The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 23: mission completed!

A back garden of the castle of Kihana Yashin.

Saitama, Chinatsu, and Kihana Saki Yashin sat on the lawn.

Muhua Saki looked at Qianxia with heart.

"Chika! Starting today! You have to learn martial arts with Brother Saitama!"

Qianxia looked at Saitama nervously and nodded.

Saitama looked at Qianxia, ​​but didn't have any expressions, and didn't care that he suddenly had another junior sister. After all, Muhua Saki Yaxin's temperament was like this.

It is not surprising that Saitama has done something.

"Teacher Ye Xin? Do you want the teacher sister to do Wing Chun like me?"

Kihana Saki Yashin blinked her big bright eyes and nodded at Saitama.

"Yeah. Is there any problem?"

Saitama looked at Chika Tsuboi who was in a daze, then looked at Saki Yashin who was also dumbfounded, raised his hand and gestured.

"Um... don't you teach Qianxia that magic or something?"

"I can teach magic naturally! Don't worry! Of course, if you want to learn Saitama, I can teach it too."

"Well~ I'll forget it."

In this way, Qian Xia started the basic practice of Wing Chun on the first day.

Muhua Saki Yashin mainly talked about boxing theory, and left the rest of the basic exercises to Saitama.

Saitama just complained a little bit, but didn't refuse.

"Step up a little bit, and lower your waist a little bit."

Chika followed Saitama's guidance and adjusted her posture, maintaining the standard posture of pressing horses.

Now more than ten minutes have passed, my body is already sweating, and the hair between my eyebrows is stuck together.

She did not give up, clenched her teeth and persisted.

Saitama nodded. He knew that Qianxia's physique should not be very good, but to have this persistence, it was already very good for a little girl.

Saitama nodded in satisfaction, smiled and said, "Well, very good. Keep your breathing rhythm. Just keep it for an hour. I believe you can do it."

Qianxia nodded slightly. She didn't speak. One hour was a big challenge for her. Now she wants to save energy.

"Well, I want to start my boxing practice too."

After Saitama finished speaking, he started doing push-ups on the side.

Qianxia kept breathing, while also silently observing his senior brother.

The most impressive thing about Brother Saitama is that her hair is sparse and she doesn't look like a young man at all.

However, she didn't ask about it either, feeling that it was a thundering spot.

"The Eye of Data! Open!"

Qianxia said silently.

next moment!

The data of Saitama's whole body began to appear in her mind.


Force: 84444·494348161546

Min: 87774.491349464916

Wisdom: 68659.461946491646

Looking at these data, Qianxia's eyes widened.

What kind of attribute is this!

What is the concept of 80,000 power?

Qianxia's breathing rhythm suddenly became chaotic.

What is even more incomprehensible is that Saitama's attribute values ​​are still changing.

The decimal point at the back is changing at an extremely fast speed.

In less than a minute, Saitama's overall quality has improved by a dozen points.

"What's going on? The system? Is the data eye broken?"

Qianxia asked anxiously.

The sound of the mechanical system sounded in Qianxia's mind.

"Master, the Eye of Data is not bad, and the speed at which the human beings in front of them becomes stronger is indeed as shown by the data."

"Then what's going on?"

"This human being can no longer be said to be a human being, and I don't even know if he can be called a creature."

Qianxia stayed.

"What do you mean?"

"Your brother Saitama is a human who has broken through the limiter."


Qianxia stayed again: "What is a limiter?"

"The limiter, as the name suggests, is a shackle that the universe puts on living things. The function of this shackle is to limit the evolutionary limit of living things."

"Any creatures have their evolutionary limits, and the evolutionary limits of ordinary humans and gifted humans are not the same.

In fact, even the gods have this restriction.

I’m afraid it’s hard for me to say something like a limiter based on the owner’s IQ. "

Qianxia's face twitched at the sudden ridicule.

"The system, can't you just talk about it?"

"Master, you only need to know that if a creature breaks through the limiter, then this creature will have unlimited possibilities.

In other words, your brother Saitama can theoretically become infinitely stronger. "

Qianxia's eyes widened and her breathing became short.

"According to what you said, isn't Senior Brother Saitama a bug-level existence?"

"As you understand, yes."

"Humans like Saitama have a lot of records in the system library."

"It's just the existence of other dimensional universes."

"Moreover, the system has a life equation that records these bug levels.

I remember that the database also has the anti-life equation of a certain universe and the original life code. "

"If the owner works hard and opens the system database as soon as possible, maybe the owner will have the opportunity to break through the limiter."

Under the temptation of such a tall term, Qianxia couldn't help it.

Breathing is disordered again.

At this moment, she found it difficult to persist.

Saitama found out, and hurriedly shouted, "Chika, stop now. Take a break first."

Qianxia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~hu~ sorry.

Brother Saitama, let you down. "

Qianxia touched the sweat between her eyebrows, panting.

I have been in this position for half an hour, and when I loosen it, I feel sore all over my body. The most sore thing is my feet. I don't feel anymore after general anesthesia.

Qianxia sat under the lawn, slapping her sore legs.

Saitama looked at Chinatsu who was resting, and didn't say anything. It was almost the same when he just started the devil training.

At this time, Muhua Saki Ye's heart swish appeared beside them.


Saitama didn't move, but Chika was taken aback.

"Teacher Yexin!!"

With a big smile on her face, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her scissor hands and stood in place.

"Hmm~ I have seen Qianxia's efforts."

"Yes, my eye of death did not misunderstand you!"

"In the afternoon, let's go to perform hero activities together, Qianxia, ​​you have no problems, right."

Qianxia's eyes brightened, and she couldn't ask for it: "Hmm, I'm fine!"

in the afternoon.

Muhuasaki Yexin was high above the sky, and the investigation discovered the time of the three tiger-class monsters in City B.

Send Chinatsu and Saitama directly.

Saitama dealt with two, and one for Qianxia.

No surprises.

Qianxia relied on her combat uniform weapon and electromagnetic pistol to successfully kill the strange man.

And Saitama, of course, without any exception, two punches blasted the strange man into scum.

In the following days, this process is repeated.

Take Saitama and Chika to practice boxing. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Then justice is executed.

The trio wandered the whole world all the way, crusades and eliminated many weird people, and gradually spread their fame.

Many people know,

Yukihana Saki Yashin, the third of the famous S-class, Eye of Death, leads two rookies, Saitama and Chika, to maintain peace and order around the world.

Gradually, the three of them gained many titles.

What kind of weird nemesis trio, peace team, world guardian team, etc.!

It is worth mentioning that.

After these days of freak crusade, Qianxia completed the system's novice mission and finally opened the system's hero lottery function.

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