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Next to the huge energy beam of dragon veins, the calm space suddenly began to twist, twisting and sinking inward, and a black hole appeared in the next moment.

Muhua Saki Yexin made a small jump and jumped out of the hole. Seeing the dragon vein in front of him, he snapped his fingers casually.


Circles of magic circles and mysterious runes immediately covered the entire dragon vein.

next moment.

Space is shocking!

The dragon veins were like a dumb fire, and the energy beam disappeared, leaving only a huge hole in the abyss.

Above the entrance of the cave, is Muhua Saki Yaxin's sealing circle.

The sealing circle was embedded in the void, like a bottle cap, blocking the source of the dragon veins.

With a bored look, Muhua Saki Yaxin drew a circle in front of him, and a circular space-time tunnel appeared in the space in front of him. From this portal, he could see the scenery of Konoha.

"The boring adventure... it ends here."

With that said, the girl stepped into the portal and appeared in Konoha Street in the next moment.

All the people on the street were surprised when they saw someone opening the door in a space out of thin air.

When they saw that it was Muhua Saki Yaxin, the surprise was taken for granted.

"Oh~ It turned out to be this girl. That's okay."

"Oh~ it's her, that's nothing strange."

That's right, the unique character of Saki Yashin Kihana is naturally famous in Konoha.

Regarding the work of the secondary two girls, from the surprise at the beginning to the strangeness, the process is very short-lived in the end.

It is so common for Muhana Saki to work hard.

So now, no matter how weird things Kihana Saki Yashin might do, they won't be surprised.

Unless you can't help it.


Tsunade didn't doubt that Muhana Saki Yashin's mission was completed so quickly.

After all, the task has not been completed, someone will complain.

In more than a month.

Muhua Saki Yashin plays with her family and occasionally appears as a mascot in the store at home.

Or go on a big adventure with Nanako.

Immediately afterwards, the finals of the Zhongnin exam came to lead.

One-on-one arena.

There is no such thing as Naruto and Sasuke, and there is nothing to look at, but the lively Muhua Saki Yashin still went to join in the fun with his family.

The world of ninjas continues to develop peacefully day by day.

A year later, Heijue, who had been alive, was secretly executed by Yashin Muhana.


During a big adventure with Nanako, I slaughtered it casually.

Two years later.

Kakashi was elected to Hokage, and peaceful development is still the theme of the world.

Countries are now competing for economic strength, and Konoha is driven by Muhua Saki's heart to move towards magic and technology...cough cough...it should be said that Chakra combines the development of science and technology.

The most important technique used is the seal technique.

The sealing technique can be said to open the key to all the problems, and perfectly pave the way of combining this technology with chakra.

At present, the representative inventions include the death annihilation cannon, the portal of the night, the unrestricted contact device of the heart, etc...

Just by looking at the name, many of them are made by Muhua Saki Yaxin.

To put it briefly, weapons.

The Death Annihilation Cannon borrowed the principle of the tail beast jade to gather and compress a large number of chakras, and maximize the power to directly destroy a country.

And can carry out ultra-long-distance strikes.

The positioning system refers to the apostle beacon of Yashin Kihana.

Among them, the energy is the Chakra battery invented by Yashin Muhuasaki and the science and technology department, and the main use is the sealing technique.

Similar to Tsunade's Yin Seal, Chakra battery, Chakra charge can be supplemented by humans.

You can also borrow one of the unique sealing techniques to absorb natural energy in the air and use pure natural energy to emit.

The Chakra Annihilation Cannon fired with pure natural energy is extremely terrifying.

More terrifying than the nine-tailed beast, comparable to the ten-tailed beast jade.

Of course, this sealing technique that absorbs the natural energy in the air was naturally made by Saki Yashin.

Isn't it simple for her?

With this cannon, Konoha truly escaped from Muhuasaki Yashin and entered a real dominance.

The other four countries finally let go of some of their inner little Jiujiu.

I am developing my country's economy with peace of mind.

Of course, there is also a small matter, which is proposed by Yashin Muhuasaki, led by Konoha, all members of the alliance must hold ID cards.

The ID card is also a gadget developed by Muhua Saki Yaxin and the Konoha Science and Technology Department. Needless to say, the effect is known.

Today's Konoha enchantment has been improved, even if a fly comes in, it can't escape the enchantment's recognition.

The ID card is a small gadget prepared for this kind of enchantment. In the future, if a spy or an unknown person from the Datongmu clan invades, it will be discovered the first time.

The invention of the ID card has already integrated the world into one.

It can be said that the entire alliance has integrated most of the world's forces.

If the Datongmu clan comes to fight in the future, I believe that even without Muhua Saki Yaxin, they are confident that they can beat them back with these Chakra technological weapons.


Muhua Saki Yexin's house.

Muhua Saki is lying on a sofa, holding a game console in his hand, playing simple pixel games.

Nanako walked by in casual clothes, holding a scroll in her hand.

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced slightly, then continued to return to the game.

At this moment, Nanako leaned over and watched her sister who was lying on the sofa playing the game console immediately jumped on her. She immediately hugged her sister, covered her whole body on Ye Xin's body, and rubbed her little face next to her sister's head. Holding the game console screen in her sister's hands.

"Sister, elder sister. The advanced human art you gave Yu, Yu has already learned."

Muhua Saki Yashin continued to play the game, watching the protagonist in the game cut a giant dragon BOSS, while answering casually.

"Oh~ Nanako is great."

"Too perfunctory, sister~"

Nanako used her little head to hit the little head of Saki Yaxin Muhana.

Muhua Saki has no expression on her face: "It hurts~"


Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't answer, and focused on playing games.

Nanako is now eight years old, and the eight-year-old Nanako is almost as tall as her sister.

And Muhua Saki Ye's mind and body seemed to have stopped at 1.59 meters, unable to break through to 1.56 meters.

Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to feel the malice in the dark.

However, one meter and fifty-nine meters are quite tall, but her body is petite, making her appear relatively short.

Many girls are actually less than 1.59 meters.

Muhua Sakiya comforted herself in her heart.

Nanako didn't disturb Saki Yashin, but waited.

Until Muhua Saki Yashin controlled the protagonist of the game to cut the last knife, hacking the dragon to death.

The game screen instantly showed a victory screen, and then the loot was dropped.

Muhua Saki Yaxin put down the game console in this way, and her little head lay directly on the sofa, looking decadent.

"Ah~ so boring. Nanako..."

Nanako blinked, and recently she also felt that her sister seemed to have some salted fish, and the usual one that was always full of vitality was gone forever.

"Sister, why don't you feel that something is wrong with you recently."

Muhua Saki Yexin moved her body.

Nanako realized that her sister was about to get up, and immediately moved away.

Kihana Saki Yashin stood up and looked at Nanako seriously.

"Nanako! Let's go to maintain peace in the dimensional world!"


Nanako blinked: "Are you going to take a big adventure?"

Muhua Saki shook his head, with a serious face: "No! It's a journey to another world! Maintain peace in the dimensional world!"

Nanako scratched his head: "Then...when can we come back?"

"We can come back anytime!"

Nanako hesitated for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay! Sister! I want to go with you!"

"Yeah. I'm called the Dark Emperor!"

Muhua Saki Yashin also made up his mind. There hasn't really been much fun here in the past two years.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yaxin wanted to go to other worlds and play in other dimensions.

In the past few years, after analyzing the dragon veins with the Eye of Roots, she could use the Eye of Roots to spy on other parallel universes or different dimensions.

With her current ability to travel between the two worlds, it must be simple.

Following that, Saki Yashin Kihana directly pulled Nanako and ran towards Ino's house.

In front of the staring Ino, he opened the door and said: "Ino! Let's go and maintain peace in the dimensional world!"

Ino became more and more stunned: "Huh?"

"Suddenly... why tell me this."

However, Kihana Saki Yashin kept a serious face and stared at Ino closely.

"Are you going?"


Looking at such a serious Yaxin, Ino felt a little flustered, as if he hadn't seen Kihana Saki Yaxin's serious look for a long time.

Thinking, I don't seem to have anything to do recently, so let's go and play with Ye Xin.

"Well, let's go and play."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth showed a weird smile.

"Okay, Ino!"

Seeing Muhua Saki Yap with a smile, Ino suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Kawasaki Yashin took Nanako and Ino to her secret base.

This room is filled with magic circles and displays various technological products.

Muhuasaki stayed idle, and exchanged knowledge with people in the science and technology department.

After all, now the enhanced version of the brain and the goal that can analyze the root cause of everything, learning these is simply not too easy.

Nanako and Ino came to this room for the first time.

Both of them were a little surprised.

"Is this sister's secret laboratory?"

"This is the room where Yexin invented technology?"

Obviously, both of them knew about Muhuasaki Yashin's invention, even the game console she just played was made by Muhuasaki Yashin herself.

Muhuasaki Yaxin did not answer the words of the two, but directly addressed them.

"Are you ready!"

The two of them were a little surprised and said, "Huh?"

"Is it here?"

"Aren't you going to maintain peace in the infinite-dimensional world?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin did not answer, but continued to ask, "Are you ready?"

Nanako and Ino were a little confused, and they hesitated.

"Then, are you ready...?"

Nanako looked serious, "Ready!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a smile, her right eye flashed with red light, and her hands were raised in front of him as if holding up the world.

"Then! Follow me! Travel to another world!"

next moment!

Circles of magic circles spread out in this room, dyeing the entire room into rainbow colors.

Nanako and Ino looked at this scene in a daze.

Just when they were stunned, the magic circle burst into dazzling light, and their vision became a vast expanse of whiteness.

Nanako and Ino couldn't help closing their eyes, and put their hands in front of them to shield them from light.

However, just before they knew it, the space became blurred and the world became transparent.

They are silently carrying out cross-world and cross-dimensional teleportation in an inexplicable way.

It didn't take long for Ino and Nanako to hear the noise of the street-like crowd.

After feeling that there was no such shining light in front of them, the two opened their eyes hesitantly.

Immediately afterwards, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

They seem to be on a street, where people come and go, and on both sides are tall buildings made of steel and stones, of course, there are flower bases on the side of the road, street lamps, etc.

This kind of unique building, this kind of style that has never been seen before.

Both Ino and Nanako were very surprised.

Nana's eyes flashed with excitement: "It's amazing! Which country is this?"

Ino was also a little excited: "The prosperity here is almost comparable to Konoha! Ye Xin, where is this place?"

Both thought that they were still in their own world, after all, Muhua Saki Yaxin was the one who created the portal.

It is also a basic operation to let people transfer at will.

Muhua Saki Yexin pretended to be deep, lowered his head slightly, and smiled mysteriously: "Hehehehe~ This is a different world."

"Didn't I say it? Isn't it to protect the peace of the dimensional world indefinitely?"

Nanako and Ino don't take it seriously.

Nanako's thoughts are: Although my sister is very powerful, it is impossible for the current sister to find the entrance in the different world.

Ino's thoughts: Are you kidding, another world? Isn't this a lie to the child? Ye Xin, you still want to play me?

Ino didn't care about the statement of another world at all.

She asked directly with curiosity about this novel country: "So, what are we going to do now?"

Nanako is also a little curious: "Yes, go and find the big devil directly?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head and watched the two put a finger up.

"First of all, we have to apply for an ID card. After all, we need a legal identity to enter another world."

Hearing the ID cards, Nanako and Ino were stunned: "Are you a country that has joined the alliance? Why does it seem that they have not heard of it before."

Following, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly led the two towards the Civil Affairs Bureau.

At this time, Nanako and Ino realized that passers-by seemed to be unable to see them at all.

The two also wanted to ask Ye Xin, Muhua Saki Ye Xin directly showed a smile on their faces.

The two immediately swallowed the problem, which may be a preparation for the start of an adventure.

Prepare to get the ID card first, and then enter the role.


Thought of this.

Ino and Nanako suddenly remembered.

"Eh~ don't we already have ID cards?"

"Are you going to fake an ID card?"

With endless doubts, the two followed this Muhua Saki Yaxin and disappeared at the end of the road~www.readwn.com~ At this time, there are two small horns on one head, wearing white Lolita clothes seems to be in COS What kind of character, the little Lolita with a small furball tail behind him appeared in the place where Kihua Saki Yaxin appeared just now.

Little Lori sniffed.

"Um... space fluctuation... is it Thor?"


In a gloomy room, a girl sitting on the side of the computer host held a light ring in her hand, wiped it with a white towel, and looked at the place where Muhuasaki Yaxin came through with feeling.

"Is anyone here?"


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