The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 211: No way? No way?

It took a lot of time to dock the hull.

The director brought sunglasses and followed the team to the ice and snow.

Looking at the environment, he nodded in satisfaction.

What he wants is this kind of scene, which is an important location for shooting Xue Ji!

"Hurry up! Props! Camera! Hurry up and lay it out! I'm going to start shooting for a while!"

Following the director's order, the staff quickly prepared and set up various props and equipment.

On the other side, Santa Fu and Fenghua Xiaoxue were talking.

The San Taifu looked at the land with a sad expression.

"How many years... Your Royal Highness. We are finally back here."

Fenghua Xiaoxue sighed.

"San Taifu..."

"Needless to say, Your Royal Highness. I have always been prepared. In this country, I have secretly prepared a militia and volunteers. They are all the people of the Snow Country who oppose the tyranny of the wind, flowers and raging waves! I must be very happy to hear that the princess returns. ."

Speaking of this, the Santa Fu solemnly took out a badge from his arms and handed it in front of Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"This is a token, and of course there is a secret slogan! I have been preparing, Your Royal Highness! Are you determined now?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue stared at the badge blankly, and unconsciously touched the charm on her chest. This was the only treasure her father left for her.

A hexagonal crystal necklace!

Her eyes moved slightly, revealing a bit of firmness.

In fact, after meeting the ninjas like Muhua Saki Yashin, she gained a lot of confidence.

It was indeed the end of it all, she tightly grasped the crystal necklace on her chest, and looked at Santa Fu firmly in her eyes.

"I see! I will fight the wind and flowers to the end! For the snow country! And for the people of the snow country!"

San Taifu looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was regaining her strength, her eyes moistened involuntarily.

"It's really great! Your Royal Highness."

However, at this moment.

An extremely destructive word came over.

"Xiaoxue! Come here to film! Work started!"

That's right, the director.

He came to the two of them and said directly to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"It's started, it's all waiting for you."

The third wife was speechless.

"Hey! Be respectful, this is your Royal Highness!"

"And we are talking about national affairs! How important is filming or something?"

"Um...I know that important events in your country are important, but filming will not be delayed. Come on."

With that said, the director took Fenghua Xiaoxue's hand and ran over.

Fenghua Xiaoxue glanced back at San Taifu, showing an apologetic look, and then ran back to the crew.

San Taifu looked at the departed Fenghua Koyuki and the director, somewhat helpless.

"Although it's not very anxious now! But you guys give it a little attention! Bastard!"

The filming crew did the filming in an orderly manner, and Fenghua Xiaoxue quickly entered the state, and the acting was as impressive as ever. In a moment of emotional change, she recovered and became the Xue Ji in that movie!

Naruto and the others are just playing around.

They did come to this icy and snowy environment for the first time, and it felt very novel.

Naruto was wearing a wind-shielding cloak and a warm scarf, watching the heavy snow on the horizon, breathing a long white mist.

"Really come to the right place."

The same is true for Ino and Sakura, with joy on their faces.

"It seems you can play in the snow. Let's go find Ye Xin!"

Sakura was stunned.

"Looking for Yexin?"

She looked at Ino with a weird smile.

"Sure enough, does Ino want to play the kind of game we can't play with Yexin?"

Ino's complexion became stiff, his cheeks blushed randomly, and he looked at Sakura with some irritation.

"Don't be so weird! Ye Xin is my friend since childhood, so it's not weird to want to find her the first time."

Kozakura kept a weird smile.

"Yes, Ino, go find Yexin to play."

Ino suddenly turned away a little shame and walked forward.

"Ignore you! I'm going to find Ye Xin."

Sasuke jumped to the top of an iceberg and looked down on the snowy land, seeming to feel something.

Shikamaru was standing next to Dingci who was eating snacks, silently watching the crowd of people letting themselves go.

"We still have quests, okay? Want to play now? You don't take quests too seriously, right."

Said Shikamaru and looked at Ding Ci.

Ding Ci chuckled the potato chips and looked at Luwan.

For a long time, Ding times did not speak.

Shikamaru held his forehead.

"Well, I get it. I shouldn't have told you."

At this moment, Lord Sakuragi and Tsukigami Tsuchiya walked up from behind.

Tsuchiya Tsuki had a faint smile on his face and patted Shikamaru on the shoulder, very casually and calmly.

"That's it, after all, this time the mission has been secured. There is no accident with the heart of the night."

Father Sakuragi pushed his glasses and smiled.

"That's right, so instead of worrying about the task, it's better to enjoy this journey with peace of mind."

With that said, Tsuchiya Moonshang followed Mr. Sakuragi to the iceberg not far away to watch.

Seeing the two leaving, Shikamaru touched his chin.

"Well~ it seems to be right. But shouldn't you lose some of the vigilance? What do you think? Ding Ci."

Ding Ci ate snacks and looked at Lumaru: "Kaba Kaba..."

"Well, Ding Ci, you are right."

"Kacha Kacha..."


At this moment, Saki Yashin and Nanako had arrived on a snowy field.

It is already close to the inland, and there is a heavy snowfall in the sky.

Saki Yashin and Nanako compete to make a snowman.

Moreover, Muhua Saki Yaxin has piled up a pile of snow that is two meters tall, fabricating a shape.

Nanako was not to be outdone, and the pile of snow piled up was not as exaggerated as Muhua Saki Yaxin's, but it was more than one meter.

"Yu's "Akilabres" will definitely not lose! It is a powerful snow demon puppet bestowed by the power of light and darkness! "

Nanako was struggling to fabricate a snowball that was much taller than her, while speaking solemnly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin said with an arrogant face, slapped the snow ball with her hands so that it gradually took shape, as she said.

"My Snow Demon Puppet is the strongest! It was dubbed by me the title of "Death Winter Snow Demon Puppet Knight"! It's not like your little thing! give up! Nanako! "

Nanako was not convinced at all: "Your Snow Demon Puppet is just bigger in shape! But the shape does not represent strength!"

Kihana Saki Yashin had already slapped a part of the snowman's body roundly, and looked at Nanako proudly and said loudly.

"Hmm~ Then come to witness whose work is the strongest masterpiece at last!"

Nanako hugged another dozen **** of snow on the snowy ground and scattered them on the rather physical snow balls, looking serious at Saki Yashin.

"Bring your horse here! The Eye of Death!"

"Don't lose to me easily! The Messenger of Light and Darkness!"

Talking about it, the two girls seemed to ignite, and both were trying to make up their own snowmen.

And secretly, a group of five Xueren saw these two girls competing to make snowmen, and they were speechless.

One of them Xue Ren said to the leader in the middle.

"Boss, why do I feel so passionate when I look at it?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the other four people looked at the speaker strangely.

The boss also twitched the corners of his mouth, and slapped the man on the back of the head directly.

"Hot blood! Do you want to make snowmen with them too? Huh?"

The beaten Xueren touched the back of his head and looked aggrieved.

"No... I don't want to, I'm sorry... I was wrong."

The boss glared at Na Xueren angrily, and continued to observe Muhua Saki Yaxin and Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"Do these two girls have faces? The snowmen are not like the operations of the residents of Snow Country, they should be outsiders.

What foreigners will come here at this time? "

After all, the Snow Country is covered with ice and snow all year round, and snow is almost like mud to them.

There was a little fun when I was young, but now in Snow Country, no child would come here to make snowmen.

"It's just two little girls who don't have much threat, boss. Do we really have to observe for that long?"

The boss glanced at the vocalist, and then went on to look at both Saki Yashin and Nanako.

"Just looking at the surface, you can't see the threat of the enemy, even if she is harmless, she might be a ninja in disguise! She can kill you at any time!

So don't have a slack heart! "


The other four also responded with serious faces. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The boss nodded in satisfaction.

"It's good if you know, then let's ask them what they are here for now."


The four looked at the boss in surprise.

The boss was a little speechless at the fussing four people: "What are you doing? You don't really think that there is a strong man who can build a snowman so naively? No?"

"No way?"

"Do you really think those two girls are strong?"


The four fell silent...

Facing such a yin and yang boss, they kind of want to have a big meal...

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