black and red cover everything! ! !

Submerged the two completely...

Half a moment...

The world has restored its original light...

Kihana Saki Yashin knelt and sat on the ground, next to Ino who was lying down.

Obviously she won, maybe she will definitely win...

However, she is not happy...

Muhuasaki Yashin watched Ino stay silent for a long time, she stood up and looked up at the sky.

"Take the eye of death as proof! Heaven's ambition is made!"

The clouds in the sky stirred, and instantly turned into a black vortex of thunderclouds.

At this time, Nanako didn't know where she ran out, so she attached a narration.

"The girl used her strength to make a wish again here! This is her second wish."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's left eye flashed, looking at Ino on the ground.

"Resurrect this person!"

next moment!

The thunderclouds in the sky flashed thunder and lightning like a sea of ​​thunder, and the clouds turned into a white cloud into a sky of thunder and lightning!

The sky curtain disappears after a few seconds, and the clouds still disappear.

Suddenly, endless galaxies appeared in the sky...

At this moment, it looks beautiful...

And Ino opened his eyes and looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin dimly.


" woke up..."

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned her head and showed a beautiful smile to Ino.



The director shouted excitedly!

"It's perfect! Although I don't know what I'm shooting! But it's so beautiful!"

Kozakura, who had no chance to play at all, was depressed.

She has always wanted to act.

As a result, Ino and Kawasaki Yashin joined, and she had no chance to act.

And... I don’t know what to shoot or what...

Is this really good?

... The director said that editing this thing is very useful.

Just care about the beauty, leave the editing to me, the plot or something is not a problem.

In this way, the scene between Muhana Saki Yashin and Ino ended.

And the two captives who just got on the boat.

Crane wings blowing snow, winter bear hail seeing this terrifying scene is almost shocked.

[What kind of guys are on this ship...

Why is it so scary...

Even a little girl is so scary...

Why should we mess with them...]


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