The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 13: invite

The little stone monster, and a ball of earth floating in front of Muhuasaki Yaxin and Tornado.

Muhua Saki Yaxin put her hands on her chest, squinting at the tornado.

"let's start!"

Tornado also glanced at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a look of disdain.


Then, the thought power of Tornado's body began to surge!

She decided to use the most intense thought power to knead the stone monster in front of her to the ultimate crush!

Thinking about it.

next moment!

The power of mind began to act on the stone monster, and the earth ball and the little stone monster were instantly blended together!

The next moment, under the squeeze of the force of thought, the rock ball began to change into various shapes.

And it's still shrinking, a huge ball of earth, from tens of meters in diameter to several meters in an instant!

And the rock monster can clearly feel that his body is cruelly crushed, and even his soul is crushed.

In fact, the tornado has not guessed wrong, it is impossible for it to have such a powerful immortality ability.

When it was crushed by the tornado for the first time, it lost most of its material, and its soul was naturally severely damaged.

The rock body carries most of the soul matter. If the rock it carries is destroyed to a certain extent, its soul matter will also disappear.

So, this time it is bound to die...

Just when it thought so.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye flashed red.

The dying soul of the rock monster was instantly filled.

It came alive again.

Tornado is still blessing this huge thought force squeeze.

The soul of the rock weird was wiped out again.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is still filling.

In this way, the rock weird has always been between life and death.

Can't live, can't die...

Still feel the pain of the soul being wiped out.

The rock monster's will is about to collapse.

I'm wrong! I'm wrong!

Kill me quickly! ! !

Stop playing with me!

Kill me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

This is just the cry of its soul, no one can hear it except Muhua Saki Yexin.

As it continued to gather the creeping rock balls, the tornado naturally thought that the rock monster was still alive.

So she kept kneading the soil ball in front of her until it didn't move!

Soon, the earth ball was compressed to a very small size, and there was no other movement.

The tornado directly threw the earth ball in the sky!

Bang! ! !

The earth ball exploded again and turned into a sky full of powder...

That's right, it's completely turned into powder.

It should be said that the powder is more powder than powder...

this moment.

The rock weird felt that he was about to be relieved, and his consciousness was relieved deeply in his soul.

However, it is of course impossible for Muhua Saki Yashin to just let Tornado win.

Muhua Saki Yaxin moved her own means next time to gather the powder again.

And continue to repair the soul of the rock monster.

That's right, the rock monsters can no longer control the gathering of rock bodies at this moment.

Because the soul has been fragmented.

Without Muhana Saki Yaxin's restoration, it is estimated that it will soon disperse.

However, at this moment, the rock weird who felt that his soul had been repaired once again, was refreshing in his heart.

【Do not! ! ! 】

[Don’t save me! ! ! 】

Sure enough, Tornado was not convinced, and once again gathered the powder with thought force, and continued to knead.

Then, Muhua Sakiya secretly stalked and continued to repair.








Tornado is angry!

"Why the broken stone is not dead!!!"

"Not this time!"

Tornado looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin angrily.

"Killing this stone is a condition, and you don't have a time limit!"

"I want to take this guy to the magma pool to melt! I don't believe it, this guy can't die!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin stretched out her hands and said indifferently, "Whatever."

"But before that, save the two civilians first."

Tornado was stunned, and she remembered that her mind seemed to be still protecting two civilians.


"Quick! Organize rescue!"

"Miss Tornado, please move this stone."

"Got it! I'm so annoying!"


A large piece of rubble was floated in the air by Nianli.

The rescue team took the opportunity to ran in and carried out rescue operations.


After the crisis was resolved, the Heroes' Association quickly organized personnel to search and rescue in this piece of debris.

The mother and daughter of Qianxia were also successfully rescued.

Qianxia's life was dying, but fortunately, the medical level in this world was extremely high, and she was still pulled back from the edge of hell.

In an open area here, the rescue team of the Heroes' Association built a camp.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was invited in to chat with the person in charge.

A man in a suit with eyes sat opposite Muhua Saki Yaxin with a serious expression.

"Miss Ye Xin! Are you really from the so-called Infinite Dimensional Realm?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin supported her small head with one hand, and looked at the man in suit with a bored expression on her face.

"That's natural. The most annoying thing for me is that you mortal organizations have so many messy rules! Most things are troublesome!"

The man in the suit was named Richter, and he was more or less skeptical about what Muhuasaki Yaxin said about saving their world.

However, for now, the girl in front of her seems to have a different kind of magical power.


Moreover, the means of appearance, as well as the ultimate special effects of the appearance, illustrate the power of the girl.

Now, he needs more information.

"So, how does Miss Ye Xin Shuo save the world mainly?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin was stunned. The question asked by this guy directly stopped Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Because, she never thought about how to save...

What was her original purpose...

Oh~ play, she just came to this world to have a look and play

Richter frowned when he looked at Muhua Saki Yashin who was stunned by his thoughts.

"Can't you answer this question?"

Sakiya Muhua thought for a long time, but didn't he figure out how to save all the weird people in this world?

But most of the weird people are changed from human beings.

The concept of killing weirdos?

That's a big impact.

You can move your whole body with a single move, and you can't move about the concept or something.

Immediately, without thinking of anything, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked down at Richter half-concealed, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and twisted his **** to nod.

"Um... I seem... I came here without finding a way..."

Richter has a row of black lines on his forehead. What does it mean to come over without thinking?

what is this……

"Then, what plans does Miss Ye Xin have now?"

Muhua Saki Yashin regained a straight face and patted the table with both hands: "Even if there is no way to save the world, but when I come to this world, there must be a way! Sooner or later I will find a way! Now I plan to maintain world peace first. ,Step by step!"

"After all, this world is a lot weird.

Ok! Let me eliminate all the weird existence first! "

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised a small fist, seeming to cheer for herself.

Richter smiled.

"If Miss Ye Xin intends to eliminate the weirdness, maybe she can consider joining our Heroes Association."

That's right, Richter is planning to invite Muhua Saki Yashin to join the Heroes Association.

This girl's combat power should be quite high, with a meteor landing and the background of the universe galaxy.

All set off the girl's powerful strength.

Moreover, the Heroes Association is very short of people now. If Saki Kihana Yashin joins, the Association will add another top combat power.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head.

"My Eye of Death has long been accustomed to acting alone, and didn't I say it? I hate the rules of your human organization!"

Richter gave a formulaic smile.

"Miss Ye Xin, don't refuse to pick us up, we are very sincere to your invitation.

First of all, if Miss Ye Xin acts alone, the detection of anomalous creatures is a problem.

Our Hero Association has a very powerful intelligence system.

Once there is a disaster, we can know the location immediately!

Moreover, the rules and regulations, our Heroes Association does not require much, if Miss Ye Xin can meet the S-level requirements, then there are no rules that can restrain you. "

"S grade?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded her little lips with a little finger.

"Well~ it's the breaking rules of your human organization again."

"However, what you said is correct. There is a local human organization that collects intelligence, which can really keep me busy."

As he said, Muhua Saki looked at Richter heart: "I hope your organization will not let me down."

Richter smiled: "Don't worry, Miss Yexin."

"Call me the eye of death!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin patted the table with her little hand, and said solemnly.

"The Eye of Death! It's my code name!"

Richter's face stiffened, the eye of death...what the hell...

However, his professional qualities allowed him to obey Muhua Saki Yaxin's request honestly.

"Okay, Miss Ye Xin, I will call you the code name Eye of Death in the future. Don't worry, Miss Ye Xin. It's absolutely fine, Miss Ye Xin."

Muhua Saki Yexin nodded with a teachable expression on her face.

Richter finished a polite conversation.

There is a question.

What is the eye of death?

Is it the blindfold she hides?

Although there have always been people who listened to what Muhuasaki Yaxin said, the eye of death, the eye of death.

But what exactly is the Eye of Death, is completely unclear?

With this question, Richie asked Muhua Saki Yaxin directly curiously.

"Ye...Miss Deathheart. What is that Eye of Death..."

"It is the supreme and ultimate magic eye! All things die at one glance! The world is shattered at one glance! One glance through the endless dimensional universe! Endless endless dimensions! Bring the end to everything! This is my eye of death!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed her finger at her blindfold.

"Now the Eye of Death is in a sealed state, and the blindfold is a sealed device! You can't pull it off at will! Because once you pull the blindfold! The energy of the Eye of Death has leaked! The world will be in danger of being shattered!"

Richter twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a serious look.

It feels that this girl is getting more and more ridiculous.

Moreover, I feel that compared to saving the world, you are the most dangerous person to destroy the world.

There are too many slots, and the information is too untrue, so Richter doesn't know how to judge the true level of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Isn't it just this girl's delusion?

Richter checked the sweat on his brows.

"Miss Yexin, I won't pull your blindfold, and please make sure not to tear the blindfold.

In the following words, we will take you to the Heroes Association for a certain test, and I hope you will not refuse. "

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "I see, human tissue testing~ I don't care."

Richter smiled, and left this place again after a few words.

The strange smiling face instantly changed when he stepped outside, turning into a cold expression.

"It's really a difficult girl. I don't know how true what she said is~"

In fact, what Muhuasaki Yaxin said still needs to be studied, but it doesn't affect his invitation.

As long as the strength is sufficient and the performance is sufficiently positive.

Then there is no problem at all.


Just look at the test results!

The result is everything!

Richter nodded secretly.

"Hope not to let me down. This is the key to my promotion."


Three days later.

City A, the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

In a special smelting furnace, the high-temperature flame was burning, and a soil ball inside was quickly melted into magma...

Tornado stood aside, staring at the earth ball in the furnace, and saw that the earth ball was completely dissolved into magma.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the girl beside her with some pride.

"Huh! It's dead!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at it.

"No, it's still alive."

Tornado was stunned, she looked at the stove, the lava inside was tumbling, gradually turning into a human form.

Tornado's face went black on the spot.

"I want to continue! I don't believe I can't kill this guy!"

With that, Tornado ran out.

Muhuasaki Ye Xin Tan spread his hands, a small proud sample paper.

"Humph~ you can't win."

At this moment, a secretary lady with eyes suddenly ran into the laboratory and said to Saki Yashin.

"Miss Yexin! The test is about to begin."

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "I see."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin walked out.

The test has two steps.

One is the literary test, and the literary test is to do test papers.

In this test, the Association of Heroes has added a lot of psychological content.

There are also some sophisticated issues of saving people.

There are many questions, and the purpose is to make various evaluations of Muhua Saki Yaxin from each question.

The second is Wu Kao.

The power of Muhua Saki Yaxin, they are divided into a series of super powers.

As a person with super powers, Wu Kao is naturally not a simple physical data test, but also a test of the power of super powers.


This is a gym room, and there are very few people now.

In a mysterious room, this room is very sci-fi.

"Miss Yexin, you can use your strength to your heart's content. The force measurement opportunity in the center of this room will make a score based on your energy intensity."

"The highest record on the current list is the tornado record."

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the white wall of this room, with the corners of her mouth cocked slightly.

"Hmm~ Let me break that guy's record!"

With that, Sakuya Muhana raised his hand and raised his A circle of magic circles appeared in front of Sakuya Muhana's mind and blended instantly.

"Destroy it!"

A beam of light shoots out from the magic circle instantly!

Target, point to the central dynamometer!

At this time, a guest just greeted.

It was the Qianxia who was rescued. She looked confused and didn't know what she was doing here.

When she looked up to the secret room where Muhua Saki Yaxin was located.

The vision in her eyes has changed...




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