The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 7: Qingyinshe

After Nanako reported his name as the messenger of light and darkness.

There was a fierce battle with Liuhua and Thunder Warhammer.

In an instant, the battle began to heat up!

Nanako took out his "magic wand": "Ultimate Destroying Light!"

In an instant, she pressed the button, and the magic wand in her hand emitted a beam of light, instantly blinding Liuhua and Thor's hammer.

Yuta on the side saw clearly what Nanako was holding.

Isn’t it just a flashlight?

Liuhua was not to be outdone, and took out his main weapon!

Folding umbrella!

On the surface, it is a folding umbrella, but in fact it is a magic wand used for the six-flower-style deployment.

In this way, Liuhua opened the umbrella and blocked Nanako's beam.

Sanae took this opportunity to make a detour! The two ponytails flicked, trying to tie Nanako.

No matter what, Nanako flashed a flexible jump, and deliberately guided Sanae to shake the direction of the pair of ponytails.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Sanae was flicked with the ponytail and knocked out, but unable to regain her strength, the ponytail was directly wrapped around her.

Two ponytails that were longer than her height were intertwined in pairs, and instantly tied herself firmly.

The hands and feet were tied tightly to the body, completely unable to move.

Sanae stomped twice as long as she wanted to cry, but she could only smash her body like a fish on the ground.

Then, Sanae gave up struggling and shed two lines of tears.

Seeing this, Liuhua shouted at Nanako: "Damn it! I will avenge you!"

With that, the two started the war again.

After playing for a while, Liuhua finally put down her blindfold, revealing a different pupil.

"Let you see the power of the evil king's true eyes!"

"Burst reality, smash the spirit, exile this world, obey the blood covenant, I am here to summon you, Queen of the Night!"

this moment!

Liuhua's momentum rose sharply.

Just when Liuhua was about to attack.

Nanako stopped her hand, and smiled and put down her original attacking posture.

"Nice demon eye. Now that we have seen the true eye of the evil king, then our battle will end here."

Liuhua was stunned: "End?"

Nanako nodded: "Your strength is more than recognized. So, I want to join your club."

Liuhua looked at each other with Sanae, who was **** with her twin ponytails on the ground.

Immediately, she nodded seriously.

"Okay. I also recognize your strength! So welcome to join our magic association!"

In this way, Nanako successfully joined the Summer of Far East Magic Nap Association.

And the senior sister who was sleeping on the lawn, woke up at this moment, looking at Liuhua who was tying Sanae and the strange face Nanako.

She looked at Yongta in confusion: "What seems to have happened~"

Yongtai sighed: "Yes~ It's a shame that you can fall asleep here..."


at the same time……

The departed Saki Yashin and Ino met a strange recruiting club.

Wearing weird puppet costumes one by one, it doesn't look like a serious society.

And this unscrupulous society, when they saw Ino and Yexin, they immediately leaned in.

"Night Heart Sauce~"

"Ino sauce~"

Listen to this familiar call.

Ino was stunned.

And Muhua Saki Yashin is naturally no stranger to this scene, and she knows who these people are at a glance.

next moment!

The four dolls in front of them all took off their headgear.

Showed his face.

It is the four members of Qingyinshe.

The rules are generous, shy, cute, elegant and sensual.

Looking at these uniquely shaped four people, Ino looked confused.

"Are you...recruiting new people?"

Li nodded, with a smug look on his face: "How's that? It's interesting. Isn't it attractive?"

Dawei, Mio, and Jing all looked expectantly and wanted to hear Ino's evaluation.

Ino scratched his head: "By the way...Are you a clown troupe club or a circus club?"

Ino's words, it was like two sharp arrows stuck in the hearts of the four people in Qingyinshe.

The four of them looked like they had been hit, crying.

Li is a little bit low: "So, is the image we give to people like this?"

"Yes... we are the Qingyin Club after all... it is still too strange to recruit new people this way."

Miao twisted, her face shy. She was very reluctant to put on this dress.

Now that there is no effect at all, she is also a little sad.

Dawei was stunned, she felt that their original intention was not like this, thinking that her small hand was resting on Li's shoulder.

"Liu~ As long as Kawaii can attract people to our club, it will be fine."

Lu was stunned, and then seemed to feel some will, and met Dawei's eyes.

"Um! Yui! Kawaii is everything!"

Ino: "???"

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin's faint voice came over.

"Aren't you from the Qingyin Society? Why not come to a performance! Come to a performance that makes the world tremble and humans are crazy!"

These words immediately made all five of them look over.

At this moment, what Muhua Saki Yexin held in her hand was the propaganda poster of Qingyinshe. She turned her head slightly to look at the Qingyin group of four.

"If you can achieve such a performance, it will definitely attract countless people yearning to join your club."

Daiwei's little finger clicked on her brain, and looked up at the sky and thought: "Oh~ it feels very good~"

Li's heart was obviously moved, and she looked at Min and at Pomelo.

All of them smiled in the same way.

Then, Li took the lead and raised his hand!

"Oh! That's it! Let's have an earth-shattering performance!"

The other three responded happily.


Ever since, the four hurried back to the activity room and brought their precious musical instruments.

Prepare to hold an open-air concert in the school square.

Ino looked blankly at the leaflet of Qingyinsha in his hand.


Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at and nodded.

"Well~ speaking of it, in our world, music doesn't seem to be appreciated by many people."

Ino recalled that in their world, the music only stayed in nursery rhymes, and there were already some purely instrumental music.

"That's it..."

"After all, our world didn't have many opportunities to let people experience the beauty of music before.

Only in this peaceful world can things like music develop into public entertainment. "

Ino was a little emotional.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't speak, but took a small stool and sat down not far from the performance venue held by the Qingyin Society.

Ino was stunned.

Ye Xin, this is... Are you interested in this club?

Ino smiled.

"I really didn't expect Ye Xin to be interested in Qingyinshe.

Obviously, I have visited classical music before, and there are societies like piano. "

Ino has no interest in this society, but it does not prevent her from watching this performance.

Take off the doll clothes, resume the normal school uniform, the light tone light tone group of four, assuming the equipment is on the open ground.

Speaking of which, assuming that the equipment is very troublesome, it is only with the help of friends and a group of students that the equipment can be successfully assumed.

It seemed that a concert was about to be held here, which attracted a lot of students to come and watch.

Looking at the students who came around, the four members of Qingyinshe were a little nervous.

Of course, the microphone is on hand.

She is the lead singer and the most dazzling one in the performance center.

Wei Shen looked at the younger students and took a deep breath.

"Hello everyone! We are from Qingyinshe."

We are still doing an earth-shattering performance here. "

With that said, only some did not know what to say, stayed cute for a few seconds, and then turned to look at Li.

Li didn't speak, but gave him encouraging eyes.

Wei nodded, and once again faced his younger brothers and sisters.

"I hope everyone will like this performance, and everyone is welcome to join our Qingyin Club! Qingyin Club is a warm family~"

Li, Min, and Jing smiled knowingly.

Dawei didn't have any more nonsense: "The concert is about to begin!

I am the lead singer. There are also guitarists. "

Then Mio took over: "I'm a bass player."

Li raised the drum stick and knocked, shouting excitedly: "I'm a drummer!"

Jing raised her hand and smiled softly: "I am a keyboard player."

Then, the four together: "We are the Qingyin Club!"

"The first song! A light time! For everyone!"

Dai Wei exclaimed excitedly.

Then, all four began to play.

Dawei’s electric guitar, Min’s bass, rhythm drums, satin electronic piano, and musical notes perfectly blend together to form a beautiful melody...


Dai Wei sang:

"Every time I see you, my heart is always pounding~"

Shaking thoughts are as soft as cotton candy~

Wonderful to see the profile of your hard work~

Keep looking at you, you won’t notice it~

If it's in a dream

Distance between two people

Will be pulled in~



The brisk music sounded in the ears of everyone, coupled with the unique sound of Dawei, will express the daily brisk feeling to the fullest~

In this singing, everyone only feels the incomparable comfort in their hearts~ It seems that the hearts are washed by the warm breeze, and the whole person feels light and happy...



Give me dream time that belongs only to the two of us~

Holding my favorite bunny~

Good night tonight~

(Smoothing eggs~) Soft time~ (Smoothing eggs~) Soft world



There is no climax singing throughout the song, just like a young girl, singing the comfort of daily life... living a soft time~

The audience present unconsciously showed a slight smile, thinking that this song has replaced them in that soft time.


This song ends in: "Soft Time (Sliding Egg~)."

On the field, it seems that there is still the end of the slippery egg~.

this moment.

Everyone on the court clapped their hands.

The applause was thunderous, and the audience cheered.


"Listen well~"


"One more song!"

After receiving so much applause, so much cheers, all four of them showed smiles.

Wei held the microphone and smiled excitedly: "Then the next song..."

The music played again.

Muhua Saki Yaxin watched silently, and a faint smile hung on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

Looking at this performance, Muhua Saki Yexin felt that she had transcended and returned to her previous life, remembering the time she watched the light tone girl.

At that time, she had fantasized in her heart.

It would be great if she could also be with Yui and them, if only she could listen to them sing live...


It seems that everything can be achieved.

Muhua Saki looked at the four young girls with happy smiles.

"It's a dream come true."

At the same time, among the first-year crowd, Wei's younger sister Yu pulled Azusa and watched her sister's wonderful performance.

You silently looked at his happy sister.

Sister~ Looks so happy.

It's really good~

You are happy for her sister to be happy.

Zi looked at the four performers on stage, her small hands clenched with fists, her eyes gleaming with different colors.


At first, Zi Zi was still hesitating, but seeing today's performance, she did not finally make up her mind!


"I have decided, I want to join Qingyin Club!"

You suddenly heard this voice, and looked at Zi with a daze.


"Zusa? Have you decided?"

Zi Zi nodded: "It's decided!"

Yu showed a beautiful smile again.

"Really good~"


Only they sang several songs, and finally ended with "light and flirty time" again.

With the last sentence "Sliding Egg~" falls.

This performance has come to an end.

Wei, Li, Min and Jing finally bowed to the audience.

"Thank you all for watching. This is the end of the singing. Thank you all."

Only doing the final concluding remarks.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rain of applause from the audience.

"Welcome to join the Qingyin Club~"

With that said, the four Qingyin people all left the scene directly.

Come to a lounge.

Four people slumped on the table tiredly.

Li is sweating.

Wei became a salted fish posture, soft and lazy, his eyes became apathetic, as if there was no thinking in his mind.

"So tired~"

Mio was also tired, but she still had a smile on her face: "Tired is a little bit tired, but the effect is also very good."

Jing pulled up the messy hair between her eyebrows. Although she looked tired, she still maintained an elegant posture, with an excited smile on her mouth: "Ah~ I am looking forward to it. Who will come? ~"

The poster for the promotion has been announced.

Qingyinshe is now well-known, and it is estimated that many people will visit it.

Girls think so.

However, they overlooked one factor.

That is, the entry requirements of the Qingyin Club.

After this concert, although many people are interested in Qingyinshe.

However, if you want to join the Qingyin Society, it will undoubtedly require a certain amount of musical instrument skills.

And for this, very few schools can meet the conditions.

People of certain interest levels are not even afraid to sign up.


Ever since.

Qingyinshe activity room.

The four were sitting at the table, drinking tea and eating snacks in silence.

The room is very quiet...

After a long time, Li couldn't help it, she patted the table: "Why, no one has come yet."

"Aren't our performances good enough?"

Only holding up the tea, took a sip.

"Huh~ soft time..."

Li supported her small head and looked at Wei: "You are not worried at all~"

Wei was stunned, and looked at Lu with a smirk: "Hey~ I just think someone will come.

Don’t worry too much. "

"Really confident."

Xiao Li said with his small head in his hands.

Just at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

this moment!

The four of them got suddenly stood up together and walked towards the door.

Li opened the door and immediately greeted excitedly: "Welcome to Qingyinshe!!"

Then, the four of them saw that it was not the classmate who wanted to join the club, but Xiao Zuo and the teacher, standing outside the door.

The faces of the four of them returned to coldness in an instant.

"Ah~ Xiao Zuo and teacher."

A big drop of cold sweat fell on Xiao Zuo and his forehead, and they were a little confused at the same time.

"Are you playing to change your face?"


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