That's right, Qianxia was the poor traverser who came to this base.

So far, she is still confused. She came here directly according to her mother's words.

Recalling two days ago...

At that time, her injuries were still very serious, and at least she would have to lie down in the hospital for a month to recuperate.

However, she inexplicably awakened a strange thing.

She was lying on the hospital bed in confusion, and suddenly a mechanical voice came over.

"The hero's guardian system is loaded! The host is repairing the body!"

Then, she felt a warm current suddenly appeared in her body, and the warm current was swimming all over her body, which was very comfortable.

Soon the whole body feels warm, it seems that every cell is cheering! Pleasure!

Immediately afterwards, she woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked at the strange white ceiling, the unique smell of potion in this hospital, and the warmth remaining in the body.

She knew that none of this was a dream.

"Did you travel to a different world?

Unexpectedly, another weird thing also came. "

Qianxia opened the quilt, arched her upper body, and stretched out her hands.

Looking at the white and tender little hands, Qianxia fell into silence for a while.


"...Is this who I am now?"

"A girl's hand..."

Qianxia sighed.

"Forget it, it's nice to be alive."

The owner of the original body seems to have died after he crossed over.

He can be regarded as resurrecting his soul.

But why borrow a girl's body...

What's more weird...hero guardian system?

"That's the system!"

"Hey... Hero Guardian System? Are you there?"

Then, a mechanical voice appeared in her mind.

"Yes, Master."

Qianxia's face was startled, and the next moment she showed a happy smile on her face!

"Sure enough, there is a system!"

As a house in her previous life, she has naturally seen anime, manga and otherworldly crossing!

For the system such a routine can be easily accepted.

Generally speaking, the protagonist who crosses the alien world will be divided into several grades.

The protagonist with the system is undoubtedly the fastest invincible existence!

That's why she was so excited.

"System! What function do you have!"

"Can you make me better? Just like the girl yesterday!"

Hero Guardian System: "..."

"Master, the name of the system explains everything. As the name implies, the guardian of heroes is to be a hero to guard others!"

"The master needs to perform a heroic mission, and every successful guardian, the master will reap the guardian value. The guardian value has many functions. In addition to being able to exchange various items, the most important thing is to make the master stronger."

Qianxia was stunned.

"Become a hero to protect... protect others? How does it feel a little strange."

"So how much guardian value do I have now?"

Hero Guardian System:

"The master silently opens the system panel and can query various data."

Qianxia was excited: "Sure enough! System panel!"

"Turn it on!"

next moment!

A virtual projection appeared in Qianxia's mind.

Qianxia could clearly see this panel.

Tsuboi Chika

Force: 16.4561233333...

Wisdom: 21.2348467516...

Min: 22.4567894151...

Guardian value: 0


Comprehensive evaluation: You can try to protect Paramecium.

Seeing this evaluation, Qianxia noodles smoked.

The panel of the system is very detailed.

Lizhimin belongs to the three categories of comprehensive evaluation of its own attributes.

If you click on a power-related item, you will see a more detailed breakdown at the next level.

Strength is related to physical strength, strength, anti-strike ability, and so on.

Sensitivity is naturally related to physical reaction ability, running speed, neural reflex speed, punching speed and so on.

Zhi is very mysterious.

About IQ, EQ, thinking, soul, personality, and even luck! Etc., etc.

The detailed data is more detailed.

Moreover, many data fluctuate up and down a value.

For example, IQ, such as strength and strength.

These fluctuations are normal.

She can understand.

"Then the system, is there any newcomer package?"

"There is no... the system energy is lacking. Please also the master to perform hero activities as soon as possible to gain protection value."

Qianxia was a little dumbfounded.

"No... Then how do I perform hero activities..."

She remembered the comprehensive evaluation, and immediately became even more depressed.

"Do not panic the owner, the system will provide assistance to the owner. The owner only needs to turn on the auxiliary function of the system immediately."

Qianxia was stunned: "Accessibility?"

She looked at the panel again and found that it was an auxiliary function option.


Qianxia Mindset turned on and selected the auxiliary function, and then entered the auxiliary function interface.

Only one feature seems to be enabled at the moment.

[Data Dialysis Eye]

After opening, you will get a data dialysis eye, and you can analyze everything you can see.

Then, she immediately turned on the function.

next moment!

Everything before her eyes has changed!

The entire world seen by the eyes has become a digital thing.

Air element composition...


The synthetic component of the bedding.



You can even see the data of items outside the wall through a wall...

There are too many things to accept...

All kinds of data filled Qianxia's brain.

For a moment, she felt a little swelling in her brain.

"Master! Do not use the Data Eye for too long, or you will overuse your brain."

Qianxia also felt that her brain was beginning to swell and pain, and immediately closed this data dialysis eye.

The scene in front of her returned to normal, and Qianxia rubbed her temples.

"It feels so amazing..."

"But, it's no use..."

System: "The master can know the enemy's weakness in advance if he has an eye for data dialysis. If he anticipates the enemy or the prophet, he can use his wisdom to defeat the enemy."

Use wisdom...

Qianxia felt some head pain again.

"Does this want me to be a wise man?"

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

It was Qianxia's mother Tarano Tsuboi who came in. As soon as she entered the door and saw Qianxia who had gotten up, her face was shocked.


Tarino ran over quickly.

"Qianxia! Why are you getting up!?"

Qianxia looked at the original mother who suddenly walked in...

Some embarrassment, he didn't know how to deal with it. After all, he had no idea how the original owner of this body faced her mother...

However, now she also had to bite the bullet and face it.

"Mom...that me, I don't know why."

"Now I feel that my body is completely fine, and I have healed."

Tarino was taken aback, and hurriedly ran over to check: "Qianxia? Don't you lie to me? Is the body really healed?"


With that said, Qianxia got up directly from the bed, under the stunned expressions of Tarino and the medical staff beside him.

Qianxia jumped back and forth.

Finally, Tarano and the medical staff took Qianxia for another full-body examination.

As a result, it was discovered that Qianxia's body had indeed recovered, and even some of the hidden injuries and some minor problems such as rhinitis that the original sound had had disappeared.

This really stunned Tarino and the people in the hospital.

After many thoughts, Qianxia decided to use a reason to explain this matter.

"Mom, I actually awakened my superpowers! That's why I healed so quickly!"

Tauri believed this statement.

Because the world is so unreasonable.

There are weirdos, there are super humans-heroes!

She didn't feel surprised that Qianxia was able to awaken her superpowers.

In the end, Qianxia had been thinking about how to conduct hero activities on this day, but she accidentally missed her mouth.

It was heard by Tarino.

Tarino also thinks that Qianxia has changed a bit after encountering a strange person.

Until now, she felt that Qianxia had completely changed.

Now that she heard that she was going to be a hero, Tarina was not surprised.

"Child... Do you want to have power after the accident?

Then go! Go to the Heroes Association to sign up! It just so happens that your father has something to do with the Heroes Association. "

That's right, it just so happens that Qianxia's family is a relatively wealthy family.

In the Heroes Association, it is a figure belonging to the shareholder level.

In this accident, it was precisely because of his shareholder status that the Heroes Association let the tornado arrive quickly.

Their family usually has bodyguards, but the bodyguards were all wiped out in the earthquake caused by the weird man.

Now, with this relationship, it's okay for Qianxia to go backstage.

Tarino did not oppose Qianxia's decision to become a hero.

After experiencing this time, she realized that her own power is the most fundamental.

No matter how rich you are, no matter how strong the bodyguard you hire, you will not be able to survive the face of such a monster.

In today's world, weirdos are frequent!

There are also many catastrophic disasters, and no one can run away.

Just like this accident.

You will find that the danger of being a hero is not much different from being an ordinary person.

Instead of being an ordinary person dying in a catastrophe inexplicably, it is better to be a hero with strength, at least with the power to protect himself.

In this way, Qianxia took Tarino's souvenir and went directly to the Heroes Association headquarters.

Then he was taken to this place by the staff with a confused look.

Curious, she opened the eyes of data dialysis.

In an instant, she saw Muhua Saki Yaxin who was testing inside!

"It's that girl!"

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin sent out a beam of light and hit the force measuring machine!


In an instant, the machine exploded!

All the exploded flying fragments were blocked by Muhua Saki Yaxin's magic circle.

The staff who saw the scene inside through the indoor monitor were instantly stunned.

"Explosion... it exploded!??"

" could it be...that's..."

All of them were shocked!

This machine is not simple, it is specifically used to test the energy levels of various heroes.

If the tornado test's super powers are fully opened, it should be possible to destroy this machine.

However, this girl can actually reach this level!

They couldn't believe it.

"Is it another tornado?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin is a bit boring.

"I thought this machine could measure the value of this attack... Sure enough, I still overestimate you humans."

At this time, the loudspeaker in the room made a beep.

"Trouble Miss Yexin, continue to test as required."

"Know to pull."

Muhua Saki Yaxin clicked and released the energy beam to a minimum, and instantly a small laser bombarded the wall.

Then Muhuasaki Yexin played Fire Dun, Thunder Dun, Shui Dun, and all kinds of escape techniques.

Yes, this is a comprehensive test of superpowers.

It is not only testing the energy release, but also the destructive power.

Also judge the reliability.

It is related to the control of ability.

After a series of tests came out.

The test statistician looked at the evaluation form in his hand and was stunned.

Because Muhua Saki Yaxin's abilities are so comprehensive.

It can even be said that there is almighty!

Each value is either A or S.

The overall evaluation is of course S in S!

When Richter learned of the result, his smile gradually became perverted.

"Hahaha~ It really didn't disappoint me. Is this magic power? Can it be released by imitating various energy forms? It's really a convenient power."

And Qianxia, ​​who had a data eye, saw Muhuasaki Yaxin's test and obtained various data.

Especially the beam that burst the machine.

The energy value stunned her.

Up to 80 million energy value!

What concept is this, Qianxia has no concept at all.

But this number is super scary in any way.

Qianxia has finished watching the next test.

After testing, Qianxia found that the data eye can shield the selection information.

This will not make the brain bloated.


After Muhua Saki Yashin finished the super power (magic power) test.

Start the physical fitness test.

There is nothing to say about this.

Except for Muhua Saki Yaxin, who fell on the ground during the long-distance race, everything went smoothly.

It is the advanced level of ordinary people.


Then there is the literary test, which is the answer sheet.

There are also psychological tests.

After passing, the noodle score is almost full.

In this way, the test is over.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's data was also sent to the high-level hands.

They will rate Muhua Saki Yaxin.

If there are no exceptions, under Richter's intervention, Saki Yashin is estimated to be directly promoted to the top ten of the A-level by an exception!

The reason why he didn't have an S rank was because Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't have any merits.

(The original Jenos can make an exception to be promoted to S rank, because he has always carried out hero activities, killing most of the weird people, and all have been recorded by the Heroes Association.

Muhua Saki Yaxin opened the door of the test room and came to a lounge. As soon as he left the door, he saw Qianxia.

She looked at Qianxia with a surprised look: "Eh~You are that human? I remember that you seem to be seriously injured! The internal organs are all broken and ugly? Healed so quickly?"

Qianxia scratched her head embarrassedly: "That... I seem to have awakened some ability to heal so quickly."

While speaking, Qianxia was still looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin with the eyes of data dialysis.

She found that the values ​​displayed by the Eye of Data Dialysis for Saki Yaxin Muhua are still question marks.

Originally, she thought that she couldn't find out the value of Muhua Saki Yaxin only through a wall.

Unexpectedly, you still can't see it in person?

What's going on at this low level?

Qianxia took the question back into her stomach, with a normal smile on her face.

Muhua Saki Yexin looked at Qianxia with interest. She knew that the girl in front of her body was boarding the traverser, and she thought that the boy would have the mentality of traversing as a girl.

Unexpectedly, the adaptation was quite fast.

"It seems that you also want to join the Heroes Association."

Qianxia nodded and smiled peacefully: "My strength is weak, I don't know if I can join."

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled, raised her small fist and slapped the little elder sister: "Come on."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin walked out to the outside.

At exactly this time, a staff member ran over.

"Miss Qianxia, ​​if you test, you need to replace the test room. One of the machines inside is broken."

Qianxia nodded.

At this time, she once again used the eyes of data dialysis to look at a staff member behind a few walls.

However, the staff's value can still be clearly displayed in her eyes.

【Okazaki Rai】

Force: 26

Wisdom: 19

Min: 31




and many more


The data is very clear, but why can't this girl show it?

Qianxia asked the system directly in her mind about this question.

The cold voice of the system came again.

"Master, the eye of data dialysis is not a panacea."

"If the data exceeds a certain value, the Eye of Data Dialysis will not be able to detect, so a series of question marks will be displayed. This is the detection failure."

Qianxia nodded clearly: "So, what is the excess value? Sure enough, my value should be the standard, right?

Just like when playing games in the past, the data of advanced NPCs can only be viewed when the level is high. "

Then, the cold voice of the system really shattered Qianxia's ridiculous idea.

"The root of the data dialysis eye is that the system itself has nothing to do with the owner."

Qianxia was stunned, and then, a terrifying thought appeared in her mind.

"The eye of data dialysis is linked to system testing capabilities? It has nothing to do with me...

So... the value detected exceeds the value detected by the system? "

Qianxia was stunned, causing her to stop directly.

The staff looked at Qianxia who had stopped in a daze, with some doubts.

"Miss Qianxia?"

Qianxia asked the system tremblingly.

"System, then what is the maximum value you can detect?"

"Master, you should understand that although the values ​​displayed by the Eye of Data Dialysis are simple, for the system, the actual calculated data is very large.

The comparison with the final value is based solely on physical attributes.

The maximum value that the Eye of Data Dialysis can detect is...23.33333 petaflops..."

After giving out just such a value, Qianxia's brain became blank.

Trillions? ! ! !

This is the unit?

What is the concept of this value?

Qianxia feels like she knows some great secret!

Qianxia suppressed the trembling herself, and continued to inquire.

"She... is she a god?"

System: "She is not..."

The system seems to be stuck in thinking.

"The gods that the system has encountered do not have this value... even if it is only one-tenth of the value..."

Qianxia was silent.

Then this girl...what exactly is there?



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