The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 219: In order to meet the upcoming competition, everyone is very leisurely

Chihori talked about the Ninja test in the first World Ninja League with Saki Yashin and others at the first time.

The place of appointment is a meatball shop, yes, this meatball shop also belongs to the Muhua Saki Yashin family.

Chihori, Yashin Kihana, and Sakuragi Sakura Tsuchiya sat around a table.

In front of everyone, there is a dining bowl with several skewers of meatballs on it, along with well-matched tea.

"It seems that this time it should be said that it is a very grand game."

Tsuchiya Tsukigami took a sip of tea, then took a bite of a bunch of meatballs, and while eating, he said to Chiho Li, "Say, will Yaxin go too?"

Sakuragi was also curious to look at Chihori and Saki Yoshin next to her.

Chiho also put his gaze on Muhuasaki Yaxin.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yexin was immersed in bitter food, her mouth was full, as she swallowed her stomach, her eyes closed, her head slightly raised, her face was intoxicated, as if she was reminiscing about the happiness brought by the food.

"It's delicious~"

Until she was drunk, Muhua Saki Yaxin wanted to continue to pick up a bunch of meatballs and continue to eat, but she noticed everyone's eyes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin blinked, looking at everyone with a puzzled expression.


"What's the matter? Is the divine life ball not delicious? Why do you look at me like this!"

Chiho-ri stared straight at Kukasaki Yashin, and asked directly, "Hey~ Yashin. Has Tsunade-sama told you about this?"

Muhua Saki Yexin: "???"

"what's up?"

Chiho tugged at the corner of his mouth, a little helpless.

Sure enough, she didn't listen at all just now...

"The first World Ninja League Ninja Exam, did Tsunade-sama tell you about this?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her little finger, nodded her lips, and thought for a while.

"Oh~ It seems that the treacherous female devil did tell me something about the exam."

Hearing Muhua Saki's confirmation, Chiho-ri's eyes widened.

"Is the rumor true? Ye Xin really wants to take the Zhongnin exam."

Lord Sakuragi and Tsuchiya Yue broke into cold sweats.

With Ye Xin, there is no suspense in this Zhongnin exam...

At least there is no suspense for the first place...

"I have always heard that Tsunade-sama will demote Xiaoyaxin to participate in this conference in order to improve Konoha's reputation. However, I did not expect this rumor to be true!"

Muhua Saki night scratched her head in confusion.

"Huh? I do seem to take the Zhongnin exam, but I'm already on the Ninja exam, so I'm just a judge when I participate.

Demotion to participate does not exist. "

Muhua Saki Yaxin said this.

Suddenly, the trio of Chiho Li was stunned.



The world-class Zhongnin exam is coming soon.

Tsunade is basically busy now, and the files on the desktop are always piled up like a mountain, as if there is no end.

Tsunade kept the mechanical formula and signed some documents, which is considered to be a part of the solution.

She immediately put down the pen and stretched.

"Ah~ Becoming a Hokage or something... It's really stupid... If you knew I was dead, don't be a..."

At this moment, a knock on the door rang.


"Please come in."


The door opened, and mute, holding a pile of files, appeared at the door.

Tsunade suddenly leaned back and collapsed weakly on the back of the chair.

"Ah~ it really is you. I feel like I'm going to die..."

Silent holding the files, put them on the desktop already full of files.

"Tsunade-sama, it's not good to be heard by others."

Tsunade waved his hand weakly at Mute.

"Come on...oh~ it's really troublesome to be Hokage..."

"The election of the next Hokage seems to need to hurry up."


Konoha venue center!

Today Konoha has expanded a large area, partly because of Penn.

The center of Konoha's convention hall is an expanded venue, which is a super-large arena, like a round bird's nest, surrounded by spectators, and competitions are held in the center.

It is a more traditional arena.

At this time, many ninjas in the arena are doing various preparations for the Nakanin exam as logistics.

There are the familiar 15 Xiaoqiang inside!

That's right, this is also one of the ninja's tasks!

"Ino! Are all the labels over there attached?"

Kozakura looked at Ino hundreds of meters away and called out.

"Almost a little bit!"

Ino responded loudly with his hands on his mouth, making a horn.

"Where is Kozakura!?"

"My side is already healed!"

Shikamaru is dividing the area, Ding Ci Naruto, Ya and so on are all displaying various props.

For example, props such as banners and signs.

Of course, Muhua Saki Yaxin has also been strengthened.

Muhua Saki Yaxin held a sign and held it up to the sky!

"Sky! Raise your power on this sign!"

Speaking, Saki Yaxin Muhua repeatedly inserted the sign into the groove.

"Heaven's barrier! Territory locked! The operation is unfolding!"

However, nothing happened.

Some only show the **** row, the number in the **** column, and the slogan of the divided area in the insertion groove.

Hinata on the side looked at small stars flashing in his eyes.

"That's awesome! Ye Xin-chan. She was so passionate that she even inserted the sign!"

Looking at Hinata a little speechlessly every day.

"Hey, this sentence doesn't seem to be a compliment."

Tsuchiya Tsukigami and Sakuragi were decorating tables and chairs.

Sakuragi looked at the busy people, turned his head and looked at Tsuchiya Moon and said: "Speaking of Moon, shall we do tasks so leisurely before the game?"

Admiral Tsuchiya Moon placed the tables and chairs, and looked at Lord Sakuragi with a heroic smile.

"Gongsheng, since you are all here, you are still thinking about this. Doing a small task to relax yourself is also part of the practice."

Sakuragi looked at the heroic smiling face on Tsuchiya Moon, somewhat speechless.

"Aren't we playing all the time? The cultivation has fallen a lot."

"Aha~ I'm paying attention to these details, my son."

"Ah, forget it. Anyway, you guys are quite strong. And, there is really nothing to say..."


Konoha mobilized countless ninjas in response to this grand game.

Today is the time for ninjas from various countries to visit Konoha!

First of all, the first team players are invited!

What is ushering in is the team from Wuyin Village!

Moreover, the Five Dynasties Shui Ying Zhao Mei Ming also followed.

However, Terumi Mei led the team to see the Konoha reception group.

The most conspicuous inside, Kawasaki Yashin! ! !

Terumi Mei was in a daze, and immediately stepped forward and asked Muhuasaki Yaxin.

"Xiao Yexin! You are here!"

Muhua Saki Yexin held the welcome stick, expressionless.

"I'm just doing mortal tasks!"


Terumi Ming looked at Muhua Saki Yashin and Then she hugged and rubbed her face.

"Anyway! It's really nice that Xiao Yexin came to receive!"

In this way, the five major countries were a little surprised at the reception Muhua Saki Yexin.

And all the ninjas who chose to take the Ninja test in the five major countries showed their faces.

Tsunade's mouth twitched a little while looking at the ninjas who accompanied them.

Because she has come to a lot of familiar faces, the name of the watch is also very conspicuous on the application list.

"Black soil? Gojiro?"

Aren’t these two former shadow guards?

Tsunade frowned when he looked at the list of ninjas.

"Sure enough, these guys! It really hurts me not to let Ye Xin participate!"


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