The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Join, welcome party for freshmen

This is the fourth floor!

The little cuties of Qingyinshe were shocked.

They didn't react until Muhua Saki Yaxin knocked on the window again.

All the staff rushed over, Dawei ran the fastest, and she hurriedly opened the window.

Muhua Saki's heart dangled the rope, jumped in directly, and squatted down to the ground.

Immediately, the girl stood up, shook the hair on her head, and looked even more handsome, with red light in her right eye, and she gestured with a scissor hand to the crowd.

"I! The Eye of Death! Come on!"

. . . .

All the members of the Qingyin Society have a dull expression on their faces.

Until, Dai Wei raised his little hand and clapped slightly.

"Oh~ so cool~"

After receiving praise from Daiwei, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head slightly, her mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

"Hmm~ It seems that you all know that you are coming to meet me, not bad!"

At this time, Xiao Zuowa, as a teacher, finally reacted.

Xiao Zuohe changed her past gentle image, her aura became extremely depressed, her complexion was low, her head slightly lowered, her entire face hidden in the shadow of her hair.

Kosaka just stood at the forefront, facing Muhana Saki Yashin.

"Xiao Yexin~? How did you get in just now?"

Looking at the low pressure of the teacher, Saki Yaxin Muhua's proud smile suddenly stiffened, and his face was cold and sweaty.

"Ah... Um... I was from the window..."

As he said, Xiao Zuohe raised his head fiercely, revealing a fierce face and murderous red eyes.

"Out of the window!!"

With this sudden sound and terrifying face, Muhua Saki Yexin was trembling all over, and her hair bounced up.

Dumb Mao kept trembling.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's small face was also panicked, and she didn't have enough confidence to speak, with a little trembling sound.

"I... just came in from the window... Is there any problem?"

Xiao Zuohe's voice raised again: "Question!?"

"Do you know how dangerous this is!?"

"This is the fourth floor! The rope descends vertically! This is extreme sports! Professionals are extremely dangerous! You are a girl, how dare you play this!"

Every time Xiao Zuohe said a word, he took a step closer to the end.

Kosawa's face was about to be close to Saki Yaxin's small face, and he even bends down almost ninety degrees after he was pressed by Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin kept this movement, extremely difficult, and after a while she couldn't hold on to it and fell directly to the ground.

The girl, lying on the ground, turned her head to reveal a pitiful face, crying and looking at Xiao Zuohe with a big teary eye open.

Xiao Zuowa will almost disappear, she was originally an extremely gentle person, but Muhua Saki Yaxin's movement touched the thread of her safety to students!

She had to teach rigorously, otherwise this dangerous action would most likely cause an irreversible tragedy.

Xiao Zuohe sighed, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin somewhat helplessly.

"Xiao Ye Xin, forget it this time! The teacher won't punish you either! But! You will never be allowed to do such dangerous actions in the future!

Because it is too dangerous!

Especially for you a girl paper!

Therefore, the teacher may speak a little harder, but you must remember! This dangerous behavior must never be done. "

Muhua Saki Yaxin's chick nodded as if pecking at the rice.

At this time, Dawei and the five of them all exhaled.

The behavior of the five people is very obvious, Xiao Zuohe looked at it for a moment.

"what's wrong."

The five people looked at Xiao Zuohe, and the five little heads shook together and shouted in unison.

"Nothing!" x5

Xiao Zuohe looked at these five girls, a little confused.


The five people's inner thoughts are almost the same, that is...

[Xiao Zuo and teacher are terrible! ! 】

[Unexpectedly, Xiao Zuo and the teacher also have such terrible times. 】

The low pressure just now not only shocked Muhua Saki Yexin, but also shocked the five of them.

In fact, on weekdays, Xiao Zuohe was smiling, as if he had no temper at all.

Now, once angry, it's scary.

In this way, another seat was added to the table of Qingyinshe.

Muhua Saki Yexin was sitting next to Xiao Zi, with snacks and tea already on the table.

Muhua Saki Yexin looked at the dim sum in front of her, her eyes bright, and without hesitation, she directly picked up the small spoon and dug a spoon into the mouth.

Then he closed his eyes and looked intoxicated.


For a moment, she opened her eyes with excitement on her face.

"It's delicious~"

Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin who was tasting the pastries beautifully, the six people in Qingyinshe showed a faint smile.

Daiwei looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and asked blankly.

"Ye Xin Jiang~ Do you want to join us when you come to our Qingyin club?"

Only this question asked, everyone in the audience wanted to know the answer, and they all looked at the girl expectantly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin dug a spoon again, stopped the small spoon in the air, and looked at everyone.

"Of course it is! What's the matter, can't my death eye be so gorgeous on the stage to impress you?"

After speaking, put the small spoon in the mouth and continue to enjoy the delicious snacks.

The corners of Li's mouth twitched.

Both Miao and Jing were stunned.

Dawei's eyes lit up: "Oh~ it is indeed a gorgeous debut."

Li hung a blind eye and looked at Wei: "Wei~"

Wei looked at Li's eyes, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Haha, haha. I just find it interesting~"

Mio hesitated, then turned to look at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Student Ye Xin, we are the Qingyin Club. If we just perform...that...maybe not suitable..."

Li was also a little embarrassed: "That's right, Ye Xin Jiang."

"If you don't know a musical instrument, you can join the club, but Ye Xin-chan may feel lonely when we practice."

Wei was stunned and said directly: "But when I first came in, I didn't know anything."

Jing nodded: "Yeah, I really didn't understand anything when I came in."

Li rested his chin and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Wai Ke is very special. You must know that Wei has only been learning guitar for a few months, and the time for Wei to master the guitar seems to be very short."

Mio nodded: "Yi is indeed very special."

Jing: "That's right~"

Zi Zi was stunned, she didn't expect that Yu was actually a beginner in guitar! Has this level been in just a few months? What a genius!

Only a little happy: "Although you praise me so much, I am very happy. But if Ye Xin-chan learns the guitar, she should be no worse than me."

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a mysterious smile: "Hehehe~ Do you think I can't play the guitar?"

"Then you made a mistake!"

"My music level is stronger than any of you!"

After Muhua Saki Yexin finished speaking, she saw the suspicious eyes of all the members of the Qingyin Society.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little unwilling, licked the small spoon and put it down, looking at everyone unhappy.

"What look in your eyes!?

As the owner of the Eye of Death, isn't it normal for me to play the guitar? "

"Moreover, the level of my guitar is comparable to the peak level of humans."

Li still had an expression of disbelief. Holding a long ending: "Eh~~"

"How can it be repaired!"

Kihana Saki hits the table at night!

"I can prove it now!"

Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin's posture, everyone was finally convinced.

Mio: "I can't believe that Ye Xin can actually play the guitar."

Jing smiled gently: "Is Ye Xin-chan's guitar level really high?"

Wei: "It's great~ The lovely Yexin Sauce is also added."

Zi: "..."

Ko Sawa: "..."

Xiao Zuowa felt a little bad.

Because Muhua Saki Yaxin, the middle and second girl, felt that it was a very unstable factor.

Looking at Muhua Saki Yexin, Mio sighed: "It seems that the light sound department will be much more lively in the future."

Xiao Zuohe nodded in agreement: "I guess so."

Jing smiled: "It feels like that light tone part is pretty good."

At this time, the door of the activity room was knocked again.

Thump thump—

Li stood up quickly and ran over with excitement.

"Hehe, it looks like a newcomer is coming."

With that, Li came to the door, and she slowly opened the door.

"Welcome to the Qingyin Department, new..."

"Uh, and?"

Standing outside the door was Wei's friend, who was also the student council president of the department.

And curiously looked inside at the people sitting on the table.

"Oh~ you are all here."

Yui looked at him in surprise: "Hey! Why are you here."

He smiled at Wei: "Wei, I'm here to remind you to prepare for tonight's performance."

Come out with this sentence.

Lil suddenly remembered.

They are going to perform at the welcome party tonight!

Miao, Jing and even Wei all remembered.


"We have to perform tonight."

He looked at the four people like this, and asked in a daze, "You guys... haven't you rehearsed yet?"

Li smirked: "Haha...haha, we don't need to rehearse. After all, we have practiced all the time."

Xiao Zuo and poke mercilessly.

"But haven't you guys been drinking tea and snacks here all the time?"

Li stumbled on the spot: "Well, we also had a small show just now."

"The results are pretty good, don't worry."

Not knowing what to say, she sighed: "Oh, you can figure it out."

"Time is running out.

I still have things to work on here. Someone will arrange for you to set up equipment and auditions on site.

I can't accompany you if I have something. "

Li nodded hastily: "Hmm, and! Go ahead."

And nodded.

"Yi, I'm leaving."

Wei nodded, with a smirk: "Okay, and."

As soon as he left, the roommate fell into silence.

Xiao Zuowa got up at this time, looked at the people with a smile and said, "My leisure time is almost too, it's time to go busy."

With that, Xiao Zuohe walked out directly.

In this way, there are only six cuties left in the room, each looking at the opposite face, it seems that no one knows what to do.

"Do you want to practice?"

"But what about Azimiao and Ye Xinjiang."

Immediately, under the leadership of Daiwei, the eyes of the four of them were on Azusa and Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Zi squeezed her hand, she didn't know what she was going to do now.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up directly: "Hey~ do I need to prove my strength?"

Li asked directly, "Speaking of which, Ye Xin-chan~ Where's your guitar?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin put one hand on her hips, and tapped the cerebellum with the other.

"Um... my instrument is still in the human shop."

Everyone is overwhelmed...

Lu Fu'e: " I don't believe Ye Xin-chan can play the guitar anymore."

Mio: "Ye Xin Jiang~ What I said will not be..."

Mio looked at Wei.

At that time, Wei only regarded the Qingyin Society as a simple music school and chose to join the Qingyin Department. At that time, Wei only knew the simple instrument like the accordion...

And if Muhua Saki has a little knowledge, in fact, he has only really learned a little, and only knows the specific operation of the guitar, but there is no novice who has much experience in playing.

Li Yi understood what Min meant, and she also thought of this link.

"Hmph~ Sure enough, ordinary humans, you can't understand how powerful I am."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said to Azusa, "Can I borrow the guitar?"

Zi was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and agreed, "Yes, but please use it carefully, Senior Ye Xin."

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "Don't worry! Your guitar is an absolute honor in my hands.

The guitar will shine under my power! "

With some cold sweat on Zi's face, he prayed secretly in his heart, and handed over his guitar.

[I hope Ye Xin-senpai is really capable, otherwise, I'm so sorry for the guitar. 】

Saki Yashin took the guitar, hung the guitar on her body, and put her fingers on the strings.

"Nice guitar~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin gently brushed each string, as if feeling the sound in the string.

Six-string plucked.


Muhua Sakiya nodded with satisfaction: "Nice sound."

Looking at Ye Xin in full posture.

Everyone felt she was OK again.

The next moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin started her performance, her fingers flying on the strings.

next moment.

The buzzing sound of a bee reached everyone's ears.

Everyone was surprised.

"this is?"

"A tune I haven't heard!"

"Like a bee flying!"

Azusa looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's technique, fast and accurate, and the chord **** was very professional!

Unbelievable, this technical power!

It's almost comparable to those guitar gods!

Zi thought secretly in his heart.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin's speed was getting faster and faster.

The fingers jumped on the sixth string, dancing out the afterimage.

But the bee dancing that seemed to be very rhythmic from the beginning has now become a faster and denser 10,000 bees dancing.

The girls were stunned.

This technical force is too strong!

Less than a minute.

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly finished playing the bee dancing.

Muhua Saki Yexin held up her head proudly and looked at the five girls in front of her.

"How about my power?"

"so amazing!!"

Dai Wei shouted, and then ran to Muhua Saki Yaxin with a look of admiration.

"Ye Xin sauce is really amazing!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin took down the guitar and handed it back to Azusa~

"Thank you for your guitar."

Azusa took the guitar and looked at Muhua Saki Yexin in a complicated mood, and more of it was the only kind of worship.

"You're welcome, Senior Yexin. I need more advice in the future."

"Hehe, UU reading www.uukā is of course."

Muhua Saki Yaxin patted Azusa's little shoulder.

"I will teach you."

When Li was shocked, she showed a strange smile of joy: "Haha~ Ye Xin Jiang!"

"With your joining, our Qingyin Society has gone up to another level."

Mio was also very happy: "Student Ye Xin really didn't lie."

Only raised a small fist: "Yeah, yeah! To celebrate the joining of Zi and Ye Xin, let's go to dinner together!"

"This proposal is very good~"

"But before that, let's rehearse."


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