The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 226: Adjudicator

Naruto and Sasuke, who were hunting, suddenly felt a tremor on the ground, and a rumbling sound came in the next moment.

They all looked up and looked at the movement, and they found a beautiful spark cloud bursting out, carrying lightning flames and ice crystals.

"Where did something interesting happen?"

Naruto looked at the huge movement and immediately made up his mind.

"Decided, go take a look!"


The golden flashes flashed past, and instantly disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

Sasuke, who is far from Naruto, is also very curious about this big bang.

Immediately turned into a thunder light and rushed over.

And the scene here has become "sweeping corpses all over the field." Not only Shinoda Juran's team are all lying down, but even Taki Shinobu and the others are lying on the ground.

Xingren reluctantly stood up with his body, and then sat down on the ground in a comfortable position.

Somewhat dumbfoundingly, watching this devastated scene.

"Hey, I said you fellow, you have to consider the range of power spread before using the scroll!"

"If we get closer, we will also be eliminated."

With that said, he took out his badge, and there was only one third of the light in it.

The wandering ninja and Taki Shinobu's bodies trembled slightly, and then the two of them struggled to get up.

Taki Shinobu looked at these two temporary teammates apologetically.

"Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake in my estimation."

The wandering ninja complained with a grudge: "Please, take care of us anyway."

Taki forbearance scratched his head with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, sorry, not next time."

Star Shinobu looked at Taki Shinobu's defenseless look, but there was a trace of murder in his eyes.

[There are flaws! Do you want to go? 】

He looked at the wandering ninja who was still complaining, but found that the wandering ninja also had hidden murderous intent in his eyes!

That kind of look, that kind of feeling of hiding the sword in the eyes!

He can't read it wrong!

Xingren maintained his usual posture, and complained casually: "I really can't stand you anymore."

But his hand has already touched Kuwu.

He walked over casually, Taki Shinobu didn't seem to notice anything, with an apologetic smirk.

At this moment, Hoshinobori approached Takinobu within three steps, and his originally peaceful eyes suddenly changed!

Murderous intent appeared in his eyes, kunai was taken out of his hand, and Chakra broke out under his feet!

The figure suddenly rushed forward like a sharp arrow!

"Deadly pinch!!"

Seeing Kumu was about to stab him, Taki Shinobu didn't panic at this moment, did not dodge at all, just showed a cold smile.

Seeing this smile, Xingren, who had a murderous intent on his face, thought that Shengkan was holding it, but now he felt cold in his heart.


However, he couldn't look back anymore, Kunai pierced Taki Shinobu's body straight!


It seemed that it had stabbed something as hard as steel, and Kuwu was instantly broken, followed by an invisible shock wave!

Centering on Taki Shinobu's body, a 360-degree shock wave with no dead ends burst out!

The rock and soil on the ground was violently set off, and Xingxin and the wandering ninja were directly pushed out by the shock wave.

The brutal shock wave squeezed the internal organs of the two people with this force, directly causing the two of them to vomit a mouthful of blood mist in mid-air, and then flew out dozens of meters away.

The light strip goes out directly.

Two cold voices sounded in their minds.

"Eliminated! You have been eliminated! The adjudicator will monitor you, please leave the venue immediately!"

The life-threatening blow was blocked by the badge.

The two of them could feel the pain all over.

The two stood up hard and looked at Takinobu.

Taki Shinobu gave a hypocritical and apologetic smile: "Oh, oh, sorry."

He opened his clothes, pulled out a scroll wrapped around his body, and looked at the two with a owing smile.

"I am better than me."


"How can it be repaired!"

The two gritted their teeth and looked at Takinobu.

It's a pity that the two have been eliminated, and they can only leave the field with a brutal drink!

Unless they dare to violate the rules!

The badges of the two people have glowed with a halo and rose above their heads, which is a sign of their elimination.

However, neither the wandering ninja nor Xing Ren was reconciled.

They immediately took out the scroll from their pockets!

Taki Shinobu's eyes widened: "Hey, hey! What do you want to do? You have been eliminated!"

Wandering Ninja: "I don't care, you bastard!"

Shinobu: "I, who owns these scrolls, shouldn't just leave the scene like this!"

Takinin crashed and hurriedly took out a scroll.

However, at this moment!

A magic circle lights up on the ground, surrounding the wandering ninja and Xingren.

call out!

A beam of light shot down from the sky and instantly fell in front of the wandering ninja and Hoshinobu!


Raise layers of gray waves on the ground.

Wait for the smoke to dissipate.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's figure appeared in front of everyone.

The wandering ninja and Xingren were stunned.


Muhuasaki Yaxin shook her hand, brushed the fine hair between her eyebrows a little, and said lightly.

"Do you want to disobey my rules?"

The wandering ninja and Xingren looked at each other, and both saw the unwillingness in each other's eyes.

The next moment, the two gritted their teeth and pulled the scroll directly away!

"The power of the scroll is invincible!"

"Even if it is the adjudicator, I am not afraid, and I will definitely pull you off the game!"

The two scrolls are of blue quality, and the texture of the engraved magic circle.

This is why they are confident!

The movements of the two were naturally broadcasted on the big screen.

The five shadow old gods are there, and they feel a little funny for these two little ninjas who have never seen the world.

"Frogs at the bottom of the well, not to mention Xiao Yexin's strength, their behavior of using the producer's props to deal with the producer is very funny."

The other four shadows, with a startled expression, looked at Tsunade: "She made it?"

Tsunade nodded faintly.

"That's natural."

Si Ying opened her eyes slightly, looking at the girl in the picture.

"She will make these things?"

The strength of this funny girl in Secondary Two can be understood as a talent, but it obviously requires super wisdom to make this kind of thing!

And the girl...

The shadows thought of the girl shaking her head and licking candy.

This... is really full of "wisdom", and everyone can feel the transcendent "wisdom" overflowing the whole body.

Si Ying was a little silent, and they felt that they wanted to calm down.

Tsunade understood their feelings very well, because she also had an expression before, who would dare to believe it if the facts were not in front of her.

Wandering Ninja:

【Death·Thunderbolt of Heavy Artillery】

Star Shinobi:

[Death·Puss Light State Inverse Yuan Cannon]


With the magic circle unfolding!

A violent thunder bomb, with a fierce thunder arc, burst out!

At the same time there is a beam of rainbow colors, this beam looks powerful!

Thunder bomb! beam!

She was about to bombard Muhua Saki Yashin, but the girl didn't panic at all, and she even felt a little bored.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's little hand moved forward randomly.

Levy! !

A round of apertures unfold with the magic circle!

The Thunder Bomb and Light Beam seemed to have encountered something, and they were completely fixed on the magic circle in front of Saki Yashin!

Muhua Sakuya narrowed her eyes boredly, put a small hand in front of her mouth, haha, looked a little drowsy.

The wandering ninja and Xingren who saw this scene had their eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.


"I was actually frozen!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at the two of them, and a magic circle appeared behind him, exactly the height of a stool. The girl slowly sat on the magic circle and raised Erlang's legs, and said lightly.

"It's really boring. Actually use the magic scroll I made to deal with me.

It feels very uncomfortable to be attacked by something I made. "

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned his face slightly and looked at the wandering ninja and Hoshinin, with a dangerous atmosphere in his eyes.

Star Ninja and the wandering ninja looked panicked.


"Are you the maker of the scroll?"

Ignoring the words of the two, Muhua Sakiya's eyes flashed red: "So, you should enjoy the two attacks of UU Reading!"

Levy! !

The air shocked!

Light beams and thunderbolts flew out suddenly!

The wandering ninja and Xingren looked at the thunder bombs and beams that were flying towards them in disbelief.

"how come!"

Taki Shinobu also couldn't believe it. The next moment he realized something and hurriedly ran to the rear.

At this moment, the thunderball and light beam hit the two faces separately!

Boom! !

The incandescent light instantly covered this hundreds of meters of land, and light and heat wiped out everything that was affected!

The invisible shock wave spread and crushed.

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