The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 6: coming! A matchup in fate!

The club is a new thing for Ino and Nanako. The Japanese community is also a new thing for Kihana Saki Yashin.

So all three of them are curious enough.

Basketball club.

In the tent set up by the new recruiting base camp of the club, a few young ladies and a few handsome boys are watching over them.

Ino stood in the middle, with two sisters on the left and the other on the right, and the three of them came to the basketball club together holding their little hands.

Looking at the heights of Muhua Saki Yashin and the curious baby's eyes, the young ladies knew that they didn't want to come to the basketball club, they should just have some curiosity to take a look.

However, they did not lose enthusiasm and introduced the basketball club to Saki Yashin and others.

Among them, the outstanding player of their basketball club, Heizi, also performed a fancy basketball on the spot.

Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three were amazed.

⊙o⊙) Wow~"

"They know how to play ball~"


Then Muhua Saki Yashin and the three followed the road directly to the new recruiting base camp of the tennis club.

There are also a lot of people here. They have come to the tennis club. Relatively speaking, there are more young ladies in the tennis club.

Moreover, they seem to have recruiting ideas for the three of Muhua Saki Yashin.

They and Saki Yashin said that their school's tennis club is not well-known in the country, but there are also many famous tennis players in this club.

It is said that some well-known players from the High School Affiliated to Lihai University, which is now the most famous tennis player, are in the club.

The recruitment of the three Muhuasaki Yashin was carried out with the intention of recruiting mascots.

However, none of the three have much interest in tennis.

Keep going.

It's the cheerleader...

For the cheerleading performance, it attracted many boys, but for the three people of Muhua Saki Yashin... they didn't have any interest.

For this kind of dancing in weird clothes...

The three people's rejection from the bottom of their hearts.

I just ignored it.

Taekwondo club.

Watching a girl cut off a half-meter-high tile with a knife in one hand.

The three of them read together in silence.

"So weak~"

Spiritual Society.

The people here seem to be nervous, and their whereabouts are erratic.

And speak with air-conditioning.

It was too hell, and the three were scared away.

Astronomy Enthusiast Society.

The people and scholars here are very strong.

And there are several telescopes for stargazing.

For the arrival of the lovely three girls, they were extremely welcome and spoke out the concept of their society.

"The galaxy universe hides everything that we humans don't know! This kind of unknown is exactly what we are fascinated by!"

With that said, they showed some of the gorgeous starry sky and some particularly beautiful pictures of the nebula that they had taken and showed them to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

He also brought Muhua Saki Yaxin and taught her how to use the astronomical telescope.

This astronomical telescope is very huge and looks like a high-end item.

Muhua Saki Yashin slightly adjusts the astronomical telescope, try to see if you can see that...

Unexpectedly, it seemed just right at this position, there was no cloud in the sky, and there was not much fog in the air.

In this way, Muhua Saki Yaxin successfully saw the small light spot floating in space.

Adjust the multiplier to the maximum, and finally you can see the specific wheel with the small light spot clearly.

It was a pentagram-like shelf, and there seemed to be a person locked on it...

Muhua Saki Yexin's mouth curled slightly.

"Sure enough."

Seeing Muhua Saki Yexin, she was so fascinated, and she seemed to see something interesting.

Nanako and Ino couldn't wait.

Ino: "Yeshin! What did you see? Let me see!"

Nanako: "I...I also want to see."

Muhua Saki Yaxin followed away from her position and looked at the two with a mysterious smile.

"Hee hee~ There is a surprise."

Seeing a mysterious pair of Kawasaki Yashin, Ino and Nanako couldn't help it.

Ino took the lead, and couldn't wait to put his head under the telescope, and looked at the telescope with his right eye.

When Ino gradually saw the picture in the lens clearly, he let out an exclamation.

⊙o⊙) Wow~"

This time, the performance of the two seduce not only Nanako's curiosity, but also the curiosity of all astronomy enthusiasts.

Nanako pulled Ino's skirt and pulled it.

"It's me, it's me! Ino."

Following that, Ino stepped aside and showed Nanako the same mysterious smile as Saki Yashin.

"Sure enough, it was a surprise~"

Nanako immediately plugged her little head directly under the telescope.

Then wow~! Woke up……

After three consecutive wows, Nanako looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a crying face.

"Sister~ You lied to me and didn't see anything..."

Saki Yashin and Ino were stunned, then Saki Yashin took Nanako and looked at the telescope.

As a result, I couldn't see anything because it was covered by clouds.

However, the problem is not big.

Muhua Saki Yaxin opened his left eye and "killed" the cloud directly through the binoculars.

Suddenly, the sky became clear.

Then, Kihana Saki Yaxin put down the binoculars, and said to Nanako proudly.

"No, that cloud was killed by my death eye. Nanako can continue watching."

Hearing this, Nanako immediately stretched out her little head again.

Sure enough, I saw Cthulhu Sauce being hung by the Pentagram Magic Array...

Nanako again.

"Wow!" started.

"Does it deserve to be a Cthulhu?"

"Even if you were hung in that kind of place, you can survive."

With that, Nanako stretched her head out and said to Saki Yashin, "She looks so pitiful."

Kihana Saki Yaxin rubbed Nanako's head.

"It's okay, let her down in a while."

Immediately, the three of them seemed to have exhausted their interest in this society, and greeted the members of the group directly.

"Thanks for the hospitality."

With that said, the three of them left the club activity room of this exclusive astronomer society.

The members of the club looked at each of them after watching Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three of them leave.

In the end, the eyes of the members of the House of Representatives focused on their president.

The president nodded, and immediately stepped forward to look at the astronomical telescope. At this moment, he could still see the figure standing by the Pentagram Magic Array.

His eyes widened suddenly!

"what is this?!"


Seeing a shocked president, the members couldn't help it.

"President! What did you see?"

"Yeah! What did you see?!"

The president released the binoculars, his face was full of shock, his eyes were open, and his speech was trembling.

"I saw... God!"


The members were a little surprised, they couldn't believe that the president would say such a thing.

More curious about what he saw.

next moment.

The members lined up to use the telescopes.

However, every time I saw the scene in the telescope, I was plunged into a shock of self-doubt.

After a while, wait for all the members to look at the person in the telescope and the Pentagram Magic Array.

The whole society is crazy.

After a while, all the staff fell into a frenzy.

"Quick! Take the picture!"

"Rent a better instrument! We want to see clearer pictures!"

"Do you want to tell the country?"

"No! This is a big secret!"

"We have to report to the country! Otherwise, we don't know what harm this thing has!"

"Report to the country, will we be silenced?"

"How can it be!"


There was a lot of discussion, noisy.

But the instigator Muhua Saki Yashin and the three of them are still wandering around in various societies leisurely.

Anomalous Creatures Information Society...




classical music……

Etc., etc……

There are countless societies.

Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three wandered around and came to a remote path.

There is actually a small club listed here for new recruits.

Nanako exclaimed directly without the three of Saki Yashin approaching.

Saki Yashin and Ino looked at Nanako suspiciously.

"what's happenin?"

"Does anyone know in that club?"

Nanako nodded and pointed to the little girl with blindfold standing in front of the booth.

"She! That's her! A mysterious person with the true eyes of the evil king!"

Ino was stunned, and Muhua Saki was excited.

Ino looked at the little girl with a blindfold from a distance, wearing a school uniform and an unknown bandage on her hand.

Sure enough, are the unknown straps also an exclusive item for S2?

Looking at the girl's temperament and dress, it was indeed somewhat similar to Ye Xin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at this familiar Liuhua with a big smile on her face.

"Hee hee~ That's right! This huge power! She is definitely right!!!"

Nanako's eyes lit up suddenly: "Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person!"

Kihana Sakiya looked at Nanako earnestly: "The club this person belongs to, Nanako, you want to join!"

Nanako nodded heavily at Kamiki Hanasaki Yashin's serious eyes, "Well! I will definitely monitor her!"

Only Ino, with a blank face, scratched his head awkwardly.

She doesn't know how to talk...

And Saki Yashin and Nanako didn't say much, and walked towards the club together.

Standing next to Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, who was willing to be drawn to be a strong man, Yongta was standing beside Liuhua with a bored expression, looking at the empty scenery nearby.

"Sure enough, no one is coming..."

next moment.

He saw the three sisters Muhua Saki Yaxin, walking towards here.

He was stunned: "No way?"

And Liuhua's eyes also had a lot of anticipation.

Sure enough, Muhua Saki Yexin and the three came to the booth and looked at the name of the club written on the sign of the booth.

[Far East Magic Nap and Association Summer]

Even Nanako was at a loss without mentioning Inno's name.

She might understand Far East Magic.

But...what the **** is a nap?

Ino was also stunned.

She knew that this club should not be simple, and it turned out to be the name of a club that didn't know the meaning of Secondary Two...

In the middle of the second name, a more ambiguous "siesta" was added, which really confused her.

When Yuta looked at the expressions of the three of them, she knew they were going to be dissuaded by their names.

Sure enough, it is impossible for this member to recruit people...

He shook his head without a trace.

That knows, Muhua Saki Yaxin in front of her nodded with her arms on her hips with a smile.

"Well, a good name."

One place for this.

Yong was too dumbfounded.

Liuhua smiled and squinted happily.

"Sure enough! True Eye of the Evil King will not let me down!"

Liuhua Dumao stood up, with one hand gestured with the scissors hand horizontally in front of him, and the other hand facing Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"At the moment when I saw you, this evil king's true eye told me this karma!"

"Report your name!"

Yongta looked at Liuhua who was in the play, and then at Muhua Saki Yaxin who spoke amazingly.

He only discovered that Muhua Saki Yexin also wears a blindfold, and the temperament on her body is exactly the same as Liuhua.

Yongta stared at the two dumbfoundedly and said, "Is the S2 showdown about to begin?"

Sure enough, Muhua Sakuya looked at Liuhua with a deep smile with interest.

"Ha ha ha ~ interesting."

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out her small claw, pointed at Liuhua, and then covered her left eye mask with a claw.

"I am even the highest demon eye-the owner of the eye of death! Muhua Saki Yaxin!"

Liuhua's eyes widened: "It's actually the Eye of Death!!!"

As he said, Liuhua's momentum was on the upper level, and his eyes became sharp.

"Nice demon eye, but it's a pity! The true eye of the evil king is the strongest!"

Muhua Saki Yexin flicked her small claws, and her aura became fierce.

"If you rely on the little power that you hide in that eye, it is simply not enough to fight me! Talk about the strongest!"

Muhua Saki Yexin's gunpowder-scented words came out.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

Liuhua and Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to want to compete.

Just when Kihana Saki Yaxin wanted to take off the blindfold.

Nanako stood up and grabbed Saki Yaxin's little hand.

"Sister! Can't take off the seal! Otherwise, this place will be destroyed!"

As soon as this words came out, Muhuasaki Yaxin stopped.

Liuhua was also stunned, and then her little hands trembled.

"If the seal is taken off, it will be destroyed? Is the power so terrible?"

Yongta next to him was expressionless and bored as he watched the two performers. At this time, he couldn't help but vomit.

"Take off the seal and this place will be destroyed... This setting is really strong..."

"In other words, why do you all act so alike..."

At this moment, Liuhua's support also arrived.

A blonde girl with a long double ponytail rushed over directly. When she was away from Liuhua, a high jump landed beside Liuhua, her eyes were sharp and she looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, with both hands in a posture~www. first servant of the evil king's true eyes! Manipulator of the Thunder Warhammer! Thor Warhammer! Participate! "

With that, the girl looked at Liuhua.

"Master! Are you okay!"

Liuhua shook his head.

"It's okay, you just came here."

The girl with two ponytails wanted to think of Muhua Saki Yashin's assault, she didn't want to take two steps, stepped on her hair with her hind foot, and then fell directly to the ground with pain.

Yongta directly covered his face.

Muhua Saki Yaxin laughed wildly with her arms akimbo, "Hahaha!"

After laughing, the girl looked at Liuhua's eyes flashing red light: "This is the power of my eye of death!"

"Thor Warhammer! It fell under my feet in one turn.


Sanae (girl with two pony tails) gritted her teeth: "Master!"

Liuhua made a static gesture, with a heavy tone: "The enemy is very powerful! However, I have always believed! The power of the true eye of the evil king is the strongest!"

With that said, Liuhua was about to tear off the blindfold.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned his head directly.

Liuhua stopped again.

Muhua Saki Yexin carried the **** on her back, and said mysteriously: "Hehe~ No one is disappointed!"

"Our confrontation is not yet time! Your power is still too weak in front of me! My magician will come to your magic association! You defeat her first, and then challenge me!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin left the stall directly and slowly.

Nanako and Ino were left with cute faces.

However, Ino recovered and immediately apologized to the Liuhua trio: "Sorry, I have no intention of joining the club."

With that said, Ino directly caught up with Saki Yashin.

And Nanako stared at Liuhua with big eyes.


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