The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Unexpectedly popular

Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin who was eager to try, Xiao Zuowa suddenly felt a little bad, but she still bit her scalp and called her to come in.

"Um... I would like to invite the next classmate."

When Muhuasaki heard it heartily, the corners of her mouth suddenly curled up, revealing a smile, and strode to the podium.

It’s just that the girl’s little short legs deliberately strode seem a bit funny...

In the eyes of everyone, the young girl in front of them felt like an ordinary person at first glance!


The girl stunned everyone when she spoke.

Muhua Saki Yexin stood on the podium, not panicking at all. Instead, she scanned the class with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Stupid humans!!"

All the students' eyes widened instantly!

Even Kosawa and Ino who were ready were stunned.

"Listen! I am the supreme and incomparable existence of the dimensional universe! The owner of the supreme eye of death! I am also the only owner of the eye of death!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly lighted his claws, and his two claws drew an unclear path in the air.

"I often travel in this infinite world, just to find the anomalous existence that destroys peace! I am interested in maintaining the peace of the infinite dimensional universe!

Seal the demon king who destroys the world, and destroy the great demon **** who is eroding the universe! "

As he said, Muhua Sakiya's eyes were sharply greeted by the sluggish gaze of the whole class.

"So! I am only interested in the existence of anomalies! Whether it is a magician! The owner of the magic eye! Angel! Devil! Dragon! Or god!"

Ino raised his forehead and lowered his head without seeing.

This speech is even more ridiculous than Ye Xin’s one...

That said, Ye Xin has grown up after all...

S2 behavior has also increased...

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't go on.

And the whole class fell into a weird silence.

Everyone looked dull.

Come here for tens of seconds...

Raphael was the first to recover, with a hint of interest in the ordinary blindfold girl in front of him.

"Interesting human..."

Gabriel was awakened from her sleepy expression, and she looked at the girl who looked a little dull and cute in front of her.

"Unexpectedly, you are such a second-year girl..."

Satania was shocked.

"Seal the Great Demon King and destroy the Great Demon God?"

"Then I, the future ruler of the Demon Realm, is not..."

Thinking of this, Satania's eyes became firm, and she looked at Muhua Saki Ye's heart with a slightly different hostility.

"It seems that this guy is my strong enemy! If I want to become the ruler of the demon world, I must face her back! But I won't be afraid!

The one who fails will definitely be you! "

Satania felt like she was about to ignite.

Didn't expect the first opponent to appear like this?

At this time, a person confronted the radio wave with Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Her name is Yamamoto Miha, a seemingly unusual blond girl with double ponytails. She is wearing a school uniform, but she wears a black coat outside her school uniform, and her limbs are bandaged.

That's right, she is a complete secondary disease.

Real patients with severe secondary disease!

"Masaka! Will there be such a existence in this human cluster world?"

Yamamoto Miami lowered her head slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Sure enough, in this world, it is impossible for me to be a special existence!"

Li's eyes widened: "It's actually her. I didn't expect... Is she still... Secondary II disease?"

Miao: ||?_?

Pomelo: "Oh~⊙_⊙"

Witto moved his head and was a little surprised: ⊙o⊙) Wow~ it seems to be very powerful..."

The whole class seemed to be digesting the shock caused by Muhua Saki Yaxin.

And Xiao Zuohe also feels about it, and reluctantly said softly to Muhua Saki Yaxin on the podium.

"Um... thank you Ye Xin for your speech, please go back to your seat first. It's the seat next to Ino."

Muhua Saki nodded calmly to Xiao Zuo and the teacher, and walked towards the empty seat.

Such a high-profile Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally attracted the attention of the whole class.

The classmates are secretly aiming at Muhua Saki Yaxin, seemingly curious, how can such a cute girl be like this.

However, to the relief of Kozukazu, Saki Yashin-Kihana seemed to have not made too many surprises after making a shocking speech.

Sitting quietly in the seat and listening to the lecture.

Until the end of the first lesson...

After class time.

A circle of girls surrounded Muhuasaki Yashin and Ino.

In fact, the girl still didn't dare to approach Muhua Saki Yaxin very much at first, feeling that she was not a good person to get along with.

But watching Ino and Kihana Saki fight with each other, they gradually let go of their worries.

Melt into it and found that Muhua Saki is so kawaii...

Although I have been running the train with my mouth full, I don't know what to say, but it doesn't affect the cuteness of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yexin has a good face, but she scores her cuteness, and the feeling of cuteness is irrespective of men and women.

In front of the cute sand sculptures, all **** and beautiful are scumbags!

In this way, the two quickly integrated into the class...

It should be said that I have integrated into the class of girls...

"Ino! Your hair color is so natural~ Your skin is also good~ What skin care products are you using~"

Ino looked at a pocky-faced girl who was envious of her hair and smiled awkwardly: "I haven't used skin care products~"

"Ye Xin-chan~ You feel soft~ too cute~"

What she was talking about was the law of self-familiar attributes. She squeezed into the group of girls and hugged Muhua Saki Yaxin directly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin opened the face that Lily wanted to get close to her, with a look of disgust.

"Don't get too close! Mortals!"

At this moment Li suddenly remembered something.

"That's right! Ye Xin Jiang~ Wait, but it's the annual club recruitment conference! Although you are in the second grade, you haven't joined the club yet!"

As he said, Li's eyes flashed.

"Otherwise, come to our club! We are the Qingyin club! How about, are you interested?"

Muhua Sakuya was stunned, and let go of the hand holding Li's small face.


Muhua Saki Yaxin slightly lowered her head to think.

"This needs to be considered. The club that can accommodate me must not be an ordinary club!"

Li Wenyan said, a little lost: "Is that also~ After all, Ye Xin Jiang has different requirements.

I guess you would like the Spiritual Society more~"

As he said, Li rubbed his face directly, and kept sticking to Muhua Saki Yaxin's little face.

"What a pity!"

This action, UU reading naturally caused Muhua Saki Yaxin's resistance, and once again pushed Li's restless face away.

"Damn mortal!"

Daiwei looked at the arrogant Li who was holding Muhua Saki Yexin, inexplicably a little envious.

"I really want to hug it~"

You are also a little envious: "I feel like a classmate like Ye Xin Jiang, if he joins our club, it will be very interesting~"

Only imagined it.

Muhua Saki Yashin sat in the activity room with a second-degree second speech, already acting strangely.

Wei's eyes flashed with little stars, and his expression looked expectant.

"That's right~"

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