The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 9: what is this?

[On the street, people come and go, all kinds of small shops are lined up, and the billboards on the shops reflect colorful glare. Looking from a high place, this is really a beautiful night scene of a bustling city.

However, a pretty boy on the top of a tall building at this moment has no intention of admiring the night view.

He hid his body behind the billboard, quietly poked his head out and watched with a binoculars, moving slightly from time to time, as if looking for something.

For a moment, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I found it, it was all expected."

From the telescope, he locked a young man, a guy with his head down, who was walking and playing with his mobile phone.

After confirming the position of the young man, he immediately put away the telescope and went downstairs.

At this moment, he was sitting in a small milk tea shop downstairs, ordered a cup of Lemon Probiotics C+ set meal, and drank leisurely.

After a while, the young man from the bowed clan appeared in his sight.

He smiled and said quite cheerfully.

"Oh~ it seems this one is stable."

Seeing this, you should have guessed his identity and profession.

Yes, he is an expert in human desire and population control, money transactions and the meaning of existence.

Talking about human beings is a killer!

Keke, saying that the killer is a bit low for him.

The nickname of his profession is the designer of death.

The times are developing and technology is advancing.

Assassin's profession is still playing swords and guns, so it's low.

Now he kills in this new era...Death designer is not the case.

Will not use such rude means.

They usually use all kinds of coincidences to create an accident and cause the target person to die in the accident.

A series of coincidences and accidents, no one can judge as the killer, even if they are aware of their existence, they can't help them.

It can be described as murder and arson, without a trace.

Now his goal is the young man who bows his head, and the amount of tasks is unexpectedly large.

He thought he thought it was something tricky.

After several days of investigation, it was discovered that this young man...very ordinary.

He has encountered this kind of situation. It is nothing more than a stupid boss with a lot of money and rich wealth and welfare.

The young man who bowed his head watched and passed by the shop where he was.

He raised his right hand, looked at the watch and read the seconds.

After 37 seconds passed, he ran out violently and saw the small device slammed on the street light beside him.

Then immediately took out the insulating cutting pliers to cut off the exposed wires connecting the street lights on the compact device.

Putting the small device in his pocket, after doing all this, he silently looked at the young man with bowed head in the distance.

I saw him fall in front of a small puddle, without moving.

"It seems that the plan has succeeded."

He smiled.

"That's fine, just remove the latter."

Option One

It is to use the leakage phenomenon of Laojiu street lights to forge an accident.

According to the daily path of the bow-headed youth, he found out how to place it.

The street lamps on both sides are basically old, and there are even some street lamp wires exposed.

He can make a small short-circuit device, add a small puddle to forge a leakage accident.

Fortunately, the plan was very successful, and there is no need to put forward the latter plan.

He exhaled and turned around to leave.

There is a crossroad ahead, and the sidewalk has a green light.

He walked briskly and slowly crossed the zebra crossing.

I didn't expect a large truck to hit the corner directly from the side intersection, and the speed did not decrease by half.

He had almost no reaction time before he was knocked into flight.

The moment his body flew horizontally, at the end of that consciousness disappeared, he saw the flash of light reflected from the window of the big truck.

"Is this...I was also...designed..."

Feeling the impact, the truck brakes hurriedly, knowing that it is already too late.

The man was hit and flew more than ten meters away, it was basically difficult to survive this situation.

The accident was so great that a group of people surrounded it.

However, there was a man with a peaked cap that didn't seem to be interested at all. He walked slowly to the young man who had just been electrocuted by a leak. After a little observation that no one was watching, he bent down and picked him up. The phone on the ground.

Skilled password unlocking, the interface displayed on the screen is a chat interface, an unknown chat software.

It shows his chat history just now.

This chat record does not display the user's avatar at all, nor does it indicate the person and others, just a sentence in parallel.

"He got the bait. It's in the milk tea shop on the x1 section."

"Okay, you know the location of his plan."

"Don't worry, I've checked it all. The x1 section is safe, so don't worry."

"it is good!"

"Remember to go to the y3 position as planned."

"To understanding."

The information came to an abrupt end...

He glanced at it and put the cell phone directly in his pocket. This cell phone was a bearer cell phone issued by the organization. The youth also had their own daily cell phone.

So there is no need to worry about other issues.

He looked at the breathless youth lying on the ground and sighed.

"Asu, you shouldn't betray the organization."

He watched for a while, then left silently.

In a dark room, a laptop screen displayed a map, and it was the street just now, and a light spot on it was clearly moving.

The man with glasses in front of the screen frowned.

"The trajectory of the target's action suddenly became chaotic, and now it has changed its direction? Did he notice it? It seems that plan four must be activated."

He continued to calculate the path and found that his path could still reach a trap point.

He couldn't help smiling, and it seemed that there was still no need to start the fourth plan.

And looking at the cursor on the screen, the moving speed basically became a constant speed, and his smile became even brighter.

After calculating the distance and time, he immediately pressed a button.


In a steam oven in the trap house, the dial pointer flew directly over the red line.

In less than three seconds, the entire steam oven exploded directly!

At this moment, there was still a bit of sadness in his heart, and the man walking slowly heard a loud noise suddenly.

Without reacting, he was pierced by a few pieces of iron. Not only that, but an innocent passerby who was a few meters away from him was even more tragic. He was directly cut off by a large piece of iron, and his upper body was falling to the ground and howling.

The man looked at his body with a few large holes, his pupils showed an unbelievable color.

He moved his hands tremblingly, and squeezed the phone in his pocket with the last trace of strength, and finally realized that he was no longer able to use his strength, and he showed a wry smile.

He didn't say anything, and fell straight down.

At this moment, the man with eyes in the dark room stopped looking at the cursor on the screen.

Suddenly I was excited.

He hurriedly covered the computer, picked up the backpack and walked out.

At the same time, the young man who was supposed to be electrocuted suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed as sharp as a knife, and then he recovered his calm.

He slightly twisted Ning's collar and trousers, and walked straight forward.

In front is the scene of the accident of a large truck. There was a crowd of onlookers, and there were some personnel on duty stopping by, dealing with the scene.

It seems that the ambulance has not come yet.

He ignored the noisy crowd, and walked directly by. During the period, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised unconsciously.

"Now, I'm dead."

"Finally free."


The blood spattered, and suddenly a blood spatter burst on his head, his eyes revealed a trace of unwillingness, and in the end he could only fall powerlessly.

A few hundred meters away in a high-rise building, a man silently put away the sniper rifle, and said with disdain.

"Cut! Make up some pretty flowers."

Muhua Saki Yashin closed the manga in his and looked at the headline of the manga.

[Death designer]

"Nice comics~ a lot of reversals."

Xiao Mu leaned over, and exchanged the book of Love Three-legged Cat in his hand and the dead designer in Muhua Saki Yaxin's hand.

"Then, let's take a look."

With that said, Xiao Mu couldn't wait to open the comic, and once again indulged in the comic.

Muhua Saki looked at such a small burial and scratched his head.

"It feels so strange..."



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