The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 224: Where are the magic props?

Seeing the two of Ming Zuo, they turned the entire arena into their hunting ground and played Wushuang mowing here.

Raikage finally couldn't help it, and said to Tsunade with an expression that you wanted to face, "Hey, hey, this is too foul!"

"With these two guys here, the whole game can be said to be their hunting ground!"

Gaara's calm face, but my heart is very restless.

"This is indeed, a bit too much.

They can already advance directly. "

Onoki's face was unhappy. He thought he was stable when he let the black soil participate, but he didn't know enough about these two: "It's really too outrageous, Hokage! Are you sure you don't give an explanation?"

Terumi Ming: "..."

Tsunade's red lips showed an intriguing smile.

"Hmph~ If it is unreasonable, the people you sent are even more outrageous!

The former shadow guard, who was definitely an elite Shangnin, was sent out.

You know, these two of me are just pure talents. They reached this kind of strength at such a young age, but it's not my reason.

Besides, they are indeed forbearing, I didn't cheat, and I didn't send her on the stage and it was pretty good. "

Hearing this "she", the four shadows immediately thought of the girl, and thought of the environment of Hell Deep, the world's largest wonder.

That was where Saki Yashin and Uchiha Madara played against each other.

The fourth generation Raikage and Onoki were silent for a moment.

Seeing the dumb shadows, Tsunade smiled triumphantly and continued.

"Besides, although strength is very important in this game, I have a chance for ordinary ninjas to comeback. Just see if they can grasp it."

Gaara immediately looked at the big screen and said in a deep voice, "A chance for a turnaround?"

At this moment, another ninja from Takinin Village found a magical treasure chest under a tree hole!

He opened the treasure chest with curiosity, and found a peculiar scroll as soon as he opened it.

There is a manual attached next to it.


【Fireball Scroll】

A powerful fireball scroll, you can launch an ordinary small fireball by pulling the scroll and introducing the chakra.


Seeing this explanation, Taki Shinobu was stunned.

He recalled the rules. He did say that there would be various props, but he thought it was just various ninjas and detonation talisman.

This kind of ninjutsu scroll?

Is it really reliable?

Taki Shinobu held the scroll and ran out. He looked around and found that there was no one coming, so he planned to experiment with the big tree more than ten meters in front.

Look at what kind of little fireball this little fireball is.

Immediately, Taki Shinobu faced the big tree in front, pulled the scroll, and led into Chakra.

next moment!

The scroll is radiant, and a magic circle radiates out!

With that, the scroll lights up as if burnt red, and Taki Shinobu feels recoil in his hands.


Fiery red like a small fireball as big as a fist burst out!

Hit the big tree in front of you instantly!


As the bright light flashed, the bursting flame exploded, and the hitting tree instantly turned to ashes, and the soil was lifted by the shock wave. This violent heat wave instantly blew Taki Shinobu and hit a big tree.


Takinobu fell to the ground and stood up with his body braced, looking at the forest in front of him that had turned into a sea of ​​hell.

His eyes revealed a fiery red light, and his face was stunned.

"This is the little fireball..."

The next moment, Taki Shinobu's face was full of excitement, and he grabbed the scroll that he was still holding tightly in his hand. Some lines on it had been burned, but he was still very excited:

"Little Fireball!!!"

"It's really great!!"

The large projection screen broadcasted this scene.

The four movies are a little surprised!

The fourth generation of Raikage looked a little ugly: "Ninjutsu scroll? This thing actually sits out?"

Onoki's complexion is also a bit bad: "This is what you said, is the chance of a comeback?"

The appearance of these things means a change in the strength of the ninja.

It also represents the overall strength gap between Shinobu Village!

The gap between them and Konoha is getting bigger and bigger!

The audience certainly doesn't care about that much, they just sigh.

"This prop! It's too strong!"

"It seems that this is the first prop they found."

Of course, Taki Shino isn't the only one who discovered props such as ninjutsu scrolls.

There are more, and more and more people are aware of the existence of these props!

Knowing the existence of powerful ninjutsu scrolls, they all embarked on a journey to find treasure chests.

More and more scrolls appeared, and they gradually discovered that the color and gorgeousness of the scrolls determine the strength of the scrolls!

The powerful scrolls currently appearing are all golden.

One was obtained by an unknown wandering ninja.


【Almighty Guard】

Pull the scroll and enter Chakra, and you will get an ultimate energy shield that resists all attacks.

The ultimate energy shield will exist for three minutes, within three minutes you can choose to detonate the shield yourself.

Detonating the shield will excite super energy and wipe out enemies within a radius of ten meters!


The description of the skills of this scroll, Five Shadows seems to feel a bit too much.

The unremarkable little fireballs are so powerful.

Resist all attacks?

Outbreak of super power?

How exaggerated is this?

There is also a golden scroll that was found by Hinata. It's not easy to find these with her eyes.


[Ruled beam]

Pull open the scroll, input chakra will send out a beam of light, the enemies affected by the beam will be eliminated.

The flying speed of the light beam is only the speed of the ordinary Shinobu projection.


Although this scroll was considered a bug, Wuying said it was acceptable.

After all, this kind of attack can still be avoided.

However, the next scroll made them feel calm.


Because at this time, Ino also found a shiny colorful scroll.

This scroll is very conspicuous, and of course it attracted Ino's curiosity.

She picked it up curiously, and saw an introduction book next to the scroll.


[Eye of Death Stand-in]

Pull the scroll to activate the Eye of Death substitute, you can directly eliminate an enemy in sight!


Ino froze for a moment and scratched his head.

"Ye Xin...what is this doing?"

Immediately, Ino retracted the scroll.


When this kind of special reel appears, the lens must be given, and the audience outside and the Five Shadows have seen this introduction.

"What is this……"

"This is definitely cheating, right?"

"In sight? Direct judgment?"

The four shadows cast death gazes at Tsunade.


Tsunade reluctantly explained with a sweat on his face.

"Ahem, luck is also a part of strength..."

Ohnoki said quietly, "You Konoha Ninjas are very four generations: "Do you feel that you are humorous? "

Gaara: "..."

Terumi Ming: "..."


Seeing this, Muhua Saki night said with a verbal expression: "This is definitely not my problem. Sure enough, the dark emperor's luck is still so good!"


In this situation, no one can guess what the ending will be.

[Cash red envelopes to receive cash! Follow WeChat. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp], cash/coins are waiting for you!

After all, the scroll is too buggy!


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