The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 12: 1 punch world

This is a world where weirdos frequently appear! Due to unknown reasons, all kinds of weird people have appeared all over the world.

Various weirdos are extremely hostile to humans, and every time weirdos appear, humans will suffer serious casualties.

What's more, an entire city may be destroyed.

In response to such incidents, the Heroes' Association appeared!

And the level of disasters caused by weird people is divided.

Wolf: It poses a certain threat to human life and safety, and has a certain lethality!

Tiger: A crisis of widespread casualties!

Ghost: It may lead to a crisis of cessation or destruction of city functions!

Long: A crisis that may lead to the destruction of several cities.

God: A crisis that may lead to the demise of mankind!

The Heroes' Association will be divided into these five levels and send heroes to deal with it.

At present, the **** level is only the disaster level that exists in the imagination, fortunately, I have never encountered it.

This is, this is the world setting of One Punch Man!

Muhuasaki Yexin is in space, and the eye of the root is analyzing the entire planet.

As can be seen from the information she has obtained, most of the weird people appear because of the weirdness of this planet.

The entire planet seems to be alive. The planet has its own will and soul.

But this planet hates the humans living on the planet very much, and has used many methods to destroy humans.

But the strange thing is...

If she is really the soul born on the planet, then shouldn't she have the power to control the nature of the entire planet.

And the planet's will that can control the forces of nature, letting humans perish is nothing but a simple matter.

And this response looks more like a self-stress response to get rid of pests. It's not like conscious manipulation.

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled: "What a strange planet.

The famous One Punch Man? "

Muhua Saki Yashin knows this anime because of the funny image of the original owner, Saitama.

Originally, Naruto would not like to watch it so much. As a girl, generally speaking, fighting anime is not very interesting.

However, she is not an ordinary girl, and she does not refuse anyone who comes to this kind of drama.

Perhaps it has something to do with her personality. The girls who study engineering are all very special.

Muhua Saki Yaxin always felt that way.

"Then, go and say hello to them first."

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked down at the location of the tornado.

The stone giant should belong to a ghost-level disaster.

This is a scene not in the original book, and if the tornado is around, she doesn't need to act urgently.


The mother and son in the ruins looked at the little hand of the stone giant, which was fixed in the air, and the little green figure floating in the air, the panic in their hearts dissipated a lot.

And the little girl's eyes became confused.

She looked at the stone giant in the sky and recalled what had just happened.

In fact, she is not the master of this body.

Amidst the ruins, she woke up suddenly, and the first time she opened her eyes, she greeted the eager gaze of a man and a woman.

Haven't waited for her to think, the next moment!

The ground shook violently and the ruins collapsed.

The man picked himself up and ran out.

After a thrilling escape all the way, the three of them ran out of the ruins smoothly.

Coming outside, this tragic scene stunned all three of them.

Everything I saw was rubble ruins, and there was a large piece of tall building collapsing.

She was shocked, she had just arrived in this world, and she had no idea what was going on.

She thought she had a major earthquake, but!

The appearance of a tall stone giant instantly overturned all her conjectures.

The man and the woman also said in shock: "The weirdo is over there!"

"We are going to flee here! Keiko! Watch out for those high-rise ruins!"

The woman nodded.

The man then looked at "self" kindly.

"Qianxia! Are you okay?"

She looked up at the man who was holding her. She could feel the weakness of her body. It seemed that even the movement of raising her head was a bit difficult. It is estimated that if it weren't for the man to hold herself, she wouldn't have any ability to act.


Hearing Qianxia's voice, the man's dirty face showed a joyful smile: "Then, my father will carry you on my back."

"We will run very fast, so it will be a little bumpy, Qianxia! Hold on!"

She looked at the resolute man, looked at the loving eyes, and nodded weakly.

Then, with the help of his mother, Dad carried Qianxia on his back and began to run desperately.

Want to stay away from that weird man.

And Qianxia, ​​she feels very strange, and also feels this world is very strange.

I also know my name-Qianxia.

Feminine name...

I won't cross and become a girl...

It's just that, for the weak, the feeling of floating and weak in her whole body makes her whole brain clouded.

She didn't have much power to think at all, she felt that she would fall asleep at any time, but she knew it too.

After I fell asleep, I guess I would die...

Although, I have already died once...

However, seeing the look in that man's eyes, Qianxia felt that she shouldn't...

Can't just die like this...

But... I really want to... sleep...


Desperately, the stone giant seemed to have discovered their escape and was rushing here with heavy steps.

And no matter how they change direction, giants can follow.

Finally, the stone giant was close enough to easily spot the three of them.

The man realized that he and others' running, seemed to be discovered by the stone giant.

They can no longer run, and can only hide under the cover of the ruins, avoiding the sight of the stone giant.

However, the sky did not take care of them.

The direction the stone giants walk along is really under the ruins they hide.

If the stone giant falls under this ruin, they will all die...

Men can't bet!

So he put Qianxia down.

Under the tearful eyes of her mother, she ran out.

Qianxia felt shocked in her heart!

This man! Worthy of being a father!

And his body seemed to have left tears.

Qianxia knew very well that she shouldn't have the urge to cry.

However, the two lines of tears were left behind, and two white marks fell on his small dusty face.

There was no accident in the man's fate.

The stone giant slapped the man and took the ground out of a huge hole.

The end can be imagined.


Back to reality.

Qianxia looked at the figure floating in the air.

[A superhuman being in another world...coming to an absurd world...

This is the difficulty of the start...]

She looked sideways at her "mother", her face should be as dirty as her own.


Qianxia looked at the tightly held hand.

She never let go of the two shocks just now.

[It should be saved...]

At this moment, she really has reached her limit, and her body has been calling her to sleep...


The stone giant looked at the little tornado in front of him, and let out a roar like a rock.

"Human!!! What did you do!!!"

Tornado floated in the air with his hands on his chest with a cold face, looking at the huge stone giant in front of him.

"Huh~ stupid stone! I just stopped your stinky hand a little bit."

The rock giant tried to twitch his frozen arm.

"Damn humans!!! Standing on the ground I am invincible!!!"

As he said, the stone giant patted the tornado with his other hand.

The tornado was expressionless and unmoved.

"Huh! Rubbish stones from nowhere! The **** will stay in the **** pile! Turn me into scum!"

As he said, Tornado stretched out a palm at the stone giant.

The horrible thought power surged wildly!

The hair on the body began to float!

And the stone giant, the other waving arm also stopped abruptly.

The whole body seemed to be imprisoned by something, unable to move.

Tornado curled up his palms expressionlessly!


The air was shocked!

The whole body of the stone giant began to tremble, and cracks began to spread all over the body.

However, the strange thing is that the crack appears and will soon be restored.

Tornado frowned.

This stone man shouldn't be so hard.

The stone giant was still controlled by the power of mind, completely unable to move.

However, it is arrogant.

"Hahahaha! I am nature's most perfect masterpiece! I am invincible standing on this earth!"

Tornado smiled, and under the full coverage of her mind power, she also noticed the rock and soil under the stone, constantly moving closer to the giant stone, being absorbed by it, and used to make up for the cracks in her body.

"Is it invincible on the earth?"

"So in the air!"

The stone giant's complexion became stiff, and the expression on the stone's face was very anthropomorphic, and the eyes that braved the blue flame were shiny.

I can clearly feel the surprise on the face of the stone giant.

"What do you want! Human!"

"Haha~ let you go to heaven!"

As he said, Tornado stroked his palm up.


The ground shook in an instant!

The crack instantly covered the area hundreds of meters round beneath the stone giant's feet.

The stone giant was shaking his body, still talking weirdly.

"Hahaha! Humans! They say that I am invincible standing on the ground, don't want to shake me!"

The tornado is out, and the green curly hair is floating out of thin air!

"It's just a broken stone! I don't use 20% of my strength! Do you think I'm great!"

With that said, Tornado's mind power instantly increased to a level!

boom! ! !

In an instant, hundreds of meters of ground was pulled directly to the sky along with the stone giant!

Among them, Qianxia and her mother were distracted and protected by Tornado's thought power.

The stone giant roared in surprise.

"Ahhhhh! Impossible! Impossible!"

Tornado didn't hesitate much, and his hands folded into a fist.

next moment!

The stone giant was compressed by a huge force, and the rocky body instantly shattered and then squeezed.

Less than a second!


An explosion exploded in the sky, and the entire body of the stone turned into crushed stone powder, which was scattered in the world...


Tornado put his hands on his chest, coldly looking at the flying helicopter not far away.

"The dull guy! Don't hurry up and save someone!"

Just at this time!

The dust that fell in the sky seemed to have changed.

The dust is slowly gathering.

At the same time, the rubble that fell on the ground slowly swelled.

Tornado noticed that the dust was abnormal.

"Is the broken stone still dead?"

With that, the Tornado thought force swept out, wrapped all the dust in the air, and then kneaded it into a large ball of earth floating in the air.

"It's really fateful! Break the stone!"

At this time, Tornado was a little irritable.

Because Nian Li crushed this broken stone to pieces and couldn't kill it, the only way now is to throw it into space, or find a dissolving pool, and the magma pool will melt this guy.

However, there is no guarantee that this thing can be killed.

Just at this time!

A meteor suddenly appeared in the sky!

It's very conspicuous, because there seems to be a sun lamp on the meteor.

Shiny and shiny, even in the daytime, it still makes people feel dazzling.

"what is that?"

The members of the Heroes' Guild on the helicopter looked at the falling abnormal meteor and felt a little bad.

"Is it a new enemy?"

Naturally, the tornado has also been seen, but she has an invincible power of thought and has no fear.

"Is there another one? Just right, I don't need to look for it!"

She also thinks that this meteor may be the companion of the Golem to save it.

next moment!

The meteor fell into the air!

Unfold a magic circle instantly!

The light of the shooting star disappeared, and Muhua Saki Yexin's figure appeared in the air.

There was a magic circle under his feet, just standing in the air out of thin air.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the tornado with a mysterious smile.

"This magic stone giant can't be killed by ordinary means."

Tornado looked at the girl in front of him, wearing a loose red robe, long black hair, two ponytails, and a girlish blindfold in his left eye.

The whole sentiment feels very strange.

The way he appeared on the scene also showed that this guy was not an ordinary girl.

"Who are you?"

Tornado asked bluntly.

This is the point to ask.

Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand and snapped a finger.

Behind her in an instant, a picture of the universe galaxy appeared.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin opened his hand and introduced herself.

"I am the Great Magician of Infinite Dimensions! Great Demon God Sealing Messenger! Master of the Supreme Demon's Eye of Death!"

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin paused and watched the ground become a small stone giant who hurriedly ran away from the stone weirdo.

"I came here because I detected an anomaly in time and space. The purpose is naturally to rescue your world! Maintain this one-dimensional human peace!"

Seeing the amazing special effects and pushing the tall Muhua Saki Yashin, Tornado also had a little trust in his words about saving the world.

"Save the world? So, who are you?"

Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand and pointed, and a beam of light flew out, instantly hitting the little stone weird who was running away on the ground.

next moment!

The little stone stranger was once again unable to move as if he had been subjected to a two-holding technique.

Tornado followed his gaze and found the little stone weird.

"This broken stone!? You still want to escape? Give up most of yourself and leave a small part to escape? It really is just a **** stone!"

The tornado was a little angry, if Muhua Sakiya didn't come, he might have really let this guy run away.

Muhua Saki Yashin clapped her hands and looked triumphant: "It's just a little magic stone giant. As long as its soul is simply wiped out, it will die completely."

"So, leave it to me."

Tornado was a little angry: "It's just a pile of broken stones! I can kill it anyway!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her little finger: "No, no, you can't kill. The magic stone giant can gather the rocky body again as long as his soul is still there!"

Tornado doesn't think that the pile of broken stones is so capable!

"I can!"

"you can not!"

"I can!"

The tornado flew in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin's body, and his little head wanted to put his head on Muhua Saki Yaxin's face.

"you can not!"

Muhua Sakiya refused to give up, and his little head turned back.

"I can!!!"

"you can not!"

The two girls quarreled like this.

The Heroes Association personnel on the helicopter not far away felt a little speechless.

And Qianxia, ​​who was protected by Tornado's mind in the air, was full of resentment.

"Please, before you quarrel, can you send me to first aid first. I'm dying, know?"


"I can!"

"you can not!"

Both girls have a fierce sample The two faces are very close, and neither is convinced.

In the end, Muhua Saki Yaxin took the lead to withdraw his stinky face, put his hands on his chest, and looked at the tornado angrily.

"Since you said you can, let you try it!"

"If you can't! You have to call my sister!"

Smoke was coming from the tornado's forehead, and the two small fists were squeezed tightly: "Huh! If I can! You have to call my eldest sister!"

With that, the two men's fierce eyes locked on the little stone giant.

this moment.

The mood of the little stone monster fell to the bottom.

[They...what are they going to do! 】



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