The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 225: The emergence of **** props

The appearance of the scrolls of these artifacts did not affect the powerful people pushing everything.

In other words, people who think they are powerful do not know the existence of scrolls.

Because they never stopped, never stopped for a scroll.

They are extremely confident in their own strength. They are either eliminating players or chasing players along the way!

Naruto and Sasuke are the most obvious examples.

If they encounter a bug scroll like Ino, they will be eliminated instantly if they are not paying attention.

But in fact, Muhua Saki Yaxin only put one such bug scroll.

There are only three golden scrolls.

Others are a little bit more.

But not many, with the most whiteboard scrolls.

It is certainly not possible that all of these were invented by Yashin Muhuasaki.

Kohana Saki Yashin is responsible for proposing the conjecture, and then guiding the people in the Konoha Research Department to invent the ninjutsu scroll.

Of course, part of it is Saki Yashin who is responsible for entering ninjutsu. As long as it is Saki Yashin who is responsible for entering ninjutsu, the scroll of ninjutsu must be very powerful.

It's like a small fireball on a whiteboard scroll.

This is what Muhuasaki Yaxin entered.

Others may not be so powerful.

The Konoha Research Department has a smart doctor who is very confident in his own research and development, but he has never received much funding.

It was the funding approved by Tsunade after Yashin Kihana joined.

Ninjutsu scroll is one of the finished products.

And this doctor was also impressed by Muhua Saki Yashin's thoughts and incomparable creativity, and personally let go of pride and do things for the girl.

Don't talk about digressions.

Now, the Shinoda Jurassic Army, who thought it was invincible, finally encountered a problem.

They prided themselves on being numerous and strong, and they didn't look for any scrolls. They all went straight ahead, annihilating and eliminating those who were uninterested.

Of course, Shinoda Juran has the most headcount.

The rest of the people are the heads of people who have to rely on their strength to grab the head.

There are more than one hundred people.

Anyway, those who joined Shinoda Juran are all people who know their own strengths and have no confidence in the game.

I just hope that I can mix the heads in this team, or even if I live to the end, the score will not be low.

The calculations they made, Shinoda Jiro knew that he used the psychology of these people to form this scale.

Originally, Shinoda Shisanro sent seven wandering ninjas as his starting team. Now he has become more than one hundred people, and Shinoda Shisanro's strategic eloquence is also great.

Shinoda Jiro has always believed that he is one of the 100 people who have advanced!

Then they met a trio.

A Takininja, a wandering ninja, and a star ninja village!

That's right Star Ninja Village!

They also joined the World Ninja League.

The three ninjas are grouped together because they have enough scrolls in their hands!

The three are afraid of each other, but they have reached a cooperation with each other, collecting scrolls together and defeating others.

Their idea is to eliminate everyone first, and finally they win again and again by means.

The three looked at more than a hundred people, surrounded in front, and the leader Shinoda Juran.

A little cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Takinobu: "Hey, hey, this team is too foul."

Wandering Ninja: "Is this kind of team allowed?"

Star Shinobi: "It seems that our scrolls can't be saved!"

Shinoda Juran looked at the three people in front of him, and had no intention of surrendering at all, so he immediately ordered.

"Go on! Take them down!"

The many ninjas who could not wait immediately projected kunai and shurikens at the three of them.

The densely packed kunai shurikens immediately struck head-on.

The three of them immediately took out a scroll and pulled it apart together.

Looking at it one by one, it happens to be the scroll of the three characters Feng Huo Lei!

next moment!

Big fire waves, violent winds, and arrow-like splitting thunder and lightning broke out from the scrolls in their respective hands!

The sky full of Kuwu Shuriken was instantly burned, blown by the wind, and struck by lightning.

In an instant, they were all beaten up.

Seeing this scene, Shinoda Juran felt something was wrong.

Can you get ninjutsu by pulling the scroll?

Doesn't have any Jieyin?


The next moment, Taki Shinobu once again opened a scroll. Although this scroll was a white board, it had a magical pattern pattern on it.

Ninjutsu is very powerful for scrolls with this kind of texture.

The wandering ninja also pulled out a similar scroll.

Only Xingren silently took out a blue scroll.

At the next moment, the three of them pulled the scroll together.

The scrolls in the hands of Takinin and the wandering ninja instantly unfolded the magic circle projection.

And the scroll in Xingren's hand just lit up.


[Ordinary Thunder Tornado]

Wandering Ninja:

[Common ground bumps]

Star Shinobi:

[Combined Ninjutsu! The art of super fire waves! 】

next moment!

The super huge tornado wrapped by a thunder arc swept away towards Shinoda Juburou and the crowd.

However, they still want to escape, but the next moment, the ground fluctuates back and forth like a wave.

Let them stand unsteadily and staggered.

Of course, there was still a huge fire wave coming towards him.

Facing such a fierce attack, a group of wandering ninjas were dumbfounded.

Because this is an instant ninjutsu, they basically don't have much time to seal, plus they are disturbed by the influence of this large-scale soil escape ninjutsu.

They basically have no chance to dodge.

And the people behind the team could only shout.


"Hurry up!"

The person at the front of the team has no chance.

The next moment the thunder tornado swept most of the ninjas directly in it.

The fire wave was also absorbed by the Thunder Tornado and turned into a Thunder Tornado.

The ninja involved in it has to endure thunder and lightning, and also have to be roasted by fire.

Few people could stand it, and almost instantly fell into a coma, the light band of the badge went out and was eliminated.

To say that among them, the only one who could escape was Shinoda Juran. His strength was not bad, and when the three of them pulled out the scrolls, they had already fled to the back of the team in a bad manner.

The Thunder Fire Tornado still raged on the court for nearly a minute before dissipating.


After the thunderfire tornado dissipated, people rain fell from the sky, and dozens of ninjas directly sprinkled on the ground like raindrops.

Shinoda Shiburo looked at the area where the corpses were everywhere, and felt a bit painful, and at the same time looked at the three people a little bit frightened.

"What kind of endurance is this? It has such power!"

At this moment, Taki Shinobu took out a scroll again.

This scroll is blue and has engraved magic circles.

Seeing this scroll, everyone was shocked.

Shinoda Juku and the others are shocked that there are still such ninjutsu items!

And the wandering ninjas and Hoshininjas who became Takinin's teammates for the time being are amazed at the strength of this scroll!

Blue still burns that mysterious pattern!

This must not explode directly!

And such scrolls are very precious!

But Takinin actually took it out casually!

Shinoda Juran had a cold sweat on his face and yelled in a panic: "Retreat! Retreat quickly!!!"

Only half of the army remained, and this half of them could no longer stop their fears. Hearing Shinoda Juran's retreat at this moment, he immediately turned around and ran back.

"Retreat! The enemy is too strong! Retreat!"

However, Taki Shinobu was the one who picked up the scroll and pointed it directly.

"Hehe~ When I took out this scroll, I didn't plan to take it back!"

next moment!

The reels light up!

The magic circle unfolds!

Takinin shouted: "Kill them! Death·Three Element Destruction!"

【Death·Three Elements Destruction】

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The so-called three elements is a triangle formed by linking the three **** of thunderball, fireball, and ice.

The three elements contained in the triangle are perfectly balanced, with thunder and fire while ice!

A perfect triangle with three elements instantly formed in front of the The next moment, as the magic circle gleamed and shook slightly, this three-element triangle shot out!

The fleeing group of ninjas did not take into account the terrorist attacks flying behind them, they just wanted to run forward desperately.

Of course, some know how to turn around and take a look at the enemy's attack direction to avoid them.

However, they turned their heads and saw an extremely beautiful triangular ice, fire, and thunder element, bombarding a ninja behind them who couldn't escape!

"this is……"

boom! ! !

Flames, lightning, and ice blossoms exploded instantly!

They merged together again, destroying this area!

The ninjas also saw what is called the Ice Fire Thunder Triple Heaven!


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