The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 16: The first disciple-Saitama

The car geek was stunned, looking at the fracture where his arm exploded, and the viscous substance mixed with gasoline and blood dripped on the ground...

"What...what...what happened..."

The car geek looked at the originally weak human being in front of him, with a look of fear in its eyes.

At this moment, Saitama maintained the posture of punching, and the whole body was emitting hot white steam.

Saitama also couldn't believe it. He retracted his fist, looked at his unremarkable fist, and then looked at the broken arm of the car geek.

"I did it…"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled and looked at Saitama, "You did it."

Saitama was a little excited. With such a punch, he has become more than twice as strong as the previous self.

Then, Saitama looked at the car eccentric with excitement, his eyes seemed to be ablaze.

"Come to fight!"

The car freak was already scared of being beaten at this moment, and its arms were all scrapped, and its combat power was weakened by a factor of two.

It took a step back, and the eyes of the two car lights flashed faintly, which obviously made people feel its fearful look.

"Don't come over to humans!!"

Saitama wouldn't listen to it, and speeded up under his feet, and rushed directly.

The car geek turned directly and hurriedly ran towards the rear.

"Don't come here! Human!"

Saitama stepped directly on her feet, and leapt up, hitting the weird man in the head!


As gasoline splashed, various car parts scattered.

The headless car geek knelt on the ground weakly, and with gravity, the huge body fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust...

Saitama's fist was soaked with gasoline, and he looked at the fallen car weird, a little melancholy.


"Humph~ As expected, the human being I'm fond of."

Muhua Saki Yashin stuck her waist and stood beside Saitama.

Saitama smiled, and now he is thankful for this strange girl.

"Thanks. Your name is not clear yet."

Kihana Saki Yashin immediately placed her scissor hands horizontally in front of her blindfold.

"Ask my real name?"

"Then listen carefully!!"

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin changed her posture, and her two small hands were waving wildly in the air.

"I am an infinite-dimensional traveler! The sealer of the Great Demon God! The master of the Eye of Death of the Supreme Demon Eye!"

Then, circles of magic circles hovered around Muhua Sakiya's heart.

Saitama watched, eyes jumped, he didn't know what to say...

Muhua Saki Yaxin stepped on her little foot and raised her two paws one after the other, the magic circle expanded along with it, spreading a large area around it.

"Real name! Kihana Saki Yaxin!"

The corner of Saitama's mouth twitched.

"By the way, how old are you."

Muhua Saki Yaxin let go of her paws, looking at some doubts: "I am sixteen years old this year! What is it, is there any problem?"

Saitama sighed.

"The problem is big..."

"Why do you appear here? Shouldn't you still be in school at your age?"

Muhua Saki Yexin put her hands on her chest, and her little head raised her proudly: "Hmm~ Going to school is just a matter for your ordinary mortals! I have no time to play these play games with those mortals."

Saitama looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with two dead fish eyes expressionless.

"I feel like you are playing with me right now."

Muhuasaki stayed in a daze, and then became a little angry: "What? Play house?"

"Can the play house let you defeat that monster?"

"I'm only here to teach you because of your potential!"

Saitama was stunned: "Teaching me...this is indeed very grateful. But it is here to teach me...what does it mean?"

Muhua Saki Yexin put her hands on her chest, her little head up to the sky, said proudly.

"That is to say, I want to accept you as a disciple! Humph~ You are secretly happy!"

Saitama looked dull.


"Accept me as a disciple?"

"What a joke!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's proud face was instantly stunned.

The expression turned a little angry.

"Damn it! You guy has already learned that trick! Do you still want to deny it?"

"Furthermore, what I will teach you next is the pinnacle of human skills! Your move is just the beginning! Don't you want to become stronger!?"

Naturally, Saitama knew that the strange girl in front of her seemed to have real abilities.

He has benefited a lot from the skill of the move just now.

But let him worship a girl as a teacher...

He can't shame...

Saitama became tangled, her face twisted.

"It's impossible to lose you as a teacher! I will lose you money at most, or promise a condition or something..."

Saitama scratched her hair, a little irritable.

"Anyway, apprenticeship is really too..."

"Is your determination the only way to go?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin asked a serious question.

Saitama was stunned.

"What is your belief in becoming a hero!?

What is the belief that supports you all the way to the present! ?

Just apprentice! Are you going to give up?

Think about your persistence these days! "

Muhuasaki Yaxin's words seemed to reach the bottom of his heart.

Saitama lowered his head and fell into thinking.


What is his belief in becoming a hero?

Fighting...what the **** is it for...


By the way, hero!

Just a hero.

I just want to be a hero of interest. I just want to be a hero...

In order to achieve this goal, he can desperately put all of his own.

In fact, he now has all of himself, whether it is life, work or even his own life!

Saitama smiled calmly: "I have never forgotten, I am just a hero of interest."

"Then worship me as a teacher!"

Saitama's complexion froze, and he looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin somewhat helplessly: "I said it all, I don't want it."

This time, Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little lost, and she wanted to accept Saitama as a disciple.

Muhuasaki looked at the car weird who fell on the ground, and suddenly had a plan.

"Saitama! Your name is Saitama!"

Saitama was stunned again: "Yeah~ My name is Saitama... I didn't seem to tell you my name, how did you know it?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin kept her arms folded, her head slightly tilted.

"Hmph~ My death eye can directly see through my real name."

"It's not the time to talk about this, I thought of a compromise!"

Saitama suddenly became energetic: "What can I do?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed her thumb at herself. "Fight me!"

Saitama stayed again.

"Have a fight with you."

Muhua Saki nodded at night, maintaining her breast-holding posture, with an arrogant look.

"Yes, fight with me now! I don't ask much. As long as you can hit me once, then I won't pursue this matter anymore.

However, if you can't even hit me, then you have to worship me as a teacher! "

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye flashed red, and she looked at Saitama sharply.

"How about, dare you?"

Saitama looked at the girl's serious look, and agreed without thinking about it.

"it is good!"

Saitama clenched a fist and raised it, looking at Muhua Saki Yashin.

"That `s a deal!"

He didn't believe it, he couldn't even hit Muhua Saki Yaxin.

He thought, even if he was desperately trying to resist Muhua Saki Yaxin's fist attack, he would have to hit it once.

This is absolutely no problem.

Kihana Saki Yashin smiled, and then walked to stand five meters across from Saitama.

"Then, you can start."

Saitama was stunned. "Is this the beginning?"

"Is there a condition that hasn't been stated? For example, time?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and shook his head: "No need."

[Are you so confident? 】

Saitama also began to become serious, and his energy began to concentrate, and his eyes became sharp.

"Then don't say I bullied you!"

Saitama put on a fighting posture.

And Muhua Saki Yashin was still standing casually, looking at Saitama with a smile.

"Are you ready?"

Saitama nodded, and concentrated with incomparable energy, even though the girl in front of her looked very petite.

However, he fully understood the power of this young girl!

The performance of the car freak just now may be just the tip of the iceberg for girls.

Muhua Saki Yaxin gently stepped forward and showed her little hand. Made a pose similar to Master Ye.

"Then, it's going to be on."

Saitama nodded again.


The ending sound of "Um" fell off.

next moment!

Bang! !

The ground where the girl was standing was cracked, and the air wave blew up layers of dust.

But the figure of the girl appeared directly in front of Saitama.

At this moment, it was too sudden, and Saitama couldn't fully react.

His only reaction is that his pupils shrink slightly.

Then, Kihana Saki Yaxin's palm printed on Saitama's chest!


The vigor visible to the naked eye directly penetrates Saitama!

Saitama bowed his body, simmered in his chest and spit out a mouthful of sour water from his stomach, then the whole person flew upside down, leaped an unknown distance, fell on the ground and rolled twice, lying down on the ground.

At this moment, Saitama's consciousness was already very muddy, his eyes were looking at the blue sky, and he muttered weakly.

"I lost…"

Then, consciousness fell asleep.

After not knowing how long it took, Saitama felt itchy on his face. The next moment, he suddenly remembered something, suddenly opened his eyes, and arched his upper body.

Then, the confused Saitama looked at the tattered ruins in front of him, a little dazed.

"You are awake."

Hearing the familiar voice, Saitama turned his head and looked, and as expected, Kika Saki Yashin was on the side, looking at him grinningly.

"How long have I fainted..."

Muhua Saki Yashin shook her head, stood up with her hands behind her back, and looked at Saitama with a smile.

"I don't know, it should be less than an hour.

You lost, I would like to bet.

If you don't recognize it, we can still fight. "

Saitama patted his head and shook it again, as if to awake his head a little bit, then stood up and patted the dust on his body.

Looking at Saitama who had nothing to do with it, Kihana Sakiya became anxious. She stretched her small face in front of Saitama and asked with a fierce expression, "What do you mean?"

Saitama sighed and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin helplessly: "I wish to accept the bet, and I will keep my promise."

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately smiled like a flower: "Hmm~ I didn't think you were wrong! Since you are willing to bet and lose, then you should change your mouth."

Saitama's complexion stiffened, looking at a grinning young girl in front of him, she stuttered: "Master...Master...Master..."

"Hee hee~ good~ good~"

Kihana Saki Yashin stood on tiptoe and touched Saitama's hedgehog head.

"Then, let's go home, and I will give you the instructions for the first step."

Saitama was stunned.

"Go home? That home?"

Kihana Saki Yashin patted Saitama on the shoulder, with an expression of what do you think of the big brother.

"Of course it's your home?"

Saitama stayed again.



He found that he didn't seem to have any reason to resist...

"okay then…"

"By the way, Saitama, how many years have you been a hero?"

Saitama looked up and thought for a while.

"Oh, to count... I have been a hero for more than a year now."

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the shiny black hedgehog, and showed a mysterious smile.

"Oh~ Is your hair falling badly?"

Saitama was surprised.

"How did you know?"

Muhua Saki Yashin carried her hands on her back, her head raised.

"My eyes of death can see through everything."

The corners of Saitama's mouth twitched.

[Then why is it called the Eye of Death, not the Eye of All-Knowing? 】

In this way, the two chatted all the way, walking under the sunset, one big and one small, one tall and one short.

The shadows were gradually elongated until they disappeared into the sky...

Go back to Saitama's house.

At this moment, Saitama is already living in a no-man's land in Z City, the reason is that the rent is cheap.

As Saitama came to the house, Kihana Saki Yashin looked curiously at the layout of the house.

Finally, she saw the familiar yellow leotard combat uniform on the hanger.

Saitama took off his tattered suit jacket and slumped in a chair with a decadent.

"That is the combat uniform I usually use to fight against strangers. Today I am wearing my usual clothes and I just want to buy some food.

Because today is a supermarket special day, I just didn’t expect to meet a weirdo..."

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled: "Then you should always wear combat uniforms, so that there will be no emergencies."

Saitama raised his head weakly and sighed, "Ah~~That's right~ I can only do this in the future..."

Saitama is quite big here, and the next door is an unoccupied space.

After all, this place has been abandoned.

Only those who are bold and bold like Saitama dare to live here.

Muhua Saki Yashin took out a special chalk box with him, and opened the chalk gray, which contained special chalks of various colors, some with a fluorescent effect.

He picked up a red chalk and began to draw on the ground like no one else.

Saitama looked a little strange.

"what are you doing?"

"Drawing a teleportation array, I will use this array to come directly to your home to teach you."

Muhua Sakiya said indifferently without turning back her heart, her hands kept moving.

Saitama suddenly felt a headache.

"Transportation Array?"

"Are you joking?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't answer.

Two minutes later, a cluttered pattern and a cool magical array of pentagrams took shape.

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up and looked at her masterpiece with satisfaction.


Saitama looked at this inexplicable magic circle, scratched his head, accidentally grabbed a few hairs, and looked at the few hairs in his hand, and he had a headache again.

"So, Saitama! The first disciple of my Eye of Death is you! I will come back to teach you tomorrow. For today, let's end here."

Saitama has some questions: " want to go back first?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, pointed at the teleportation array on the ground, smiled and said: "Yes~ I will go back first."

With that, the magic circle that Saki Yashin drew just now under her feet lit up.

Kihana Saki Yashin beckoned to Saitama.

"Bye bye~"

In the next moment, the magic circle of UU reading shines brightly, and Muhua Sakiya's heart and figure disappears...

Saitama looked stunned.

"You came to my house... to carve the legendary array?"

The complex magic circle on the ground dimmed after Muhua Saki Yaxin disappeared.

Saitama looked at the magic circle silently, and suddenly had many thoughts in his heart.

"What if... wipe out this magic circle... what will happen?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Saitama's mouth.

"Try it."


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