The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 215: Don’t take it to heart (4000 words big

Fenghua and Rage looked at the unusual scene, thinking it was the location of the enemy...


It should be the enemy.


What the **** was the collision of those two giant snowballs just now?

Fight Xu Xuebao?

Not so exaggerated, is it?

Besides, there are people who are so stupid that they are playing snowball fights in the enemy's territory, and they play this kind of movement...

Thinking of this, Fenghua and Rage once again raised his binoculars and looked at the hill-like snowdrifts over there.

"Maybe there is such an idiot!"

"Go! Let's go over there!"


Feng Hua Nu Tao directly led the Xue Ren team and ran in the direction of Mu Hua Saki Yexin.

After running for a certain distance, Fenghua Nuotao discovered an abnormality.

On the snow in front of them, five heads appeared strangely.

In this way, Fenghua and Rage brought the Xueren team of hundreds of people, stopped in front of the five heads, and fixedly looked at the five heads. .

The five Xueren also looked directly at the crowds of wind and flowers that came.

The atmosphere became very weird...

Fenghua and Rage was thinking...

Who is that? Is it really an idiot enemy?

In the next moment, however, the Xueren group of five who finally found the large group couldn't help but shed crystal tears.

Boss Xue Ren: "Uuuuu~ you are finally here! Master Rage!"

The other four people also complained angrily.

"Master Anger, we have been bullied miserably."

At this time, someone pointed to the boss Xue Ren and said.

"Oh! Isn't this Fuyuki?"

The boss of the Xueren group of five immediately shouted: "Yes, yes! I'm Fuyuki!"

Xueren on the side looked at Fenghua Rage and was a little confused, stepped forward and leaned in his ear and whispered.

"Master Anger, they are one of the teams you sent out to investigate the border before."


Fenghua and Rage remembered that he had indeed transferred out several teams to investigate.

Okay, Fenghua and Rage are finally determined, and there are a few scum on their faces in front of him, and the guys his mother can't recognize are his men.

He looked at the Xueren group of five with a gloomy expression: "How did you get buried here?"

The leader of the Xueren group of five shook the ice scum on his face and said excitedly: "We were in an ambush! We were in an ambush! The enemy's Xuedun Ninjutsu was very powerful, and we were buried here to carelessly. "

The eyes of the other four people flickered, and they nodded frantically at the wind and raging waves like a chicken pecking at rice.

"The powerful Xue Dun ninjutsu?"

Fenghua and Rage thought about the scene that he had just seen, the huge snowball of one hundred meters.

"Well, the enemy Xue Dun Ninjutsu is indeed very powerful."


" seems to need attention..."

With that said, Fenghua and Rage went over the dead heads of the five people in two steps, and continued to move forward.

The Xue Ren quintupper stared blankly at his boss striding over him.

Afterwards, the teams behind also kept up with the wind and the raging waves without saying a word.

Until everyone has crossed the Xuenin five people.

The smiles on the faces of the Xue Ren five gradually disappeared, and then turned into panic.



"Master Anger!!!"

The five screamed desperately.

"Help!!! Lord Rage!!!"

"We are here!!!"


"Master Fenghua and Rage!!!"


No one cares... Fenghua and Rage led the large troops straight away...

At this time, a cold wind blew, and the ice **** on their faces and hair fell a little, the bleak cold wind, and the five human heads planted on the ground, this situation and this scene set off the five people from the inside to the outside. Cold despair...

"They won't look back..."

No one answered...

Until the end, I don’t know who said quietly...

"We are so cold..."


Fenghua and Rage left without looking back, and the five dumb heads looked silly and stupid.

Such subordinates should let them fend for themselves. He would be benevolent if he didn't kill them himself!


Back to the scene of Muhua Saki Yashin and their battle.

At this moment the whole area is covered with snowdrifts like a hill.

At a place above the calm snow-capped mountain, suddenly the snow moved a little.

The next moment, suddenly a head broke out of the snow.


He has very bright golden hair and the iconic beard on his face. Even if he is stained with snow scum, he can still recognize that this is Naruto.

Naruto took a breath, moved his head lightly, looked around for a week, and sighed as he looked at the snow-covered ground around him.

"Really awesome."

At a moment, the snow next to Naruto moved again, and it was a big movement.

Then, head after head came out from the side like a hamster.

Relying on the special design, several people can be vaguely recognized as Ino, Sakura, Sasuke, and so on.

It seems that everyone is coming out.

But everyone's face is not good-looking, it is covered with scum.

These few heads looked at each other and were silent for a while.

The next moment, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.




Everyone will be very happy and feel that this snowball fight experience is really good.

After laughing for a while, Ino suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and said in surprise.

"Huh~ Where's Ye Xin?"

Nanako on the side was stunned, and he scanned for a week, but she didn't see her sister!

"Where is my sister?"

As Nanako uttered this sentence, there was a wide range of vibrations in Snowdrift Nine around them.

next moment!

On the top of the snow mountain in the center of the crowd, a small white hand broke out of the snow!

Immediately! The snowdrift shook!

Bang! ! !

The snowdrift exploded, the slush splashed everywhere, and a small figure flew up through the snow!

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood floating in the air with her hands on her hips, looking down at everyone!

"Meow hahahahaha~"

With a burst of frantic laughter from the young girl, the little figure became bright and majestic under the sun in the sky.

"You and others are all defeated by my men!"

Sakura was unconvinced, and shouted at Saki Yashin.

"This is not fair! Obviously you were also buried, how come we are defeated!"

"Is Ye Xin going to cheat?"

At the moment, Ino's eyes were also a bit bad.

"Humph~ look at me."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin whirled in the air, showing that she was not at all snowy, clean and tidy.

A pair of arrogantly looked at everyone's embarrassed look with all the scumbags on their faces.

"Look at you again! It looks like a loser!"

As soon as Muhua Saki Yaxin said this, everyone seemed to have a fishbone stuck in their throats, but they couldn't say what they said just now.

Everyone looked at each other, their little heads were covered with snow slag, and only one little head broke out of the snow...

It seems to be a loser...

However, Nanako, no matter what the loser is the undefeated, she acted directly, took her hand out of the snow, pinched the snowball, and threw it directly at Kawasaki Yaxin!

"Take it! Sister shamelessly! The final blow of the light and darkness!!!"

Nanako used Chakra, and the snowball flew super fast!

Muhua Saki froze for a moment. The sudden situation seemed unexpected. Two little hands flicked in front of her in a panic, as if trying to block it. However, the snowball just happened to break through the little hand and hit her head directly. .



The snowball hit the face, Muhua Saki Yaxin's little head was smashed backwards, and suddenly fell from the air.

Fall directly into the thick snowdrift in the center of the crowd, the next moment.

Muhua Saki Yexin's little head burst out of the snow, looking depressed.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin's small face was already covered with snowflakes just like everyone just now.

Everyone laughed at the look of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Hahahaha, the face of the defeated army."

"Ye Xin, you are also defeated."

"And I lost to Nanako!"

Nanako had a very happy look on her small face at the moment, because this was the first time she had beaten her sister.

"I won! I won my sister!"

Kihana Saki Yashin looked depressed and pulled out her little hand from the snowdrift and touched Nanako's head next to her: "Yes, yes, Nanako won."


Ino also stretched out a small hand and rubbed the head of Kikasaki Yaxin.

"Calling you arrogant, Ye Xin, know you're wrong."

At this moment, the wind and flowers and the raging waves have come to the hill-like snowdrifts.

Naruto and they also noticed a large group of people.

Everyone looked at Fenghua Rage and his Snow Ninja Legion.

Suddenly the scene fell into silence again.

Seeing the scene where Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others only showed one head, Fenghua Rage couldn't help but think of those silly heads just now...

How do you feel... This time the enemy is not very clever Ako.

Fenghua Xiaoxue and Santaifu looked at Fenghua's raging waves with panic on their faces.

I was so happy just now, I seem to have forgotten something.

It wasn't until I saw the wind and flowers and raging waves that I remembered that this place seemed to be the place where the wind and flowers and raging waves were!

Muhua Saki looked at the wind and raging waves, and digging aside with both hands, she suddenly jumped out of the snowdrift, standing lightly on the soft snowdrift with her little feet, wanting to watch the wind and raging waves condescendingly.

"Who are you?"

Fenghua Nautao looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue with an inexplicable smile: "Who am I? You should be very clear, right? Xiaoxue!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue clenched her fists and looked at Fenghua's angry waves with a trace of anger.

"Wind Flower and Rage!!!"

"Wind Flower and Rage!?"

Ino suddenly knew that this was Fenghua Xiaoxue's number one enemy! Also the key figure of the mission!

Naruto, Sasuke, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Sakuragi, Tsuchiya Tsukigami, and Kika Saki Yashin all smiled.

"Oh, it looks like you brought all the troops."

Shikamaru looked at the large number of Yukinin, and said with a calm smile.

"It really saves a lot of trouble."

Naruto smiled: "Yes."

Muhua Saki Yaxin single-handed on her hips, pointing only at the wind and raging waves.

"Then finish this mission!"

Fenghua Angry Tao smiled, arrogantly.

"Hahahaha! Just rely on you guys? End the mission?"

However, Muhua Saki Yashin both smiled on their faces, and seemed to treat the wind and raging waves in front of them as small characters, and didn't care at all.

"Since Ye Xin-chan has issued orders... then..."

"Let's go together!"

next moment!

Chakra broke out for everyone present!


Naruto's chakra boiled all over, and the golden-red chakra coat instantly covered him!

Sasuke Lei Dun's Chakra mode is turned on, his hair is slightly erected, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes reveal icy eyes, but the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

The Dingci doubling technique is on! The whole person skyrocketed to a giant tens of meters tall!

Father Sakuragi spreads out his fingers, and the invisible silk thread is entwined in the void.

The bursting fireball of Tsuchiya Moon is accumulating energy! The chakra's reaction is amazing!

Shikamaru, Ino, and Sakura also broke out in Chakra, of course, the momentum was a little bit smaller.

All the outbreaks are happening at the same time!

The mountain-like snowdrifts were directly evaporated by everyone's chakra burst in an instant!

The huge snowdrift disappeared instantly!

Only stay with the powerful Naruto group!

Fenghua's face was ridiculed from the beginning to the current panic, the change was only a moment!

what is this! What are they!

Why is there such a monster!

The reaction of every Chakra in front of the enemy is quite astonishing!

Especially that blond kid, and that Lei Dun guy!

The breath of these two is simply a monster!

The wind and the raging waves seem to have seen it, and the Naruto group's back rushes straight into the sky, like a majestic momentum that will fill the entire world!

And he is like an ant looking up at the sky...

The Xue Ren all showed horror, and some even couldn't help taking a step back. Because their sense organs have this feeling even more, they feel like they look like ants looking at giants. With that momentum, they all feel that their cells are trembling!

As for Naruto, all of them still looked at Fenghua Rage with a faint smile, and their eyes seemed to show their disdain for Fenghua Rage, with a touch of mockery.

The highlight is coming!

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled slightly, lifted her small hand, and suddenly a circle of magic circles appeared under their feet, including everyone!

The next moment, Muhua Saki Yexin burst into chakras, covered with a scarlet chakra coat!

"Sa! Smash them all! For the glory of the death agreement!"

Muhua Saki Yexin gave an order.

Naruto smiled and raised his hand to condense the spiral pill.

Sasuke drew the Shinobi sword, and Lei Dun Chakra covered it.

The giant Ding Ci clasped his fists in a posture of fighting.

Fenghua Rage squeezed his fist trembling tightly!

"I do not believe!"

"Fuck me! Kill them!"

The Yukinins resisted the fear in their hearts and rushed towards Muhua Saki Yaxin!

At the same time, Fenghua and Rage began to seal, and almost instantly the seal was facing the most arrogant floating Muhuasaki Yexin!

"Bing Dun·Black Dragon Blizzard!"

A black dragon made of snow, frost, etc., condensed from his side, and flew away at Muhua Saki Yexin!

"give it to me!"

Naruto smiled, and then turned into golden light and flew to the forefront instantly! The nine-tailed chakra coat on his body stretched out a black dragon whose giant chakra arm instantly gathered snow and frost.

The black dragon was shot apart in an instant!

And under the speed that Fenghua and Rage could not react!

A spiral pill was pressed on his chest instantly!


The spiral pill is exploded!

Fenghua and raging waves fly upside down!

However, Naruto felt something was wrong.

It seems to be blocked by his armor!

Naruto action.

Of course, Sasuke and the others would not fight foolishly.

Sasuke turned into a thunder light, passing back and forth on the battlefield!

Along the way, countless enemies are harvested!

Ding Ci basically punched five children.

Tsuchiya Moon's low-power bursting fireball, precise harvest!

Sakuragi's death cutting line The speed of harvesting enemies is not inferior to Sasuke.

Sakura punched to the sky.

Ino's mental shock, murder and invisibility!

Shikamaru... he beats soy sauce.

That's it, almost less than a minute.

The Xue Ren army was destroyed, and countless Xue Ren lay crookedly on the snow, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

However, Fenghua and Rage made a blow with Chakra armor.

When he slowed down and stood up, he found that countless corpses were lying on Xue Ren, Naruto and others who had already surrounded him.

At this moment.

He feels desperate!



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