The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 214: What are they...playing?

It didn't take long for Muhua Saki Yaxin to lie down and resurrected with blood, and continued to join the battlefield.

The three girls play snowballs in a variety of ways.

With all kinds of snowballs flying around the sky.

At the same time, all kinds of passionate lines were constantly shouting from the girl's mouth.

It's so hot to see it!

With five heads on the snow, silently watching the girls playing snowball fights, there was more indescribable envy in their eyes.

Of course, the ricochet (snowball) on the battlefield also draws one of the five heads from time to time.

They don't care anymore, after all, they are used to it.

While suffering the occasional stray bullet attack, while silently watching the girls play.

It feels good like this...

"I really want to snowball too~"

At this time, someone said aloud.

Immediately attracted the eyes of the other four people.

The boss looked at this little Xue Ren, who had said that he wanted to make a snowman with the girl.

"You guy, can you be a little bit ethical? Can you give me some face? My face has been lost!"

However, the little brother Xue Ren had a calm face, and at the same time, the eyes of the boss and the boss were a little contemptuous.

"Boss, I'm in this situation now, you can't beat me if you say anything.

I'll just say it straight.

You all dislike the integrity of your mouth, and pretend to be bright and beautiful, don't you think the same as me?


Saying that snowball fights are just a kid’s trick, alas...

Who doesn't miss the child's self, but he just adds an adult buff, is it not related to snowball fights?

I really don't understand?

Being an adult is really tiring. "

The boss looked at this little brother in disbelief, but...

He did say that he had entered his heart.

No one has a heart that was once childlike.

Perhaps after becoming an adult, I became concerned about the eyes of others, and a lot of burdens were added to make it look like a successful person before and after...


Do you really want to have a snowball fight?

Once that innocent self... when did it disappear...

All five fell silent.


However, the bigger the snowball fight of the three people, the bigger and the more ridiculous!

All kinds of snowballs in the sky fly randomly, and the snowballs are getting bigger and bigger, and the battlefield is very far away.

After a while, Xue Ren and five saw the three girls running hundreds of meters away.

Now they looked at the girl a little bit hard.

The boss silently looked at the girl who was about to disappear in front of them, and suddenly made a sound.

"Eh~ Did they forget us!"

"It seems to be eh."

"Is it okay to forget us?"

"Forget about us, okay?"

"Stupid! We can't get out now! Chakra is exhausted and will be frozen to death here!"

The old man shouted angrily.

"Boss, you are right, but they have already run away?"


The boss was stunned, looking at the distance where the girls were originally, but now he can't see it at all.

He yelled hard:

"Hey!! Have you forgotten something!"


The sound broke through the sky, but it was very empty here. No one responded to Xue Ren's boss for a long time.

At this moment, the five Xueren panicked, and immediately shouted one of them together: "Help!!!"



Shikamaru and Ding Ci sat beside a small ice mountain, looking at the ice-snow mountains and rivers very leisurely.

The filming of the crew is basically completed.

Fenghua Xiaoxue prepares to go to the seat of the rebel army in the Snow Country with Santa Fu.

The two of them are observing from the commanding heights.

"It seems there is nothing unusual, is the enemy's reaction so slow?"

Shikamaru yawned and said.

Ding Ci shook his head while eating potato chips.

"I don't know, but the enemy's ninjas have been missing for so long. It is indeed unusual that there is no follow-up unit to investigate."

Underneath, Naruto and the others were talking with Fenghua Xiaoxue, and walked along with the crew.

"Although Xue Ren's intelligence said that Xue Ren has a small number and very few troops, but there is not even a reconnaissance unit."


The wind and the raging waves were on the windowsill of the royal building, looking at the snow scene below, with a tyrannical impatience in his eyes.

There are indeed too few people in Xue Ren, and they are basically fish-like characters.

Normally, he didn't plan to rely on the miscellaneous soldiers, but when the Xueren trio disappeared, he had to rely on the miscellaneous soldiers.

I can't let him do it himself.

"Well, I really want me to do it myself!"

Fenghua Rage squeezed his fist, a little helpless.

It feels like he doesn't make a move, and the enemy doesn't even know if the enemy has knocked down his door.

Thinking about it, Fenghua and Rage went back to the room to pick up his own Chakra armor and put it on, his eyes gradually becoming fierce.

"No matter who it is! My Snow Country is not that easy to mess with!"


Naruto walked along the roadside with Fenghua Xiaoxue, not worrying about lying in ambush, with a depressed expression.

"Where did Ye Xin sauce go?"

Sakura is also a little curious.

"Are they running so far? They have all come here, they should be close to the Snow Country, I haven't seen them yet."

Fenghua Xiaoxue was holding her necklace in her hand, still thinking about meeting Fenghua's raging waves in her heart...

There was no time to take care of the discussion between Sakura and Ino.

Just at this time!

A watermelon-sized snowball in the sky crossed a parabola and flew towards Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was in a daze and wondering about something.

"Be careful!"

Naruto immediately took Fenghua Xiaoxue and blocked him with a punch to break the snowball.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was stunned, looking at the Naruto in front of her, her face still a little dazed.

Naruto stayed too.


Naruto looked at Sakura next to him, but Sakura pointed to the front, her expression horrified.

"Be careful!"

Naruto turned his head to look, and saw a snowball bigger than him fly over.

Do you want to be so exaggerated!

Naruto instantly broke out of the nine-tailed chakra pattern, the golden red chakra turned into a giant hand and swept it, and instantly slapped the snowball into slush and scattered in the air.

"what happened?"

Naruto dismissed the Nine-Tailed Chakra mode, scratching his head and looking at the direction the snowball flew, a little confused.

Shikamaru jumped a ninja and came to Naruto's side.

"Don't worry, Ye Xin is just ahead."

"The snowball just now was lost by Ye Xin and the others."

In the front, there are not many mountains, and it belongs to a relatively flat area.

So Shikamaru and they all jumped down.

Naruto and Sakura were stunned: "Yeshin?"

Then, Naruto and the others ran forward quickly.

However, before running far, two figures ran back.

Naruto took a closer look:

"Ino and Nanako?"

Ino pulled Nanako and hurried over, and when he saw Naruto and his group, they yelled anxiously.

"Quick! Run! Ye Xin is about to kill!"


Naruto and a few people are very confused.

At this time, a familiar figure flew over in the air.

That's right, Muhua Saki Yaxin, she stood in the air in front of everyone, looking up sickly and laughing loudly: "Hahahahahahaha!!!"

"Worship under the power of my eye of death!!! The superstar snow magic bullet that shattered the world!!!"

In the next moment, countless snow from the surrounding area gathered on Muhua Sakiya's heart, and in less than ten seconds, it gathered into a huge snowball with a diameter of several meters!

Then... ten meters... fifteen meters... twenty meters...

Seeing the huge snowball covering the sky, everyone was horrified.

"Is this... God's power?" Naruto said in shock.

"Our strength is not in the same dimension..." Shikamaru was also sweaty and frightened.

Nanako trembled, "Is this the power of the Eye of Death?"

Sakura is not as good as Naruto and the others, she just feels...

What is this! ! !

"Hey! You don't want to make jokes like this, right? Snowballs like that can really kill you!"

At this time Ino stood up, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with firm eyes, and burst out this unwilling will.

"That's right! We can't just give up like that! There must be a way! Let us join together! We must be able to stop it!"

Naruto and Shikamaru also recovered, looked at Ino, and nodded seriously: "That's right! We can't just give up like this!"

"Everyone! Let's unite together! Fight against that big devil!"

Mr. Sakuragi: "Yes! Join together!"

Tsuchiya Moon: "For the glory of the death agreement!"

With that said, Naruto burst into the Nine-Tailed Chakra pattern, and was desperately collecting snow.

Not to be outdone, Sasuke turned on Lei Dun Chakra mode to collect snow.

Ino's inner voice conductor!

Commander Shikamaru.

Tsuchiya Tsukami and Sakuragi were also helping.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, the directors and crew all joined in this war of resistance.

Only Sakura looked at everyone silly.

"Hey... why did Sasuke join in? What's the matter with your hot look like ah hey..."

Sakura was unable to complain, and obediently went to carry the slush.

In a short while, in front of Naruto's giant chakra hand, there was already a huge snowball that was smaller than the one in Muhua Saki's heart!

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled disdainfully, and the blue pupil of her left eye shimmered.

"Struggle! Mortal! Under the power of my eye of death! Crush it to pieces!!!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin waved to everyone below!

The huge snowball started to fall!

Naruto and their faces were solemn, and their eyes revealed firm belief.

"Assembled everyone's efforts! We will not lose!"

With that said, Naruto added a spin to his little snowball, and then Naruto’s huge Chakra arm pushed it straight up!

The huge snowball with a diameter of hundreds of meters that fell like a comet quickly collided with the huge snowball of tens of meters with a smaller rotation!


moment! Boom in twos!

A huge snow wave covered the sky and fell, and the scattered snow wave directly covered Muhua Saki Yexin in it.

Naruto Sasuke and the others underneath were naturally not immune to All of a sudden, the overwhelming snow drowned everyone in.

And this scene was caught by Fenghua and Raging Troops in the distance.

He personally led the team to patrol, and it felt very strange to see the huge snowball in the sky.

He took out his binoculars and directly observed the scene of two snowballs colliding against the sky and exploding a snow wave.

Of course, he also observed a scene where all the people over there were buried in the snow.

Fenghua and Rage put down the telescope, frowned, and said, "???"

"What are they playing?"


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