The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 22: What do you think

At night, there is no man's land in z city.

There is a street here, the houses are dilapidated, and most of the street lights on the highway are damaged, so it looks a little gloomy.

On the ground of this quite complete street road, various weird runes and patterns are depicted.

There are even a lot of small LED lights to render light effects, so that people can see these weird runes at a glance.

Saitama came to this place with a sparse hair in the Mediterranean, standing in the middle of the road.

At the moment, Saitama has a blank expression on his face.

When he saw these strange runes on the ground, he knew it was Muhua Saki Yaxin's masterpiece.

"Master Ye Xin?"

Saitama yelled faintly.

"Stop playing, come out quickly."

next moment!


The street lights on both sides turned on.

Brightened the road a lot, a figure running in magic, under the light of the light, the shadow stretched very long.

This figure turned his back to Saitama.

Looking at this weird guy, Saitama knew that it was Saki Yashin without even thinking about it.

After all, even when he was at his home, would Muhua Saki Yaxin give a weird performance?

"Master Ye Xin~ What do you want to do?"

Saitama said blankly.

He came here after receiving a letter from a flying knife. It was also the letter with the familiar magic circle pattern on the letter that let Saitama know that it was the letter of Kika Saki Yaxin.

Otherwise, Saitama doesn't want to care about...

The girl's deep voice seemed to be coming from all directions.

"Saitama~ You and I still have an unfinished ceremony..."




Saitama is unable to complain: "Hey~Master Yexin? Don't match the echo by yourself. It's too strange, and you will know it as soon as you hear it."

Muhua Saki turned around fiercely, with an unhappy expression: "I want you to be widowed!"

"This is just a requirement for the ceremony!"

Saitama helplessly spread his hands: "You like it~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned around again, and the deep voice came again.

"My Eye of Death~ Let's set up the magical Xumi array again! Hold the apprenticeship ceremony!"

With that, Muhua Saki's heart fluttered.

The feet touched the ground but did not move at all, but they moved strangely.

The corner of Saitama's mouth twitched.

Looking at the girl in front of her, like a ghost, she slowly drifted over with her back to him.

When Muhua Saki's heart drifted halfway through the night.

Saitama finally couldn't help but uttered, "Um...Master Ye Xin? Let's order Yang Jian's apprenticeship ceremony, okay?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly stopped, then turned around, looking at Saitama with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Hey! My apprenticeship ceremony is very important! Don't interrupt me!"

Saitama scratched his smooth scalp: "Um...but...I think this apprenticeship ceremony..."

"Too bad..."

Muhuasaki Yaxin's eyes widened suddenly, and she couldn't believe it.

"Too...too bad!?"

Qianxia, ​​who was squatting on the side, also walked out of the shadow zone silently, raising her hand weakly.

"That...I don't think it's so good either..."

Muhua Saki had a shocked look in her eyes, and her little hand was holding her little heart.


Saitama and Chika nodded together in a tacit understanding.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes dimmed a little suddenly, her little head drooped, her mood a little depressed.

"My ceremony... was said to be too shabby..."

Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin who was depressed, Chinatsu and Saitama panicked.

Qianxia ran directly to Muhua Sakuya's heart, shaking her hands back and forth in a rush.

"That...Master Ye Xin...I...I have no other meaning... Actually it's pretty good."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head, her big, crystal-clear eyes looked straight at Qianxia.

"Is it really bad?"

Seeing Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes that seemed to be brewing tears, Qianxia panicked, shaking her hands.

"No...that...that...actually it's pretty good."

At this time, Saitama was also anxious, and said to Muhua Saki Yashin, "That master~ I made a mistake. It's true, it's really good."


Qianxia and Saitama nodded tacitly again, this time they nodded seriously!

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes changed in an instant, and the corners of her mouth curled up!

"In that case, then the apprenticeship ceremony! Start again!"

Muhua Saki Yexin waved his hand!


The magic circles depicted on the ground started to ignite!

Void also unfolded a circle of magic circle.

at this moment!

Saitama and Chika seemed to feel that they had come to a magical world.

The colorful magic array, the burning lines on the ground, the characters shining inexplicably light.

All this is so beautiful.

The two of them could touch the runes floating in the void without consciously reaching out.

Muhua Sakiya had her heart on her hips, her little head tilted up, and she looked arrogant: "Hmm~ Will my ceremony be bad!?"

"You are too naive!

This is my real arrangement! "

Qianxia's face was excited, and the colorful light of the magic circle reflected in her eyes.

"It's so beautiful! Great! Master Ye Xin!"

Saitama is also a little admired: "Awesome~ But what use is it?"

Saitama's precise speech made Muhua Sakiya an arrow in her heart, and she was silent for an instant.

"Uh...that...that is of course very useful! This is a disciple-taking ceremony! You still need to pronounce the oath!"


Saitama feels a little bad.

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded proudly: "Yes! Oath!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed at the two with his finger.

A circle of magic circle lights up under the feet of the two again, and the gorgeous light effect instantly entangled the two of them.

"Follow me to take the oath!"

next moment!

Both Chinatsu and Saitama received the oath sent by Saki Yaxin Muhua in their minds.

The two of them froze in an instant.

After checking the oath carefully, both of them felt a little ashamed.

Because...this vow is a bit hard to tell...

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at the expressions of the two and smiled: "Hmm~ read it out! If you don't read it, you won't be my disciple!"

Saitama and Qianxia looked at each other, and they felt embarrassed by each other.

But the next moment!

Qianxia's eyes became firm.

Saitama looked at Qianxia's eyes, and he nodded helplessly.

Muhua Saki nodded with satisfaction, and then she raised her hand and snapped her fingers.


The surrounding magic circles began to circulate one after another, and the clouds above the sky turned into whirlpools.

"Okay, the ceremony begins! You can start reading."

Chika and Saitama took a deep breath, and then began to read them.

"I! Tsuboi Chinatsu (Saitama) volunteered to become the disciple of Mr. Saki Yashin, and follow the teacher for life! Follow the teacher's teachings, pass on knowledge, pass on wisdom, pass on value, pass on faith, pass on love and dreams! I will combine knowledge and action 1. With deeds and words, I will work hard to maintain the peace of the dimensional world and help others. I will follow in the footsteps of the teacher! Pursue infinite and eternal strength! Never stop! Always remember that the benevolent loves others, benevolent the world, and benevolent. Self-improvement. One day as a teacher, life as a teacher, I love my teacher, and I respect my teacher! Disciple: Tsuboi Chinatsu (Saitama) is over!"

! ! !

The sound falls!

The world seems to tremble!

Layers of magic circle shrank, entwining them one after another!

Both Saitama and Chika felt at this moment that they seemed to have become something, and their bodies became a lot easier.

But as for what has changed in the end.

Neither of them can make it clear.

After a while.

The gorgeous light effect of the magic circle disappeared.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the two with a happy smile, her two small hands behind her back.

"Hehe~ Congratulations, you have officially become my disciples."

Chinatsu and Saitama breathed a sigh of relief.

Saitama: "By the way, teacher? Isn't this junior girl going to introduce it?"

"Ahem, uh uh, this is the younger sister who worshipped me as a teacher yesterday. uh, if you introduce it, let her do it herself.

Qianxia looked restrained and bowed slightly to Saitama, "Yes! Brother!"

"My name is Chinatsu Tsuboi! The code name is..."

"Hahaha, Qianxia, ​​your introduction is too bad!"

"Eh! Teacher Yexin? How do you introduce it?"

"Sister Qianxia, ​​I advise you not to learn from the teacher's self-introduction."

"What! Saitama! What do you mean! I want to teach Qianxia a cool introduction!"

"Uh...uh... Teacher, I still don't want it..."

The three of them communicated like this.

Although there was an unfamiliar Qianxia, ​​it did not affect Saitama at all, and the communication between the three was surprisingly harmonious.

Maybe it's because the three of them are more casual.


On the way home.

As Muhuasaki Yaxin didn't look at the road, she went straight to the street on the flat ground.

Sakiya Muhua who got up angrily stepped on the little stone that tripped her!

"How can it be repaired!!!"

Saitama's expressionless face but wondering in his heart, it is not the first time that he saw the scene where Sakura Kihana fell flat.

He felt strange everywhere.

"Didn't the teacher teach me the Wing Chun method? The bottom set is the most important part? By law, shouldn't I be tripped over by a stone such outrageous thing?

Moreover, it should not be based on the teacher's physique. "

Muhuasaki Yaxin pointed at the sky: "Damn it! Great Universe Will! Are you going to do it right with me!?"

Both Saitama and Chinatsu were surprised.

"The Will of the Universe!!!!?"


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