The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 233: It's over before it starts

That's right, I saw the Ninja Allied Forces fight against Shirazu, I saw Uchiha's rebirth, I saw Daito confronting Naruto and Kirabi.

Kihana Saki Yashin immediately knew what age it was now, the period of the Fourth Ninja World War.

Judging from the world where Saki Yashin is located, this time point is actually about the same as the time for the Ninja exam in the first World Ninja League.

It can even be said that the world in which Kawasaki Yaxin lives is still before this point in time.

Muhuasaki Yaxin suddenly seemed to have come to the future in disguise.

And in this world, it seems that there is no one she is familiar with, and there is no familiar with her.

Saki Yashin looked at Uchiha Madara's Wushuang mowing, thoughtfully. "In other words, this is a parallel universe. Or is this the orthodox original universe?"

"Dragon veins are the roots of the planet, is it the transmission of time and space between the same origin?"

Muhua Saki Yexin felt that she had understood some mystery, and her pupils, one blue and one red, shone slightly.

"According to this principle, the future adventure seems to have come to an end."

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at Madara who was repelled and smiled.

"Well~ Have fun here first! Come and welcome me! Humans!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yexin burst into the universe with visible energy, and the girl flew out like an arrow from the string, and directly entered the planet's atmosphere.

The girl's whole body is wrapped with an energy shield, and the energy shield rubs against the atmosphere at a very high speed to emit a raging flame, and the energy shield is colored.

In this way, the girl turned into a meteor with a long colored tail flame!

the goal! Uchiha Madara!


Madara frowned slightly when he saw that it was a person or a young girl who only seemed to be young.

To be able to come in this way, the strength must be very powerful.

And as far as he saw it, the girl really seemed to have fallen from the sky, and he had to know that his eyesight could see an altitude of several kilometers.

And what he felt first was the girl's amazing breath, the energy pressure.

It's even more terrifying than the full-power burst of chakras between pillars in the fairy mode!


Seeing this powerful meteor, approaching, the ninjas began to flee!

Onoki and Gaara also felt the terrifying power.

"This meteorite doesn't seem to be big, and everyone will be fine if you retreat farther away!"

A ninja looked up while running away, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Indeed, the meteorite is not big! Run away!"

In fact, when they were able to distinguish the size of the meteorite, the meteorite was not far from the ground.

At this distance, at the speed of a girl...

call! !

A bright light flashed, and the "meteorite" instantly hit the area 100 meters in front of the spot.

boom! !

The ground vibrated violently, the sand waves rolled, and the whole world seemed to be shaking in an instant!

The fierce shock wave spread instantly, pushing the sand in the desert into a wave of sand tens of meters high!

Madara had been prepared to open Susano, and only when he opened from the first form to the second form did he seem to resist this shock.

The Wu on the side was that there was no such defensive means. Within a hundred meters from the impact center, Wu was directly crushed by the violent shock wave carrying sand waves.

I believe that if it were not for the reincarnation of the dirty soil, he would be dead.

The ninja coalition forces that have long been far away are basically fine. Many ninjas were also affected by this shock wave, and the ninja flew out, but they were not injured.


At this moment, everyone noticed that the meteorite landing center...someone!

The heartland!

Muhua Saki Yexin stood there blankly, her eyes with different colors gleaming with dim light, and she looked quite eye-catching and very beautiful.

The girl was expressionless, her whole body exuding amazing power, and small sandstones floated around her small body ignoring gravity.

Seeing the girl's appearance clearly, the ninja coalition forces were shocked!

The meteorite just now was actually a...a girl? ! !

What should I do if a girl falls from the sky?

No, why did this girl come to this battlefield in this way?

Moreover, what is this coercion?

The ninja coalition forces had a hundred questions in their hearts, and they were confused.

Gaara, Ohnoki, and Naruto are all dumbfounded.

Because, the girl is the number one, they seem to know nothing.

And the young girl with this kind of power wants to be very strong, but does she have no reputation for being strong?

Da Shedou used his recovery to see the girl, and she was also embarrassed.



Muhua Saki Yashin ignored the ninja coalition forces, pressing a small paw on her face, one small paw facing the spot, and her eyes staring at the spot through the gap between the small paws.

"I in a distant time and space! I felt the wailing of the world! Gaia, the consciousness of the world, invited me to come and maintain his safety."

As she said, the girl's little paw scratched the spot.

"The abnormality of the world seems to appear on you!"

Madara put her arms around her chest, and became so interested in Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Oh~ It seems that you really came to me.

Your strength should be good, and the world sent you to my heart. I just lack an opponent worth fighting.

I don't know if you can be worthy of being on the pillar to be my opponent. "

The conversation between the two made Doudou a little confused.

The ninja coalition forces are also a little confused.

Why can Madara accept what this girl said so easily?

Does world consciousness really exist?

Hey? Shouldn’t this be a surprise if there is world consciousness?

Isn't it okay to be surprised and give some face?

Muhua Saki Yaxin was also intrigued by Zhao Madara's words.

"Oh~ a nice mortal. You are very confident."

"In that case, let you see the power of my eye of death!!!

This kills the gods like ants! The power of the eye of death! ! ! "


Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes flashed, and the inexplicable energy that had been latent in her body began to explode!

The Chakra on his body was like a mouse meeting a cat for an instant, and was squeezed into the corner shivering.

This inexplicable energy began to circulate throughout the body.

For a moment!

A circle of gold-red energy gauze broke out on the girl, and the gauze covered the girl's small body, making the girl look like a god, the highest and most holy.

And the power of the girl soared, and a moment of coercion covered the audience.

Everyone only felt their bodies sink, and those who were weak were directly crushed.

The stronger person stepped into the sand with both feet, feeling that his body was pressed against a mountain, making it difficult to move.

Moreover, the Chakra in the body seemed to be faintly surrendering to the girl, it was difficult for them to mobilize a trace.

Just like the coercion of absolute higher creatures on absolute inferior creatures!

No one can resist!

Even Madara, the Suzuo Nenghu on his body was directly crushed by this inexplicable coercion.

Moreover, the real pressure on the body, and that kind of supreme sacred feeling.

Madara was a little crazy, he struggled to provoke Chakra, trying to resist this overwhelming sense of surrender.

However, the more resistance, the more Madara could feel the weakness, the kind of power gap that came from different dimensions.

Let him feel deeply powerless.

However, this did not affect Madara's will, and he looked madly at Muhua Saki Yashin who was floating in the air.

"Hahahahahahaha! Is this your power?"

"It's really amazing! Is the power of the Six Dao Immortals the feeling in this?"

"You guy, you really are the offspring of the Six Dao Immortals!!!

I wanted to pursue the ten-tailed thing, and I was really attracted by you guys hiding in the dark!

What you hide is really deep enough! "

Madara's words immediately stunned Muhua Saki.

In fact, she exploded with this energy, she still used as little force as possible to explode.

But the effect is still amazing. Sure enough, she doesn't have a general idea about her own strength now.

It is estimated that even with energy alone, she can destroy the planet at will.

Moreover, in this state, Muhua Saki Yexin discovered the real secret in her eyes, the real power hidden in it!

In the girl's eyes, the world has a sense of hierarchy, and space and time are things that can be seen in her eyes.

He is like a four-dimensional creature in a three-dimensional world, truly omnipotent.

Of course, she didn't know everything.

The omniscience of the collection and processing of the amount of information is really horrible, and Muhua Saki has consciously avoided all this.

If she truly achieves omniscience, she will probably completely lose the emotions that a creature should have, and become a concept-like god.

This feeling……

Muhua Saki Yaxin sighed.

"Sure enough... this feeling is too bad."

Seeing too much of this kind of vision, it is easy to enter an unspeakable state of being too supreme. It seems to be a high god, overlooking countless worlds, and these human creatures are directly regarded as a pile in her eyes. Useless particles.

In other words, basically everything in this vision is particles, orderly and disorderly.

For Him, it doesn’t make much sense...


Muhua Saki sighed heartily, closed her eyes, and withdrew from this vision.

"Look at Madara again."

"Six Dao immortals or something? But it's just the gods you think? In my eyes, it's still just an ordinary human being."

"no difference."

With that, the girl's rooted eyes directly penetrated the space, and she glanced at the old man who was secretly peeping in the underworld.

The six immortals suddenly felt cold all over, and couldn't help but shudder.

Otsuki Yumura on the side was a little stunned when he watched his brother's actions.

"Brother? Is your soul also cold?"

The Six Dao Immortals glanced at his brother slightly, looked through the space, looked towards the Ninja World, and said in a deep tone.

"The world is going to change drastically. There is a **** from outside. It is still a **** invited by the world consciousness.

What the mother does is completely destructive to the world.

I just hope that he won't kill mother. "

Hamura was stunned, followed by a little excitement: "Then shall we stop him?"

"Can't stop it."

The six immortals closed their eyes and shook his head.

"Even in our heyday, we can't stop..."


Back on the battlefield, Madara was stunned when he heard Muhuasaki Yaxin's speech.

"Isn't the Six Dao Immortal's backward entry? The Six Dao Immortal is just an ordinary human?

So who are you? "

Madara was under heavy pressure, but he stood up straight and faced Muhana Saki Yaxin who was wearing a gold-red energy gauze.

"Are you a foreign god?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head, looking bored.

"I am just a person who is interested in maintaining the dimensional world. A person with the eye of death, nothing more.

But it's really boring.

I had known that there would be no burst of energy.


"In this way, there is no fun at all..."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yashin, who looked bored, raised his hand and moved forward slightly.

The space in front of you burst instantly!

The golden light bloomed with it.

next moment!

The rebirth of the buffalo soil was lifted instantly, and he could feel his soul being pulled out and returning to the underworld.

This was a force majeure, Madara was unable to resist, and the soul left directly.

However, the golden light did not stay and continued to spread.

ten kilometers.

Hundred kilometers.

Half a planet!

At the moment of being touched by the golden light, all the reincarnated bodies of the dirty soil split open all over, and golden cracks appeared.

With the direct explosion, the soul returned to the underworld.

More than that, whether it is carrying soil or pockets, it is still black and white.

In an instant, the chakra of the whole person was emptied, and the whole body became extremely weak.

Bai Jue and Hei Jue turned into ash directly.


As for the people on Naruto's side, being affected by this golden light, the whole person felt warm, and seemed to have recovered from their injuries.

The whole person's mood became better.

The golden light disappeared.

The battlefield fell silent for an instant.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also withdrew the terrifying coercion, draped in energy gauze, and floated easily in the air.

The ninjas bathed in golden light gradually thought of pilgrimage to the girl.

"This is the real god!!!"

They all believe so firmly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin really feels boring. When I came here, I should have interacted with Madara.

Unexpectedly, I played a big game at once.

Although she had learned a lot of things, it was of no use to her already invincible.

Okay, that's a little use.

Muhua Saki Yashin raised his hand and pointed at Naruto, and a golden light instantly disappeared into Naruto's head.

She instilled the information of the Otsuki clan to Naruto, so that Naruto of this time and space was ready for the future invasion of Otsuki.

Gaara, who was frightened by this sudden movement, became vigilant towards the girl.

However, Naruto only felt that the memory in his brain was subtle, and he also knew that the moon was sealed to Kazuoki Kaguya and Madara's purpose.

Even the purpose of the six immortals.

The Otsuki Clan, etc., etc. He is very sincere to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Thank you for your help. I won't let everyone down! I won't let you down!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled.

"Hmm~ whatever you want. I'm leaving. I'm going back. There is no reason for me to stay in this world."

Naruto was stunned, raised his hand and shouted: "Your Excellency..."

However, Muhua Saki Yashin ignored it and snapped his fingers, and instantly the space shattered like a mirror was blown up, and a dark hole appeared.

The girl's figure disappeared.

The black hole just exists so that it closes in zero and one second.

Naruto looked at the empty area, silently.


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