The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 232: Oh! Came to an unexpected place.

The so-called dragon veins are actually the main root vein of this planet, the source of the planet's local energy.

That's right, the Chakra energy is brought by Otsuki Kaguya, so it can be said that it belongs to the alien energy.

The dragon veins are actually the local energy of the planet after being eroded by Chakra.

Just like natural energy, the three sacred places in the local area all have the natural energy in their hands, but they can also belong to the planet's local energy.

A certain witch aster also has a different power than Chakra.

It can be said that the local energy of Naruto Planet is basically a very strange power involving the soul.

Such as witch divination, big toad celestial prophecy.

There is also the immortality of the Cthulhu and the curse of the flying section, which can actually be classified with the local energy of the planet.

Because Chakra thing, even at the level of Kaguya Ji, uses an energy system, which is extremely destructive, but it is relatively not very good at the ability to be strange to the soul or even predict the future.

Muhuasaki Yashin guessed that these belonged to the local forces of the Hokage World.

If the local power develops normally, it is probably not much to be afraid of such things as Datongmu.

Unfortunately, now the Naruto World has been eroded by Chakra energy, revealing the breath of Chakra inside and out.

The role of the sacred tree is actually like this, infiltrating the Chakra factor into every corner of the planet, transforming the planet, and then using an entire planet to grow the fruit of the sacred tree.

The dragon veins are like a protection mechanism for the planet. The huge energy can make people travel through time and space and correct everything in that ancient era.

Put the planet back on track.

Unfortunately, it was sealed by the fourth generation of Hokage with a sealing technique.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's small fist was holding her cheek, and her head tilted.

"This conjecture... um... it's not that there is no such possibility."

"Well~ I was worried that I would not be able to return to other time and space. Now, I have seen the principle of this time and space shuttle!"

Therefore, the dragon veins became Muhuasaki Yexin's time shuttle.

Muhua Saki Yexin didn't hesitate immediately, stepped out, and slowly submerged herself in the violent energy beam of the dragon vein.

The red pupil of her right eye has been shimmering...


next moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to have entered a wonderful space.

There is no time, no space, nothing, but it seems like you are everything.

Very magical, there is no concept of form here...

It seems that I am a concept...

The most amazing thing is that she can still think so clearly.

This should be the effect brought by the Eye of Root Cause. If ordinary people come to this space consciously, they will be driven crazy by this huge amount of information in an instant. Maybe the soul cannot be directly annihilated because of understanding...


In the outer space of the Naruto World, the dark space of the universe suddenly appeared shaking like water ripples.

A bubble slowly appeared from it, and Muhua Saki's small body, curled up in the heart, was wrapped in the bubble.

next moment.

The bubble burst and Muhua Saki's heart wandered in the universe for a minute. The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at the starry universe and galaxy in front of her. Her eyes were blue and red, gleaming with dim light.

The girl slowly unfolded her body and turned to look at the beautiful blue planet behind her.

"I actually teleported to this place, if someone else might die..."

The girl flickered with the eyes of the root of the red light, and she directly penetrated the planet's atmosphere and saw what was happening at the planet's landmarks.


In the desert, the sky is full of yellow sand, and there are corpses all over the sand...

The forces of the Ninja Allied Forces were chasing the reincarnated second generation of Mudukage.

However, at this moment, on a desert rock, another figure appeared.

He is extremely domineering, with long black hair, wearing red layered hanging armor, holding his chest with his hands, proud of everything.

When Oh Yemu saw this figure, he looked at this figure in astonishment, and suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by this man in his mind!

"This is... Uchiha Madara!!!"

The sensing unit on the side also noticed it, with a look of horror.

"Who is there! Okay... what an amazing Chakra!"

Naruto was stunned when he heard that beside Ohnoki.

"Uchiha Madara? Isn't he over there? That masked man? Is he Uchiha Madara?"

Onoki's face was cold and sweaty, and his face was very ugly.

"It can't be wrong! He is Uchiha Madara! This kind of aura! Only this man can have it!"

Temari looked at the cracks on Uchiha Madara's face and the dark, non-human eyes.

"He is reincarnated from the dirty soil! What's going on! Who is that masked man!"

Ohnogi shook his head: "Who the mask man is now does not need to be refined, but the enemy in front of him is the real Uchiha Madara. There is nothing wrong with this!"

Uchiha Madara folded his chest and looked down at the ninja coalition forces, and talked with Orochidou in the air: "Heyday? That's fine! Let you, a sewer rat, see it!"

Madara opened her hands, her eyes sharp.

"My heyday!"

next moment!

Spot jumped down!

Fall on the desert, opposite the ninja coalition forces.

A man and a corps were facing each other.

The ninjas on the ninja coalition side looked at Uchiha Madara alone. For some reason, everyone was a little uneasy. It seemed that the momentum of their entire ninja coalition was not as good as that of the enemy.

The ninjas each swallowed their saliva, alleviating the tension.

next moment!

Uchiha moved and rushed straight towards the ninja coalition forces, to besiege the entire ninja coalition forces with one person.

The passive defense of the Ninja Allied Forces illustrates this point even more.

To be reasonable, in terms of numbers, it should not be the ninja coalition to defend.


The ninja of the country swallowed his saliva, the next moment he squeezed the weapon in his hand, screamed at Uchiha Madara, and rushed over.

next moment!

Uchiha Madara plunged into the army like a sharp knife. In a moment of physical assault, countless ninjas were blown away by this invisible attack.

Two ninjas lined up in the sky!

Countless screams resounded.

In the crowd, Uchiha Madara was unstoppable, with one kick and one punch just right, and one or more ninjas fell on him almost every second.

With Uchiha Madara’s killing speed, it seemed that it would not take much time to kill the Ninja Allied Forces.

At this time, a ninja with a ninja sword burst into front of Uchiha Madara, holding the ninja with Chakra attached in his hand, slashing left and right, dancing with a very fierce history.

Uchiha Madara seemed to have to avoid the sharp edge for a while, and dodge left and right. His eyes didn't make any waves. It seemed that the ninja swordsmanship in front of him was something like pediatrics.

At the moment when the ninja slashed out with a knife, the spot moved, and he pierced in first, knocked off the knife in his hand, and pinched his neck with one hand.

He stared tightly at the struggling ninja in front of him.

"Do you want to dance too?"

next moment!

A gust of wind escaped, and quickly entered the front of Madara's body, Madara's eyes condensed slightly, and he also saw that the wind escape did not have much power. It seemed that he had abandoned the power and only sought speed, just to repel him.

He did not block immediately, and was directly hit by Feng Dun.


Madara flew out, rolled over calmly in the air, and fell to the ground, calmly looking at the windy Temari, and patted the dust on the red plate armor with both hands.

Temari squeezed his fist.

"Less look down on people!!!"

Uchiha Madara calmly raised his hands and made a seal!

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

Madara opened his mouth and spit out, a raging flame erupted in a thin line like an umbrella, the flame spread out instantly, forming a huge wave of high flames on the ground against the ninja coalition forces!

With the huge waves of raging flames, it seemed that the entire ninja coalition army was going to be extinguished.

"The scale is so big!"

"We need to use water escape technique together!"

next moment.

The ninja who knows how to escape from the water consciously stood in the front row, Qijieyin.

"Water escape! Water front wall!"

In an instant, the surging water wave appeared out of thin air and rolled towards the fire wave.

Fire and water are incompatible with the transfer of water and fire!

In an instant, the extremely high temperature flame evaporates the water wave.

The water vapor that came out filled the entire battlefield!

In the steam, the ninjas were on guard.

At this moment, the perception ninja yelled at the front.


Everyone trembled in their hearts.

next moment!

In the white water vapor in the sky, there was a little igniting light.

In an instant, a fireball like rain fell directly into the crowd!

Boom boom boom!

The explosion continued.

Madara also fell into the crowd, coldly killing everyone he met.

The hand machete fell, chopped from the ninja coalition to the ninja coalition without blinking!

Madara Shizhan maintained an understatement.

Until he slashed away, the blade that should have been submerged in the ninja's body was cut onto a mass of sand.


Brow frowned, his hand movement kept thinking about the next victim swinging the knife, however, the sand once again stood in front of the blade!

However, at this time, I love Rochakra has almost recovered, standing up straight and facing Uchiha Madara with one hand!

"Let's go!"


The sand under Madara's feet began to rush, and smashed away at Madara. Madara jumped flexibly to avoid, and instantly retreated into a clearing.

At this moment, Onoki slapped on the ground!

"Earth escape! Earth moving core!"

next moment!

A stone pillar suddenly rose up on the ground under the feet of the spot! Topped the spot.

Just at this time!

Naruto held Helix Maru aloft and smashed it fiercely against the spot on the sky!

"Super Jade Spiral Pill!!!"

Madara is in danger, and his two-eyes Zhuanyan instantly transforms into a kaleidoscope Zhuanyan.

The simplified version of Suzuo can be instantly formed!

Naruto (Shadow Clone) flew into the air with a punch against the Daiyu Helix Maru.

The rest of the ninjas, unwilling to fall, all kinds of fire escape, water escape, kunai, the detonating talisman blasted towards Suzuonenghu.

However, Madara's Suzuo can be defensive, and at the same time transforms two blue chakra knives to attack the ninja underneath.

Every hit can knock a lot of ninjas flying.

On the other hand, Madara was holding his chest with his hands cruel, standing inside Susano, watching the death-dealing behavior of the ninjas quietly.

Gaara gritted his teeth, stretched out both hands, controlled the sand with all my strength, and entangled towards Nasusano.

Gaara trembled with hands, gritted his teeth, and with the utmost strength, the sand was tightly wound around Uchiha Madara's Susano.

The strands of sand were layered on top of each other, and Suzuo Nenghu's movements became stiff and slow, as if he was about to be entangled.

Madara glanced at Gaara with disdain, and then added a little more pupil power. In an instant, Suzuo Nohu stretched out two more arms, Suzuo Nohu's chakra exploded, and all the sand was shaken away in an instant. The blue flame chakra knife was held in it and slashed at the surrounding!


As the blade smashed to the ground, the four sword auras spread, slashing a large number of ninjas, and cutting out four gullies on the ground.

Gaara gritted his teeth while looking.


Onoki on the side came out and calmly said to Gaara, "Feng Ying! I have lightened the additional sand."

With that, Oh Nogi put one hand on the gourd behind Gaara.

"Soil Escape·Light and Heavy Rock Art!"

next moment.

Gaara obviously feels that it has become a lot easier to manipulate the sand.

"The sand has become so light!"

Gaara has some surprises.

And Naruto has once again entered the fairy mode.

Gaara looked at Naruto: "Naruto! I will create opportunities for you!"

Naruto nodded.

"I will use a spiral shuriken to defeat him in one fell swoop!"

next moment!

Gaara continues to attack!

This time, like the waves of the sea, the rolling sand waves covered the spotted Suzuonenghu.

And Madara didn't have the slightest fear, and Suzuo Nenghu abruptly resisted this wave of sand waves.

Bang! ! !

Sha Lang trembles as Suzuo Nohu pushes, but he can't make Suzuo Nohu move back so much.

However, the yellow sand in the sky also interfered with Madara's sight.

At this moment!

Gaara aimed at the sand under Madara's feet, and instantly the sand formed a whip under Madara's feet, and he tied Madara's hand and pulled it out.

Madara was also a little unexpected, and was instantly pulled out of Susano and flew into the air.

At this moment!

Naruto then appeared, holding a spiral shuriken, and flicking at the spot that was thrown in the sky!

The spiral shuriken comes out!

Fly to the spot.

Naruto looked surprised!


However, the moment the spiral shuriken hit Madara.

Naruto's expression turned into horror.

Madara's eyes became reincarnation eyes.

next moment.

The spiral shuriken turned into pure chakra energy and was completely absorbed by Madara.

Following the fall to the ground, Madara patted the ashes on his clothes, and immediately jumped onto the lone rock on which he was standing.

Naruto's face was a little ugly, and he couldn't believe it: "That's...what...why does he have reincarnation eyes!?"

Gaara and Onoki's faces are also ugly.

"The battle failed. I didn't expect Madara to have reincarnation eyes!"

Madara shook his hand and looked at the ninja coalition underneath with interest.

"Not bad. Can keep up with my warm-up."

"But, how do you pick up this trick next!"

With that said, Madara wanted to make seals.

As soon as he raised his hand, he looked up to the sky with feeling.

No doubt on the side, he also looked up at the sky, at this moment.

Above the sky, blue sky and white clouds, there seems to be nothing.

Then, when I looked closely, I seemed to find a light spot.

light spot?

The ninja allied forces also noticed half of their movements and looked up to the sky one after another.

Just at this time!

The light spot has become bigger and bigger!

getting bigger!

At this moment, everyone knew that it was a dazzling meteor that seemed to be landing extremely fast!

The location seems to be on this battlefield!

Will there be such a coincidence? impossible!

Therefore, the Ninja Allied Forces think this is just like ninjutsu!

"This guy Madara! Can you still summon meteorite meteors?"

The meteor in the sky seems to be getting closer, and the long flame tail flame behind it is very conspicuous.

It's just that the volume of the meteor doesn't seem big!

Unlike others, the eyesight is very good in the kaleidoscope of spots, and he can see exactly what a meteor is at this distance!

When he saw what it was, Madan frowned.

That is……

A young girl! ?


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