The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Wing Chun-Saitama

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Muhuasaki Yexin sent a wave and returned directly to the [Daily World].

That's right, Muhua Saki Yashin returned to this world mainly to gather knowledge of boxing techniques.

This world also has China, and this China is still a modified version of China.

Very powerful, Muhua Saki Yexin used the Eye of Root and collected a wave of boxing knowledge before she knew how great China is in this world.

There is a real martial arts in China in this world. Dacheng Tai Chi martial arts experts can even play yin and yang fish to reverse time.

Muhua Saki Yexin said that it was very good, and it was indeed an unreasonable everyday world. She liked this kind of things.

After a wave of collection, all Tai Chi, Ba Chi, Wing Chun, Hong Quan, Jeet Kune Do, etc. are all included.

Some are still magical revisions, such as kneading the whole body's cell power into one body, and punching dozens of times more power.

And such outrageous skills are only advanced applications in these boxing techniques.

Muhua Saki Yexin felt that she had a surprise, although she had the Eye of Death, she was already invincible.

However, these boxing theories still made her stronger.

Muhua Saki Yashin originally only wanted to teach Saitama the knowledge of Tai Chi and Baji techniques, but now she accidentally included a demo version.

"Um... consider whether to teach or not as appropriate."

After all, knowledge of ordinary boxing is enough for Saitama.


Muhua Saki Yashin returned to the world of One Punch Man and stayed in the house given to him by the Heroes' Association for one night.

In the morning, Muhua Saki Yexin walked out of the room and walked straight to the cafeteria of the Heroes Association headquarters, ready to eat breakfast.

That's right, the current Heroes Association has only been established for less than two years, it should be said that it has only been about a year.

The current headquarters is not the steel building made by Metal Knight.

Moreover, personnel have always been very scarce.

However, the Heroes' Association can grow to this point in one year, and it is already very powerful.

Muhua Saki Yaxin checked the list of heroes now.

It was discovered that the S-rank heroes in the original works like Banggu are still working hard at the B-rank.

The S-class has blasting, tornado and super alloy black light.

No one else has been promoted to the S rank.

Muhua Saki night thoughtfully.

"This time period is really interesting."

next moment!

The magic circle unfolded at the feet of Yaxin Muhana.

The light flashed, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.


The Saitama House.

Saitama is baking bread. This is his breakfast today.

In the hall, the magic circle that Muhana Saki Yashin originally drew has been erased.

Saitama had already thought about excuses, saying that when he was mopping the floor, he accidentally dragged it halfway.

After half of it, it was useless, so he simply wiped it all clean.

Hmm...perfect explanation.

That's what Saitama thinks, and it's very beautiful.

But the next moment!

The light rose in the hall, and the gorgeous magic circle unfolded.

Saitama was dumbfounded.

Then, Muhua Saki Yexin's petite figure appeared out of thin air and floated down like a fairy.

Kohana Saki Yashin, who fell to the ground, immediately took a pose with her scissors hand in front of her.

"Jianjiangjiang~ The Eye of Death is here!"

Saitama was stunned by the bread in his hand and relaxed for a while, and fell directly to the ground.

Kihana Saki Yashin looked at the stunned Saitama and felt very happy.

"Humph~ I didn't expect me to come over so early.

I was in the responsibility of the master, and came over immediately after breakfast. "

The corners of Saitama's mouth twitched, knelt down and picked up the bread silently, patted it ashes, and took a bite directly into his mouth.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Saitama who was eating bread expressionlessly, and suddenly felt bored.

"It's so fast to change your face, Saitama, you were surprised just now."

Saitama swallowed the bread with a facial expression: "No, I'm just curious, whether the teleportation array you drew is actually useful."

Muhua Saki was stunned for a moment, and immediately she looked at the floor of the hall, and as expected, the magic circle was gone.

"Oh~ you actually destroyed my magic circle.

But it's a pity.

My magic circle is just a marking effect. The location of your home has been recorded. "

Kihana Saki Yashin looked at Saitama with a smile, and chuckled softly.

"I knew it……"

Saitama knows the result when he sees Muhana Saki Yashin.


"Sa~ let's start today's martial arts training."

"Yes! But I have to complete 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km long run every day!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's expression is like this.



Well, in less than an hour, Saitama's training is complete.

Now Saitama's physical fitness is super high.

Moreover, it can be seen in the eyes of the root of Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Saitama's physical value has begun to exponentially explode.

The current Saitama is ten times stronger than yesterday's Saitama!

According to this situation, I am afraid that in a few months, Saitama will be able to punch the star.

This is not an exaggeration.


The two came to a clearing in no man's land.

At this moment, Saitama is practising stance with horse stance.

Although Saitama feels useless, in fact stance is the basis of all martial arts.

If the bottom plate is unstable, it is easy to be picked.

Of course, Saitama's stance is not an ordinary stance, but a knock-level stance with gravity added by Yashin Kihana.

After the end of the one-hour stance.

However, Kihana Saki Yashin began to teach Saitama various handles, such as handles, beating hands, sticking hands, and looking for bridges.

It just so happens that Saitama's emotions haven't passed away, so I'm still very concerned about learning martial arts.

Seriously, Saitama's talent is not high, but not bad.

The most important thing is the foundation of physical fitness, these moves are easy to practice.

Of course, Wing Chun is the main boxing technique handed over to Saitama, other Tai Chi and Ba Chi and so on.

Muhua Saki Yaxin will also take care of teaching some.

For example, Tieshankao, for example, two or two strokes.

The key to teaching fist is to teach martial arts, not moves. Therefore, martial arts have a variety of mysterious and mysterious human structures. Muhua Saki Yaxin gave Saitama a lot of time.

In this way, the pace of life in Saitama has changed.

Ordinary people devil training package, practice boxing, fight against Muhua Saki Yashin, and fight monsters.

Of course, when the supermarket special day meets, he will go to the supermarket to buy groceries desperately.

Two weeks passed like this.

For two weeks, Saitama's physical fitness has become terribly strong.

On a clearing.

Saitama stood upright on the spot, taking a deep breath and exhaling.

Wait for a moment when the exhalation is finished!

He opened his eyes and slammed a punch!


The air seemed to be wailing, and a cyclone slowly circulated around Saitama.

He didn't stop, and continued to dance his fists in the open. Gradually, a white mist of fuzzy air appeared all over his body. Every time he punched, the air would tremble.

Muhua Saki Yashin stood on a tall building watching Saitama practice boxing, she curled her lips.

"How do you feel this guy, he looks like a punch in all his punches."

She also knew that Saitama could easily reach the scene before her with just a little bit of physical strength.

Practicing boxing, if you don’t have enough power, it’s not a practice...

That's why this scene appears.


Watching Saitama's Wing Chun more and more decent.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth gradually curled up with a smile.

She wanted to see the scene where Saitama would fight against the enemy in the future.

Saitama knows martial arts, who can stop it?

"It's decided. From now on, Saitama will be my number one thug!"

"Summon if you are undecided.

After encountering a certain powerful enemy, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly used a summoning technique.

A bald head appeared, holding his fist at the enemy.

"Wing Chun-Saitama!"

Enemy: ⊙_⊙

Who else can beat this?

This is the invincible rhythm!

Muhua Sakuya thought about the beautiful scene with joy.

"Ok, deal!"


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