The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 14: Not like this

For Qianxia who fell into silence, the system continued to add: "Master, don't panic too much.

There is another reason why the Eye of Data Dialysis cannot detect, that is, the target has anti-investigation methods. If the target has a special force that can isolate the data dialysis eye, then the data dialysis eye also has no way to detect the target value. "

Qianxia's expression became subtle when she heard it.

"Yeah! Maybe she has anti-detection methods! I'll just say~ If she has such a terrifying number, then why did she fall while running."

With this explanation of the system, she immediately felt much better.

I recovered a bit, and looked at the staff next to me with an excited smile.

"Let's go test!"

staff member:"???"

After this girl was in a daze, she was inexplicably excited?

The staff expressed that they could not...


Qianxia's test results were naturally confused.

Not to mention the physical ability, although it is still relatively high in comparison with the girl group.

However, for the hero's request, it is naturally unqualified!

The literary test scores are pretty good.

However, this does not make up for much.

The most important thing is the superpowers. No matter energy detection, microwave scanning or other metaphysical methods, the superpowers on her body can't be detected.

Regarding the existence of Qianxia's superpowers, the Heroes Association remained skeptical.

that's all……

Qianxia walked out of the Association of Heroes with a disappointed expression holding a transcript that was so low that he couldn't even pass it.

Qianxia felt that she was a little unlucky, how to start the **** level, and the system she got was a little helper. The most important thing was that she wore a weak girl...

If that big guy accepts me as a disciple...

Qianxia sat annoyed on the chair in the reception room of the Heroes Association.

"The master's idea is very good, and the system happily agrees."

The sudden sound made Qianxia tremble with fright, and then some angrily shouted at the system.

"Please, don't be so sudden in my head~"

Qianxia sighed, supporting her head with a small hand.

"Apprentice a teacher..."

In a place where consciousness meets, there is a small spot of light, which is the body of the hero's guardian system.

It is thinking, thinking about the countermeasures to deal with Saki Yashin...

In fact, it didn't tell Qianxia one thing, that is, the existence of the isolated data dialysis eye detection will only be stronger than the existence of the super value.

Because, the root of the hero's guardian system is...


Muhua Saki's heart jumped with a small Luban-style pace, with a joyful smile on her face, and she walked out of the Heroes Association headquarters.

At this moment, she has the identity of an A-level hero, and in this world, she has obtained a high-level ID card.

He was also carrying some documents and communication devices.

Now you can enjoy yourself in this world.

In this world where weird people are rampant, she doesn't have to be afraid of being unable to let go of fighting anymore!

Immediately, Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at Qianxia who was still in the Heroes Association.

"Well... I won't look for you yet."

For Qianxia, ​​the traveler, although Muhua Saki Yexin is somewhat interested, she is more interested in the protagonist now!


This can be regarded as one of Muhuasaki Yaxin's goals.

Then, Muhua Saki Yashin wanted to find Saitama to see if the protagonist was really invincible.

Then, the magic circle at the feet of Muhua Saki Yexin unfolded, and a burst of light shone!

The little figure of the girl has come to an altitude of thousands of meters!

The monitoring equipment at the headquarters of the Heroes' Association captured this scene.

This scene happened to be seen by Cic. He now belongs to the senior management of the Heroes Association, that is, the minister. At the same time, he is also the Heroes Association member with the most appearances in the original book.

"Is this the grade A promoted by that botched guy?

It seems that in terms of strength, there is no wrong estimate. "

"Another tornado combat power? I hope not to have such a bad temper like a tornado."

He looked at the data displayed on the screen, and it projected an image of Kika Saki Yashin posing a scissor hand in front of him.

[Muhana Saki Yexin]

A-level third place-the eye of death!


Muhua Saki Yaxin thought about flying to Z City, and saw a few tiger-level weirdos along the way, one who became a beer weirdo because he drank too much beer, and a chili weirdo...

A beam of light fell directly from a long distance, blasting the strange man into scum.

Of course, Muhua Saki's heart will also appear in front of the masses, after all, no one will watch what to do!

In this way, Kihana Saki Yashin's popularity has an initial accumulation.

In fact, when Muhua Saki Yaxin was ranked third on the A-level list, he gained a lot of fans and a lot of malicious comments.

After all, Muhua Saki Yaxin was directly promoted.

The malicious remarks are all aimed at this...


Muhuasaki Yexin was open to perceiving, scanning the entire Z city, and indeed did not find the existence of the target bald head...

I found an office worker in a suit who was doing heroic activities...

Saitama! ! !

At this moment, Saitama hasn't lost her hair yet, with a black and shiny hedgehog head, his appearance can be described as excellent.

He is now playing against an Autobot.


It should be said that the car freak.


This street has become broken.

The horns on the street are still playing alarms.

"Emergency! Urgent!"

"A weird man appeared in the eighth block of City Z! Disaster level! Tiger!

All the residents of the 8th block are also requested to evacuate urgently! "


"Emergency! Urgent!"


Standing up to a height of five meters, the car freak looks like a car part of flesh and blood, which is very disgusting.

Its mouth is the car front with the flesh and blood on its head, and the horn makes a mocking and mocking sound.

"Quack, quack~ stupid human! I'm an Autobot! I have killed dozens of cars that are unharmed by humans! Even similar cars, I have smashed a lot!"

"You are an ordinary human! You want to destroy my steel car door?"

As he said, the car eccentric slammed his arms against the two doors of the car on his chest, sending out Duang! Duang! Two steel noises.

Saitama's eyes were sharp, and the fists on both hands were already red. Obviously, he was a physical body, and it was a bit difficult to deal with the car weird made of steel.

Moreover, his current physical strength is not high!

However, his fighting will is indeed up, and a slutty smile is pulled out from the corner of his mouth!

"Haha! Very good! I am getting more and more excited! Anyway! I will definitely break you into pieces! Bet on my determination to become a hero!"

next moment!

Saitama rushed to the car geek again!

The car geek is a little angry, this human being is too agile and resistant to fighting!

Immediately, the car geek swept the ground with both hands!

boom! ! !

The ground cracked, the rubble flew away, and the sharp stone hit Saitama with great strength.

Saitama secretly said.

"not good!"

In the next moment, he can only change his offensive, with both hands in front of him!

Da da da!

The sharp stone pierced through Saitama's body, and several blood stains were drawn, and the suit and clothes were scratched torn.

next moment!

A giant mechanical leg took advantage of the momentum and slammed it!


At this moment, Saitama has no time to dodge, and can only resist.

At this moment!

A white and tender little hand suddenly appeared in front of Saitama, blocking the front of the giant manipulator...

There is also a faint female voice, like a little girl...

"It's not like that."

boom! ! !

The robotic arm instantly bombarded that tiny white palm, it really didn’t make any progress.



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