The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 5: intelligence

In a hidden corner.

Saki Yashin, Ino, and Nanako gathered together mysteriously.

The three of them stared at each other with heavy expressions.

That's right, they both managed to escape from a bunch of classmates so that they could meet here.

All three are unexpectedly loved.

"Ino! Nanako! You haven't left any tails!"

Nanako shook his head: "No! Stupid humans, there is no way to know where I am!"

Ino directly gave a hand knife alone.




The two of them hugged their heads and cried out in pain.

Ino's sample paper for the older sister: "Don't come here, just talk about the important points!"

"Isn't it said that we have discovered important information and will come to a secret meeting!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up!"

Saki Yashin and Nanako looked at each other, and then said in unison, "I found an abnormality!"

Ino was stunned for a second, then looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Then, let Ye Xin speak first."

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "We have a lot of abnormalities in our class!"

"First of all, classmate Gabriel! Her identity is an angel! I am the eye of death and have seen her hidden wings and divine power!

But she seems to have fallen in this mortal world. "

"Also! Raphael is also an angel! The sacred power in her body is not much worse than that of classmate Gabriel!"

"Of course, there are the demons I mentioned! Satania!

In addition to this demon, there is another demon! Tsukinose·Vinette·April! "

Ino looked confused, after all, how long had she been here after all.

Among those people Muhua Saki Yexin said, she only knew about Satania and Gabriel.

No other impression.

Muhua Saki said solemnly: "These anomalous existences are all very powerful! Your strength is estimated to be unmatched! So, don't conflict with them! If you have any problems, you can directly call the Eye of Death!"

Nanako looked admired, and her eyes were full of small stars: "Sure enough, it's my sister! That's amazing! In this short period of time, he has collected so much information!"

Muhua Saki Yashin was praised by Nanako, a little proud.

"That's natural! Let's focus on these people in the future."

Ino was skeptical. Among these people Muhua Saki Yashin said, she didn't know the others. It's good to say.

But Satania...

You said she has a lot of power?


Ino recalled the scene where Satania was forced into a pineapple bun by a dog...

How could this be strong?

And... the devil?

As for classmate Gabriel...

Seeing her look of lack of sleep...


Ino shook his head, watching Ye Xin ask directly.

"Are you sure? Ye Xin? I'm really sure, not your assumption?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked serious: "That's natural! When did I lie to you! You are my best friend! Also the enemy of my life! For you, I will not deceive!"

Ino sighed, "I hope so."

Her thinking now is that even if all this is a farce by Saki Yashin, it is not a big deal.

At most, it's just a trouble with the night.

I hope not to tease others too much...

Kihana Saki Yashin then said to Nanako: "Nanako! It's time to talk about your information!"


Nanako nodded heavily: "Yu found an existence that may have a high-level demon eye! Speaking of it! She and her sister seem to be. Also wearing a blindfold, according to Yu's secret observation, she seems to have a true eye called the evil king The advanced magic eye!"

"And the medium for sealing the magic eye is still the blindfold!"

"Besides, it seems that she has an accomplice who is the Dark Flame Envoy! Their behavior is very suspicious!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes lit up, and he nodded heavily: "Very well! Nanako! You need to keep watching them!"

Nanako solemnly nodded: "Well! I will definitely not let them endanger world peace!"

Looking at the two sisters who were so serious, Ino was a little embarrassed.

It seems that he didn't find anything on his own, and just communicated with the classmates in the new world on the surface.

But she did not find any abnormalities...

Then, Saki Yashin and Nanako fixed their gazes on Ino who said nothing.

Looking at the eyes of the two sisters, Ino was a little nervous inexplicably, she suddenly vented and shouted:

"What are you looking at! I have no information!"

There was a hint of "you are so inferior" in the eyes of Saki Yashin and Nanako.

Ino yelled out of shame.

"These things are not something normal people can find, okay!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin pressed her voice with a look of oweness: "Hey~ Ino is too shabby."

Nanako had the same expression: "Ino~ I didn't find any of them."

Ino squeezed his fist and suddenly felt that he seemed to be useless with anger, so he flicked it hard.

"Huh! You are just one step ahead! Next time, I will definitely find other people first!"

The sisters' eyes lit up.

Ino actually got up! ?

At this moment, a voice intervened.

"Yeshin-chan? Ino?"

Saki Yashin and Ino suddenly looked in the direction of the sound, and they saw Xiao Zuo and the teacher standing there with curiosity.

"Teacher Sawako!"

Ino shouted in surprise.

"Are you here like this?"

Xiao Zuohe chuckled softly and said softly, "I'm looking for you."

"Now is a new day for the club to recruit.

The school has requirements, at least to join a club.

So, you'd better choose the right club to join today. "

Ino's eyes opened slightly, she didn't expect to have such a request: "Is it like this?"

What is a club anyway?

Of course Ino didn't understand at all.

Kozuka looked at Nanako with a gentle smile.

"This classmate is also a newcomer to our school. The club recruitment for first-year freshmen has also begun. You should also take this opportunity to join a club."

Nanako nodded: "I see!"

Muhua Saki Yashin: "Discover it! My belonging, there will be results today!"

Xiaozuo smiled stiffly at Muhuasaki Yaxin, "Haha~ Yaxin is really energetic."

"Then, you'd better go to the club now. Now all kinds of clubs are starting to recruit new members."

"Just say that, I won't bother you."

With that, Xiao Zuohe beckoned and left.


The three looked at each other's eyes.

"Then set out to find the club!"


The three of them walked out of this secret corner to the outside of the school.

It really became lively Various small booths were displayed with the names of their respective clubs.

Basketball club.

Tennis club.


and many more……

These are the most popular associations with the largest number of people around.

Moreover, these clubs all have their own wonderful performances.

It seems very lively.

The three people who saw this scene for the first time had their mouths open.

⊙o⊙) Wow~"

"It's so lively~"



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