The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 3: go to school!

In the early morning, the sun shines through the faint mist and falls into Ni Jing’s room from the windows, illuminating the dark space in the room, and you can clearly see the three girls on the tatami mats...

Half of the bedding has been kicked open, leaving only half to cover the small half of the three people.

The stimulus of the light caused Ino Youyou to wake up. She opened her eyes and looked at the strange ceiling.

Here is...where...

After a moment of confusion, the thoughts in her head woke up leisurely, and she also remembered that she and Ye Xin came to a different world...

Ino looked around, two little heads still asleep.

In the end, her eyes were locked on the side of Muhua Saki Yaxin, who was sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed at the moment.

Listening to the sound of even breathing, looking at the delicate little face, it didn't have the naughty and weird look of the past, nor the iconic blindfold.

Yexin like this... feels really beautiful...

Ino watched silently, with a feeling of never getting tired of it. Speaking of which, it was the first time that she slept with Ye Xin.

It’s really rare to see Ye Xin like this...

After seeing enough, Ino was about to get up, and he felt as if something was pressing against him.

Ino thought of Ye Xin for the first time. I guess this guy is sleeping.

Ino smiled, and gently pulled the quilt away, only to find that he had a hand and a foot under him, but it was not Yexin, but Nanako on the side.

Nanako seems to have a habit of holding things to sleep, putting her hands and feet on Ino.

On the other hand, Muhua Saki Yaxin slept peacefully beside her. She slept very quietly, without any changes.

Ino was a little surprised.

Looking at the sleeping Ye Xin, people feel an indescribable tranquility inexplicably.

If Ye Xin's usual temperament were totally invisible, she would still have such a side.

Ino carefully put Nanako's hands and feet down, and got up, looking at the window illuminated by the sun, she unconsciously leaned over, looking through the window, looking at everything that was covered with gold by the sun.

this moment.

Feeling extra comfort in spirit, Ino stretched her waist.

"The second day I came to the outside world, I felt pretty good..."

Ino checked the time, seven-fifteen.

"Well, it's still early, let's make breakfast."

Having said that, Ino planned to go to the kitchen, and found three mobile phones on a counter on the road.

Ino smiled, picked up the green decorated one, and opened the code lock according to Ye Xin's teaching.

"Mobile phone~"

Then, she turned her gaze to the school uniform hanging on the hanger not far away.

They bought it by the way when they were eating last night. It is said that they have to wear school uniforms to go to school.

"It feels quite interesting. The world is so peaceful and peaceful, and it is still more than 20 years old to go to school."

Ino didn't stay there, and walked directly into the kitchen. The things here look very advanced, but in fact, you only need to know the fire technique. Other cooking methods are the same.

So Ino quickly got started, making breakfast skillfully.

The scent of breakfast gradually wafted to the noses of Saki Yashin and Nanako who were sleeping. The stimulation of the scent and the bright indoor light made them awake.

Just waking up, Muhua Saki Yashin, who was still in a daze, sat up and looked forward with his big blank eyes.

Next to the nose is the scent wafting continuously.

This feeling is like the feeling of an old mother at home cooking breakfast.

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned to look at the kitchen.

Then Ino walked out with a plate of nutritious breakfast, looking at the still cute Muhua Saki Yaxin with a smile on his face.

"Good morning. Yexin, breakfast is ready, let's go wash and have breakfast."

Speaking, Ino put three breakfasts on the small dining table.

The rice, poached egg, grilled fish and some vegetables are evenly matched together, which looks very delicate, and the colors are distinct.

And the scent was tangy, Muhua Saki Yaxin sniffed her little nose, and the next moment her eyes lit up with little stars.

"Wow~ Ino! That's amazing..."

With that, Muhua Sakiya got up numbly and went to wash.

Nanako also woke up again, and she saw the food on the table in a daze, and her eyes lit up.

Looking at the confused Nanako, Ino walked over and rubbed her little head, messing up her messy hair.

"Nanako~ Go back and wash."

Shining Nanako nodded to Ino, and ran to the bathroom immediately.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yexin had already settled, and in a sprint, he immediately slid sideways for a certain distance and stopped in front of Ino. A small paw turned his hand to block his left eye, and shouted:

"It's worthy of my life's enemy! It's actually better than I to recover from the place of sleep! And also make this perfect energy package!

Your strength! I approved it! "

In response, Ino stepped forward directly, raising his hand until he fell down!


"Oh~ it hurts~"

Muhua Saki held her head pitifully, and took a step back, looking at Ino with tearful eyes...

Ino was expressionless: "Don't make trouble, eat breakfast! Didn't you say you can't be late the first day?"

This is the end of the daily little farce in the morning.

The three of them sat together and ate a delicious breakfast happily.

After the breakfast time, the three began to dress up as the girls.

Of course, the three naturally beautiful people don't need any makeup. What they need is to tidy up the messy hair from sleeping.

Then change into school uniforms and matching short skirts.

The three girls all felt a little strange, because this was the first time they wore this kind of clothes.

After all, what kind of ninja in Naruto World, it is impossible to wear this kind of costume.

And even if Muhua Saki Yaxin was in her previous life, she didn't wear this kind of clothes.

Speaking of which, there are still some regrets.

Now it can be regarded as filling this regret.

Ino is still a little bit shy, of course, this kind of short skirt, three people have matching safety pants, will not give some lsp a chance.

It's eight twenty.

The three of them went out. When passing by a room, the door was suddenly opened, and a girl who looked sluggish came out.

Looking at the school uniform she was wearing, Nanako and Ino were surprised.

Gabriel also noticed the three girls in front of him, looking at the school uniforms they were wearing, and suddenly he became more energetic.

"You too…"

Nanako and Ino nodded quickly.


Ino smiled: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet classmates from the same school here."

Muhua Saki Yaxin wore her usual blindfold, her eyes flashed with light, and a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh ha ha~ It's really a coincidence."

Gabriel was also a little surprised, but she didn't care much either.

"It's a coincidence, but you should be transfer students."

"Yes~ Big sister, the aura on your body feels so good~" Nanako looked at Gabriel with shining eyes.

Gabriel’s almost all-night liver game last night, and now she has a bit of a bad spirit, but this is also her normal state, the most an angel.

Staying up late will not affect her lifespan.

Gabriel yawned in a lazy posture:

"Ah, let's go to school quickly. I'll be late in the evening."

The three woke up immediately, but also noticed the lack of time.

"Yes, yes! It's not good to be late the first day when you go to school."

Then, the four of them went to school together...

Came to school.

Unlike Gabriel, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three of them have to report to the teacher first.

Nanako was assigned to the first grade at a young age.

Kihana Saki Yashin instructed Nanako: "Nanako! We don't need to be afraid if we are separated! You must learn about the knowledge of this world! At the same time, you must observe the humans around you. There may be hidden alien creatures among them! Don't let your guard down!

Of course, don’t be afraid of situations!

We can still be together during get out of class time! "

Nanako nodded seriously.

And Ino and Kihana Saki Yaxin are both in the second grade, and the teacher they met is the teacher in charge of their class.

The head teacher wears glasses, seems to always have a gentle smile, and looks beautiful, seems to be a very gentle person.

Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin and Ino, they smiled and squinted their eyes and asked, "Welcome you two to join. I am the head teacher of this class, and my name is Sakako Yamanaka. You can ask me if you have any questions in the future. "

Sure enough, he is a very gentle teacher.

Ino thought inwardly.

Ino bowed slightly and introduced himself to the future head teacher.

"My name is Yamanaka Ino, and I would like to ask the teacher to shine more in the future!"

Sawako looked at Ino, and she had a judgment in her heart.

[It seems to be a very good boy. 】

Then, she looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, and at the first glance, she saw Muhua Saki Yaxin's eye-catching eye patch.

Sawako was stunned.

Then, Muhua Saki Yashin started the self-introduction he had prepared.

She covered her left eye with a backhand with a paw, and an unexplained bandage was tied on her right hand, raised her fist in front of her, and looked at Sawako with a smile.

"Hmm~ I saw the look in your eyes! Sure enough, you noticed! The power of the seal of my left eye!"

As he said, Saki Yaxin Muhua changed her posture, and placed her scissor hand in her right hand.

"Yes! This is the magic eye I hide in it! The sealed magic eye! The supreme magic eye called the eye of death!

And only I can control the magic eye!

Once the seal is lifted, even under the power of the magic eye of the world, it will be annihilated instantly! "

There was a reluctant smile at the corner of Sawako's mouth, and his face was full of sweat.

What the eye of death...

She didn't believe it at all...

After all, there is no shortage of secondary school students now...

There are also two examples in the class...

Of course, this one in front of me, the second disease is probably deep into my bones...

Finally, Muhua Saki Yaxin gestured with both hands and said his name.

"Have such a magic eye, have such power! Only me! Muhua Saki Yaxin!"

Sakako Yamanaka nodded with a stiff smile on his face.

Finally, Ino couldn't help it anymore, and directed a hand knife to Muhua Saki Yaxin.



Muhua Saki Yexin hugged her little head pitifully.

However, now Ino doesn't have the thought of fighting with her. Instead, he said anxiously, "Yeshin! Respect the teacher!"

"Um~ ooh~"

Kihana Saki Yashin turned to look at Kosawa: "I'm sorry~ teacher~"

Xiao Zuohe was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

[It seems that Ino is the nemesis of this second-and-second girl. 】

Seeing such a relationship between the two, she suddenly felt that Muhua Saki Yaxin was much more cute.

"Haha~ okay. That~ classmate Saki Yashin, classmate Ino.

You first receive the textbooks, and when you are in class, I will let you introduce yourself and let the classmates get familiar with it. "

After Kika Saki Yashin's amazing explanation, Sawako was not curious about the blindfold of Kika Saki Yashin's left eye. Maybe it was due to the second disease, and it shouldn't be an eye problem.

After all, there is another example in the class.

Ino Kawasaki Yashin nodded to Sawako.

Then, after they received the teaching materials, they were arranged by the teacher to stand outside.

That's right, now it's the classic self-introduction session for transfer students.

Ino was aside, watching the eager Saki Yashin, and immediately walked in front of her.

If Saki Yashin is allowed to introduce herself first, then she feels that no one will listen to her self-introduction.

Xiao Zuohe walked straight into the class, maintaining a gentle smile as usual, and said to the classmates:

"Hello everyone, today we are welcoming two new students."

With that, Xiao Zuo and looked at Ino outside the door, nodded to him, and walked aside.

For some reason Ino, she suddenly felt a little nervous. She took a deep breath and calmed down, and walked in with a steady pace. As soon as she entered, she saw the curious eyes of all kinds of students in the class.

Standing in the center of the podium, Ino sighed softly to the classmates underneath, and immediately said: "Hello everyone, my name is Yamanaka Ino, I love florals, and my favorite foods are tomatoes and pudding. Next, please let me know. care."

As he said, Ino bowed slightly.

Xiao Zuohe took the lead and applauded with a smile on his face.

The whole class also burst into applause.

Gabriel looked at Ino and was not surprised at all: "Ah~ it really is a student in our class..."

Qiu Shan Mio looked at this familiar girl, and finally remembered that it was the girl with the claw machine **** that day.

"It's actually a transfer student in our class, what a coincidence..."

Li also thought it was a coincidence: "But this ordinary~"

Satania looked at this familiar human being, and suddenly became alert: "Ah! It's that human accomplice!"

Raphael squinted her eyes, and she could see the unusual power in Ino Ting's body. UU Reading

"Oh~ not an ordinary human being."

Only staring at Ino blankly, didn't say much.

Ino was still very satisfied with his speech.

Xiao Zuowa pointed to the row next to the window, the third-to-last position.

"There is an empty seat there, so Ino-san, let's sit down there."

Ino nodded, and sat down in the empty position directly following the road.

Then, Xiao Zuowa looked outside the door, and suddenly saw Muhua Saki Yaxin with a look of excitement.

She felt a little bad, but now that the arrow hits the string, she can't help it.

"Um... please have a second classmate."

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