Muhua Saki worked hard to fabricate the snowman, and now he has a rough shape.

In fact, it's time to draw the magic circle!

Just find some branches to install on your hands and feet!

Nanako is a little slower here, but it's almost the same, and she is still working hard to paint her magic mark on the snowman's belly.

That's right, it's a magic mark like a magic circle.

Nanako doesn't have the talent for Saki Yashin to draw all kinds of magic circles.

But she also learned a little bit of the essence, using circles, triangles, and some symbols she found specifically to depict a small magic circle as her exclusive magic mark.

The imprint of burning this is a symbol of the end power of light and darkness!

It's your own thing!

And the remaining power of the end of light and darkness! I will never lose!

Nanako carefully portrayed this pattern while thinking.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is the same, painting magic circle is familiar to her, and she has already carved an outline in two or three strokes.

At this moment, the five people of Xue Ren swished into five black shadows and fell in front of Muhua Sakuya's mind.

Both Saki Yashin and Nanako stopped their movements and looked at the five people who suddenly appeared.

The five of them were wearing standard Chakra armor, and their expressions were all indifferent.

At this time, the boss stood up, at the forefront, with a cold face looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

The next moment, he suddenly turned into a silly smile, and asked Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Little sister, why are you playing snowmen here? Where's your family?"

Muhua Saki looked at the five people blankly, and looked at the five people who didn't have much intention to kill. She didn't care and said directly: "I just came here to travel and do a mission by the way."

"Travel? Mission?"

Nanako looked familiar with the five chakra armor.

"You armor, does it feel so ugly?"

"So ugly?"

Boss Xue Ren was stunned for a while.

Suddenly, Ino, who was looking for Sakuya Saki, turned into a black shadow and fell next to Saki Saki.

The speed is much faster than Xue Ren.

Ino looked at the Yuukishin five, and the Yuukishin five also looked at Ino.

Stunned for a while.

Then Ino asked Muhuasaki Yaxin.

"Who are they? They look familiar in the armor? It seems that those people are all accomplices, right?"

At this time, the Xueren five people reacted, their faces were shocked, and they all jumped back together, posing for Ino.

"You, you, who are you!"

At this time, Muhua Sakiya had a flash of light in her heart, and she suddenly realized.

"Oh~ It seems that they are Xue Ren, one of the mortal forces in this country?"

"My Eye of Death seems to have promised to help a mortal princess, right."

Ino also remembered, and nodded to Saki Yashin.

"It seems to be?"

As the two of them were so casual to the extreme, they didn't put them in a conversation at all.

Xue Ren's boss had a cold sweat on his face.

Could it be that...I really missed it?

I do not believe!

Thinking about it, Boss Xuenin clenched his fists and yelled at Muhua Saki Yaxin!

"Sure enough, they are enemies! Take them down!"

As he said, he rushed towards Muhana Saki Yashin and Ino first.

The remaining four followed closely behind.

However, facing the five people who ran over, Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth curled slightly.

"It's time to use your strength!"

""Death Winter Snow Magic Puppet Knight" show your power! Smash them all! "

next moment!

The snowman behind Muhua Sakiya's heart moved. The snowman was not fully formed, but at this moment, it became more and more appearance. Snow gathered his limbs along the four parts of the body, and then ran towards Wuxueren!

When the five Xueren saw this scene, their faces were shocked, and when they saw the mysterious pattern engraved on the snowman's body, they were quite disturbed.

did not expect! I was really hit by the boss!

This girl is really not just playing a snowman!

However, they are not too afraid, because the Chakra armor is quite strong.

Not only can it absorb Chakra, but the general escape technique is ineffective.

Then, the snowman more than two meters high raised his foot and stepped on the boss Xueren.

Boss Xue Ren dodged and avoided it, thinking about it in his heart.

Too slow! Such things are not to be feared!

The rest of the people think so.

Until the next moment, the snowman stepped on the ground! It shouldn't be said on the snow!


The thick snow layer was directly lifted by the huge wind pressure, forming snow waves!

In the shocked eyes of the five people, Xuelang slapped them directly!

All of a sudden, they were pressed into the snow with great force.

The five people were immediately buried in the snow, and their heads were dizzy as a result of the tremendous force.

In the next moment, they finally woke up and crawled out of the snowdrift with all their strength, but only showed a head out of the snowdrift.

The body underneath seemed to be tightly bound by Xue, and he couldn't even move his fingers...

They saw Muhua Saki Yexin stretch out her palm to them, spread her five fingers, and then hold on to the void.

In the next moment, they felt that the condensed snow on their bodies became more solid.

It seemed that he was about to rush to the street, and the faces of the five people's heads and faces sank.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin was standing in front of their five heads, squatting down slowly, looking at them with a lovely smile.

"Hehe, it's really a weak enemy class."

The five people looked at Muhua Saki Yashin's cute face, which was already the cute smile, but their hearts were completely cute.

The five of them sank their faces, one second or two seconds...Everyone couldn't help but panicked, and the boss spoke tremblingly.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin slightly raised her head to look at the sky, thought for a second, then looked at Boss Xuenin, and said innocently: "What are you doing? Hmm... I seem to be trying to compete with Nanako."

With that, Saki Yashin Kihana stood up and looked at Nanako.

Nanako also looked at Muhua Saki Yashin, but her small face was very serious.

"Yes! Sister! Our duel is not over yet!"

"Then, continue my competition!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned around and looked at the two-meter-high snowman who stood up, her face a little dumbfounded.

" there something to be added?"

Nanako can't control what Muhana Saki Yashin is doing, she is also working hard to fabricate the snowman.

She has completely portrayed herself as a magic mark. The next step is to fabricate the shape and you are done!

Looking at Nanako who was making a snowman, Ino started to play, raising her hand with a look of excitement.

"Me! I want to participate too!"

Saki Yashin and Nanako nodded immediately.

"Of course! The Dark Emperor wants to participate, of course we welcome it!"


Ino jumped, and immediately began to pile snow **** in the snow.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also continued to sculpt the details of the snowman, such as having a little more magic circle.

Ever since...

The five heads on the snow watched the three of them play making snowmen in silence.

"Boss... Have you ever thought about our ending..."

" Really?"



The subordinates repeatedly whip the corpse...

Boss Xue Ren finally said helplessly.

"Stop can't escape no matter how much you say."

"By the way, can you activate the Chakra armor to get us out of trouble?"

Seems to hear the words of Xue Ren boss.

Ino rubbed a snowball and smashed it directly into his face.


The snowball exploded on the face without pain or itching, and the slush covered all parts of the face.

Boss Xueren's face twitched...

It hurts little...very insulting...

If he couldn't move, he would rush to fight with them!

But the next moment!

A few snowballs flew.


Suddenly Xuemu was full of Xueren's face.

Seeing this snowy boss's twitchy stupid face full of snow.

Muhua Saki Yaxin couldn't help laughing.

"It's so stupid...Sure enough, this face should be smashed."

The other four Xueren's subordinates couldn't help but were holding back a smile.

Xue Ren's boss endured the anger, his face twitched, he wanted to endure!

He is a ninja!



In the next moment, both Saki Yaxin and Nanako couldn't help it, and one of them threw a snowball and smashed it against Boss Xueren.

next moment.

It seems that the sisters really have a good heart.

Two snowballs were precisely set on his eyes, one on the left and the other on the right, like two white snow eggs, which looked very funny.

Ino couldn't help it directly.

" doesn't work, it's so stupid...that face..."

Ino hugged his belly and laughed.

The same goes for Saki Yashin and Nanako.

Laughing like a lark.

Laughing stomach hurts.

"This guy... is so funny."

"Should this face be so stupid?"

Xue Ren couldn't help it either, so he suffocated, and then laughed out of control.

As we all know, laughter can be contagious. When a person laughs out loud, the others can't help it.

Ever since, they opened their mouths and laughed together.

At this time, the snowball slowly slid down from Xueren's eyes, revealing his angry eyes.

"What a laugh! Bastard!"

However, the next moment!

A few more snowballs flew over, and directly smashed the faces of the remaining Si Xueren, and they were stuffed into their mouths who opened their mouths and laughed.

Their smiles suddenly stiffened.

Seeing the stupidity of the four, the boss Xue Ren finally laughed happily.

"Let you laugh! Laugh, laugh..."


Another shot.

Accurately fell into Xue Ren's mouth.

Suddenly, Xue Ren's boss also froze with a smile.

this moment.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the stupid faces of the five and laughed while rolling in the snow.

"No's so stupid..."

"Let me...hahaha...make me happy mortals..."

"Hahaha... they are so fun! Sister! I want to smash..."

Snow Ninja Five: "..."

We are guilty, please let thunder strike us to death instead of being played by them here...

Thinking of this, Xue Ren's boss was about to cry aggrieved tears.

Being a human being is too difficult.

It's too hard to be a ninja!

Why are they here to bear these...

It seems to be home...


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