The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 220: The excitement before the game

In the grand Konoha Village, from a height, every inch of the place is full of people, crowded with people, and full of voices.

This is because ninjas from all over the world have gathered in Konoha, and Konoha village has become extremely lively.

The flow of people is very large, very lively and prosperous.

This is all because of the holding of the Ninja Test in the first World Ninja League.

It is worth mentioning that nowadays tourists are not restricted from entering Konoha, so many civilians or wealthy people have heard of this grand event and come from afar.

So Konoha's flow of people can be said to have reached the level of horror.

There is even a situation of blocking people!

Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Kihana Sakinoko became happy and troubled.

Because of the many tourists, the shop at Muhua Saki Yashin's house is full recently. After all, they are among the best delicacies, and tourists from all over the world like it very much.

They will be very busy. Sometimes, they don't have time to accompany Kawasaki Yashin and Nanako.

However, without seeing the lovely daughters, Sakinoko Kihana said absolutely not!

So she and Kitahara Xiliang thought of a way!

In the morning, there is a large storefront in the commercial street, which reads a very famous store in Konoha at Maruko's House.

At the entrance of the store stood a small dinosaur version of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

That's right, Muhua Saki Yashin!

She was wearing a little dinosaur suit, and on the mouth of the little dinosaur's hood, only a delicate face was exposed, the iconic blindfold of her left eye, and an expressionless look.

At this time, two men and women who looked like couples dressed in foreign costumes held hands and saw the little dinosaur Mu Hana Yashin, and their curiosity was instantly raised.

The two looked at each other, nodded, and immediately walked towards Muhuasaki Yaxin.

The girl looked at the little dinosaur Muhua Saki Yaxin, with a cute smile on her face. She pulled her boyfriend and slightly squatted down to look at Muhua Saki Yaxin's small face.

"So cute~ Can I hug you?"

Muhua Sakiya had no expression on her face, the only right eye that showed no expression at all, there was only an extremely calm woodland, and the tail behind her was swaying unconsciously driven by the force. There is no emotion at all when he opens his mouth:

"No, mortal."


The girl was a little disappointed, and her boyfriend said with a gentle smile on the side when seeing this.

"Are we going to patronize this store? Can't you let us hug?"

Muhua Saki looked up at the man blankly, then looked at the girl who squatted slightly in front of him, and said nonchalantly:

"Oh~ then welcome, mortal."


The man scratched his head awkwardly.

"that's all?"

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't intend to pay any attention to them.

The girl was a little disappointed, but she still planned to go in and patronize this store, because the store is really popular and it is definitely famous.

"So cute~ I'm really disappointed not to be able to hug."

The girl stood up with her boyfriend's hand, reluctantly watching Muhua Saki Yaxin walk into the store.

Muhua Saki Yaxin continued to stare at the front in a daze.

At this time, another four-person team appeared on the street with excitement.

"It's Konoha! It's so prosperous!"

"I really won't regret it once! It's great!"

At this time, someone noticed this, and they ran over excitedly at once looking at the cute little dinosaur Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"So cute! Can we take a picture?"

With that said, the man took out the camera and immediately took a picture of Saki Yashin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin still maintained a blank look at this moment.


The next moment, the man gave the camera to his friend, and then stood next to Saki Yaxin Muhua and squatted slightly to compare with a scissor hand.

The friend immediately smiled and pressed the shutter.


A photo of the two of them was taken immediately.

Muhua Saki stared blankly at the man holding the black technology camera, and the next moment his eyes were slightly fierce:

"What are you doing? The mere humans left my message despite my wishes..."

The four of them were a little confused at once, and didn't understand what Saki Yashin was saying, but they still apologized to Saki Yashin.

"Sorry, we are a little too excited.

After all, the first time I came to Konoha, I was a little overwhelmed.

It is said that after the establishment of the World Ninja League in the past two years, the world is peaceful. Otherwise, we would not dare to travel far away. "

As he said, the man raised the camera in his hand.

"If the little sister doesn't like it, I will delete it immediately."

One of the girls also looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with apologetic expression.

"Sorry, they are a little bit overwhelmed. If they scare you, I apologize to you."

Speaking, the girl bowed deeply to Muhua Sakiya.

Muhua Saki Yexin still looked dazed.


After bowing, the girl held her hand to Muhua Saki Yaxin with an imploring expression.

"But I still want to ask my little sister to take a photo with me."


The three men looked at the girl and slapped them.

"Too much! Mei Lai! We want to shoot too!"

After speaking, the three of them also bowed to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Please forgive us for our rude behavior! But please also take a photo with us! Please!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes widened, her expression dumbfounded.


Muhua Saki Yexin stretched out the little dinosaur's paws, scratched her white and tender face, and looked at the group of four with thoughts.

"Well, mortal. But can't be too much."


The girl jumped straight up.

Immediately, several people took photos from various angles and took photos at various angles.

Then, the four of them entered the shop contentedly.

As time went on, the flow of people on this street began to skyrocket, and a conspicuous presence like Yashin Kihana quickly gathered a lot of people around.

Of course, they were also attracted by this scene when they went shopping in their leisure time. When they came to the crowd, they immediately saw Muhuasaki Yaxin.

They looked at Muhua Saki Yashin, who was wearing a little dinosaur dress as a mascot to welcome the guests, and immediately laughed from ear to ear.

Ino looked at the dazed Kihana Saki Yashin, who was forced to open a business with a look of unlovable expression, and found it super funny.

"I didn't expect Ye Xin to have today."

Kozakura also smiled and nodded in agreement: "It's really rare."

Seeing Muhana Saki Yashin who was standing guard, Sakura Sakura became more enthusiastic about her work.

"These are the guests brought by the lovely daughter! Absolutely must be taken seriously!"


At this time, Nanako, dressed in bear clothes, ran over and looked at her god-sama, with a solemn expression on her face.

"Yes! Nanako is here!"

Kihana Sakinoko looked a little funny at Nanako like this, and handed Nanako a basin with balls: "Table number five."


Nanako took the plate and ran out immediately after a trot.

Kihana Sakinoko yelled at it.

"If Nanako gets tired, don't behave."


Nanako didn't turn her head back, she was holding the plate, looking at the little dinosaur sister who was surrounded by people, her face immediately dignified.

"Sure enough, the **** of the gods is still unable to fight!"

"Even sister has no possibility of resistance!"

Thinking about this, Nanako took the plate and came to the table on the fifth table. The little girl even had to raise her hand to pass the plate.

"Guest! Your meatballs!"

The people at this table looked adorable at the little Nanako, but they were also a little worried, and immediately took it.

"Little sister, why did you send it off?"

Nanako looked serious.

"This is Yu's practice!"

She looked at her sister who was standing at the door.

"It's also a game!"

Guests: "???"

However, UU Reading Nanako didn't care about them, and ran back to Sakinoko Kihana.

In fact, Nanako is also a mascot, and there are enough clerk in the store, but Nanako always wants to help something, so Kika Saki Noko will give her a lighthearted after a while.

In this way, the family looked at the store happily.

Oh... Kitahara Kira.

As an old man, there is nothing wrong with watching the barbecue restaurant alone.

Isn’t there a lot of clerk?

On the street outside the store, passing by an unremarkable Kakashi, he looked at the mascot small dinosaur Mu Hana Yaxin.

"I will be the adjudicator tomorrow, and today is still so casual, how good is it?"

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