The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Resign

Then, the four little cuties started rehearsing.

Muhua Saki Yaxin and Azusa Meow ~ as the audience.

Azimeow~ Standing next to Muhua Saki Yexin, she was a little nervous.

From time to time, her small eyes secretly glanced at this senior sister who was suspected of being in the late stage of secondary disease.

Although she was in the late stage of secondary disease, she admired the guitar's technical skills.

Just tangled like this, she actually wanted to say hello, but there was a power in the dark that made her a little bit unable to say it.

And the four-person group of light tone girls began the audition stage.

Seeing the four little cute rehearsals, Sakiya Muhua kept thinking in her heart.

At the same time, the eyes are calculating the timbre of these various instrument frequency bands blending together.

That's right, the solid wood Hanasaki Yashin doesn't know much about music in the first place.

However, she was helpless.

Your own computing power that can analyze even the root cause shouldn’t be too simple to analyze music.

Guitar or something, isn’t that something that the Eye of Death can learn at a glance?

As for playing the guitar, is it difficult to play a guitar with Saki Yashin Muhana’s terrifying control that even particles like molecules and atoms can accurately control?

Therefore, with Kihana Saki Yaxin's ability, learning these things will not be difficult.

If possible, Muhua Saki Yaxin can even play a piece of music according to the score, even though it is very mechanized.

However, the emotions expressed in music are nothing more than the combination of the high and low lengths of various sounds. In the final analysis, it is still something that can be controlled!

Therefore, in the face of Muhua Saki Yaxin's computing power, music or something, she can play with flowers casually.

Looking at the cute performances of the five little ones in front, Muhua Saki Yashin was calculating the degree to which the audio of each instrument was integrated.

If possible, Sakiya Muhua wanted to find the best point, and then she would take the rhythm to make everyone move closer to that point.

In this way, the entire team will be more integrated.

With that, the four people's "Sliding Egg~" is over again.

Wei looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and Azusa with a small look of expectation.

"Azimeow~! Yexin sauce! How is it, how is it!"

Azimiao clapped her hands: "The performance is great ~ great! Seniors!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's little head raised slightly: "Humph~ a good cooperation!"

"But, this is not enough! In the eyes of my death! There is still a lot of room for your progress!"

The only thing that nodded likewise: "Yes~ If Ye Xin Jiang joins in, she will definitely be able to play better."

Lil watched Azuma and Muhua Saki have an idea in their hearts, and a smile appeared at the corner of their mouths: "Hehe, Yaxinchan! Xiaozi! This time the new year party, you guys will be on stage together.

Zi Miao was taken aback for a moment, and her little head shook in an instant: "No, no~ I can't."

Zi Miao looked at Lil earnestly: "The time is too rushed, and we don't have enough time to join the rehearsal! This will make the performance of the seniors appear flawed."

As he said, Azimei looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin: "Senior Yaxin, don't you think it's bad, too."

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin was lost in thought.

Seeing Muhuasaki Yaxin like this, Azusa panicked: "Senior Yaxin!?"

Muhua Saki Yexin raised her head and revealed a mysterious smile: "Hmm~ My eyes of death are never afraid of challenges!"

"Small concert! Can't trouble me!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yexin looked at Azusa Meow: "Azusa Meow! Don't worry! My eyes of death will help you!"

Zi suffocated, and some didn’t know how to change it.

Miao knew that this incident would embarrass her when she looked at Ah Zimiao's expression, and immediately said, "Liu! Don't be too foolish.

They have just joined the Qingyin Club, and their cooperation with us still needs rehearsal and running-in. "

"Also, even if we can cooperate, Azi's opinions have not been asked. We can't just make decisions for others!"

Li Yi's smile returned, and she immediately looked at Ah Azusa and Muhua Saki Yaxin with an apologetic face.

"Sorry, sorry~ I shouldn't be in charge."

Azimeow breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay~ I know that seniors don't mean to force it."

Dawei looked at the expressions of Muhuasaki Yexin and Azimei: "Azimei and Yaxinjiang are both very powerful people. It should be no problem with us on stage."

Jing touched her lips with her finger: "Um~ I think it should be okay."

Jing looked at Muhua Saki Yexin and Azusa with a smile: "But, do you want to be on stage with us."

"Oh~ It feels too early."

Zi shook his head.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at her empty hands: "I seem to lack the necessary musical instruments."

"Then, next time, let's perform together on stage."

Jing said with a smile.

Yui held the guitar.

"It's a pity~ I'm really looking forward to going on stage with Azimiao and Ye Xinjiang."

Li Da grinned: "Hehe, don't be a pity. We will have a lot of opportunities to be on stage together in the future."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"


A boy with a student union armband pushed open the door.

"Excuse me, everyone is Qingyinshe."

The soft tone girls nodded.

"Then, please be prepared."

Then, we arrived at the Qingyinshe equipment handling link.

Muhua Saki Yexin and Azusa both helped a little bit.

Move all the equipment to a conference hall on the first floor.

After a while, the light-sounding girls will bloom there with their brilliance.

The welcome party for freshmen seemed very lively, and the president of the student union of the school ran out to speak.

He is a student named Baiyin Yuxing, who is said to be a perfect boy in all aspects.

After the loud speech, various performances began.

The performances were dazzling and wonderful.

When it was the turn of the soft voice girl, the atmosphere was even more detonated.

Wei's singing was great, and their show was over.

But the enthusiasm of the freshmen directly caused the people in the program group to extend their performances a lot.

Let the light tone girl sing two more songs.

Although there was a little accident in it.

That is, Mio accidentally tripped on the line and fell down. Because she was wearing a skirt, she inevitably ran out, revealing a blue and white bowl~

The black spots in Mio's life just appeared in such a dramatic way.

Muhua Saki night covered her mouth and chuckled.

Sure enough, even if it is a comprehensive world, under the corrective power of the world line, the classic plot will never be missed.

At the end of the singing, Dawei, Li, and Jing still have a shy face, and they blushed and missed Apple's Min who didn't come out in the accident just walking down the path.

Li looked at Min teasingly: "Hehe, Min. Don't worry about it. Fang Zheng and the others didn't see anything."

Miao was irritated like a cat with fried fur, and directly shouted back: "Don't say it! Lil!"

Mio lowered her head, feeling that her life was gloomy.


At this moment, Zi Miao ran towards him.

"Senior! Your performance just now was great!"

Zi Miao's eyes are shining.


Muhua Saki Yexin didn't know where she came from, and fell directly in front of the light tone girls, posing in a cool pose.

"Huhu~ You really didn't disappoint me!"

The girls couldn't react to Ye Xin who suddenly fell in front of them, and were stunned.

At this moment, a white dog passed between them with a pineapple bun in its mouth.

The scene of the white dog holding the pineapple bun was a bit eye-catching, and everyone's eyes were placed on the white dog unconsciously.

Then, there was a scream of breathlessness from behind.

"Damn it! Give it back to me! Damn dog!"

Then, I saw a red-haired young girl rushing over, seeming to be too tired. When she was in front of the light-yin girl, she staggered and fell to the ground.

Muhua Saki Yaxin and the Qingyin girls watched this magical scene in a daze.

The red-haired girl ignored Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others, got up and continued to chase the white dog.

"Damn it! Don't run!"

With that, the figure of the girl with short red hair disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

The girls looked at each other.

Jing looked surprised and said, "There always seem to be some weird people in the school."

Li: "This is not strange. The strange thing is why there are dogs in the school?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin shook his head: "Don't care about these little details! The school's secrets are big.

I can see the huge energy hidden in this school in the eyes of my death! "

With that, Muhua Sakiya's mind and body flashed, and suddenly disappeared.

The girls were in a daze for a moment.

Wei stared at her cute eyes: "How did Ye Xin-chan disappear~"

Zi Miao shook his head.

She had been looking at Muhua Saki Yexin, but she swished.

Senior Ye Xin disappeared directly.

Li: "It feels like Ye Xin-chan is so fascinating."

As he said, Li looked at everyone with a little excitement: "Do you think her eye of death is real."

Dawei thought for a while: "It seems to be true now!"

However, no one took Dawei's words seriously.

Li smiled: "Yes, the magical Ye Xinchan~ The Eye of Death is very powerful."

Min thought silently: "Ye Xin Jiang from the second disease~"


Muhuasaki Yexin flashed away, simply because she found a strange spatial fluctuation.

No, it should be said that it is time and space fluctuations.

The time and space fluctuations of this nature are very similar to the time and space fluctuations when she traveled over.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yaxin would care so much.

Muhuasaki's heart flickered, and the space moved to a road not far from the school in an instant.

There is a large truck parked in the middle of the road, with long brake marks on the rear, and blood stains on the front of the truck, indicating that the truck hit and killed a person.

Not far in front of the truck, there was a blood-stained corpse. Fortunately, the corpse was fairly intact.

The soul is gone.

If you guessed it correctly.

Muhua Saki looked at the space-time information left in that space.

"Even through."

Muhua Saki was a little curious.

"Well, since I met.

Then go take a look. "

Immediately, Muhuasaki Yaxin directly locked the message sent by the time.

"Founder, each world time is independent, and the time I come back is still at this moment."

Muhua Saki said something to himself.

Then, the space began to be violently distorted, time and space collapsed, and a black hole appeared instantly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hesitate, and went straight in.

It was the familiar feeling of chaos again, this time Muhua Saki Yexin was able to locate the world here by relying on her own root vision.

next moment!

According to the temporal and spatial information tracking, Muhuasaki Yaxin directly cut through the chaotic space and entered a dark tunnel.


This is a ruin, and in the broken stone wall, it can still be seen that this was originally a prosperous city.



The ground vibrated.

There seemed to be a giant walking.

Among the ruins, there was a woman with a little girl in her hand. The two of them were covered with dust, and they seemed to be the survivors of this area.

The two were extremely panicked in the fight, and carefully hid in the hollow of the ruins.

This cavity is an empty space left by various ruins and rubble crisscrossed together.

It seems that there is still a risk of collapse.

However, even if the two of them risked their lives, they had to hide in this place.

Because there are more terrifying things!




It seems that the giant is walking, and every step it falls, the ground shakes.

The ruins on the heads of the mother and daughter shook, dropping gravel and sand from time to time.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps disappeared.

The mother and daughter were surprised, but did not dare to go out to see.

Ten seconds...

Thirty seconds...

One minute……

The roar and the violently shaking footsteps on the ground seemed to disappear completely.

Just when the mother and daughter relax their vigilance!

Bang! ! !

A huge rocky foot instantly stepped on the ruins of the cave where the mother and daughter were hiding again!

The wind and waves brought the mother and daughter to the ground instantly with smoke and dust.

However, even in the face of this sudden shock, the mother and daughter both resisted the scream and looked at the giant rocky feet in front of them with horror.

The huge rock feet in front of me completely blocked the entire ruined cave like a wall.

It's very huge, and the shape of its feet resembles that of a rhinoceros.

That's right, the owner of this foot, the culprit who destroyed this area!

Both mother and daughter know it, and it's true.

They didn't dare to speak out, and they lay half on the ground, holding their breath. The atmosphere dare not take a breath!

next moment.

The huge rocky feet directly lifted up as expected.


It seems to be stepping aside not far away.

The ground was still shaking violently.

The mother and daughter finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed their tense nerves.

However, at this moment!

boom! ! !

The ruins of the mother and daughter caves, and the piles of ruins on top of them were shot apart in an instant!

The blue sky and white clouds appeared in front of the mother and daughter.

However, they did not have a hint of surprise.

Instead, I feel my soul has entered hell!

I felt a chill from my heart to the soles of my feet! That's right, in addition to the blue sky and white clouds, there is a huge stone figure towering into the clouds in front of them!

The eyes of the stone giant were burning with faint blue flames, and his anger seemed to be felt in his eyes.


"All to be wiped out!!!"

"You destroy the mountain! Destroy the mountain! Destroy this unity of nature! You will only build these meaningless piles of rocks! You humans produce waste gas in these piles! Discharge waste water! Mothers of the filthy earth! You have committed countless crimes. Crimes! Countless unforgivable crimes have been committed!"

"Wushan Rock Monster! Will represent the will of nature and eliminate mankind!"

Talking! The giant stone palm shot at the mother and daughter underneath with his huge stone palm like a hill.

The faces of the mother and daughter are full of despair, they know. Under the blow of this monster, they have no chance of surviving.

At this moment.

"Let go of your stinky hands!"


The stone palm fell in mid-air.

It seems that there is some resistance, and I can't let it go.

The stone palm that stopped abruptly also waved a huge wind and waves, hammering the mother and daughter underneath to the side.

At this time, Shi Ju found that a human girl with green hair appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

This human being floating in the air seemed to be the one who stopped herself.


The stone giant withdrew his arm, but found that he was completely unable to shake the anchored arm.

at the same time.

A flash of light passed, and a blond man with a sword hanging on his waist appeared on the top of the ruins not far from the stone The man looked at the girl facing the stone giant in the sky, Frowned.

"The trembling tornado?"

"Well~ forget it. Since this guy is here, I don't have to shoot."

With that said, the man turned his head back confidently for a long time.


And in the outer space of this planet.

Muhana Saki Yashin, who just came out of the space vortex, saw this scene completely.

"Oh~ I seem to have come to a familiar world again."

"However, the soul that passed through...shocked, I don't know if I want to mourn for it."


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