The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Meet the little evil god

Kihana Saki Yashin took Nanako and Ino to a college residence and found a rental agency.

Originally Muhua Saki Yashin planned to see if she wanted to rent it, but in the residents' book, she saw a picture of an angel-like girl-innocent Gabriel White.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately decided to rent a house without hesitation!

That's right, the law of survival in another world!

Article 1: Money

——It's money!

The importance of money in this modern society can be put first, and then there must be a place to live!


The most fundamental problem of the two is solved!

The plan is ready to be implemented!

at this time!

Ino-kun raised his hand.

"Then the question is. What exactly is the plan?"

Muhua Saki Yashin nodded to Ino: "Good question! The plan is!"

With that, Saki Muhana Yashin took out a few admission notices and patted them on the table!

"go to school!!!"

Ino and Nanako's eyes widened!

"Go to... go to school!!!?"

Ino rubbed his temples, a little dizzy: "Yeshin, are you sure you are joking?"

Nanako was also a little dumbfounded: "Isn't it a big adventure? Didn't it mean to maintain the peace of this world? Didn't it mean that this world is invaded by various abnormal creatures?"

"Why go to school..."

Saki Kihana looked at Nanako quite complimentingly and said: "It seems that Nanako has already taken all the information I said in her heart."

"Yes, our task is to maintain peace in this world!"

"This is also the purpose of our going to school! And the school we went to! There are anomalous creatures hidden in it, and they pretend to be students and mix with humans! Our task is to find them! Then monitor them!"

"If they have any wrong thoughts and deeds of evil, we will expel them from the country!"

Ino looked at the admission notice in Saki Yashin's hand, and had a headache: "Go to school to maintain world peace... I sound like a child playing house.

And Ye Xin, the information from you? What is the basis? "

Nanako faintly added another question: "Also... Sister, how did your admission notice come from... Why are you so proficient... as if you are familiar with the world..."

After Nanako reminded, Ino found out: "Hey! That's right! Didn't you stay with us all the way, Yaxin? Where did the admission notice come from?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's face had an unpredictable look.

"Humph~ This is the power of my eye of death!

All the information is obtained from observing the world with the eye of death! "

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin took out a photo from her pocket.

"As for intelligence, I have learned that a demon is in this school! This school where the demon is hidden must be a mixed bag! There are many dangerous people!"

"Devil?" x2

Nanako and Ino approached and looked at the photos after hearing this.

The photo is of a young girl with short red hair, her arms akimbo, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly, looking stupid.

They recognized it, isn't this girl the one who generously gave them more than 10,000 yen? What does it seem to be called...Satania?


They recalled the stupid way that Satania was robbed of the pineapple bun by the dog... and the stupid way of giving money to Muhua Saki Yaxin...

This is also a demon?

The two looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin suspiciously, and Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded seriously.

"Look! It's the devil!"

Ino grabbed Muhuasaki Yaxin’s head fiercely, and shook his head while roaring: "A devil, a ghost!"

"Where is the devil? They will pay you back!!"

Muhua Saki Yexin was a little dizzy with the medicine: "'s not...she is...the devil..."

Nanako seemed to recall that Satania said strangely at that time: "Oh~ I seem to remember that she did say she was going to be some kind of demon in the Demon World..."

Nanako's eyes suddenly dotted: "Oh! Sure enough, is Satania a demon!?"

After Ino had a meal, she also remembered, she slapped her head sharply: "Well, I didn't expect this link.

Ino was a little helpless.

"...Is it actually the mutual attraction between the same kind..."

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the two people left and right: "Then this plan is so decided? Are there any objections?"

Nanako immediately raised her hand high.

"I agree!"

"Okay! Two votes agree! Ino's objection is also invalid! The plan is implemented!"


Kihana Saki Yashin and Nanako hugged each other, jumping around, very excited.

Looking at the two sisters, Ino felt helpless.

"All right. Just be happy..."

After speaking, Ino looked at the darkening sky outside the window, and suddenly remembered and said:

"However, before that, it's late we have to go home first."


In the secret room filled with countless magic array secret patterns, the space fluctuates for a moment.

The three figures of Muhua Saki Yashin gradually appeared in the secret room.

Back in his own world, Ino hurried out and opened the door.

I discovered that the world is still that world. In fact, the so-called secret rooms are nothing more than abandoned houses in remote areas of residential areas.

Even here, Ino still makes you feel the thriving breath of your own village.

Saki Yashin and Nanako walked out from behind and looked at Ino.

Muhua Saki Yaxin asked directly: "Then you want to go back first?"

Ino smiled: "Of course..."

Her smile suddenly stiffened, and she suddenly seemed to be still bright now!

Moreover, Ino looked up at the position of the sun in the sky. It was obviously still in the morning at this time!

Ino turned his head fiercely and glanced at Saki Yaxin Muhua:

"Ye Xin! What's going on!?"

Muhua Sakuya looked up at the sky in a confused manner: "Ahhh~What are you asking...I don't know~"

With this awkward acting skill, Ino knew it, and she immediately walked up to Saki Yashin with no expression on her face.

In Muhua Sakuya's stunned eyes, she clenched fists with both hands, and then directly drilled into the temples of the girl's small head.

Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly wailed, shaking both hands indiscriminately.


Nanako looked at Ino panicked with a small face, but did not dare to speak.

After drilling for ten seconds, Ino let go without expression.

Nanako caught the soft Saki Yashin and hugged him in her arms.


Kihana Saki Yashin lay in Nanako's arms, squinted dazedly, stretched out her hand and trembled twice in the air...

"Nanako...I...I'm under the dark power of the Dark Emperor...I'm going to die..."

Nanako's eyes widened: "Sister!!"

Ino Yume stomped on the ground.


next moment!

Saki Yashin and Nanako shook all over, and they stood upright in an instant.

Ino stretched out a small fist: "Warning once!"

Saki Yashin and Nanako hugged each other in fear.

"The Dark Emperor is terrible..."

Nanako nodded: "Yeah."

Ino immediately punched both of them in the head.


The two girls hugged their heads and squatted down, crying and crying.

Then, Nanako and Saki Yashin simultaneously raised their heads to reveal a pitiful face, and stared at Ino with tearful eyes.

"It hurts~"

The pitiful and innocent eyes of the two instantly touched a string in Ino's heart.

She loosened her fist and looked up to the sky...

"What's the matter with this world..."

"Why did it develop into this way!!!"


Five minutes later, the time to play treasures finally passed.

Saki Yashin and Nanako knelt at the table peacefully.

Ino also knelt down opposite the sisters blankly.

Ino was unable to complain in his heart: "How did I catch up with these two sisters..."

Ino sighed and said directly to Saki Yashin, "The time in the different world is not synchronized with the time in our world, right."

Muhuasaki Yashin nodded like a little chicken, and then she raised a finger: "The world we go to, the flow of time is completely different from this world.

Well, we can't say that the flow rate of time is different, it should be said that our time is the same. "

"It is us who define the flow of time."

"In other words, as long as we are in this world, time will be meaningful to us."

"Once we leave this world, then the time of this world will fall into quiescence, until we enter this world again, the time of the world will flow again."

Hearing what Muhana Saki Yashin said, Ino's eyes widened and he swallowed unconsciously.

"Playing with time wantonly... Ye Xin, have you really become a god?"

Ino doesn't believe what Kawasaki Yashin said to us.

The only one who can define the time should be Saki Kihana Yashin.

Nanako also understood what Saki Kihana said, her eyes lighted up and she was very excited.

"Is my sister's strength so powerful?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head.

"No, it's not entirely my power, it's related to the time rules in the dimensional domain.

Specifically speaking, it is more complicated. Anyway, you just need to know that no matter how long we are in another world, this world will not change. "

As soon as Muhuasaki Yaxin's voice fell...

The room fell into silence for a while.

Ino and Nanako didn't know what they were thinking...


"Then let's go back to another world..."

Kihana Saki Yaxin glanced at Ino in surprise.


Ino sighed, and then smiled: "After all, there is nothing to do when I go back so early."

Nanako also said to Kukasaki Yashin, "Yu agrees too! Yu is very interested in other worlds or something!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a sweet smile: "Then let's continue our adventure in another world!"

next moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her hand and snapped her fingers!


The space fluctuates fiercely.

The figures of the three gradually disappeared indoors...


As the space fluctuated like the surface of the water, the three figures once again appeared in this small rental house.

When Ino returned to the rented house, he immediately looked at the clock on the wall of the room.

The time above, and the time she just left, should be the same.

Looking out the window again, I found that it was night like just now...

Nanako looked at the time curiously, her eyes were shining, and her eyes were filled with excitement: "It's amazing~"

Muhua Sakuya smiled triumphantly: "Well, isn't it easy to travel through the world?"

"I told you a long time ago that the deed to die is to be famous in the world of infinite dimensions.

Now, it is time for us to take the first step! "

Nanako was very excited and stretched out her small fist and lifted it up: "Hmm! Carry forward the promise of death!"

Just at this time.

Nanako's belly screamed suddenly.

Gu Gu~

Nanako's cheeks flushed.

"Sorry~ I don't seem to have enough energy left..."

Ino suddenly remembered that they did not seem to have eaten anything for a day.

Wandering in this novel world for a while.

Kihana Saki Yashin also remembered that although she didn't seem to need anything to fill her stomach anymore, so she patronized the play without paying attention to the situation of Ino and Nanako.

Kihana Saki Yashin immediately took Nanako's hand.

"Nanako! Ino! That being the case, it's just time for us to try the delicacies of this world!"

Nanako and Ino were a little excited when they heard this.

Muhua Saki Yashin is located in a residential area not far from the school, and the neighborhood here is very prosperous.

There is no shortage of restaurants and snack bars here.

Ever since, with a huge sum of money, Saki Yashin, dragged Ino and Nanako to eat along the street.

Of course, most of the food they ate was Snack Ray’s delicacies, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to eat so much.

Of course they have to except Muhua Saki Yaxin, the bottomless pit.

The three of them wandered all the way to eat, and suddenly they found a strange guy at the door of a meatball shop.

how to say?

At first sight, Ino saw that she was not human!

I didn't pay attention at first, thinking it was just a cute blond girl eating meatballs here.

As a result, look down...

The upper body is a cute girl, and the lower body is a cobra-like body with two light blue bow hair ornaments tied on his head.

Half man and half snake!

Nanako's eyes lit up: "Oh! I found it! Anomalous creatures invading the world!"

Ino looked at the reactions of the store manager and passers-by, and they seemed to treat the half-human, half-snake anomalous creature in front of them like ordinary humans.

They didn't seem to notice any abnormalities.

Muhuasaki Yaxin patrolled the strange half-human and half-snake guy in front of her, pondering, and suddenly her right eye flashed.

"Oh! It's a little evil god!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's words immediately attracted Cthulhu's gaze, Cthulhu Chan looked at the strange girl in front of her, dressed in a mysterious magic robe, with a blindfold in her left eye.

This look...

Cthulhu Chan suddenly thought of a certain terrible human being. She swallowed the **** in her mouth and kept her face calm:

"Ahem~ It's the garden Lily Bell who came in line for you! Is there anything you want to do with me? Okay, I haven't done anything this time."

Ino and Nanako were stunned, and then looked at Kuka Saki Yaxin with suspicious eyes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook her head at Cthulhu Sauce: "I don't know any Lily Bell."

Cthulhu sighed in relief when she heard the words, she patted her snake belly: "Oh~"

Then Cthulhu Chan turned her face and became unusually arrogant and fierce:

"So stupid human! Don't bother me to eat!"

With that said, Cthulhu sauce didn't care about Muhuasaki Yaxin three people at all, turned around and continued to eat meatballs.

Seeing Cthulhu's posture, Ino and Nanako were a little bit startled.

"Cthulhu? It sounds amazing."

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin was angry. When Cthulhu sauce was about to bite off a ball, Muhua Saki Yaxin's angry leader grabbed all the bunches of **** in her hand.

Cthulhu Chan was stunned for a moment. The next moment, she immediately looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin in anger, with the serpent's fangs at the corners of her mouth.


Muhua Sakiya didn't care about Cthulhu's anger at all. Instead, he took a bite of the meatballs in her hand in front of her, and Cthulhu was even more angry.

However, the next moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin then threw all the **** into the sky, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth in the dazed eyes of the little evil god.


"What do you seem to be doing wrong? Little ~ evil ~ god~"

Speaking of Muhua Saki Yashin, one hand covered her left eye with a blindfold, and her right eye was glowing with red light.

"I am the master of the Eye of Death! I will surely climb above the Yuan Wan Realm this time!

And this world is just a small tourist site of mine, and I will destroy it instantly!

And you!

A little evil god!

How dare to speak harshly to me?

Have you considered the consequences? "

Cthulhu sauce suddenly felt an incomparable pressure, and looked at the girl in front of her with some horror.

"Death... the eye of death?"

At this moment, Cthulhu Sauce seemed to see the world-comparable stalwart shadow behind Muhua Sakiya's heart...

With this sense of oppression, she trembled all over.


Cthulhu sauce gritted her teeth: "Humph! Even so! I'm a Cthulhu!"

As he said, the evil spirit sauce snake tail flicked, and the whole **** leaped into the air, the snake tail curled up like a slingshot.

Then, the snake's tail was stretched out and stretched out in an instant, and the tip of the tail fell heavily toward the heart of Saki Kihana!

"Take it! Sure! Little Cthulhu Kick!"

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at Cthulhu with his right eye, red light flashing in his eyes!

next moment!

It seems that the space is frozen!

Cthulhu sauce found that she was completely frozen in midair.

"What is this... why can't I move anymore."

Cthulhu sauce can barely move her mouth to speak, and she can't even move a finger.

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed his claws at the Cthulhu sauce in the air, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Humph~ This is the power of the Eye of Death! Next, let you see it! The judgment of the Eye of Death!"

next moment!

A flashing pentagram appeared on Cthulhu Jiang's body, and the five-pointed star wrapped the Cthulhu sauce inside.

Immediately afterwards, the five-pointed star flickered and flew towards the sky with Cthulhu sauce, very fast.

This speed directly made Cthulhu yelling in fright.

After a while, the pentagram came to space.

Like those who are shown to the public, Cthulhu sauce is like the evil gods who are shown to the public.

The entire **** is anchored in this cosmic space by the pentagram.

Cthulhu sauce was dumbfounded.

"Is the trial like this?"


Ino and Nanako on the side were stunned.

"Wow~ Is this deportation?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head.

"No, this is just a small punishment for the little evil god."

"Forget it, don't worry about her, let's continue shopping around some gourmet shops!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin was about to drool over the corners of his mouth facing the meatballs sold in the store.

"These human foods are really amazing. Even if I don't need to eat anymore, I can't help but get energy from these foods..."

Speaking of the balls, Ino pointed to the bunches of **** belonging to Cthulhu sauce that were set in the sky.

"What about these bunches of meatballs?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at it, and immediately had an idea.

"After all, it is something from Cthulhu and give it back to her."

next moment.

Cthulhu sauce, who was counting the stars boringly, suddenly saw something flying over from his friend.

She was shocked and wanted to twist her body to dodge, but found that she still couldn't move.

next moment.

Things stopped directly in front of her, only then did she realize that these are the **** she bought...

Cthulhu sauce was stunned, and then a trace of fragrance floated into her nose.

She finally understood the young girl's dangerous plan.

Looking at the uneaten meatballs, Cthulhu sauce wanted to cry without tears.

Finally, Cthulhu sauce gritted her teeth and looked at the land of the planet.

"Damn it!!! Eye of death! I remember you!"


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